proc reshow_diff {} {
global file_states file_lists
global current_diff_path current_diff_side
+ global ui_diff
set p $current_diff_path
if {$p eq {}} {
|| [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($current_diff_side) $p] == -1} {
} else {
- show_diff $p $current_diff_side
+ set save_pos [lindex [$ui_diff yview] 0]
+ show_diff $p $current_diff_side {} $save_pos
set s $file_states($path)
if {[lindex $s 0] ne {_M}} return
- info_popup "No differences detected.
+ info_popup [mc "No differences detected.
-[short_path $path] has no changes.
+%s has no changes.
The modification date of this file was updated by another application, but the content within the file was not changed.
-A rescan will be automatically started to find other files which may have the same state."
+A rescan will be automatically started to find other files which may have the same state." [short_path $path]]
display_file $path __
rescan ui_ready 0
-proc show_diff {path w {lno {}}} {
+proc show_diff {path w {lno {}} {scroll_pos {}}} {
global file_states file_lists
global is_3way_diff diff_active repo_config
global ui_diff ui_index ui_workdir
set current_diff_path $path
set current_diff_side $w
set current_diff_header {}
- ui_status "Loading diff of [escape_path $path]..."
+ ui_status [mc "Loading diff of %s..." [escape_path $path]]
# - Git won't give us the diff, there's nothing to compare to!
if {$m eq {_O}} {
set max_sz [expr {128 * 1024}]
+ set type unknown
if {[catch {
- set fd [open $path r]
- set content [read $fd $max_sz]
- close $fd
- set sz [file size $path]
+ set type [file type $path]
+ switch -- $type {
+ directory {
+ set type submodule
+ set content {}
+ set sz 0
+ }
+ link {
+ set content [file readlink $path]
+ set sz [string length $content]
+ }
+ file {
+ set fd [open $path r]
+ fconfigure $fd -eofchar {}
+ set content [read $fd $max_sz]
+ close $fd
+ set sz [file size $path]
+ }
+ default {
+ error "'$type' not supported"
+ }
+ }
} err ]} {
set diff_active 0
- ui_status "Unable to display [escape_path $path]"
- error_popup "Error loading file:\n\n$err"
+ ui_status [mc "Unable to display %s" [escape_path $path]]
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading file:"] "\n\n$err"]
$ui_diff conf -state normal
- if {![catch {set type [exec file $path]}]} {
+ if {$type eq {submodule}} {
+ $ui_diff insert end [append \
+ "* " \
+ [mc "Git Repository (subproject)"] \
+ "\n"] d_@
+ } elseif {![catch {set type [exec file $path]}]} {
set n [string length $path]
if {[string equal -length $n $path $type]} {
set type [string range $type $n end]
if {[string first "\0" $content] != -1} {
$ui_diff insert end \
- "* Binary file (not showing content)." \
+ [mc "* Binary file (not showing content)."] \
} else {
if {$sz > $max_sz} {
$ui_diff conf -state disabled
set diff_active 0
+ if {$scroll_pos ne {}} {
+ update
+ $ui_diff yview moveto $scroll_pos
+ }
lappend cmd -p
lappend cmd --no-color
- if {$repo_config(gui.diffcontext) >= 0} {
+ if {$repo_config(gui.diffcontext) >= 1} {
lappend cmd "-U$repo_config(gui.diffcontext)"
if {$w eq $ui_index} {
if {[catch {set fd [eval git_read --nice $cmd]} err]} {
set diff_active 0
- ui_status "Unable to display [escape_path $path]"
- error_popup "Error loading diff:\n\n$err"
+ ui_status [mc "Unable to display %s" [escape_path $path]]
+ error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading diff:"] "\n\n$err"]
+ set ::current_diff_inheader 1
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-encoding binary \
-translation binary
- fileevent $fd readable [list read_diff $fd]
+ fileevent $fd readable [list read_diff $fd $scroll_pos]
-proc read_diff {fd} {
+proc read_diff {fd scroll_pos} {
global ui_diff diff_active
global is_3way_diff current_diff_header
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
# -- Cleanup uninteresting diff header lines.
- if { [string match {diff --git *} $line]
- || [string match {diff --cc *} $line]
- || [string match {diff --combined *} $line]
- || [string match {--- *} $line]
- || [string match {+++ *} $line]} {
- append current_diff_header $line "\n"
- continue
+ if {$::current_diff_inheader} {
+ if { [string match {diff --git *} $line]
+ || [string match {diff --cc *} $line]
+ || [string match {diff --combined *} $line]
+ || [string match {--- *} $line]
+ || [string match {+++ *} $line]} {
+ append current_diff_header $line "\n"
+ continue
+ }
if {[string match {index *} $line]} continue
if {$line eq {deleted file mode 120000}} {
set line "deleted symlink"
+ set ::current_diff_inheader 0
# -- Automatically detect if this is a 3 way diff.
if {[string match {mode *} $line]
|| [string match {new file *} $line]
+ || [regexp {^(old|new) mode *} $line]
|| [string match {deleted file *} $line]
+ || [string match {deleted symlink} $line]
|| [string match {Binary files * and * differ} $line]
|| $line eq {\ No newline at end of file}
|| [regexp {^\* Unmerged path } $line]} {
close $fd
set diff_active 0
+ if {$scroll_pos ne {}} {
+ update
+ $ui_diff yview moveto $scroll_pos
+ }
if {[$ui_diff index end] eq {2.0}} {
set apply_cmd {apply --cached --whitespace=nowarn}
set mi [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
- set mode unstage
+ set failed_msg [mc "Failed to unstage selected hunk."]
