# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
exec wish "$0" -- "$@"
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Paul Mackerras. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; it may be used, copied, modified
# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
if {[info exists env(GIT_DIR)]} {
return $env(GIT_DIR)
} else {
- return ".git"
+ return [exec git rev-parse --git-dir]
-proc start_rev_list {} {
- global startmsecs nextupdate ncmupdate
+# A simple scheduler for compute-intensive stuff.
+# The aim is to make sure that event handlers for GUI actions can
+# run at least every 50-100 ms. Unfortunately fileevent handlers are
+# run before X event handlers, so reading from a fast source can
+# make the GUI completely unresponsive.
+proc run args {
+ global isonrunq runq
+ set script $args
+ if {[info exists isonrunq($script)]} return
+ if {$runq eq {}} {
+ after idle dorunq
+ }
+ lappend runq [list {} $script]
+ set isonrunq($script) 1
+proc filerun {fd script} {
+ fileevent $fd readable [list filereadable $fd $script]
+proc filereadable {fd script} {
+ global runq
+ fileevent $fd readable {}
+ if {$runq eq {}} {
+ after idle dorunq
+ }
+ lappend runq [list $fd $script]
+proc nukefile {fd} {
+ global runq
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $runq]} {} {
+ if {[lindex $runq $i 0] eq $fd} {
+ set runq [lreplace $runq $i $i]
+ } else {
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
+proc dorunq {} {
+ global isonrunq runq
+ set tstart [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ set t0 $tstart
+ while {[llength $runq] > 0} {
+ set fd [lindex $runq 0 0]
+ set script [lindex $runq 0 1]
+ set repeat [eval $script]
+ set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ set t [expr {$t1 - $t0}]
+ set runq [lrange $runq 1 end]
+ if {$repeat ne {} && $repeat} {
+ if {$fd eq {} || $repeat == 2} {
+ # script returns 1 if it wants to be readded
+ # file readers return 2 if they could do more straight away
+ lappend runq [list $fd $script]
+ } else {
+ fileevent $fd readable [list filereadable $fd $script]
+ }
+ } elseif {$fd eq {}} {
+ unset isonrunq($script)
+ }
+ set t0 $t1
+ if {$t1 - $tstart >= 80} break
+ }
+ if {$runq ne {}} {
+ after idle dorunq
+ }
+# Start off a git rev-list process and arrange to read its output
+proc start_rev_list {view} {
+ global startmsecs
global commfd leftover tclencoding datemode
- global revtreeargs curview viewfiles
+ global viewargs viewfiles commitidx viewcomplete vnextroot
+ global showlocalchanges commitinterest mainheadid
+ global progressdirn progresscoords proglastnc curview
+ global viewincl viewactive loginstance viewinstances
set startmsecs [clock clicks -milliseconds]
- set nextupdate [expr {$startmsecs + 100}]
- set ncmupdate 1
+ set commitidx($view) 0
+ set viewcomplete($view) 0
+ set viewactive($view) 1
+ set vnextroot($view) 0
+ varcinit $view
+ set commits [eval exec git rev-parse --default HEAD --revs-only \
+ $viewargs($view)]
+ set viewincl($view) {}
+ foreach c $commits {
+ if {![string match "^*" $c]} {
+ lappend viewincl($view) $c
+ }
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw --parents \
+ --boundary $commits "--" $viewfiles($view)] r]
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup "Error executing git log: $err"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set i [incr loginstance]
+ set viewinstances($view) [list $i]
+ set commfd($i) $fd
+ set leftover($i) {}
+ if {$showlocalchanges} {
+ lappend commitinterest($mainheadid) {dodiffindex}
+ }
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -eofchar {}
+ if {$tclencoding != {}} {
+ fconfigure $fd -encoding $tclencoding
+ }
+ filerun $fd [list getcommitlines $fd $i $view]
+ nowbusy $view "Reading"
+ if {$view == $curview} {
+ set progressdirn 1
+ set progresscoords {0 0}
+ set proglastnc 0
+ }
+proc stop_rev_list {view} {
+ global commfd viewinstances leftover
+ foreach inst $viewinstances($view) {
+ set fd $commfd($inst)
+ catch {
+ set pid [pid $fd]
+ exec kill $pid
+ }
+ catch {close $fd}
+ nukefile $fd
+ unset commfd($inst)
+ unset leftover($inst)
+ }
+ set viewinstances($view) {}
+proc getcommits {} {
+ global canv curview
- set args $revtreeargs
- if {$viewfiles($curview) ne {}} {
- set args [concat $args "--" $viewfiles($curview)]
+ start_rev_list $curview
+ show_status "Reading commits..."
+proc updatecommits {} {
+ global curview viewargs viewfiles viewincl viewinstances
+ global viewactive viewcomplete loginstance tclencoding mainheadid
+ global varcid startmsecs commfd showneartags showlocalchanges leftover
+ if {$showlocalchanges && [commitinview $mainheadid $curview]} {
+ dodiffindex
+ }
+ set view $curview
+ set commits [exec git rev-parse --default HEAD --revs-only \
+ $viewargs($view)]
+ set pos {}
+ set neg {}
+ foreach c $commits {
+ if {[string match "^*" $c]} {
+ lappend neg $c
+ } else {
+ if {!([info exists varcid($view,$c)] ||
+ [lsearch -exact $viewincl($view) $c] >= 0)} {
+ lappend pos $c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$pos eq {}} {
+ return
- set order "--topo-order"
- if {$datemode} {
- set order "--date-order"
+ foreach id $viewincl($view) {
+ lappend neg "^$id"
+ set viewincl($view) [concat $viewincl($view) $pos]
if {[catch {
- set commfd [open [concat | git-rev-list --header $order \
- --parents --boundary --default HEAD $args] r]
+ set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw --parents \
+ --boundary $pos $neg "--" $viewfiles($view)] r]
} err]} {
- puts stderr "Error executing git-rev-list: $err"
+ error_popup "Error executing git log: $err"
exit 1
- set leftover {}
- fconfigure $commfd -blocking 0 -translation lf
+ if {$viewactive($view) == 0} {
+ set startmsecs [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ }
+ set i [incr loginstance]
+ lappend viewinstances($view) $i
+ set commfd($i) $fd
+ set leftover($i) {}
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -eofchar {}
if {$tclencoding != {}} {
- fconfigure $commfd -encoding $tclencoding
+ fconfigure $fd -encoding $tclencoding
+ }
+ filerun $fd [list getcommitlines $fd $i $view]
+ incr viewactive($view)
+ set viewcomplete($view) 0
+ nowbusy $view "Reading"
+ readrefs
+ changedrefs
+ if {$showneartags} {
+ getallcommits
- fileevent $commfd readable [list getcommitlines $commfd]
- . config -cursor watch
- settextcursor watch
-proc stop_rev_list {} {
- global commfd
+proc reloadcommits {} {
+ global curview viewcomplete selectedline currentid thickerline
+ global showneartags treediffs commitinterest cached_commitrow
+ global progresscoords
- if {![info exists commfd]} return
- catch {
- set pid [pid $commfd]
- exec kill $pid
+ if {!$viewcomplete($curview)} {
+ stop_rev_list $curview
+ set progresscoords {0 0}
+ adjustprogress
+ }
+ resetvarcs $curview
+ catch {unset selectedline}
+ catch {unset currentid}
+ catch {unset thickerline}
+ catch {unset treediffs}
+ readrefs
+ changedrefs
+ if {$showneartags} {
+ getallcommits
+ }
+ clear_display
+ catch {unset commitinterest}
+ catch {unset cached_commitrow}
+ setcanvscroll
+ getcommits
+# This makes a string representation of a positive integer which
+# sorts as a string in numerical order
+proc strrep {n} {
+ if {$n < 16} {
+ return [format "%x" $n]
+ } elseif {$n < 256} {
+ return [format "x%.2x" $n]
+ } elseif {$n < 65536} {
+ return [format "y%.4x" $n]
- catch {close $commfd}
- unset commfd
+ return [format "z%.8x" $n]
-proc getcommits {} {
- global phase canv mainfont
+# Procedures used in reordering commits from git log (without
+# --topo-order) into the order for display.
- set phase getcommits
- start_rev_list
- $canv delete all
- $canv create text 3 3 -anchor nw -text "Reading commits..." \
- -font $mainfont -tags textitems
+proc varcinit {view} {
+ global varcstart vupptr vdownptr vleftptr varctok varcrow
+ global vtokmod varcmod vrowmod varcix
+ set varcstart($view) {{}}
+ set vupptr($view) {0}
+ set vdownptr($view) {0}
+ set vleftptr($view) {0}
+ set varctok($view) {{}}
+ set varcrow($view) {{}}
+ set vtokmod($view) {}
+ set varcmod($view) 0
+ set vrowmod($view) 0
+ set varcix($view) {{}}
-proc getcommitlines {commfd} {
- global commitlisted nextupdate
- global leftover
- global displayorder commitidx commitrow commitdata
- global parentlist childlist children
+proc resetvarcs {view} {
+ global varcid varccommits parents children vseedcount ordertok
- set stuff [read $commfd]
- if {$stuff == {}} {
- if {![eof $commfd]} return
- # set it blocking so we wait for the process to terminate
- fconfigure $commfd -blocking 1
- if {![catch {close $commfd} err]} {
- after idle finishcommits
+ foreach vid [array names varcid $view,*] {
+ unset varcid($vid)
+ unset children($vid)
+ unset parents($vid)
+ }
+ # some commits might have children but haven't been seen yet
+ foreach vid [array names children $view,*] {
+ unset children($vid)
+ }
+ foreach va [array names varccommits $view,*] {
+ unset varccommits($va)
+ }
+ foreach vd [array names vseedcount $view,*] {
+ unset vseedcount($vd)
+ }
+ catch {unset ordertok}
+proc newvarc {view id} {
+ global varcid varctok parents children
+ global vupptr vdownptr vleftptr varcrow varcix varcstart
+ global commitdata commitinfo vseedcount varccommits
+ set a [llength $varctok($view)]
+ set vid $view,$id
+ if {[llength $children($vid)] == 0} {
+ if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
+ parsecommit $id $commitdata($id) 1
+ }
+ set cdate [lindex $commitinfo($id) 4]
+ if {![string is integer -strict $cdate]} {
+ set cdate 0
+ }
+ if {![info exists vseedcount($view,$cdate)]} {
+ set vseedcount($view,$cdate) -1
+ }
+ set c [incr vseedcount($view,$cdate)]
+ set cdate [expr {$cdate ^ 0xffffffff}]
+ set tok "s[strrep $cdate][strrep $c]"
+ lappend vupptr($view) 0
+ set ka [lindex $vdownptr($view) 0]
+ if {$ka == 0 ||
+ [string compare $tok [lindex $varctok($view) $ka]] < 0} {
+ lset vdownptr($view) 0 $a
+ lappend vleftptr($view) $ka
+ } else {
+ while {[set b [lindex $vleftptr($view) $ka]] != 0 &&
+ [string compare $tok [lindex $varctok($view) $b]] >= 0} {
+ set ka $b
+ }
+ lset vleftptr($view) $ka $a
+ lappend vleftptr($view) $b
+ }
+ } else {
+ set tok {}
+ foreach k $children($vid) {
+ set ka $varcid($view,$k)
+ if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($view) $ka] $tok] > 0} {
+ set ki $k
+ set tok [lindex $varctok($view) $ka]
+ }
+ }
+ set ka $varcid($view,$ki)
+ lappend vupptr($view) $ka
+ set i [lsearch -exact $parents($view,$ki) $id]
+ set j [expr {[llength $parents($view,$ki)] - 1 - $i}]
+ set rsib 0
+ while {[incr i] < [llength $parents($view,$ki)]} {
+ set bi [lindex $parents($view,$ki) $i]
+ if {[info exists varcid($view,$bi)]} {
+ set b $varcid($view,$bi)
+ if {[lindex $vupptr($view) $b] == $ka} {
+ set rsib $b
+ lappend vleftptr($view) [lindex $vleftptr($view) $b]
+ lset vleftptr($view) $b $a
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$rsib == 0} {
+ lappend vleftptr($view) [lindex $vdownptr($view) $ka]
+ lset vdownptr($view) $ka $a
+ }
+ append tok [strrep $j]
+ }
+ lappend varctok($view) $tok
+ lappend varcstart($view) $id
+ lappend vdownptr($view) 0
+ lappend varcrow($view) {}
+ lappend varcix($view) {}
+ set varccommits($view,$a) {}
+ return $a
+proc splitvarc {p v} {
+ global varcid varcstart varccommits varctok
+ global vupptr vdownptr vleftptr varcix varcrow
+ set oa $varcid($v,$p)
+ set ac $varccommits($v,$oa)
+ set i [lsearch -exact $varccommits($v,$oa) $p]
+ if {$i <= 0} return
+ set na [llength $varctok($v)]
+ # "%" sorts before "0"...
