Specify the system that is used for large (binary) files. Please note
that large file systems do not support the 'git p4 submit' command.
- Only Git LFS [1] is implemented right now. Download
- and install the Git LFS command line extension to use this option
- and configure it like this:
+ Only Git LFS is implemented right now (see
+ for more information). Download and install the Git LFS command line
+ extension to use this option and configure it like this:
git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS
- [1]
All files matching a file extension in the list will be processed
A changelist that contains only excluded files will be imported
as an empty commit if this boolean option is set to true.
+ Map a P4 user to a name and email address in Git. Use a string
+ with the following format to create a mapping:
+git config --add git-p4.mapUser "p4user = First Last <>"
+A mapping will override any user information from P4. Mappings for
+multiple P4 user can be defined.
Submit variables