# 2007 Trolltech ASA
# License: MIT <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>
-import optparse, sys, os, marshal, subprocess, shelve
-import tempfile, getopt, os.path, time, platform
-import re, shutil
+import sys
+if sys.hexversion < 0x02040000:
+ # The limiter is the subprocess module
+ sys.stderr.write("git-p4: requires Python 2.4 or later.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+import os
+import optparse
+import marshal
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import time
+import platform
+import re
+import shutil
+import stat
+ from subprocess import CalledProcessError
+except ImportError:
+ # from python2.7:subprocess.py
+ # Exception classes used by this module.
+ class CalledProcessError(Exception):
+ """This exception is raised when a process run by check_call() returns
+ a non-zero exit status. The exit status will be stored in the
+ returncode attribute."""
+ def __init__(self, returncode, cmd):
+ self.returncode = returncode
+ self.cmd = cmd
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d" % (self.cmd, self.returncode)
verbose = False
expand = isinstance(cmd,basestring)
if verbose:
sys.stderr.write("executing %s\n" % str(cmd))
- subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=expand)
+ retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=expand)
+ if retcode:
+ raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
def p4_system(cmd):
"""Specifically invoke p4 as the system command. """
real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(cmd)
expand = isinstance(real_cmd, basestring)
- subprocess.check_call(real_cmd, shell=expand)
+ retcode = subprocess.call(real_cmd, shell=expand)
+ if retcode:
+ raise CalledProcessError(retcode, real_cmd)
+_p4_version_string = None
+def p4_version_string():
+ """Read the version string, showing just the last line, which
+ hopefully is the interesting version bit.
+ $ p4 -V
+ Perforce - The Fast Software Configuration Management System.
+ Copyright 1995-2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
+ Rev. P4/NTX86/2011.1/393975 (2011/12/16).
+ """
+ global _p4_version_string
+ if not _p4_version_string:
+ a = p4_read_pipe_lines(["-V"])
+ _p4_version_string = a[-1].rstrip()
+ return _p4_version_string
def p4_integrate(src, dest):
p4_system(["integrate", "-Dt", wildcard_encode(src), wildcard_encode(dest)])
return proc.wait() == 0;
_gitConfig = {}
-def gitConfig(key, args = None): # set args to "--bool", for instance
+def gitConfig(key):
if not _gitConfig.has_key(key):
- argsFilter = ""
- if args != None:
- argsFilter = "%s " % args
- cmd = "git config %s%s" % (argsFilter, key)
- _gitConfig[key] = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True).strip()
+ cmd = [ "git", "config", key ]
+ s = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True)
+ _gitConfig[key] = s.strip()
+ return _gitConfig[key]
+def gitConfigBool(key):
+ """Return a bool, using git config --bool. It is True only if the
+ variable is set to true, and False if set to false or not present
+ in the config."""
+ if not _gitConfig.has_key(key):
+ cmd = [ "git", "config", "--bool", key ]
+ s = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True)
+ v = s.strip()
+ _gitConfig[key] = v == "true"
return _gitConfig[key]
def gitConfigList(key):
if not _gitConfig.has_key(key):
- _gitConfig[key] = read_pipe("git config --get-all %s" % key, ignore_error=True).strip().split(os.linesep)
+ s = read_pipe(["git", "config", "--get-all", key], ignore_error=True)
+ _gitConfig[key] = s.strip().split(os.linesep)
return _gitConfig[key]
def p4BranchesInGit(branchesAreInRemotes=True):
return branches
+def branch_exists(branch):
+ """Make sure that the given ref name really exists."""