+ set tok "[lindex $varctok($v) $oa]%[strrep $i]"
+ lappend varctok($v) $tok
+ lappend varcrow($v) {}
+ lappend varcix($v) {}
+ set varccommits($v,$oa) [lrange $ac 0 [expr {$i - 1}]]
+ set varccommits($v,$na) [lrange $ac $i end]
+ lappend varcstart($v) $p
+ foreach id $varccommits($v,$na) {
+ set varcid($v,$id) $na
+ }
+ lappend vdownptr($v) [lindex $vdownptr($v) $oa]
+ lset vdownptr($v) $oa $na
+ lappend vupptr($v) $oa
+ lappend vleftptr($v) 0
+ for {set b [lindex $vdownptr($v) $na]} {$b != 0} {set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $b]} {
+ lset vupptr($v) $b $na
+ }
+proc renumbervarc {a v} {
+ global parents children varctok varcstart varccommits
+ global vupptr vdownptr vleftptr varcid vtokmod
+ set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ set todo {}
+ set isrelated($a) 1
+ set ntot 0
+ while {$a != 0} {
+ if {[info exists isrelated($a)]} {
+ lappend todo $a
+ set id [lindex $varccommits($v,$a) end]
+ foreach p $parents($v,$id) {
+ if {[info exists varcid($v,$p)]} {
+ set isrelated($varcid($v,$p)) 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ incr ntot
+ set b [lindex $vdownptr($v) $a]
+ if {$b == 0} {
+ while {$a != 0} {
+ set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $a]
+ if {$b != 0} break
+ set a [lindex $vupptr($v) $a]
+ }
+ }
+ set a $b
+ }
+ foreach a $todo {
+ set id [lindex $varcstart($v) $a]
+ set tok {}
+ foreach k $children($v,$id) {
+ set ka $varcid($v,$k)
+ if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $ka] $tok] > 0} {
+ set ki $k
+ set tok [lindex $varctok($v) $ka]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$tok ne {}} {
+ set ka $varcid($v,$ki)
+ set i [lsearch -exact $parents($v,$ki) $id]
+ set j [expr {[llength $parents($v,$ki)] - 1 - $i}]
+ append tok [strrep $j]
+ set oldtok [lindex $varctok($v) $a]
+ if {$tok eq $oldtok} continue
+ lset varctok($v) $a $tok
+ } else {
+ set ka 0
+ }
+ set b [lindex $vupptr($v) $a]
+ if {$b != $ka} {
+ if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $ka] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} {
+ modify_arc $v $ka
+ }
+ if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $b] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} {
+ modify_arc $v $b
+ }
+ set c [lindex $vdownptr($v) $b]
+ if {$c == $a} {
+ lset vdownptr($v) $b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $a]
+ } else {
+ set b $c
+ while {$b != 0 && [lindex $vleftptr($v) $b] != $a} {
+ set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $b]
+ }
+ if {$b != 0} {
+ lset vleftptr($v) $b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $a]
+ } else {
+ puts "oops couldn't find $a in chain for [lindex $vupptr($v) $a]"
+ }
+ }
+ lset vupptr($v) $a $ka
+ set rsib 0
+ while {[incr i] < [llength $parents($v,$ki)]} {
+ set bi [lindex $parents($v,$ki) $i]
+ if {[info exists varcid($v,$bi)]} {
+ set b $varcid($v,$bi)
+ if {[lindex $vupptr($v) $b] == $ka} {
+ set rsib $b
+ lset vleftptr($v) $a [lindex $vleftptr($v) $b]
+ lset vleftptr($v) $b $a
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$rsib == 0} {
+ lset vleftptr($v) $a [lindex $vdownptr($v) $ka]
+ lset vdownptr($v) $ka $a
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ #puts "renumbervarc did [llength $todo] of $ntot arcs in [expr {$t2-$t1}]ms"
+proc fix_reversal {p a v} {
+ global varcid varcstart varctok vupptr
+ set pa $varcid($v,$p)
+ if {$p ne [lindex $varcstart($v) $pa]} {
+ splitvarc $p $v
+ set pa $varcid($v,$p)
+ }
+ # seeds always need to be renumbered
+ if {[lindex $vupptr($v) $pa] == 0 ||
+ [string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] \
+ [lindex $varctok($v) $pa]] > 0} {
+ renumbervarc $pa $v
+ }
+proc insertrow {id p v} {
+ global varcid varccommits parents children cmitlisted
+ global commitidx varctok vtokmod
+ set a $varcid($v,$p)
+ set i [lsearch -exact $varccommits($v,$a) $p]
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ puts "oops: insertrow can't find [shortids $p] on arc $a"
+ return
+ }
+ set children($v,$id) {}
+ set parents($v,$id) [list $p]
+ set varcid($v,$id) $a
+ lappend children($v,$p) $id
+ set cmitlisted($v,$id) 1
+ incr commitidx($v)
+ # note we deliberately don't update varcstart($v) even if $i == 0
+ set varccommits($v,$a) [linsert $varccommits($v,$a) $i $id]
+ if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} {
+ modify_arc $v $a $i
+ }
+ drawvisible
+proc removerow {id v} {
+ global varcid varccommits parents children commitidx
+ global varctok vtokmod cmitlisted
+ if {[llength $parents($v,$id)] != 1} {
+ puts "oops: removerow [shortids $id] has [llength $parents($v,$id)] parents"
+ return
+ }
+ set p [lindex $parents($v,$id) 0]
+ set a $varcid($v,$id)
+ set i [lsearch -exact $varccommits($v,$a) $id]
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ puts "oops: removerow can't find [shortids $id] on arc $a"
+ return
+ }
+ unset varcid($v,$id)
+ set varccommits($v,$a) [lreplace $varccommits($v,$a) $i $i]
+ unset parents($v,$id)
+ unset children($v,$id)
+ unset cmitlisted($v,$id)
+ incr commitidx($v) -1
+ set j [lsearch -exact $children($v,$p) $id]
+ if {$j >= 0} {
+ set children($v,$p) [lreplace $children($v,$p) $j $j]
+ }
+ if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} {
+ modify_arc $v $a $i
+ }
+ drawvisible
+proc vtokcmp {v a b} {
+ global varctok varcid
+ return [string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $varcid($v,$a)] \
+ [lindex $varctok($v) $varcid($v,$b)]]
+proc modify_arc {v a {lim {}}} {
+ global varctok vtokmod varcmod varcrow vupptr curview vrowmod varccommits
+ global vhighlights nhighlights fhighlights rhighlights
+ set vtokmod($v) [lindex $varctok($v) $a]
+ set varcmod($v) $a
+ if {$v == $curview} {
+ while {$a != 0 && [lindex $varcrow($v) $a] eq {}} {
+ set a [lindex $vupptr($v) $a]
+ set lim {}
+ }
+ set r 0
+ if {$a != 0} {
+ if {$lim eq {}} {
+ set lim [llength $varccommits($v,$a)]
+ }
+ set r [expr {[lindex $varcrow($v) $a] + $lim}]
+ }
+ set vrowmod($v) $r
+ undolayout $r
+ }
+ catch {unset nhighlights}
+ catch {unset fhighlights}
+ catch {unset vhighlights}
+ catch {unset rhighlights}
+proc update_arcrows {v} {
+ global vtokmod varcmod vrowmod varcrow commitidx currentid selectedline
+ global varcid vrownum varcorder varcix varccommits
+ global vupptr vdownptr vleftptr varctok
+ global displayorder parentlist curview cached_commitrow
+ set narctot [expr {[llength $varctok($v)] - 1}]
+ set a $varcmod($v)
+ while {$a != 0 && [lindex $varcix($v) $a] eq {}} {
+ # go up the tree until we find something that has a row number,
+ # or we get to a seed
+ set a [lindex $vupptr($v) $a]
+ }
+ if {$a == 0} {
+ set a [lindex $vdownptr($v) 0]
+ if {$a == 0} return
+ set vrownum($v) {0}
+ set varcorder($v) [list $a]
+ lset varcix($v) $a 0
+ lset varcrow($v) $a 0
+ set arcn 0
+ set row 0
+ } else {
+ set arcn [lindex $varcix($v) $a]
+ # see if a is the last arc; if so, nothing to do
+ if {$arcn == $narctot - 1} {
- if {[string range $err 0 4] == "usage"} {
- set err \
- "Gitk: error reading commits: bad arguments to git-rev-list.\
- (Note: arguments to gitk are passed to git-rev-list\
- to allow selection of commits to be displayed.)"
