## ......................................................................
## git utility functions, directly accessing git repository
-# assumes that PATH is not symref
-sub git_get_hash_by_ref {
- my $path = shift;
- open my $fd, "$projectroot/$path" or return undef;
- my $head = <$fd>;
- close $fd;
- chomp $head;
- if ($head =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/) {
- return $head;
- }
sub git_get_project_description {
my $path = shift;
my @reflist;
my @refs;
- my $pfxlen = length("$projectroot/$project/$ref_dir");
- File::Find::find(sub {
- return if (/^\./);
- if (-f $_) {
- push @refs, substr($File::Find::name, $pfxlen + 1);
+ open my $fd, "-|", $GIT, "peek-remote", "$projectroot/$project/"
+ or return;
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ($line =~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t$ref_dir\/?([^\^]+)$/) {
+ push @refs, { hash => $1, name => $2 };
+ } elsif ($line =~ m/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}\t$ref_dir\/?(.*)\^\{\}$/ &&
+ $1 eq $refs[-1]{'name'}) {
+ # most likely a tag is followed by its peeled
+ # (deref) one, and when that happens we know the
+ # previous one was of type 'tag'.
+ $refs[-1]{'type'} = "tag";
- }, "$projectroot/$project/$ref_dir");
+ }
+ close $fd;
+ foreach my $ref (@refs) {
+ my $ref_file = $ref->{'name'};
+ my $ref_id = $ref->{'hash'};
- foreach my $ref_file (@refs) {
- my $ref_id = git_get_hash_by_ref("$project/$ref_dir/$ref_file");
- my $type = git_get_type($ref_id) || next;
+ my $type = $ref->{'type'} || git_get_type($ref_id) || next;
my %ref_item = parse_ref($ref_file, $ref_id, $type);
push @reflist, \%ref_item;