set appvers {@@GITGUI_VERSION@@}
set copyright {
-Copyright © 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce, Paul Mackerras.
+Copyright © 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce, et. al.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
proc gitexec {args} {
global _gitexec
if {$_gitexec eq {}} {
- if {[catch {set _gitexec [exec git --exec-path]} err]} {
+ if {[catch {set _gitexec [git --exec-path]} err]} {
error "Git not installed?\n\n$err"
set value $global_config_new($name)
if {$value ne $global_config($name)} {
if {$value eq $default_config($name)} {
- catch {exec git config --global --unset $name}
+ catch {git config --global --unset $name}
} else {
regsub -all "\[{}\]" $value {"} value
- exec git config --global $name $value
+ git config --global $name $value
set global_config($name) $value
if {$value eq $repo_config($name)} {
- catch {exec git config --unset $name}
+ catch {git config --unset $name}
set repo_config($name) $value
set value $repo_config_new($name)
if {$value ne $repo_config($name)} {
if {$value eq $global_config($name)} {
- catch {exec git config --unset $name}
+ catch {git config --unset $name}
} else {
regsub -all "\[{}\]" $value {"} value
- exec git config $name $value
+ git config $name $value
set repo_config($name) $value
+## handy utils
+proc git {args} {
+ return [eval exec git $args]
proc error_popup {msg} {
set title [appname]
if {[reponame] ne {}} {
-message $msg]
+## version check
+if {{--version} eq $argv || {version} eq $argv} {
+ puts "git-gui version $appvers"
+ exit
+set req_maj 1
+set req_min 5
+if {[catch {set v [git --version]} err]} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ error_popup "Cannot determine Git version:
+[appname] requires Git $req_maj.$req_min or later."
+ exit 1
+if {[regexp {^git version (\d+)\.(\d+)} $v _junk act_maj act_min]} {
+ if {$act_maj < $req_maj
+ || ($act_maj == $req_maj && $act_min < $req_min)} {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ error_popup "[appname] requires Git $req_maj.$req_min or later.
+You are using $v."
+ exit 1
+ }
+} else {
+ catch {wm withdraw .}
+ error_popup "Cannot parse Git version string:\n\n$v"
+ exit 1
+unset -nocomplain v _junk act_maj act_min req_maj req_min
## repository setup
if { [catch {set _gitdir $env(GIT_DIR)}]
- && [catch {set _gitdir [exec git rev-parse --git-dir]} err]} {
+ && [catch {set _gitdir [git rev-parse --git-dir]} err]} {
catch {wm withdraw .}
error_popup "Cannot find the git directory:\n\n$err"
exit 1
[file normalize [file dirname $_gitdir]]] \
+## global init
+set current_diff_path {}
+set current_diff_side {}
+set diff_actions [list]
+set ui_status_value {Initializing...}
+set HEAD {}
+set PARENT {}
+set MERGE_HEAD [list]
+set commit_type {}
+set empty_tree {}
+set current_branch {}
+set current_diff_path {}
+set selected_commit_type new
## task management
set mh [list]
- if {[catch {set current_branch [exec git symbolic-ref HEAD]}]} {
+ if {[catch {set current_branch [git symbolic-ref HEAD]}]} {
set current_branch {}
} else {
regsub ^refs/((heads|tags|remotes)/)? \
- if {[catch {set hd [exec git rev-parse --verify HEAD]}]} {
+ if {[catch {set hd [git rev-parse --verify HEAD]}]} {
set hd {}
set ct initial
return $p
if {$empty_tree eq {}} {
- set empty_tree [exec git mktree << {}]
+ set empty_tree [git mktree << {}]
return $empty_tree
global current_diff_path current_diff_side
set p $current_diff_path
- if {$p eq {}
- || $current_diff_side eq {}
+ if {$p eq {}} {
+ # No diff is being shown.
+ } elseif {$current_diff_side eq {}
|| [catch {set s $file_states($p)}]
|| [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($current_diff_side) $p] == -1} {
- if {[catch {set me [exec git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT]} err]} {
+ if {[catch {set me [git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT]} err]} {
error_popup "Unable to obtain your identity:\n\n$err"
return {}
- if {!$files_ready} {
+ if {!$files_ready && ![string match *merge $curType]} {
info_popup {No changes to commit.
You must add at least 1 file before you can commit.
+ # -- Verify this wasn't an empty change.
+ #
+ if {$commit_type eq {normal}} {
+ set old_tree [git rev-parse "$PARENT^{tree}"]
+ if {$tree_id eq $old_tree} {
+ info_popup {No changes to commit.
+No files were modified by this commit and it
+was not a merge commit.