+ if {[llength $vrownum($v)] > $arcn + 1} {
+ set vrownum($v) [lrange $vrownum($v) 0 $arcn]
+ set varcorder($v) [lrange $varcorder($v) 0 $arcn]
+ }
+ set row [lindex $varcrow($v) $a]
+ }
+ if {$v == $curview} {
+ if {[llength $displayorder] > $vrowmod($v)} {
+ set displayorder [lrange $displayorder 0 [expr {$vrowmod($v) - 1}]]
+ set parentlist [lrange $parentlist 0 [expr {$vrowmod($v) - 1}]]
+ }
+ catch {unset cached_commitrow}
+ }
+ while {1} {
+ set p $a
+ incr row [llength $varccommits($v,$a)]
+ # go down if possible
+ set b [lindex $vdownptr($v) $a]
+ if {$b == 0} {
+ # if not, go left, or go up until we can go left
+ while {$a != 0} {
+ set b [lindex $vleftptr($v) $a]
+ if {$b != 0} break
+ set a [lindex $vupptr($v) $a]
+ }
+ if {$a == 0} break
+ }
+ set a $b
+ incr arcn
+ lappend vrownum($v) $row
+ lappend varcorder($v) $a
+ lset varcix($v) $a $arcn
+ lset varcrow($v) $a $row
+ }
+ set vtokmod($v) [lindex $varctok($v) $p]
+ set varcmod($v) $p
+ set vrowmod($v) $row
+ if {[info exists currentid]} {
+ set selectedline [rowofcommit $currentid]
+ }
+# Test whether view $v contains commit $id
+proc commitinview {id v} {
+ global varcid
+ return [info exists varcid($v,$id)]
+# Return the row number for commit $id in the current view
+proc rowofcommit {id} {
+ global varcid varccommits varcrow curview cached_commitrow
+ global varctok vtokmod
+ if {[info exists cached_commitrow($id)]} {
+ return $cached_commitrow($id)
+ }
+ set v $curview
+ if {![info exists varcid($v,$id)]} {
+ puts "oops rowofcommit no arc for [shortids $id]"
+ return {}
+ }
+ set a $varcid($v,$id)
+ if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $a] $vtokmod($v)] > 0} {
+ update_arcrows $v
+ }
+ set i [lsearch -exact $varccommits($v,$a) $id]
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ puts "oops didn't find commit [shortids $id] in arc $a"
+ return {}
+ }
+ incr i [lindex $varcrow($v) $a]
+ set cached_commitrow($id) $i
+ return $i
+proc bsearch {l elt} {
+ if {[llength $l] == 0 || $elt <= [lindex $l 0]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ set lo 0
+ set hi [llength $l]
+ while {$hi - $lo > 1} {
+ set mid [expr {int(($lo + $hi) / 2)}]
+ set t [lindex $l $mid]
+ if {$elt < $t} {
+ set hi $mid
+ } elseif {$elt > $t} {
+ set lo $mid
} else {
- set err "Error reading commits: $err"
+ return $mid
+ }
+ }
+ return $lo
+# Make sure rows $start..$end-1 are valid in displayorder and parentlist
+proc make_disporder {start end} {
+ global vrownum curview commitidx displayorder parentlist
+ global varccommits varcorder parents vrowmod varcrow
+ global d_valid_start d_valid_end
+ if {$end > $vrowmod($curview)} {
+ update_arcrows $curview
+ }
+ set ai [bsearch $vrownum($curview) $start]
+ set start [lindex $vrownum($curview) $ai]
+ set narc [llength $vrownum($curview)]
+ for {set r $start} {$ai < $narc && $r < $end} {incr ai} {
+ set a [lindex $varcorder($curview) $ai]
+ set l [llength $displayorder]
+ set al [llength $varccommits($curview,$a)]
+ if {$l < $r + $al} {
+ if {$l < $r} {
+ set pad [ntimes [expr {$r - $l}] {}]
+ set displayorder [concat $displayorder $pad]
+ set parentlist [concat $parentlist $pad]
+ } elseif {$l > $r} {
+ set displayorder [lrange $displayorder 0 [expr {$r - 1}]]
+ set parentlist [lrange $parentlist 0 [expr {$r - 1}]]
+ }
+ foreach id $varccommits($curview,$a) {
+ lappend displayorder $id
+ lappend parentlist $parents($curview,$id)
+ }
+ } elseif {[lindex $displayorder $r] eq {}} {
+ set i $r
+ foreach id $varccommits($curview,$a) {
+ lset displayorder $i $id
+ lset parentlist $i $parents($curview,$id)
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
+ incr r $al
+ }
+proc commitonrow {row} {
+ global displayorder
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ if {$id eq {}} {
+ make_disporder $row [expr {$row + 1}]
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ }
+ return $id
+proc closevarcs {v} {
+ global varctok varccommits varcid parents children
+ global cmitlisted commitidx commitinterest vtokmod
+ set missing_parents 0
+ set scripts {}
+ set narcs [llength $varctok($v)]
+ for {set a 1} {$a < $narcs} {incr a} {
+ set id [lindex $varccommits($v,$a) end]
+ foreach p $parents($v,$id) {
+ if {[info exists varcid($v,$p)]} continue
+ # add p as a new commit
+ incr missing_parents
+ set cmitlisted($v,$p) 0
+ set parents($v,$p) {}
+ if {[llength $children($v,$p)] == 1 &&
+ [llength $parents($v,$id)] == 1} {
+ set b $a
+ } else {
+ set b [newvarc $v $p]
+ }
+ set varcid($v,$p) $b
+ if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($v) $b] $vtokmod($v)] < 0} {
+ modify_arc $v $b
+ }
+ lappend varccommits($v,$b) $p
+ incr commitidx($v)
+ if {[info exists commitinterest($p)]} {
+ foreach script $commitinterest($p) {
+ lappend scripts [string map [list "%I" $p] $script]
+ }
+ unset commitinterest($id)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$missing_parents > 0} {
+ foreach s $scripts {
+ eval $s
- error_popup $err
- exit 1
+ }
+proc getcommitlines {fd inst view} {
+ global cmitlisted commitinterest leftover
+ global commitidx commitdata
+ global parents children curview hlview
+ global vnextroot idpending ordertok
+ global varccommits varcid varctok vtokmod
+ set stuff [read $fd 500000]
+ # git log doesn't terminate the last commit with a null...
+ if {$stuff == {} && $leftover($inst) ne {} && [eof $fd]} {
+ set stuff "\0"
+ }
+ if {$stuff == {}} {
+ if {![eof $fd]} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ global commfd viewcomplete viewactive viewname progresscoords
+ global viewinstances
+ unset commfd($inst)
+ set i [lsearch -exact $viewinstances($view) $inst]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ set viewinstances($view) [lreplace $viewinstances($view) $i $i]
+ }
+ # set it blocking so we wait for the process to terminate
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
+ set fv {}
+ if {$view != $curview} {
+ set fv " for the \"$viewname($view)\" view"
+ }
+ if {[string range $err 0 4] == "usage"} {
+ set err "Gitk: error reading commits$fv:\
+ bad arguments to git rev-list."
+ if {$viewname($view) eq "Command line"} {
+ append err \
+ " (Note: arguments to gitk are passed to git rev-list\
+ to allow selection of commits to be displayed.)"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set err "Error reading commits$fv: $err"
+ }
+ error_popup $err
+ }
+ if {[incr viewactive($view) -1] <= 0} {
+ set viewcomplete($view) 1
+ # Check if we have seen any ids listed as parents that haven't
+ # appeared in the list
+ closevarcs $view
+ notbusy $view
+ set progresscoords {0 0}
+ adjustprogress
+ }
+ if {$view == $curview} {
+ run chewcommits $view
+ }
+ return 0
set start 0
set gotsome 0
+ set scripts {}
while 1 {
set i [string first "\0" $stuff $start]
if {$i < 0} {
- append leftover [string range $stuff $start end]
+ append leftover($inst) [string range $stuff $start end]
if {$start == 0} {
- set cmit $leftover
+ set cmit $leftover($inst)
append cmit [string range $stuff 0 [expr {$i - 1}]]
- set leftover {}
+ set leftover($inst) {}
} else {
set cmit [string range $stuff $start [expr {$i - 1}]]
set j [string first "\n" $cmit]
set ok 0
set listed 1
- if {$j >= 0} {
- set ids [string range $cmit 0 [expr {$j - 1}]]
- if {[string range $ids 0 0] == "-"} {
- set listed 0
+ if {$j >= 0 && [string match "commit *" $cmit]} {
+ set ids [string range $cmit 7 [expr {$j - 1}]]
+ if {[string match {[-<>]*} $ids]} {
+ switch -- [string index $ids 0] {
+ "-" {set listed 0}
+ "<" {set listed 2}
+ ">" {set listed 3}
+ }
set ids [string range $ids 1 end]
set ok 1
if {[string length $shortcmit] > 80} {
set shortcmit "[string range $shortcmit 0 80]..."
- error_popup "Can't parse git-rev-list output: {$shortcmit}"
+ error_popup "Can't parse git log output: {$shortcmit}"
exit 1
set id [lindex $ids 0]
+ set vid $view,$id
+ if {!$listed && [info exists parents($vid)]} continue
if {$listed} {
set olds [lrange $ids 1 end]
- set i 0
- foreach p $olds {
- if {$i == 0 || [lsearch -exact $olds $p] >= $i} {
- lappend children($p) $id
- }
- incr i
- }
} else {
set olds {}
- lappend parentlist $olds
- if {[info exists children($id)]} {
- lappend childlist $children($id)
- unset children($id)
+ set commitdata($id) [string range $cmit [expr {$j + 1}] end]
+ set cmitlisted($vid) $listed
+ set parents($vid) $olds
+ set a 0
+ if {![info exists children($vid)]} {
+ set children($vid) {}
} else {
- lappend childlist {}
+ if {[llength $children($vid)] == 1} {
+ set k [lindex $children($vid) 0]
+ if {[llength $parents($view,$k)] == 1} {
+ set a $varcid($view,$k)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$a == 0} {
+ # new arc
+ set a [newvarc $view $id]
+ }
+ set varcid($vid) $a
+ if {[string compare [lindex $varctok($view) $a] $vtokmod($view)] < 0} {
+ modify_arc $view $a
+ }
+ lappend varccommits($view,$a) $id
+ set i 0
+ foreach p $olds {
+ if {$i == 0 || [lsearch -exact $olds $p] >= $i} {
+ set vp $view,$p
+ if {[llength [lappend children($vp) $id]] > 1 &&
+ [vtokcmp $view [lindex $children($vp) end-1] $id] > 0} {
+ set children($vp) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $view] \
+ $children($vp)]
+ catch {unset ordertok}
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists varcid($view,$p)]} {
+ fix_reversal $p $a $view
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ incr commitidx($view)
+ if {[info exists commitinterest($id)]} {
+ foreach script $commitinterest($id) {
+ lappend scripts [string map [list "%I" $id] $script]
+ }
+ unset commitinterest($id)
- set commitdata($id) [string range $cmit [expr {$j + 1}] end]
- set commitrow($id) $commitidx
- incr commitidx
- lappend displayorder $id
- lappend commitlisted $listed
set gotsome 1
if {$gotsome} {
- layoutmore
- }
- if {[clock clicks -milliseconds] >= $nextupdate} {
- doupdate 1
+ run chewcommits $view
+ foreach s $scripts {
+ eval $s
+ }
+ if {$view == $curview} {
+ # update progress bar
+ global progressdirn progresscoords proglastnc
