set correctly for gitweb to find repositories.
* $projects_list
Source of projects list, either directory to scan, or text file
- with list of repositories (in the "<URI-encoded repository path> SPC
- <URI-encoded repository owner>" format). Set to $GITWEB_LIST
- during installation. If empty, $projectroot is used to scan for
- repositories.
+ with list of repositories (in the "<URI-encoded repository path> SP
+ <URI-encoded repository owner>" line format; actually there can be
+ any sequence of whitespace in place of space (SP)). Set to
+ $GITWEB_LIST during installation. If empty, $projectroot is used
+ to scan for repositories.
* $my_url, $my_uri
URL and absolute URL of gitweb script; you might need to set those
variables if you are using 'pathinfo' feature: see also below.
('-M'); set it to ('-C') or ('-C', '-C') to also detect copies, or
set it to () if you don't want to have renames detection.
+Projects list file format
+Instead of having gitweb find repositories by scanning filesystem starting
+from $projectroot (or $projects_list, if it points to directory), you can
+provide list of projects by setting $projects_list to a text file with list
+of projects (and some additional info). This file uses the following
+One record (for project / repository) per line, whitespace separated fields;
+does not support (at least for now) lines continuation (newline escaping).
+Leading and trailing whitespace are ignored, any run of whitespace can be
+used as field separator (rules for Perl's "split(' ', $line)"). Keyed by
+the first field, which is project name, i.e. path to repository GIT_DIR
+relative to $projectroot. Fields use modified URI encoding, defined in
+RFC 3986, section 2.1 (Percent-Encoding), or rather "Query string encoding"
+(see, the difference
+being that SP (' ') can be encoded as '+' (and therefore '+' has to be also
+percent-encoded). Reserved characters are: '%' (used for encoding), '+'
+(can be used to encode SPACE), all whitespace characters as defined in Perl,
+including SP, TAB and LF, (used to separate fields in a record).
+Currently list of fields is
+ * <repository path> - path to repository GIT_DIR, relative to $projectroot
+ * <repository owner> - displayed as repository owner, preferably full name,
+ or email, or both
+You can additionally use $projects_list file to limit which repositories
+are visible, and together with $strict_export to limit access to
+repositories (see "Gitweb repositories" section in gitweb/INSTALL).
Per-repository gitweb configuration
* README.html
A .html file (HTML fragment) which is included on the gitweb project
summary page inside <div> block element. You can use it for longer
- description of a project, to provide links for example to projects
- homepage, etc.
+ description of a project, to provide links (for example to project's
+ homepage), etc.
* description (or gitweb.description)
Short (shortened by default to 25 characters in the projects list page)
single line description of a project (of a repository). Plain text file;
* gitweb.owner
You can use the gitweb.owner repository configuration variable to set
repository's owner. It is displayed in the project list and summary
- page. If it's not set, filesystem directory's owner is used.
+ page. If it's not set, filesystem directory's owner is used
+ (via GECOS field / real name field from getpwiud(3)).
* various gitweb.* config variables (in config)
Read description of %feature hash for detailed list, and some
$home_link = "/";
+PATH_INFO usage
+If you enable PATH_INFO usage in gitweb by putting
+ $feature{'pathinfo'}{'default'} = [1];
+in your gitweb.conf, it is possible to set up your server so that it
+consumes and produces URLs in the form
+by using a configuration such as the following, that assumes that
+/var/www/gitweb is the DocumentRoot of your webserver, and that it
+contains the gitweb.cgi script and complementary static files
+(stylesheet, favicon):
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+ ServerAlias
+ DocumentRoot /var/www/gitweb
+ <Directory /var/www/gitweb>
+ Options ExecCGI
+ AddHandler cgi-script cgi
+ DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
+ RewriteRule ^.* /gitweb.cgi/$0 [L,PT]
+ </Directory>
+The rewrite rule guarantees that existing static files will be properly
+served, whereas any other URL will be passed to gitweb as PATH_INFO
+Notice that in this case you don't need special settings for
+@stylesheets, $my_uri and $home_link, but you lose "dumb client" access
+to your project .git dirs. A possible workaround for the latter is the
+following: in your project root dir (e.g. /pub/git) have the projects
+named without a .git extension (e.g. /pub/git/project instead of
+/pub/git/project.git) and configure Apache as follows:
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+ ServerAlias
+ DocumentRoot /var/www/gitweb
+ AliasMatch ^(/.*?)(\.git)(/.*)? /pub/git$1$3
+ <Directory /var/www/gitweb>
+ Options ExecCGI
+ AddHandler cgi-script cgi
+ DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
+ RewriteRule ^.* /gitweb.cgi/$0 [L,PT]
+ </Directory>
+The additional AliasMatch makes it so that
+will give raw access to the project's git dir (so that the project can
+be cloned), while
+will provide human-friendly gitweb access.
Originally written by:
Kay Sievers <>