+A rescan will be automatically started now.
+ unlock_index
+ rescan {set ui_status_value {No changes to commit.}}
+ return
+ }
+ }
# -- Build the message.
set msg_p [gitdir COMMIT_EDITMSG]
# -- Create the commit.
set cmd [list git commit-tree $tree_id]
- set parents [concat $PARENT $MERGE_HEAD]
- if {[llength $parents] > 0} {
- foreach p $parents {
- lappend cmd -p $p
- }
- } else {
- # git commit-tree writes to stderr during initial commit.
- lappend cmd 2>/dev/null
+ foreach p [concat $PARENT $MERGE_HEAD] {
+ lappend cmd -p $p
lappend cmd <$msg_p
if {[catch {set cmt_id [eval exec $cmd]} err]} {
- # -- Make sure our current branch exists.
- #
- if {$commit_type eq {initial}} {
- lappend all_heads $current_branch
- set all_heads [lsort -unique $all_heads]
- populate_branch_menu
- }
# -- Cleanup after ourselves.
catch {file delete $msg_p}
# -- Let rerere do its thing.
if {[file isdirectory [gitdir rr-cache]]} {
- catch {exec git rerere}
+ catch {git rerere}
# -- Run the post-commit hook.
if {[is_enabled singlecommit]} do_quit
+ # -- Make sure our current branch exists.
+ #
+ if {$commit_type eq {initial}} {
+ lappend all_heads $current_branch
+ set all_heads [lsort -unique $all_heads]
+ populate_branch_menu
+ }
# -- Update in memory status
set selected_commit_type new
return [lsort -unique $all_trackings]
+proc load_all_tags {} {
+ set all_tags [list]
+ set fd [open "| git for-each-ref --format=%(refname) refs/tags" r]
+ while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
+ if {![regsub ^refs/tags/ $line {} name]} continue
+ lappend all_tags $name
+ }
+ close $fd
+ return [lsort $all_tags]
proc do_create_branch_action {w} {
global all_heads null_sha1 repo_config
global create_branch_checkout create_branch_revtype
global create_branch_head create_branch_trackinghead
global create_branch_name create_branch_revexp
+ global create_branch_tag
set newbranch $create_branch_name
if {$newbranch eq {}
focus $w.desc.name_t
- if {![catch {exec git show-ref --verify -- "refs/heads/$newbranch"}]} {
+ if {![catch {git show-ref --verify -- "refs/heads/$newbranch"}]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
focus $w.desc.name_t
- if {[catch {exec git check-ref-format "heads/$newbranch"}]} {
+ if {[catch {git check-ref-format "heads/$newbranch"}]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
switch -- $create_branch_revtype {
head {set rev $create_branch_head}
tracking {set rev $create_branch_trackinghead}
+ tag {set rev $create_branch_tag}
expression {set rev $create_branch_revexp}
- if {[catch {set cmt [exec git rev-parse --verify "${rev}^0"]}]} {
+ if {[catch {set cmt [git rev-parse --verify "${rev}^0"]}]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
[list radio_selector create_branch_revtype head]
trace add variable create_branch_trackinghead write \
[list radio_selector create_branch_revtype tracking]
+trace add variable create_branch_tag write \
+ [list radio_selector create_branch_revtype tag]
trace add variable delete_branch_head write \
[list radio_selector delete_branch_checktype head]
global create_branch_checkout create_branch_revtype
global create_branch_head create_branch_trackinghead
global create_branch_name create_branch_revexp
+ global create_branch_tag
set w .branch_editor
toplevel $w
grid $w.from.tracking_r $w.from.tracking_m -sticky w
+ set all_tags [load_all_tags]
+ if {$all_tags ne {}} {
+ set create_branch_tag [lindex $all_tags 0]
+ radiobutton $w.from.tag_r \
+ -text {Tag:} \
+ -value tag \
+ -variable create_branch_revtype \
+ -font font_ui
+ eval tk_optionMenu $w.from.tag_m \
+ create_branch_tag \
+ $all_tags
+ grid $w.from.tag_r $w.from.tag_m -sticky w
+ }
radiobutton $w.from.exp_r \
-text {Revision Expression:} \
-value expression \
if {$check_rev eq {:none}} {
set check_cmt {}
- } elseif {[catch {set check_cmt [exec git rev-parse --verify "${check_rev}^0"]}]} {
+ } elseif {[catch {set check_cmt [git rev-parse --verify "${check_rev}^0"]}]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
set not_merged [list]
foreach i [$w.list.l curselection] {
set b [$w.list.l get $i]
- if {[catch {set o [exec git rev-parse --verify $b]}]} continue
+ if {[catch {set o [git rev-parse --verify $b]}]} continue
if {$check_cmt ne {}} {
if {$b eq $check_rev} continue
- if {[catch {set m [exec git merge-base $o $check_cmt]}]} continue
+ if {[catch {set m [git merge-base $o $check_cmt]}]} continue
if {$o ne $m} {
lappend not_merged $b
foreach i $to_delete {
set b [lindex $i 0]
set o [lindex $i 1]
- if {[catch {exec git update-ref -d "refs/heads/$b" $o} err]} {
+ if {[catch {git update-ref -d "refs/heads/$b" $o} err]} {
append failed " - $b: $err\n"
} else {
set x [lsearch -sorted -exact $all_heads $b]