+ set inc [expr {($commitidx($view) - $proglastnc) * 0.0002}]
+ set proglastnc $commitidx($view)
+ set l [lindex $progresscoords 0]
+ set r [lindex $progresscoords 1]
+ if {$progressdirn} {
+ set r [expr {$r + $inc}]
+ if {$r >= 1.0} {
+ set r 1.0
+ set progressdirn 0
+ }
+ if {$r > 0.2} {
+ set l [expr {$r - 0.2}]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set l [expr {$l - $inc}]
+ if {$l <= 0.0} {
+ set l 0.0
+ set progressdirn 1
+ }
+ set r [expr {$l + 0.2}]
+ }
+ set progresscoords [list $l $r]
+ adjustprogress
+ }
+ return 2
-proc doupdate {reading} {
- global commfd nextupdate numcommits ncmupdate
+proc chewcommits {view} {
+ global curview hlview viewcomplete
+ global pending_select
- if {$reading} {
- fileevent $commfd readable {}
- }
- update
- set nextupdate [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] + 100}]
- if {$numcommits < 100} {
- set ncmupdate [expr {$numcommits + 1}]
- } elseif {$numcommits < 10000} {
- set ncmupdate [expr {$numcommits + 10}]
- } else {
- set ncmupdate [expr {$numcommits + 100}]
+ if {$view == $curview} {
+ layoutmore
+ if {$viewcomplete($view)} {
+ global commitidx
+ global numcommits startmsecs
+ global mainheadid commitinfo nullid
+ if {[info exists pending_select]} {
+ set row [first_real_row]
+ selectline $row 1
+ }
+ if {$commitidx($curview) > 0} {
+ #set ms [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $startmsecs}]
+ #puts "overall $ms ms for $numcommits commits"
+ } else {
+ show_status "No commits selected"
+ }
+ notbusy layout
+ }
- if {$reading} {
- fileevent $commfd readable [list getcommitlines $commfd]
+ if {[info exists hlview] && $view == $hlview} {
+ vhighlightmore
+ return 0
proc readcommit {id} {
- if {[catch {set contents [exec git-cat-file commit $id]}]} return
+ if {[catch {set contents [exec git cat-file commit $id]}]} return
parsecommit $id $contents 0
-proc updatecommits {} {
- global viewdata curview revtreeargs phase
- if {$phase ne {}} {
- stop_rev_list
- set phase {}
- }
- set n $curview
- set curview -1
- catch {unset viewdata($n)}
- readrefs
- showview $n
proc parsecommit {id contents listed} {
global commitinfo cdate
set headline {}
- # take the first line of the comment as the headline
- set i [string first "\n" $comment]
+ # take the first non-blank line of the comment as the headline
+ set headline [string trimleft $comment]
+ set i [string first "\n" $headline]
if {$i >= 0} {
- set headline [string trim [string range $comment 0 $i]]
- } else {
- set headline $comment
+ set headline [string range $headline 0 $i]
+ }
+ set headline [string trimright $headline]
+ set i [string first "\r" $headline]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ set headline [string trimright [string range $headline 0 $i]]
if {!$listed} {
- # git-rev-list indents the comment by 4 spaces;
- # if we got this via git-cat-file, add the indentation
+ # git rev-list indents the comment by 4 spaces;
+ # if we got this via git cat-file, add the indentation
set newcomment {}
foreach line [split $comment "\n"] {
append newcomment " "
proc readrefs {} {
- global tagids idtags headids idheads tagcontents
- global otherrefids idotherrefs
+ global tagids idtags headids idheads tagobjid
+ global otherrefids idotherrefs mainhead mainheadid
foreach v {tagids idtags headids idheads otherrefids idotherrefs} {
catch {unset $v}
- set refd [open [list | git ls-remote [gitdir]] r]
- while {0 <= [set n [gets $refd line]]} {
- if {![regexp {^([0-9a-f]{40}) refs/([^^]*)$} $line \
- match id path]} {
- continue
- }
- if {[regexp {^remotes/.*/HEAD$} $path match]} {
- continue
- }
- if {![regexp {^(tags|heads)/(.*)$} $path match type name]} {
- set type others
- set name $path
- }
- if {[regexp {^remotes/} $path match]} {
- set type heads
- }
- if {$type == "tags"} {
- set tagids($name) $id
- lappend idtags($id) $name
- set obj {}
- set type {}
- set tag {}
- catch {
- set commit [exec git-rev-parse "$id^0"]
- if {"$commit" != "$id"} {
- set tagids($name) $commit
- lappend idtags($commit) $name
- }
- }
- catch {
- set tagcontents($name) [exec git-cat-file tag "$id"]
+ set refd [open [list | git show-ref -d] r]
+ while {[gets $refd line] >= 0} {
+ if {[string index $line 40] ne " "} continue
+ set id [string range $line 0 39]
+ set ref [string range $line 41 end]
+ if {![string match "refs/*" $ref]} continue
+ set name [string range $ref 5 end]
+ if {[string match "remotes/*" $name]} {
+ if {![string match "*/HEAD" $name]} {
+ set headids($name) $id
+ lappend idheads($id) $name
- } elseif { $type == "heads" } {
+ } elseif {[string match "heads/*" $name]} {
+ set name [string range $name 6 end]
set headids($name) $id
lappend idheads($id) $name
+ } elseif {[string match "tags/*" $name]} {
+ # this lets refs/tags/foo^{} overwrite refs/tags/foo,
+ # which is what we want since the former is the commit ID
+ set name [string range $name 5 end]
+ if {[string match "*^{}" $name]} {
+ set name [string range $name 0 end-3]
+ } else {
+ set tagobjid($name) $id
+ }
+ set tagids($name) $id
+ lappend idtags($id) $name
} else {
set otherrefids($name) $id
lappend idotherrefs($id) $name
- close $refd
+ catch {close $refd}
+ set mainhead {}
+ set mainheadid {}
+ catch {
+ set thehead [exec git symbolic-ref HEAD]
+ if {[string match "refs/heads/*" $thehead]} {
+ set mainhead [string range $thehead 11 end]
+ if {[info exists headids($mainhead)]} {
+ set mainheadid $headids($mainhead)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# skip over fake commits
+proc first_real_row {} {
+ global nullid nullid2 numcommits
+ for {set row 0} {$row < $numcommits} {incr row} {
+ set id [commitonrow $row]
+ if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return $row
+# update things for a head moved to a child of its previous location
+proc movehead {id name} {
+ global headids idheads
+ removehead $headids($name) $name
+ set headids($name) $id
+ lappend idheads($id) $name
+# update things when a head has been removed
+proc removehead {id name} {
+ global headids idheads
+ if {$idheads($id) eq $name} {
+ unset idheads($id)
+ } else {
+ set i [lsearch -exact $idheads($id) $name]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ set idheads($id) [lreplace $idheads($id) $i $i]
+ }
+ }
+ unset headids($name)
+proc show_error {w top msg} {
+ message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400
+ pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
+ button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $top"
+ pack $w.ok -side bottom -fill x
+ bind $top <Visibility> "grab $top; focus $top"
+ bind $top <Key-Return> "destroy $top"
+ tkwait window $top
proc error_popup msg {
set w .error
toplevel $w
wm transient $w .
+ show_error $w $w $msg
+proc confirm_popup msg {
+ global confirm_ok
+ set confirm_ok 0
+ set w .confirm
+ toplevel $w
+ wm transient $w .
message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $w"
- pack $w.ok -side bottom -fill x
+ button $w.ok -text OK -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
+ pack $w.ok -side left -fill x
+ button $w.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy $w"
+ pack $w.cancel -side right -fill x
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
- bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
tkwait window $w
+ return $confirm_ok
proc makewindow {} {
global canv canv2 canv3 linespc charspc ctext cflist
- global textfont mainfont uifont
+ global tabstop
global findtype findtypemenu findloc findstring fstring geometry
global entries sha1entry sha1string sha1but
+ global diffcontextstring diffcontext
global maincursor textcursor curtextcursor
- global rowctxmenu mergemax
+ global rowctxmenu fakerowmenu mergemax wrapcomment
+ global highlight_files gdttype
+ global searchstring sstring
+ global bgcolor fgcolor bglist fglist diffcolors selectbgcolor
+ global headctxmenu progresscanv progressitem progresscoords statusw
+ global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending
+ global rprogitem rprogcoord
+ global have_tk85
menu .bar
.bar add cascade -label "File" -menu .bar.file
- .bar configure -font $uifont
+ .bar configure -font uifont
menu .bar.file
.bar.file add command -label "Update" -command updatecommits
+ .bar.file add command -label "Reload" -command reloadcommits
.bar.file add command -label "Reread references" -command rereadrefs
+ .bar.file add command -label "List references" -command showrefs
.bar.file add command -label "Quit" -command doquit
- .bar.file configure -font $uifont
+ .bar.file configure -font uifont
menu .bar.edit
.bar add cascade -label "Edit" -menu .bar.edit
.bar.edit add command -label "Preferences" -command doprefs
- .bar.edit configure -font $uifont
- menu .bar.view -font $uifont
+ .bar.edit configure -font uifont
+ menu .bar.view -font uifont
.bar add cascade -label "View" -menu .bar.view
- .bar.view add command -label "New view..." -command newview
- .bar.view add command -label "Edit view..." -command editview
+ .bar.view add command -label "New view..." -command {newview 0}
+ .bar.view add command -label "Edit view..." -command editview \
+ -state disabled
.bar.view add command -label "Delete view" -command delview -state disabled
.bar.view add separator
.bar.view add radiobutton -label "All files" -command {showview 0} \
-variable selectedview -value 0
menu .bar.help
.bar add cascade -label "Help" -menu .bar.help
.bar.help add command -label "About gitk" -command about
.bar.help add command -label "Key bindings" -command keys
- .bar.help configure -font $uifont
+ .bar.help configure -font uifont
. configure -menu .bar
- if {![info exists geometry(canv1)]} {
- set geometry(canv1) [expr {45 * $charspc}]
- set geometry(canv2) [expr {30 * $charspc}]
- set geometry(canv3) [expr {15 * $charspc}]
- set geometry(canvh) [expr {25 * $linespc + 4}]
- set geometry(ctextw) 80
- set geometry(ctexth) 30
- set geometry(cflistw) 30
- }
+ # the gui has upper and lower half, parts of a paned window.
