printf '%s\n' '1 X' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >result.1
printf '%s\n' '1 X' 2 3 4 '5 X' 6 7 8 9 >result.1-5
printf '%s\n' '1 X' 2 3 4 '5 X' 6 7 8 '9 X' >result.1-5-9
create_merge_msgs () {
echo "Merge commit 'c2'" >msg.1-5 &&
test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
-test_expect_success 'failing merges with --ff-only' '
+test_expect_success 'merges with --ff-only' '
git reset --hard c1 &&
test_tick &&
test_must_fail git merge --ff-only c2 &&
test_must_fail git merge --ff-only c3 &&
- test_must_fail git merge --ff-only c2 c3
+ test_must_fail git merge --ff-only c2 c3 &&
+ git reset --hard c0 &&
+ git merge c3 &&
+ verify_head $c3
+test_expect_success 'merges with merge.ff=only' '
+ git reset --hard c1 &&
+ test_tick &&
+ test_when_finished "git config --unset merge.ff" &&
+ git config merge.ff only &&
+ test_must_fail git merge c2 &&
+ test_must_fail git merge c3 &&
+ test_must_fail git merge c2 c3 &&
+ git reset --hard c0 &&
+ git merge c3 &&
+ verify_head $c3
test_expect_success 'merge c0 with c1 (no-commit)' '
test_expect_success 'merge c1 with c2 (log in config gets overridden)' '
- (
- git config --remove-section branch.master
- git config --remove-section merge
- )
+ test_when_finished "git config --remove-section branch.master" &&
+ test_when_finished "git config --remove-section merge" &&
+ test_might_fail git config --remove-section branch.master &&
+ test_might_fail git config --remove-section merge &&
git reset --hard c1 &&
git merge c2 &&
git show -s --pretty=tformat:%s%n%b >expect &&
test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
+test_expect_success 'merge c0 with c1 (merge.ff=false)' '
+ git reset --hard c0 &&
+ git config merge.ff false &&
+ test_tick &&
+ git merge c1 &&
+ git config --remove-section merge &&
+ verify_merge file result.1 &&
+ verify_parents $c0 $c1
+test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
+test_expect_success 'combine branch.master.mergeoptions with merge.ff' '
+ git reset --hard c0 &&
+ git config branch.master.mergeoptions --ff &&
+ git config merge.ff false &&
+ test_tick &&
+ git merge c1 &&
+ git config --remove-section "branch.master" &&
+ git config --remove-section "merge" &&
+ verify_merge file result.1 &&
+ verify_parents "$c0"
+test_expect_success 'tolerate unknown values for merge.ff' '
+ git reset --hard c0 &&
+ git config merge.ff something-new &&
+ test_tick &&
+ git merge c1 2>message &&
+ git config --remove-section "merge" &&
+ verify_head "$c1" &&
+ test_cmp empty message
test_expect_success 'combining --squash and --no-ff is refused' '
+ git reset --hard c0 &&
test_must_fail git merge --squash --no-ff c1 &&
test_must_fail git merge --no-ff --squash c1
test_debug 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --all'
+cat >editor <<\EOF
+# Add a new message string that was not in the template
+ echo "Merge work done on the side branch c1"
+ echo
+ cat <"$1"
+) >"$1.tmp" && mv "$1.tmp" "$1"
+# strip comments and blank lines from end of message
+sed -e '/^#/d' < "$1" | sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;ba' -e '}' > expected
+chmod 755 editor
+test_expect_success 'merge --no-ff --edit' '
+ git reset --hard c0 &&
+ EDITOR=./editor git merge --no-ff --edit c1 &&
+ verify_parents $c0 $c1 &&
+ git cat-file commit HEAD >raw &&
+ grep "work done on the side branch" raw &&
+ sed "1,/^$/d" >actual raw &&
+ test_cmp actual expected