# here, it Just Works(tm). If it doesn't we are in some really ugly
# state that is difficult to recover from within git-gui.
- if {[catch {exec git symbolic-ref HEAD "refs/heads/$new_branch"} err]} {
+ if {[catch {git symbolic-ref HEAD "refs/heads/$new_branch"} err]} {
error_popup "Failed to set current branch.
This working directory is only partially switched.
pack $w.source -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
set cmd [list git for-each-ref]
- lappend cmd {--format=%(objectname) %(refname)}
+ lappend cmd {--format=%(objectname) %(*objectname) %(refname)}
lappend cmd refs/heads
lappend cmd refs/remotes
+ lappend cmd refs/tags
set fr_fd [open "| $cmd" r]
fconfigure $fr_fd -translation binary
while {[gets $fr_fd line] > 0} {
set line [split $line { }]
- set sha1([lindex $line 0]) [lindex $line 1]
+ set sha1([lindex $line 0]) [lindex $line 2]
+ set sha1([lindex $line 1]) [lindex $line 2]
close $fr_fd
set fr_fd [open "| git rev-list --all --not HEAD"]
while {[gets $fr_fd line] > 0} {
if {[catch {set ref $sha1($line)}]} continue
- regsub ^refs/(heads|remotes)/ $ref {} ref
+ regsub ^refs/(heads|remotes|tags)/ $ref {} ref
lappend to_show $ref
close $fr_fd
global next_browser_id cursor_ptr M1B
global browser_commit browser_status browser_stack browser_path browser_busy
- set w .browser[incr next_browser_id]
+ if {[winfo ismapped .]} {
+ set w .browser[incr next_browser_id]
+ set tl $w
+ toplevel $w
+ } else {
+ set w {}
+ set tl .
+ }
set w_list $w.list.l
set browser_commit($w_list) $commit
set browser_status($w_list) {Starting...}
set browser_path($w_list) $browser_commit($w_list):
set browser_busy($w_list) 1
- toplevel $w
label $w.path -textvariable browser_path($w_list) \
-anchor w \
-justify left \
bind $w_list <Left> break
bind $w_list <Right> break
- bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w"
- bind $w <Destroy> "
+ bind $tl <Visibility> "focus $w"
+ bind $tl <Destroy> "
array unset browser_buffer $w_list
array unset browser_files $w_list
array unset browser_status $w_list
array unset browser_commit $w_list
array unset browser_busy $w_list
- wm title $w "[appname] ([reponame]): File Browser"
+ wm title $tl "[appname] ([reponame]): File Browser"
ls_tree $w_list $browser_commit($w_list) {}
proc blame_incremental_status {w} {
global blame_status blame_data
+ set have $blame_data($w,blame_lines)
+ set total $blame_data($w,total_lines)
+ set pdone 0
+ if {$total} {set pdone [expr {100 * $have / $total}]}
set blame_status($w) [format \
"Loading annotations... %i of %i lines annotated (%2i%%)" \
- $blame_data($w,blame_lines) \
- $blame_data($w,total_lines) \
- [expr {100 * $blame_data($w,blame_lines)
- / $blame_data($w,total_lines)}]]
+ $have $total $pdone]
proc blame_click {w w_cmit w_line w_file cur_w pos} {
# -- Always start gitk through whatever we were loaded with. This
# lets us bypass using shell process on Windows systems.
- set cmd [info nameofexecutable]
+ set cmd [list [info nameofexecutable]]
lappend cmd [gitexec gitk]
if {$revs ne {}} {
append cmd { }
set rc_geometry {}
if {$cfg_geometry ne $rc_geometry} {
- catch {exec git config gui.geometry $cfg_geometry}
+ catch {git config gui.geometry $cfg_geometry}
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
label $w.desc \
- -text "[appname] - a commit creation tool for Git.
+ -text "git-gui - a graphical user interface for Git.