lappend apply_cmd --reverse
if {[string index $mi 0] ne {M}} {
} else {
- set mode stage
+ set failed_msg [mc "Failed to stage selected hunk."]
if {[string index $mi 1] ne {M}} {
puts -nonewline $p $current_diff_header
puts -nonewline $p [$ui_diff get $s_lno $e_lno]
close $p} err]} {
- error_popup "Failed to $mode selected hunk.\n\n$err"
+ error_popup [append $failed_msg "\n\n$err"]
display_file $current_diff_path $mi
if {$o eq {_}} {
+ } else {
+ set current_diff_path $current_diff_path
+ }
+proc apply_line {x y} {
+ global current_diff_path current_diff_header current_diff_side
+ global ui_diff ui_index file_states
+ if {$current_diff_path eq {} || $current_diff_header eq {}} return
+ if {![lock_index apply_hunk]} return
+ set apply_cmd {apply --cached --whitespace=nowarn}
+ set mi [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
+ if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
+ set failed_msg [mc "Failed to unstage selected line."]
+ set to_context {+}
+ lappend apply_cmd --reverse
+ if {[string index $mi 0] ne {M}} {
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set failed_msg [mc "Failed to stage selected line."]
+ set to_context {-}
+ if {[string index $mi 1] ne {M}} {
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ set the_l [$ui_diff index @$x,$y]
+ # operate only on change lines
+ set c1 [$ui_diff get "$the_l linestart"]
+ if {$c1 ne {+} && $c1 ne {-}} {
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ set sign $c1
+ set i_l [$ui_diff search -backwards -regexp ^@@ $the_l 0.0]
+ if {$i_l eq {}} {
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # $i_l is now at the beginning of a line
+ # pick start line number from hunk header
+ set hh [$ui_diff get $i_l "$i_l + 1 lines"]
+ set hh [lindex [split $hh ,] 0]
+ set hln [lindex [split $hh -] 1]
+ # There is a special situation to take care of. Consider this hunk:
+ #
+ # @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
+ # context before
+ # -old 1
+ # -old 2
+ # +new 1
+ # +new 2
+ # context after
+ #
+ # We used to keep the context lines in the order they appear in the
+ # hunk. But then it is not possible to correctly stage only
+ # "-old 1" and "+new 1" - it would result in this staged text:
+ #
+ # context before
+ # old 2
+ # new 1
+ # context after
+ #
+ # (By symmetry it is not possible to *un*stage "old 2" and "new 2".)
+ #
+ # We resolve the problem by introducing an asymmetry, namely, when
+ # a "+" line is *staged*, it is moved in front of the context lines
+ # that are generated from the "-" lines that are immediately before
+ # the "+" block. That is, we construct this patch:
+ #
+ # @@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
+ # context before
+ # +new 1
+ # old 1
+ # old 2
+ # context after
+ #
+ # But we do *not* treat "-" lines that are *un*staged in a special
+ # way.
+ #
+ # With this asymmetry it is possible to stage the change
+ # "old 1" -> "new 1" directly, and to stage the change
+ # "old 2" -> "new 2" by first staging the entire hunk and
+ # then unstaging the change "old 1" -> "new 1".
+ # This is non-empty if and only if we are _staging_ changes;
+ # then it accumulates the consecutive "-" lines (after converting
+ # them to context lines) in order to be moved after the "+" change
+ # line.
+ set pre_context {}
+ set n 0
+ set i_l [$ui_diff index "$i_l + 1 lines"]
+ set patch {}
+ while {[$ui_diff compare $i_l < "end - 1 chars"] &&
+ [$ui_diff get $i_l "$i_l + 2 chars"] ne {@@}} {
+ set next_l [$ui_diff index "$i_l + 1 lines"]
+ set c1 [$ui_diff get $i_l]
+ if {[$ui_diff compare $i_l <= $the_l] &&
+ [$ui_diff compare $the_l < $next_l]} {
+ # the line to stage/unstage
+ set ln [$ui_diff get $i_l $next_l]
+ if {$c1 eq {-}} {
+ set n [expr $n+1]
+ set patch "$patch$pre_context$ln"
+ } else {
+ set patch "$patch$ln$pre_context"
+ }
+ set pre_context {}
+ } elseif {$c1 ne {-} && $c1 ne {+}} {
+ # context line
+ set ln [$ui_diff get $i_l $next_l]
+ set patch "$patch$pre_context$ln"
+ set n [expr $n+1]
+ set pre_context {}
+ } elseif {$c1 eq $to_context} {
+ # turn change line into context line
+ set ln [$ui_diff get "$i_l + 1 chars" $next_l]
+ if {$c1 eq {-}} {
+ set pre_context "$pre_context $ln"
+ } else {
+ set patch "$patch $ln"
+ }
+ set n [expr $n+1]
+ }
+ set i_l $next_l
+ }
+ set patch "@@ -$hln,$n +$hln,[eval expr $n $sign 1] @@\n$patch"
+ if {[catch {
+ set p [eval git_write $apply_cmd]
+ fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding binary
+ puts -nonewline $p $current_diff_header
+ puts -nonewline $p $patch
+ close $p} err]} {
+ error_popup [append $failed_msg "\n\n$err"]
+ }
+ unlock_index