panedwindow .ctop -orient vertical
- if {[info exists geometry(width)]} {
- .ctop conf -width $geometry(width) -height $geometry(height)
- set texth [expr {$geometry(height) - $geometry(canvh) - 56}]
- set geometry(ctexth) [expr {($texth - 8) /
- [font metrics $textfont -linespace]}]
- }
- frame .ctop.top
- frame .ctop.top.bar
- pack .ctop.top.bar -side bottom -fill x
- set cscroll .ctop.top.csb
+ # possibly use assumed geometry
+ if {![info exists geometry(pwsash0)]} {
+ set geometry(topheight) [expr {15 * $linespc}]
+ set geometry(topwidth) [expr {80 * $charspc}]
+ set geometry(botheight) [expr {15 * $linespc}]
+ set geometry(botwidth) [expr {50 * $charspc}]
+ set geometry(pwsash0) "[expr {40 * $charspc}] 2"
+ set geometry(pwsash1) "[expr {60 * $charspc}] 2"
+ }
+ # the upper half will have a paned window, a scroll bar to the right, and some stuff below
+ frame .tf -height $geometry(topheight) -width $geometry(topwidth)
+ frame .tf.histframe
+ panedwindow .tf.histframe.pwclist -orient horizontal -sashpad 0 -handlesize 4
+ # create three canvases
+ set cscroll .tf.histframe.csb
+ set canv .tf.histframe.pwclist.canv
+ canvas $canv \
+ -selectbackground $selectbgcolor \
+ -background $bgcolor -bd 0 \
+ -yscrollincr $linespc -yscrollcommand "scrollcanv $cscroll"
+ .tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv
+ set canv2 .tf.histframe.pwclist.canv2
+ canvas $canv2 \
+ -selectbackground $selectbgcolor \
+ -background $bgcolor -bd 0 -yscrollincr $linespc
+ .tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv2
+ set canv3 .tf.histframe.pwclist.canv3
+ canvas $canv3 \
+ -selectbackground $selectbgcolor \
+ -background $bgcolor -bd 0 -yscrollincr $linespc
+ .tf.histframe.pwclist add $canv3
+ eval .tf.histframe.pwclist sash place 0 $geometry(pwsash0)
+ eval .tf.histframe.pwclist sash place 1 $geometry(pwsash1)
+ # a scroll bar to rule them
scrollbar $cscroll -command {allcanvs yview} -highlightthickness 0
pack $cscroll -side right -fill y
- panedwindow .ctop.top.clist -orient horizontal -sashpad 0 -handlesize 4
- pack .ctop.top.clist -side top -fill both -expand 1
- .ctop add .ctop.top
- set canv .ctop.top.clist.canv
- canvas $canv -height $geometry(canvh) -width $geometry(canv1) \
- -bg white -bd 0 \
- -yscrollincr $linespc -yscrollcommand "scrollcanv $cscroll"
- .ctop.top.clist add $canv
- set canv2 .ctop.top.clist.canv2
- canvas $canv2 -height $geometry(canvh) -width $geometry(canv2) \
- -bg white -bd 0 -yscrollincr $linespc
- .ctop.top.clist add $canv2
- set canv3 .ctop.top.clist.canv3
- canvas $canv3 -height $geometry(canvh) -width $geometry(canv3) \
- -bg white -bd 0 -yscrollincr $linespc
- .ctop.top.clist add $canv3
- bind .ctop.top.clist <Configure> {resizeclistpanes %W %w}
- set sha1entry .ctop.top.bar.sha1
+ bind .tf.histframe.pwclist <Configure> {resizeclistpanes %W %w}
+ lappend bglist $canv $canv2 $canv3
+ pack .tf.histframe.pwclist -fill both -expand 1 -side left
+ # we have two button bars at bottom of top frame. Bar 1
+ frame .tf.bar
+ frame .tf.lbar -height 15
+ set sha1entry .tf.bar.sha1
set entries $sha1entry
- set sha1but .ctop.top.bar.sha1label
+ set sha1but .tf.bar.sha1label
button $sha1but -text "SHA1 ID: " -state disabled -relief flat \
- -command gotocommit -width 8 -font $uifont
+ -command gotocommit -width 8 -font uifont
$sha1but conf -disabledforeground [$sha1but cget -foreground]
- pack .ctop.top.bar.sha1label -side left
- entry $sha1entry -width 40 -font $textfont -textvariable sha1string
+ pack .tf.bar.sha1label -side left
+ entry $sha1entry -width 40 -font textfont -textvariable sha1string
trace add variable sha1string write sha1change
pack $sha1entry -side left -pady 2
0x00, 0x38, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x1c,
0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x07, 0x80, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x01};
- button .ctop.top.bar.leftbut -image bm-left -command goback \
+ button .tf.bar.leftbut -image bm-left -command goback \
-state disabled -width 26
- pack .ctop.top.bar.leftbut -side left -fill y
- button .ctop.top.bar.rightbut -image bm-right -command goforw \
+ pack .tf.bar.leftbut -side left -fill y
+ button .tf.bar.rightbut -image bm-right -command goforw \
-state disabled -width 26
- pack .ctop.top.bar.rightbut -side left -fill y
+ pack .tf.bar.rightbut -side left -fill y
+ # Status label and progress bar
+ set statusw .tf.bar.status
+ label $statusw -width 15 -relief sunken -font uifont
+ pack $statusw -side left -padx 5
+ set h [expr {[font metrics uifont -linespace] + 2}]
+ set progresscanv .tf.bar.progress
+ canvas $progresscanv -relief sunken -height $h -borderwidth 2
+ set progressitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill green]
+ set fprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill yellow]
+ set rprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill red]
+ pack $progresscanv -side right -expand 1 -fill x
+ set progresscoords {0 0}
+ set fprogcoord 0
+ set rprogcoord 0
+ bind $progresscanv <Configure> adjustprogress
+ set lastprogupdate [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ set progupdatepending 0
+ # build up the bottom bar of upper window
+ label .tf.lbar.flabel -text "Find " -font uifont
+ button .tf.lbar.fnext -text "next" -command {dofind 1 1} -font uifont
+ button .tf.lbar.fprev -text "prev" -command {dofind -1 1} -font uifont
+ label .tf.lbar.flab2 -text " commit " -font uifont
+ pack .tf.lbar.flabel .tf.lbar.fnext .tf.lbar.fprev .tf.lbar.flab2 \
+ -side left -fill y
+ set gdttype "containing:"
+ set gm [tk_optionMenu .tf.lbar.gdttype gdttype \
+ "containing:" \
+ "touching paths:" \
+ "adding/removing string:"]
+ trace add variable gdttype write gdttype_change
+ $gm conf -font uifont
+ .tf.lbar.gdttype conf -font uifont
+ pack .tf.lbar.gdttype -side left -fill y
- button .ctop.top.bar.findbut -text "Find" -command dofind -font $uifont
- pack .ctop.top.bar.findbut -side left
set findstring {}
- set fstring .ctop.top.bar.findstring
+ set fstring .tf.lbar.findstring
lappend entries $fstring
- entry $fstring -width 30 -font $textfont -textvariable findstring -font $textfont
- pack $fstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x
+ entry $fstring -width 30 -font textfont -textvariable findstring
+ trace add variable findstring write find_change
set findtype Exact
- set findtypemenu [tk_optionMenu .ctop.top.bar.findtype \
- findtype Exact IgnCase Regexp]
- .ctop.top.bar.findtype configure -font $uifont
- .ctop.top.bar.findtype.menu configure -font $uifont
+ set findtypemenu [tk_optionMenu .tf.lbar.findtype \
+ findtype Exact IgnCase Regexp]
+ trace add variable findtype write findcom_change
+ .tf.lbar.findtype configure -font uifont
+ .tf.lbar.findtype.menu configure -font uifont
set findloc "All fields"
- tk_optionMenu .ctop.top.bar.findloc findloc "All fields" Headline \
- Comments Author Committer Files Pickaxe
- .ctop.top.bar.findloc configure -font $uifont
- .ctop.top.bar.findloc.menu configure -font $uifont
- pack .ctop.top.bar.findloc -side right
- pack .ctop.top.bar.findtype -side right
- # for making sure type==Exact whenever loc==Pickaxe
- trace add variable findloc write findlocchange
- panedwindow .ctop.cdet -orient horizontal
- .ctop add .ctop.cdet
- frame .ctop.cdet.left
- set ctext .ctop.cdet.left.ctext
- text $ctext -bg white -state disabled -font $textfont \
- -width $geometry(ctextw) -height $geometry(ctexth) \
- -yscrollcommand ".ctop.cdet.left.sb set" -wrap none
- scrollbar .ctop.cdet.left.sb -command "$ctext yview"
- pack .ctop.cdet.left.sb -side right -fill y
- pack $ctext -side left -fill both -expand 1
- .ctop.cdet add .ctop.cdet.left
+ tk_optionMenu .tf.lbar.findloc findloc "All fields" Headline \
+ Comments Author Committer
+ trace add variable findloc write find_change
+ .tf.lbar.findloc configure -font uifont
+ .tf.lbar.findloc.menu configure -font uifont
+ pack .tf.lbar.findloc -side right
+ pack .tf.lbar.findtype -side right
+ pack $fstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x
- $ctext tag conf filesep -font [concat $textfont bold] -back "#aaaaaa"
- $ctext tag conf hunksep -fore blue
- $ctext tag conf d0 -fore red
- $ctext tag conf d1 -fore "#00a000"
+ # Finish putting the upper half of the viewer together
+ pack .tf.lbar -in .tf -side bottom -fill x
+ pack .tf.bar -in .tf -side bottom -fill x
+ pack .tf.histframe -fill both -side top -expand 1
+ .ctop add .tf
+ .ctop paneconfigure .tf -height $geometry(topheight)
+ .ctop paneconfigure .tf -width $geometry(topwidth)
+ # now build up the bottom
+ panedwindow .pwbottom -orient horizontal
+ # lower left, a text box over search bar, scroll bar to the right
+ # if we know window height, then that will set the lower text height, otherwise
+ # we set lower text height which will drive window height
+ if {[info exists geometry(main)]} {
+ frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth)
+ } else {
+ frame .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth) -height $geometry(botheight)
+ }
+ frame .bleft.top
+ frame .bleft.mid
+ button .bleft.top.search -text "Search" -command dosearch \
+ -font uifont
+ pack .bleft.top.search -side left -padx 5
+ set sstring .bleft.top.sstring
+ entry $sstring -width 20 -font textfont -textvariable searchstring
+ lappend entries $sstring
+ trace add variable searchstring write incrsearch
+ pack $sstring -side left -expand 1 -fill x
+ radiobutton .bleft.mid.diff -text "Diff" -font uifont \
+ -command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 0}
+ radiobutton .bleft.mid.old -text "Old version" -font uifont \
+ -command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 1}
+ radiobutton .bleft.mid.new -text "New version" -font uifont \
+ -command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {1 0}
+ label .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext -text " Lines of context: " \
+ -font uifont
+ pack .bleft.mid.diff .bleft.mid.old .bleft.mid.new -side left
+ spinbox .bleft.mid.diffcontext -width 5 -font textfont \
+ -from 1 -increment 1 -to 10000000 \
+ -validate all -validatecommand "diffcontextvalidate %P" \
+ -textvariable diffcontextstring
+ .bleft.mid.diffcontext set $diffcontext
+ trace add variable diffcontextstring write diffcontextchange
+ lappend entries .bleft.mid.diffcontext
+ pack .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext .bleft.mid.diffcontext -side left
+ set ctext .bleft.ctext
+ text $ctext -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
+ -state disabled -font textfont \
+ -yscrollcommand scrolltext -wrap none
+ if {$have_tk85} {
+ $ctext conf -tabstyle wordprocessor
+ }
+ scrollbar .bleft.sb -command "$ctext yview"
+ pack .bleft.top -side top -fill x
+ pack .bleft.mid -side top -fill x
+ pack .bleft.sb -side right -fill y
+ pack $ctext -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ lappend bglist $ctext
+ lappend fglist $ctext
+ $ctext tag conf comment -wrap $wrapcomment
+ $ctext tag conf filesep -font textfontbold -back "#aaaaaa"
+ $ctext tag conf hunksep -fore [lindex $diffcolors 2]
+ $ctext tag conf d0 -fore [lindex $diffcolors 0]
+ $ctext tag conf d1 -fore [lindex $diffcolors 1]
$ctext tag conf m0 -fore red
$ctext tag conf m1 -fore blue
$ctext tag conf m2 -fore green
$ctext tag conf m15 -fore "#ff70b0"
$ctext tag conf mmax -fore darkgrey
set mergemax 16
- $ctext tag conf mresult -font [concat $textfont bold]
