use Gtk2 -init;
use Gtk2::SimpleList;
-my $fn = shift or die "require filename to blame";
+my $hash;
+my $fn;
+if ( @ARGV == 1 ) {
+ $hash = "HEAD";
+ $fn = shift;
+} elsif ( @ARGV == 2 ) {
+ $hash = shift;
+ $fn = shift;
+} else {
+ die "Usage blameview [<rev>] <filename>";
style "treeview_style"
my $window = Gtk2::Window->new('toplevel');
$window->signal_connect(destroy => sub { Gtk2->main_quit });
+my $vpan = Gtk2::VPaned->new();
my $scrolled_window = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
+$vpan->pack1($scrolled_window, 1, 1);
my $fileview = Gtk2::SimpleList->new(
'Commit' => 'text',
- 'CommitInfo' => 'text',
'FileLine' => 'text',
'Data' => 'text'
$fileview->set_size_request(1024, 768);
-open(my $fh, '<', $fn)
+$fileview->signal_connect (row_activated => sub {
+ my ($sl, $path, $column) = @_;
+ my $row_ref = $sl->get_row_data_from_path ($path);
+ system("blameview @$row_ref[0] $fn &");
+ });
+my $commitwindow = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new();
+$commitwindow->set_policy ('GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC','GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC');
+$vpan->pack2($commitwindow, 1, 1);
+my $commit_text = Gtk2::TextView->new();
+my $commit_buffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new();
+$fileview->signal_connect (cursor_changed => sub {
+ my ($sl) = @_;
+ my ($path, $focus_column) = $sl->get_cursor();
+ my $row_ref = $sl->get_row_data_from_path ($path);
+ my $c_fh;
+ open($c_fh, '-|', "git cat-file commit @$row_ref[0]")
+ or die "unable to find commit @$row_ref[0]";
+ my @buffer = <$c_fh>;
+ $commit_buffer->set_text("@buffer");
+ close($c_fh);
+ });
+my $fh;
+open($fh, '-|', "git cat-file blob $hash:$fn")
or die "unable to open $fn: $!";
while(<$fh>) {
- $fileview->{data}->[$.] = ['HEAD', '?', "$fn:$.", $_];
+ $fileview->{data}->[$.] = ['HEAD', "$fn:$.", $_];
my $blame;
-open($blame, '-|', qw(git blame --incremental --), $fn)
+open($blame, '-|', qw(git blame --incremental --), $fn, $hash)
or die "cannot start git-blame $fn";
Glib::IO->add_watch(fileno($blame), 'in', \&read_blame_line);
for(my $i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
@{$fileview->{data}->[$lno+$i-1]}[0,1,2] =
- (substr($commit, 0, 8), $info,
- $filename . ':' . ($s_lno+$i));
+ (substr($commit, 0, 8), $filename . ':' . ($s_lno+$i));