+ cmd = [ "git", "rev-parse", "--symbolic", "--verify", branch ]
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, _ = p.communicate()
+ if p.returncode:
+ return False
+ # expect exactly one line of output: the branch name
+ return out.rstrip() == branch
def findUpstreamBranchPoint(head = "HEAD"):
branches = p4BranchesInGit()
# map from depot-path to branch name
# we may or may not have a problem. If you have core.ignorecase=true,
# we treat DirA and dira as the same directory
- ignorecase = gitConfig("core.ignorecase", "--bool") == "true"
- if ignorecase:
+ if gitConfigBool("core.ignorecase"):
return path.lower().startswith(prefix.lower())
return path.startswith(prefix)
return path
def wildcard_present(path):
- return path.translate(None, "*#@%") != path
+ m = re.search("[*#@%]", path)
+ return m is not None
class Command:
def __init__(self):
optparse.make_option("--dry-run", "-n", dest="dry_run", action="store_true"),
optparse.make_option("--prepare-p4-only", dest="prepare_p4_only", action="store_true"),
optparse.make_option("--conflict", dest="conflict_behavior",
- choices=self.conflict_behavior_choices)
+ choices=self.conflict_behavior_choices),
+ optparse.make_option("--branch", dest="branch"),
self.description = "Submit changes from git to the perforce depot."
self.usage += " [name of git branch to submit into perforce depot]"
self.origin = ""
self.detectRenames = False
- self.preserveUser = gitConfig("git-p4.preserveUser").lower() == "true"
+ self.preserveUser = gitConfigBool("git-p4.preserveUser")
self.dry_run = False
self.prepare_p4_only = False
self.conflict_behavior = None
self.isWindows = (platform.system() == "Windows")
self.exportLabels = False
self.p4HasMoveCommand = p4_has_move_command()
+ self.branch = None
def check(self):
if len(p4CmdList("opened ...")) > 0:
def p4UserForCommit(self,id):
# Return the tuple (perforce user,git email) for a given git commit id
- gitEmail = read_pipe("git log --max-count=1 --format='%%ae' %s" % id)
+ gitEmail = read_pipe(["git", "log", "--max-count=1",
+ "--format=%ae", id])
gitEmail = gitEmail.strip()
if not self.emails.has_key(gitEmail):
return (None,gitEmail)
(user,email) = self.p4UserForCommit(id)
if not user:
msg = "Cannot find p4 user for email %s in commit %s." % (email, id)
- if gitConfig('git-p4.allowMissingP4Users').lower() == "true":
+ if gitConfigBool("git-p4.allowMissingP4Users"):
print "%s" % msg
die("Error: %s\nSet git-p4.allowMissingP4Users to true to allow this." % msg)
message. Return true if okay to continue with the submit."""
# if configured to skip the editing part, just submit
- if gitConfig("git-p4.skipSubmitEdit") == "true":
+ if gitConfigBool("git-p4.skipSubmitEdit"):
return True
# look at the modification time, to check later if the user saved
# If the file was not saved, prompt to see if this patch should
# be skipped. But skip this verification step if configured so.
- if gitConfig("git-p4.skipSubmitEditCheck") == "true":
+ if gitConfigBool("git-p4.skipSubmitEditCheck"):
return True
# modification time updated means user saved the file
filesToChangeExecBit[dest] = diff['dst_mode']
+ if self.isWindows:
+ # turn off read-only attribute
+ os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IWRITE)
elif modifier == "R":
p4_edit(dest) # with move: already open, writable
filesToChangeExecBit[dest] = diff['dst_mode']
if not self.p4HasMoveCommand:
+ if self.isWindows:
+ os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IWRITE)
# Patch failed, maybe it's just RCS keyword woes. Look through
# the patch to see if that's possible.
- if gitConfig("git-p4.attemptRCSCleanup","--bool") == "true":
+ if gitConfigBool("git-p4.attemptRCSCleanup"):
file = None
pattern = None
kwfiles = {}
for file in kwfiles:
if verbose:
print "zapping %s with %s" % (line,pattern)
+ # File is being deleted, so not open in p4. Must
+ # disable the read-only bit on windows.