- $ctext tag conf msep -font [concat $textfont bold]
+ $ctext tag conf mresult -font textfontbold
+ $ctext tag conf msep -font textfontbold
$ctext tag conf found -back yellow
- frame .ctop.cdet.right
- set cflist .ctop.cdet.right.cfiles
- listbox $cflist -bg white -selectmode extended -width $geometry(cflistw) \
- -yscrollcommand ".ctop.cdet.right.sb set" -font $mainfont
- scrollbar .ctop.cdet.right.sb -command "$cflist yview"
- pack .ctop.cdet.right.sb -side right -fill y
+ .pwbottom add .bleft
+ .pwbottom paneconfigure .bleft -width $geometry(botwidth)
+ # lower right
+ frame .bright
+ frame .bright.mode
+ radiobutton .bright.mode.patch -text "Patch" \
+ -command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "patch"
+ .bright.mode.patch configure -font uifont
+ radiobutton .bright.mode.tree -text "Tree" \
+ -command reselectline -variable cmitmode -value "tree"
+ .bright.mode.tree configure -font uifont
+ grid .bright.mode.patch .bright.mode.tree -sticky ew
+ pack .bright.mode -side top -fill x
+ set cflist .bright.cfiles
+ set indent [font measure mainfont "nn"]
+ text $cflist \
+ -selectbackground $selectbgcolor \
+ -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
+ -font mainfont \
+ -tabs [list $indent [expr {2 * $indent}]] \
+ -yscrollcommand ".bright.sb set" \
+ -cursor [. cget -cursor] \
+ -spacing1 1 -spacing3 1
+ lappend bglist $cflist
+ lappend fglist $cflist
+ scrollbar .bright.sb -command "$cflist yview"
+ pack .bright.sb -side right -fill y
pack $cflist -side left -fill both -expand 1
- .ctop.cdet add .ctop.cdet.right
- bind .ctop.cdet <Configure> {resizecdetpanes %W %w}
+ $cflist tag configure highlight \
+ -background [$cflist cget -selectbackground]
+ $cflist tag configure bold -font mainfontbold
+ .pwbottom add .bright
+ .ctop add .pwbottom
- pack .ctop -side top -fill both -expand 1
+ # restore window position if known
+ if {[info exists geometry(main)]} {
+ wm geometry . "$geometry(main)"
+ }
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} {
+ set M1B M1
+ } else {
+ set M1B Control
+ }
+ bind .pwbottom <Configure> {resizecdetpanes %W %w}
+ pack .ctop -fill both -expand 1
bindall <1> {selcanvline %W %x %y}
#bindall <B1-Motion> {selcanvline %W %x %y}
- bindall <ButtonRelease-4> "allcanvs yview scroll -5 units"
- bindall <ButtonRelease-5> "allcanvs yview scroll 5 units"
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] == "win32"} {
+ bind . <MouseWheel> { windows_mousewheel_redirector %W %X %Y %D }
+ bind $ctext <MouseWheel> { windows_mousewheel_redirector %W %X %Y %D ; break }
+ } else {
+ bindall <ButtonRelease-4> "allcanvs yview scroll -5 units"
+ bindall <ButtonRelease-5> "allcanvs yview scroll 5 units"
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+ bindall <MouseWheel> {
+ set delta [expr {- (%D)}]
+ allcanvs yview scroll $delta units
+ }
+ }
+ }
bindall <2> "canvscan mark %W %x %y"
bindall <B2-Motion> "canvscan dragto %W %x %y"
bindkey <Home> selfirstline
bindkey <End> sellastline
bind . <Key-Up> "selnextline -1"
bind . <Key-Down> "selnextline 1"
+ bind . <Shift-Key-Up> "dofind -1 0"
+ bind . <Shift-Key-Down> "dofind 1 0"
bindkey <Key-Right> "goforw"
bindkey <Key-Left> "goback"
bind . <Key-Prior> "selnextpage -1"
bind . <Key-Next> "selnextpage 1"
- bind . <Control-Home> "allcanvs yview moveto 0.0"
- bind . <Control-End> "allcanvs yview moveto 1.0"
- bind . <Control-Key-Up> "allcanvs yview scroll -1 units"
- bind . <Control-Key-Down> "allcanvs yview scroll 1 units"
- bind . <Control-Key-Prior> "allcanvs yview scroll -1 pages"
- bind . <Control-Key-Next> "allcanvs yview scroll 1 pages"
+ bind . <$M1B-Home> "allcanvs yview moveto 0.0"
+ bind . <$M1B-End> "allcanvs yview moveto 1.0"
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-Up> "allcanvs yview scroll -1 units"
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-Down> "allcanvs yview scroll 1 units"
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-Prior> "allcanvs yview scroll -1 pages"
+ bind . <$M1B-Key-Next> "allcanvs yview scroll 1 pages"
bindkey <Key-Delete> "$ctext yview scroll -1 pages"
bindkey <Key-BackSpace> "$ctext yview scroll -1 pages"
bindkey <Key-space> "$ctext yview scroll 1 pages"
bindkey b "$ctext yview scroll -1 pages"
bindkey d "$ctext yview scroll 18 units"
bindkey u "$ctext yview scroll -18 units"
- bindkey / {findnext 1}
- bindkey <Key-Return> {findnext 0}
- bindkey ? findprev
+ bindkey / {dofind 1 1}
+ bindkey <Key-Return> {dofind 1 1}
+ bindkey ? {dofind -1 1}
bindkey f nextfile
- bind . <Control-q> doquit
- bind . <Control-f> dofind
- bind . <Control-g> {findnext 0}
- bind . <Control-r> findprev
- bind . <Control-equal> {incrfont 1}
- bind . <Control-KP_Add> {incrfont 1}
- bind . <Control-minus> {incrfont -1}
- bind . <Control-KP_Subtract> {incrfont -1}
- bind $cflist <<ListboxSelect>> listboxsel
- bind . <Destroy> {savestuff %W}
+ bindkey <F5> updatecommits
+ bind . <$M1B-q> doquit
+ bind . <$M1B-f> {dofind 1 1}
+ bind . <$M1B-g> {dofind 1 0}
+ bind . <$M1B-r> dosearchback
+ bind . <$M1B-s> dosearch
+ bind . <$M1B-equal> {incrfont 1}
+ bind . <$M1B-KP_Add> {incrfont 1}
+ bind . <$M1B-minus> {incrfont -1}
+ bind . <$M1B-KP_Subtract> {incrfont -1}
+ wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW doquit
bind . <Button-1> "click %W"
- bind $fstring <Key-Return> dofind
+ bind $fstring <Key-Return> {dofind 1 1}
bind $sha1entry <Key-Return> gotocommit
bind $sha1entry <<PasteSelection>> clearsha1
+ bind $cflist <1> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break}
+ bind $cflist <B1-Motion> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break}
+ bind $cflist <ButtonRelease-1> {treeclick %W %x %y}
+ bind $cflist <Button-3> {pop_flist_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
set maincursor [. cget -cursor]
set textcursor [$ctext cget -cursor]
$rowctxmenu add command -label "Make patch" -command mkpatch
$rowctxmenu add command -label "Create tag" -command mktag
$rowctxmenu add command -label "Write commit to file" -command writecommit
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label "Create new branch" -command mkbranch
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label "Cherry-pick this commit" \
+ -command cherrypick
+ $rowctxmenu add command -label "Reset HEAD branch to here" \
+ -command resethead
+ set fakerowmenu .fakerowmenu
+ menu $fakerowmenu -tearoff 0
+ $fakerowmenu add command -label "Diff this -> selected" \
+ -command {diffvssel 0}
+ $fakerowmenu add command -label "Diff selected -> this" \
+ -command {diffvssel 1}
+ $fakerowmenu add command -label "Make patch" -command mkpatch
+# $fakerowmenu add command -label "Commit" -command {mkcommit 0}
+# $fakerowmenu add command -label "Commit all" -command {mkcommit 1}
+# $fakerowmenu add command -label "Revert local changes" -command revertlocal
+ set headctxmenu .headctxmenu
+ menu $headctxmenu -tearoff 0
+ $headctxmenu add command -label "Check out this branch" \
+ -command cobranch
+ $headctxmenu add command -label "Remove this branch" \
+ -command rmbranch
+ global flist_menu
+ set flist_menu .flistctxmenu
+ menu $flist_menu -tearoff 0
+ $flist_menu add command -label "Highlight this too" \
+ -command {flist_hl 0}
+ $flist_menu add command -label "Highlight this only" \
+ -command {flist_hl 1}
+# Windows sends all mouse wheel events to the current focused window, not
+# the one where the mouse hovers, so bind those events here and redirect
+# to the correct window
+proc windows_mousewheel_redirector {W X Y D} {
+ global canv canv2 canv3
+ set w [winfo containing -displayof $W $X $Y]
+ if {$w ne ""} {
+ set u [expr {$D < 0 ? 5 : -5}]
+ if {$w == $canv || $w == $canv2 || $w == $canv3} {
+ allcanvs yview scroll $u units
+ } else {
+ catch {
+ $w yview scroll $u units
+ }
+ }
+ }
# mouse-2 makes all windows scan vertically, but only the one
proc scrollcanv {cscroll f0 f1} {
$cscroll set $f0 $f1
drawfrac $f0 $f1
+ flushhighlights
# when we make a key binding for the toplevel, make sure
# set the focus back to the toplevel for any click outside
# the entry widgets
proc click {w} {
- global entries
- foreach e $entries {
+ global ctext entries
+ foreach e [concat $entries $ctext] {
if {$w == $e} return
focus .
+# Adjust the progress bar for a change in requested extent or canvas size
+proc adjustprogress {} {
+ global progresscanv progressitem progresscoords
+ global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending
+ global rprogitem rprogcoord
+ set w [expr {[winfo width $progresscanv] - 4}]
+ set x0 [expr {$w * [lindex $progresscoords 0]}]
+ set x1 [expr {$w * [lindex $progresscoords 1]}]
+ set h [winfo height $progresscanv]
+ $progresscanv coords $progressitem $x0 0 $x1 $h
+ $progresscanv coords $fprogitem 0 0 [expr {$w * $fprogcoord}] $h
+ $progresscanv coords $rprogitem 0 0 [expr {$w * $rprogcoord}] $h
+ set now [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ if {$now >= $lastprogupdate + 100} {
+ set progupdatepending 0
+ update
+ } elseif {!$progupdatepending} {
+ set progupdatepending 1
+ after [expr {$lastprogupdate + 100 - $now}] doprogupdate
+ }
+proc doprogupdate {} {
+ global lastprogupdate progupdatepending
+ if {$progupdatepending} {
+ set progupdatepending 0
+ set lastprogupdate [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ update
+ }
proc savestuff {w} {
- global canv canv2 canv3 ctext cflist mainfont textfont uifont
+ global canv canv2 canv3 mainfont textfont uifont tabstop
global stuffsaved findmergefiles maxgraphpct
- global maxwidth
- global viewname viewfiles viewperm nextviewnum
+ global maxwidth showneartags showlocalchanges
+ global viewname viewfiles viewargs viewperm nextviewnum
+ global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat limitdiffs
+ global colors bgcolor fgcolor diffcolors diffcontext selectbgcolor
if {$stuffsaved} return
if {![winfo viewable .]} return
puts $f [list set mainfont $mainfont]
puts $f [list set textfont $textfont]
puts $f [list set uifont $uifont]
+ puts $f [list set tabstop $tabstop]
puts $f [list set findmergefiles $findmergefiles]
puts $f [list set maxgraphpct $maxgraphpct]
puts $f [list set maxwidth $maxwidth]
- puts $f "set geometry(width) [winfo width .ctop]"
- puts $f "set geometry(height) [winfo height .ctop]"
- puts $f "set geometry(canv1) [expr {[winfo width $canv]-2}]"
- puts $f "set geometry(canv2) [expr {[winfo width $canv2]-2}]"
- puts $f "set geometry(canv3) [expr {[winfo width $canv3]-2}]"
- puts $f "set geometry(canvh) [expr {[winfo height $canv]-2}]"
- set wid [expr {([winfo width $ctext] - 8) \
- / [font measure $textfont "0"]}]
- puts $f "set geometry(ctextw) $wid"
- set wid [expr {([winfo width $cflist] - 11) \
- / [font measure [$cflist cget -font] "0"]}]
- puts $f "set geometry(cflistw) $wid"
+ puts $f [list set cmitmode $cmitmode]
+ puts $f [list set wrapcomment $wrapcomment]
+ puts $f [list set showneartags $showneartags]
+ puts $f [list set showlocalchanges $showlocalchanges]
+ puts $f [list set datetimeformat $datetimeformat]
+ puts $f [list set limitdiffs $limitdiffs]
+ puts $f [list set bgcolor $bgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set fgcolor $fgcolor]
+ puts $f [list set colors $colors]
+ puts $f [list set diffcolors $diffcolors]
+ puts $f [list set diffcontext $diffcontext]
+ puts $f [list set selectbgcolor $selectbgcolor]
+ puts $f "set geometry(main) [wm geometry .]"