$copyright" \
-padx 5 -pady 5 \
-justify left \
pack $w.desc -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
set v {}
- append v "[appname] version $appvers\n"
- append v "[exec git version]\n"
+ append v "git-gui version $appvers\n"
+ append v "[git version]\n"
append v "\n"
if {$tcl_patchLevel eq $tk_patchLevel} {
append v "Tcl/Tk version $tcl_patchLevel"
toplevel $w
wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text "[appname] Options" \
+ label $w.header -text "Options" \
-font font_uibold
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
enable_option transport
switch -- $subcommand {
+browser -
blame {
disable_option multicommit
disable_option branch
-font font_ui
lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
[.mbar.branch index last] -state]
+ .mbar.branch add command -label {Reset...} \
+ -command do_reset_hard \
+ -font font_ui
+ lappend disable_on_lock [list .mbar.branch entryconf \
+ [.mbar.branch index last] -state]
# -- Commit Menu
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+# -- Merge Menu
+if {[is_enabled branch]} {
+ menu .mbar.merge
+ .mbar.merge add command -label {Local Merge...} \
+ -command do_local_merge \
+ -font font_ui
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.merge entryconf [.mbar.merge index last] -state]
+ .mbar.merge add command -label {Abort Merge...} \
+ -command do_reset_hard \
+ -font font_ui
+ lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.merge entryconf [.mbar.merge index last] -state]
+# -- Transport Menu
+if {[is_enabled transport]} {
+ menu .mbar.fetch
+ menu .mbar.push
+ .mbar.push add command -label {Push...} \
+ -command do_push_anywhere \
+ -font font_ui
if {[is_MacOSX]} {
# -- Apple Menu (Mac OS X only)
# add command -label "About [appname]" \
-command do_about \
-font font_ui
- add command -label "[appname] Options..." \
+ add command -label "Options..." \
-command do_options \
-font font_ui
} else {
set doc_path [file join $doc_path Documentation index.html]
if {[is_Cygwin]} {
- set doc_path [exec cygpath --windows $doc_path]
+ set doc_path [exec cygpath --mixed $doc_path]
if {$browser eq {}} {
# -- Not a normal commit type invocation? Do that instead!
switch -- $subcommand {
+browser {
+ if {[llength $argv] != 1} {
+ puts stderr "usage: $argv0 browser commit"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set current_branch [lindex $argv 0]
+ new_browser $current_branch
+ return
blame {
if {[llength $argv] != 2} {
puts stderr "usage: $argv0 blame commit path"
# fall through to setup UI for commits
default {
- puts stderr "usage: $argv0 \[{blame|citool}\]"
+ puts stderr "usage: $argv0 \[{blame|browser|citool}\]"
exit 1
pack .branch.cb -side left -fill x
pack .branch -side top -fill x
-if {[is_enabled branch]} {
- menu .mbar.merge
- .mbar.merge add command -label {Local Merge...} \
- -command do_local_merge \
- -font font_ui
- lappend disable_on_lock \
- [list .mbar.merge entryconf [.mbar.merge index last] -state]
- .mbar.merge add command -label {Abort Merge...} \
- -command do_reset_hard \
- -font font_ui
- lappend disable_on_lock \
- [list .mbar.merge entryconf [.mbar.merge index last] -state]
- menu .mbar.fetch
- menu .mbar.push
- .mbar.push add command -label {Push...} \
- -command do_push_anywhere \
- -font font_ui
# -- Main Window Layout
panedwindow .vpane -orient vertical
# -- Diff Header
-set current_diff_path {}
-set current_diff_side {}
-set diff_actions [list]
proc trace_current_diff_path {varname args} {
global current_diff_path diff_actions file_states
if {$current_diff_path eq {}} {
# -- Status Bar
-set ui_status_value {Initializing...}
label .status -textvariable ui_status_value \
-anchor w \
-justify left \
set file_lists($ui_index) [list]
set file_lists($ui_workdir) [list]
-set HEAD {}
-set PARENT {}
-set MERGE_HEAD [list]
-set commit_type {}
-set empty_tree {}
-set current_branch {}
-set current_diff_path {}
-set selected_commit_type new
wm title . "[appname] ([file normalize [file dirname [gitdir]]])"
focus -force $ui_comm
if {[is_enabled multicommit]} {
set object_limit 2000
if {[is_Windows]} {set object_limit 200}
- regexp {^([0-9]+) objects,} [exec git count-objects] _junk objects_current
+ regexp {^([0-9]+) objects,} [git count-objects] _junk objects_current
if {$objects_current >= $object_limit} {
if {[ask_popup \
"This repository currently has $objects_current loose objects.