+ if self.isWindows and file not in editedFiles:
+ os.chmod(file, stat.S_IWRITE)
self.patchRCSKeywords(file, kwfiles[file])
fixed_rcs_keywords = True
self.useClientSpec = False
- if gitConfig("git-p4.useclientspec", "--bool") == "true":
+ if gitConfigBool("git-p4.useclientspec"):
self.useClientSpec = True
if self.useClientSpec:
self.clientSpecDirs = getClientSpec()
commits = []
- for line in read_pipe_lines("git rev-list --no-merges %s..%s" % (self.origin, self.master)):
+ for line in read_pipe_lines(["git", "rev-list", "--no-merges", "%s..%s" % (self.origin, self.master)]):
- if self.preserveUser or (gitConfig("git-p4.skipUserNameCheck") == "true"):
+ if self.preserveUser or gitConfigBool("git-p4.skipUserNameCheck"):
self.checkAuthorship = False
self.checkAuthorship = True
self.diffOpts += " -C%s" % detectCopies
- if gitConfig("git-p4.detectCopiesHarder", "--bool") == "true":
+ if gitConfigBool("git-p4.detectCopiesHarder"):
self.diffOpts += " --find-copies-harder"
print "All commits applied!"
sync = P4Sync()
+ if self.branch:
+ sync.branch = self.branch
rebase = P4Rebase()
"--format=format:%h %s", c])
print "You will have to do 'git p4 sync' and rebase."
- if gitConfig("git-p4.exportLabels", "--bool") == "true":
+ if gitConfigBool("git-p4.exportLabels"):
self.exportLabels = True
if self.exportLabels:
self.syncWithOrigin = True
self.importIntoRemotes = True
self.maxChanges = ""
- self.isWindows = (platform.system() == "Windows")
self.keepRepoPath = False
self.depotPaths = None
self.p4BranchesInGit = []
# operations. utf16 is converted to ascii or utf8, perhaps.
# But ascii text saved as -t utf16 is completely mangled.
# Invoke print -o to get the real contents.
+ #
+ # On windows, the newlines will always be mangled by print, so put
+ # them back too. This is not needed to the cygwin windows version,
+ # just the native "NT" type.
+ #
text = p4_read_pipe(['print', '-q', '-o', '-', file['depotFile']])
+ if p4_version_string().find("/NT") >= 0:
+ text = text.replace("\r\n", "\n")
contents = [ text ]
if type_base == "apple":
print "\nIgnoring apple filetype file %s" % file['depotFile']
- # Perhaps windows wants unicode, utf16 newlines translated too;
- # but this is not doing it.
- if self.isWindows and type_base == "text":
- mangled = []
- for data in contents:
- data = data.replace("\r\n", "\n")
- mangled.append(data)
- contents = mangled
# Note that we do not try to de-mangle keywords on utf16 files,
# even though in theory somebody may want that.
pattern = p4_keywords_regexp_for_type(type_base, type_mods)
def searchParent(self, parent, branch, target):
parentFound = False
- for blob in read_pipe_lines(["git", "rev-list", "--reverse", "--no-merges", parent]):
+ for blob in read_pipe_lines(["git", "rev-list", "--reverse",
+ "--no-merges", parent]):
blob = blob.strip()
if len(read_pipe(["git", "diff-tree", blob, target])) == 0:
parentFound = True
blob = None
if len(parent) > 0:
- tempBranch = os.path.join(self.tempBranchLocation, "%d" % (change))
+ tempBranch = "%s/%d" % (self.tempBranchLocation, change)
if self.verbose:
print "Creating temporary branch: " + tempBranch
self.commit(description, filesForCommit, tempBranch)
files = self.extractFilesFromCommit(description)
self.commit(description, files, self.branch,
+ # only needed once, to connect to the previous commit
self.initialParent = ""
except IOError:
print self.gitError.read()
def run(self, args):
self.depotPaths = []
self.changeRange = ""
- self.initialParent = ""
self.previousDepotPaths = []
self.hasOrigin = False
print 'Syncing with origin first, using "git fetch origin"'
system("git fetch origin")
+ branch_arg_given = bool(self.branch)
if len(self.branch) == 0:
self.branch = self.refPrefix + "master"
if gitBranchExists("refs/heads/p4") and self.importIntoRemotes:
# will use this after clone to set the variable
self.useClientSpec_from_options = True
- if gitConfig("git-p4.useclientspec", "--bool") == "true":
+ if gitConfigBool("git-p4.useclientspec"):
self.useClientSpec = True
if self.useClientSpec:
self.clientSpecDirs = getClientSpec()
# branches holds mapping from branch name to sha1
branches = p4BranchesInGit(self.importIntoRemotes)
- self.p4BranchesInGit = branches.keys()
- for branch in branches.keys():
- self.initialParents[self.refPrefix + branch] = branches[branch]
+ # restrict to just this one, disabling detect-branches
+ if branch_arg_given:
+ short = self.branch.split("/")[-1]
+ if short in branches:
+ self.p4BranchesInGit = [ short ]
+ else:
+ self.p4BranchesInGit = branches.keys()
if len(self.p4BranchesInGit) > 1:
if not self.silent:
print "Importing from/into multiple branches"
self.detectBranches = True
+ for branch in branches.keys():
+ self.initialParents[self.refPrefix + branch] = \
+ branches[branch]
if self.verbose:
print "branches: %s" % self.p4BranchesInGit
if p4Change > 0:
self.depotPaths = sorted(self.previousDepotPaths)
self.changeRange = "@%s,#head" % p4Change
- if not self.detectBranches:
- self.initialParent = parseRevision(self.branch)
if not self.silent and not self.detectBranches:
print "Performing incremental import into %s git branch" % self.branch
+ # accept multiple ref name abbreviations:
+ # refs/foo/bar/branch -> use it exactly
+ # p4/branch -> prepend refs/remotes/ or refs/heads/
+ # branch -> prepend refs/remotes/p4/ or refs/heads/p4/
if not self.branch.startswith("refs/"):
- self.branch = "refs/heads/" + self.branch
+ if self.importIntoRemotes:
+ prepend = "refs/remotes/"
+ else:
+ prepend = "refs/heads/"
+ if not self.branch.startswith("p4/"):
+ prepend += "p4/"
+ self.branch = prepend + self.branch
if len(args) == 0 and self.depotPaths:
if not self.silent:
# catch "git p4 sync" with no new branches, in a repo that
# does not have any existing p4 branches
- if len(args) == 0 and not self.p4BranchesInGit:
- die("No remote p4 branches. Perhaps you never did \"git p4 clone\" in here.");
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ if not self.p4BranchesInGit:
+ die("No remote p4 branches. Perhaps you never did \"git p4 clone\" in here.")
+ # The default branch is master, unless --branch is used to
+ # specify something else. Make sure it exists, or complain
+ # nicely about how to use --branch.
+ if not self.detectBranches:
+ if not branch_exists(self.branch):
+ if branch_arg_given:
+ die("Error: branch %s does not exist." % self.branch)
+ else:
+ die("Error: no branch %s; perhaps specify one with --branch." %
+ self.branch)
if self.verbose:
print "Getting p4 changes for %s...%s" % (', '.join(self.depotPaths),
self.updatedBranches = set()
+ if not self.detectBranches:
+ if args:
+ # start a new branch
+ self.initialParent = ""
+ else:
+ # build on a previous revision
+ self.initialParent = parseRevision(self.branch)
if not self.silent:
sys.stdout.write("%s " % b)
- if gitConfig("git-p4.importLabels", "--bool") == "true":
+ if gitConfigBool("git-p4.importLabels"):
self.importLabels = True
if self.importLabels:
self.cloneExclude = ["/"+p for p in self.cloneExclude]
for p in depotPaths:
if not p.startswith("//"):
+ sys.stderr.write('Depot paths must start with "//": %s\n' % p)
return False
if not self.cloneDestination:
init_cmd = [ "git", "init" ]
if self.cloneBare:
- subprocess.check_call(init_cmd)
+ retcode = subprocess.call(init_cmd)
+ if retcode:
+ raise CalledProcessError(retcode, init_cmd)
if not P4Sync.run(self, depotPaths):
return False