+ puts $f "set geometry(topwidth) [winfo width .tf]"
+ puts $f "set geometry(topheight) [winfo height .tf]"
+ puts $f "set geometry(pwsash0) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sash coord 0]\""
+ puts $f "set geometry(pwsash1) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sash coord 1]\""
+ puts $f "set geometry(botwidth) [winfo width .bleft]"
+ puts $f "set geometry(botheight) [winfo height .bleft]"
puts -nonewline $f "set permviews {"
for {set v 0} {$v < $nextviewnum} {incr v} {
if {$viewperm($v)} {
- puts $f "{[list $viewname($v) $viewfiles($v)]}"
+ puts $f "{[list $viewname($v) $viewfiles($v) $viewargs($v)]}"
puts $f "}"
proc about {} {
+ global uifont
set w .about
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
raise $w
message $w.m -text {
Gitk - a commit viewer for git
-Copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras
+Copyright © 2005-2007 Paul Mackerras
Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License} \
- -justify center -aspect 400
- pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- button $w.ok -text Close -command "destroy $w"
+ -justify center -aspect 400 -border 2 -bg white -relief groove
+ pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
+ $w.m configure -font uifont
+ button $w.ok -text Close -command "destroy $w" -default active
pack $w.ok -side bottom
+ $w.ok configure -font uifont
+ bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w.ok"
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
+ bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
proc keys {} {
+ global uifont
set w .keys
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
raise $w
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} {
+ set M1T Cmd
+ } else {
+ set M1T Ctrl
+ }
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Gitk key bindings"
- message $w.m -text {
+ message $w.m -text "
Gitk key bindings:
-<Ctrl-Q> Quit
+<$M1T-Q> Quit
<Home> Move to first commit
<End> Move to last commit
<Up>, p, i Move up one commit
<Right>, x, l Go forward in history list
<PageUp> Move up one page in commit list
<PageDown> Move down one page in commit list
-<Ctrl-Home> Scroll to top of commit list
-<Ctrl-End> Scroll to bottom of commit list
-<Ctrl-Up> Scroll commit list up one line
-<Ctrl-Down> Scroll commit list down one line
-<Ctrl-PageUp> Scroll commit list up one page
-<Ctrl-PageDown> Scroll commit list down one page
+<$M1T-Home> Scroll to top of commit list
+<$M1T-End> Scroll to bottom of commit list
+<$M1T-Up> Scroll commit list up one line
+<$M1T-Down> Scroll commit list down one line
+<$M1T-PageUp> Scroll commit list up one page
+<$M1T-PageDown> Scroll commit list down one page
+<Shift-Up> Find backwards (upwards, later commits)
+<Shift-Down> Find forwards (downwards, earlier commits)
<Delete>, b Scroll diff view up one page
<Backspace> Scroll diff view up one page
<Space> Scroll diff view down one page
u Scroll diff view up 18 lines
d Scroll diff view down 18 lines
-<Ctrl-F> Find
-<Ctrl-G> Move to next find hit
-<Ctrl-R> Move to previous find hit
+<$M1T-F> Find
+<$M1T-G> Move to next find hit
<Return> Move to next find hit
/ Move to next find hit, or redo find
? Move to previous find hit
f Scroll diff view to next file
-<Ctrl-KP+> Increase font size
-<Ctrl-plus> Increase font size
-<Ctrl-KP-> Decrease font size
-<Ctrl-minus> Decrease font size
-} \
- -justify left -bg white -border 2 -relief sunken
- pack $w.m -side top -fill both
- button $w.ok -text Close -command "destroy $w"
+<$M1T-S> Search for next hit in diff view
+<$M1T-R> Search for previous hit in diff view
+<$M1T-KP+> Increase font size
+<$M1T-plus> Increase font size
+<$M1T-KP-> Decrease font size
+<$M1T-minus> Decrease font size
+<F5> Update
+" \
+ -justify left -bg white -border 2 -relief groove
+ pack $w.m -side top -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2
+ $w.m configure -font uifont
+ button $w.ok -text Close -command "destroy $w" -default active
pack $w.ok -side bottom
+ $w.ok configure -font uifont
+ bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w.ok"
+ bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
+ bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
+# Procedures for manipulating the file list window at the
+# bottom right of the overall window.
+proc treeview {w l openlevs} {
+ global treecontents treediropen treeheight treeparent treeindex
+ set ix 0
+ set treeindex() 0
+ set lev 0
+ set prefix {}
+ set prefixend -1
+ set prefendstack {}
+ set htstack {}
+ set ht 0
+ set treecontents() {}
+ $w conf -state normal
+ foreach f $l {
+ while {[string range $f 0 $prefixend] ne $prefix} {
+ if {$lev <= $openlevs} {
+ $w mark set e:$treeindex($prefix) "end -1c"
+ $w mark gravity e:$treeindex($prefix) left
+ }
+ set treeheight($prefix) $ht
+ incr ht [lindex $htstack end]
+ set htstack [lreplace $htstack end end]
+ set prefixend [lindex $prefendstack end]
+ set prefendstack [lreplace $prefendstack end end]
+ set prefix [string range $prefix 0 $prefixend]
+ incr lev -1
+ }
+ set tail [string range $f [expr {$prefixend+1}] end]
+ while {[set slash [string first "/" $tail]] >= 0} {
+ lappend htstack $ht
+ set ht 0
+ lappend prefendstack $prefixend
+ incr prefixend [expr {$slash + 1}]
+ set d [string range $tail 0 $slash]
+ lappend treecontents($prefix) $d
+ set oldprefix $prefix
+ append prefix $d
+ set treecontents($prefix) {}
+ set treeindex($prefix) [incr ix]
+ set treeparent($prefix) $oldprefix
+ set tail [string range $tail [expr {$slash+1}] end]
+ if {$lev <= $openlevs} {
+ set ht 1
+ set treediropen($prefix) [expr {$lev < $openlevs}]
+ set bm [expr {$lev == $openlevs? "tri-rt": "tri-dn"}]
+ $w mark set d:$ix "end -1c"
+ $w mark gravity d:$ix left
+ set str "\n"
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $lev} {incr i} {append str "\t"}
+ $w insert end $str
+ $w image create end -align center -image $bm -padx 1 \
+ -name a:$ix
+ $w insert end $d [highlight_tag $prefix]
+ $w mark set s:$ix "end -1c"
+ $w mark gravity s:$ix left
+ }
+ incr lev
+ }
+ if {$tail ne {}} {
+ if {$lev <= $openlevs} {
+ incr ht
+ set str "\n"
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $lev} {incr i} {append str "\t"}
+ $w insert end $str
+ $w insert end $tail [highlight_tag $f]
+ }
+ lappend treecontents($prefix) $tail
+ }
+ }
+ while {$htstack ne {}} {
+ set treeheight($prefix) $ht
+ incr ht [lindex $htstack end]
+ set htstack [lreplace $htstack end end]
+ set prefixend [lindex $prefendstack end]
+ set prefendstack [lreplace $prefendstack end end]
+ set prefix [string range $prefix 0 $prefixend]
+ }
+ $w conf -state disabled
+proc linetoelt {l} {
+ global treeheight treecontents
+ set y 2
+ set prefix {}
+ while {1} {
+ foreach e $treecontents($prefix) {
+ if {$y == $l} {
+ return "$prefix$e"
+ }
+ set n 1
+ if {[string index $e end] eq "/"} {
+ set n $treeheight($prefix$e)
+ if {$y + $n > $l} {
+ append prefix $e
+ incr y
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ incr y $n
+ }
+ }
+proc highlight_tree {y prefix} {
+ global treeheight treecontents cflist
+ foreach e $treecontents($prefix) {
+ set path $prefix$e
+ if {[highlight_tag $path] ne {}} {
+ $cflist tag add bold $y.0 "$y.0 lineend"
+ }
+ incr y
+ if {[string index $e end] eq "/" && $treeheight($path) > 1} {
+ set y [highlight_tree $y $path]
+ }
+ }
+ return $y
+proc treeclosedir {w dir} {
+ global treediropen treeheight treeparent treeindex
+ set ix $treeindex($dir)
+ $w conf -state normal
+ $w delete s:$ix e:$ix
+ set treediropen($dir) 0
+ $w image configure a:$ix -image tri-rt
+ $w conf -state disabled
+ set n [expr {1 - $treeheight($dir)}]
+ while {$dir ne {}} {
+ incr treeheight($dir) $n
+ set dir $treeparent($dir)
+ }
+proc treeopendir {w dir} {
+ global treediropen treeheight treeparent treecontents treeindex
+ set ix $treeindex($dir)
+ $w conf -state normal
+ $w image configure a:$ix -image tri-dn
+ $w mark set e:$ix s:$ix
+ $w mark gravity e:$ix right
+ set lev 0
+ set str "\n"
+ set n [llength $treecontents($dir)]
+ for {set x $dir} {$x ne {}} {set x $treeparent($x)} {
+ incr lev
+ append str "\t"
+ incr treeheight($x) $n
+ }
+ foreach e $treecontents($dir) {
+ set de $dir$e
+ if {[string index $e end] eq "/"} {
+ set iy $treeindex($de)
+ $w mark set d:$iy e:$ix
+ $w mark gravity d:$iy left
+ $w insert e:$ix $str
+ set treediropen($de) 0
+ $w image create e:$ix -align center -image tri-rt -padx 1 \
+ -name a:$iy
+ $w insert e:$ix $e [highlight_tag $de]
+ $w mark set s:$iy e:$ix
+ $w mark gravity s:$iy left
+ set treeheight($de) 1
+ } else {
+ $w insert e:$ix $str
+ $w insert e:$ix $e [highlight_tag $de]
+ }
+ }
+ $w mark gravity e:$ix left
+ $w conf -state disabled
+ set treediropen($dir) 1
+ set top [lindex [split [$w index @0,0] .] 0]
+ set ht [$w cget -height]
+ set l [lindex [split [$w index s:$ix] .] 0]
+ if {$l < $top} {
+ $w yview $l.0
+ } elseif {$l + $n + 1 > $top + $ht} {
+ set top [expr {$l + $n + 2 - $ht}]
+ if {$l < $top} {
+ set top $l
+ }
+ $w yview $top.0
+ }
+proc treeclick {w x y} {
+ global treediropen cmitmode ctext cflist cflist_top
+ if {$cmitmode ne "tree"} return
+ if {![info exists cflist_top]} return
+ set l [lindex [split [$w index "@$x,$y"] "."] 0]
+ $cflist tag remove highlight $cflist_top.0 "$cflist_top.0 lineend"
+ $cflist tag add highlight $l.0 "$l.0 lineend"
+ set cflist_top $l
+ if {$l == 1} {
+ $ctext yview 1.0
+ return
+ }
+ set e [linetoelt $l]
+ if {[string index $e end] ne "/"} {
+ showfile $e
+ } elseif {$treediropen($e)} {
+ treeclosedir $w $e
+ } else {
+ treeopendir $w $e
+ }
+proc setfilelist {id} {
+ global treefilelist cflist
+ treeview $cflist $treefilelist($id) 0
+image create bitmap tri-rt -background black -foreground blue -data {
+ #define tri-rt_width 13
+ #define tri-rt_height 13
+ static unsigned char tri-rt_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00,
+ 0xf0, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00};
+} -maskdata {
+ #define tri-rt-mask_width 13
+ #define tri-rt-mask_height 13
+ static unsigned char tri-rt-mask_bits[] = {
+ 0x08, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x01,
+ 0xf8, 0x03, 0xf8, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00,
+ 0x08, 0x00};
+image create bitmap tri-dn -background black -foreground blue -data {
+ #define tri-dn_width 13
+ #define tri-dn_height 13
+ static unsigned char tri-dn_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x03,
+ 0xf0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00};
+} -maskdata {
+ #define tri-dn-mask_width 13
+ #define tri-dn-mask_height 13
+ static unsigned char tri-dn-mask_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x1f, 0xfe, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x07,
+ 0xf8, 0x03, 0xf0, 0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00};
+image create bitmap reficon-T -background black -foreground yellow -data {
+ #define tagicon_width 13
+ #define tagicon_height 9
+ static unsigned char tagicon_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07,
+ 0xfc, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07, 0xf0, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+} -maskdata {
+ #define tagicon-mask_width 13
+ #define tagicon-mask_height 9
+ static unsigned char tagicon-mask_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f,
+ 0xfe, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00};
+set rectdata {
+ #define headicon_width 13
+ #define headicon_height 9
+ static unsigned char headicon_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07,
+ 0xf8, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+set rectmask {
+ #define headicon-mask_width 13
+ #define headicon-mask_height 9
+ static unsigned char headicon-mask_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f,
+ 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00};
+image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground green \
+ -data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
+image create bitmap reficon-o -background black -foreground "#ddddff" \
+ -data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
+proc init_flist {first} {
+ global cflist cflist_top difffilestart
+ $cflist conf -state normal
+ $cflist delete 0.0 end
+ if {$first ne {}} {
+ $cflist insert end $first
+ set cflist_top 1
+ $cflist tag add highlight 1.0 "1.0 lineend"
+ } else {
+ catch {unset cflist_top}
+ }
+ $cflist conf -state disabled
+ set difffilestart {}
+proc highlight_tag {f} {
+ global highlight_paths
+ foreach p $highlight_paths {
+ if {[string match $p $f]} {
+ return "bold"
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+proc highlight_filelist {} {
+ global cmitmode cflist
+ $cflist conf -state normal
+ if {$cmitmode ne "tree"} {
+ set end [lindex [split [$cflist index end] .] 0]
+ for {set l 2} {$l < $end} {incr l} {
+ set line [$cflist get $l.0 "$l.0 lineend"]
+ if {[highlight_tag $line] ne {}} {
+ $cflist tag add bold $l.0 "$l.0 lineend"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ highlight_tree 2 {}
+ }
+ $cflist conf -state disabled
+proc unhighlight_filelist {} {
+ global cflist
+ $cflist conf -state normal
+ $cflist tag remove bold 1.0 end
+ $cflist conf -state disabled
+proc add_flist {fl} {
+ global cflist
+ $cflist conf -state normal
+ foreach f $fl {
+ $cflist insert end "\n"
+ $cflist insert end $f [highlight_tag $f]
+ }
+ $cflist conf -state disabled
+proc sel_flist {w x y} {
+ global ctext difffilestart cflist cflist_top cmitmode
+ if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return
+ if {![info exists cflist_top]} return
+ set l [lindex [split [$w index "@$x,$y"] "."] 0]
+ $cflist tag remove highlight $cflist_top.0 "$cflist_top.0 lineend"
+ $cflist tag add highlight $l.0 "$l.0 lineend"
+ set cflist_top $l
+ if {$l == 1} {
+ $ctext yview 1.0
+ } else {
+ catch {$ctext yview [lindex $difffilestart [expr {$l - 2}]]}
+ }
+proc pop_flist_menu {w X Y x y} {
+ global ctext cflist cmitmode flist_menu flist_menu_file
+ global treediffs diffids
+ stopfinding
+ set l [lindex [split [$w index "@$x,$y"] "."] 0]
+ if {$l <= 1} return
+ if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} {
+ set e [linetoelt $l]
+ if {[string index $e end] eq "/"} return
+ } else {
+ set e [lindex $treediffs($diffids) [expr {$l-2}]]
+ }
+ set flist_menu_file $e
+ tk_popup $flist_menu $X $Y
+proc flist_hl {only} {
+ global flist_menu_file findstring gdttype
+ set x [shellquote $flist_menu_file]
+ if {$only || $findstring eq {} || $gdttype ne "touching paths:"} {
+ set findstring $x
+ } else {
+ append findstring " " $x
+ }
+ set gdttype "touching paths:"
+# Functions for adding and removing shell-type quoting
+proc shellquote {str} {
+ if {![string match "*\['\"\\ \t]*" $str]} {
+ return $str
+ }
+ if {![string match "*\['\"\\]*" $str]} {
+ return "\"$str\""
+ }
+ if {![string match "*'*" $str]} {
+ return "'$str'"
+ }
+ return "\"[string map {\" \\\" \\ \\\\} $str]\""
+proc shellarglist {l} {
+ set str {}
+ foreach a $l {
+ if {$str ne {}} {
+ append str " "
+ }
+ append str [shellquote $a]
+ }
+ return $str
+proc shelldequote {str} {
+ set ret {}
+ set used -1
+ while {1} {
+ incr used
+ if {![regexp -start $used -indices "\['\"\\\\ \t]" $str first]} {
+ append ret [string range $str $used end]
+ set used [string length $str]
+ break
+ }
+ set first [lindex $first 0]
+ set ch [string index $str $first]
+ if {$first > $used} {
+ append ret [string range $str $used [expr {$first - 1}]]
+ set used $first
+ }
+ if {$ch eq " " || $ch eq "\t"} break
+ incr used
+ if {$ch eq "'"} {
+ set first [string first "'" $str $used]
+ if {$first < 0} {
+ error "unmatched single-quote"
+ }
+ append ret [string range $str $used [expr {$first - 1}]]
+ set used $first
+ continue
+ }
+ if {$ch eq "\\"} {
+ if {$used >= [string length $str]} {
+ error "trailing backslash"
+ }
+ append ret [string index $str $used]
+ continue
+ }
+ # here ch == "\""
+ while {1} {
+ if {![regexp -start $used -indices "\[\"\\\\]" $str first]} {
+ error "unmatched double-quote"
+ }
+ set first [lindex $first 0]
+ set ch [string index $str $first]
+ if {$first > $used} {
+ append ret [string range $str $used [expr {$first - 1}]]
+ set used $first
+ }
+ if {$ch eq "\""} break
+ incr used
+ append ret [string index $str $used]
+ incr used
+ }
+ }
+ return [list $used $ret]
+proc shellsplit {str} {
+ set l {}
+ while {1} {
+ set str [string trimleft $str]
+ if {$str eq {}} break
+ set dq [shelldequote $str]
+ set n [lindex $dq 0]
+ set word [lindex $dq 1]
+ set str [string range $str $n end]
+ lappend l $word
+ }
+ return $l
-proc newview {} {
- global nextviewnum newviewname newviewperm uifont
+# Code to implement multiple views
+proc newview {ishighlight} {
+ global nextviewnum newviewname newviewperm uifont newishighlight
+ global newviewargs revtreeargs
+ set newishighlight $ishighlight
set top .gitkview
if {[winfo exists $top]} {
raise $top
set newviewname($nextviewnum) "View $nextviewnum"
set newviewperm($nextviewnum) 0
- vieweditor $top $nextviewnum "Gitk view definition"
+ set newviewargs($nextviewnum) [shellarglist $revtreeargs]
+ vieweditor $top $nextviewnum "Gitk view definition"
proc editview {} {
global curview
global viewname viewperm newviewname newviewperm
+ global viewargs newviewargs
set top .gitkvedit-$curview
if {[winfo exists $top]} {
set newviewname($curview) $viewname($curview)
set newviewperm($curview) $viewperm($curview)
+ set newviewargs($curview) [shellarglist $viewargs($curview)]
vieweditor $top $curview "Gitk: edit view $viewname($curview)"
toplevel $top
wm title $top $title
- label $top.nl -text "Name" -font $uifont
- entry $top.name -width 20 -textvariable newviewname($n)
+ label $top.nl -text "Name" -font uifont
+ entry $top.name -width 20 -textvariable newviewname($n) -font uifont
grid $top.nl $top.name -sticky w -pady 5
- checkbutton $top.perm -text "Remember this view" -variable newviewperm($n)
+ checkbutton $top.perm -text "Remember this view" -variable newviewperm($n) \
+ -font uifont
grid $top.perm - -pady 5 -sticky w
- message $top.l -aspect 500 -font $uifont \
+ message $top.al -aspect 1000 -font uifont \
+ -text "Commits to include (arguments to git rev-list):"
+ grid $top.al - -sticky w -pady 5
+ entry $top.args -width 50 -textvariable newviewargs($n) \
+ -background white -font uifont
+ grid $top.args - -sticky ew -padx 5
+ message $top.l -aspect 1000 -font uifont \
-text "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"
grid $top.l - -sticky w
- text $top.t -width 40 -height 10 -background white
+ text $top.t -width 40 -height 10 -background white -font uifont
if {[info exists viewfiles($n)]} {
foreach f $viewfiles($n) {
$top.t insert end $f
$top.t delete {end - 1c} end
$top.t mark set insert 0.0
- grid $top.t - -sticky w -padx 5
+ grid $top.t - -sticky ew -padx 5
frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.ok -text "OK" -command [list newviewok $top $n]
- button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command [list destroy $top]
+ button $top.buts.ok -text "OK" -command [list newviewok $top $n] \
+ -font uifont
+ button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command [list destroy $top] \
+ -font uifont
grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
focus $top.t
-proc viewmenuitem {n} {
- set nmenu [.bar.view index end]
- set targetcmd [list showview $n]
- for {set i 6} {$i <= $nmenu} {incr i} {
- if {[.bar.view entrycget $i -command] eq $targetcmd} {
- return $i
+proc doviewmenu {m first cmd op argv} {
+ set nmenu [$m index end]
+ for {set i $first} {$i <= $nmenu} {incr i} {
+ if {[$m entrycget $i -command] eq $cmd} {
+ eval $m $op $i $argv
+ break
- return {}
+proc allviewmenus {n op args} {
+ # global viewhlmenu
+ doviewmenu .bar.view 5 [list showview $n] $op $args
+ # doviewmenu $viewhlmenu 1 [list addvhighlight $n] $op $args
proc newviewok {top n} {
- global nextviewnum newviewperm newviewname
+ global nextviewnum newviewperm newviewname newishighlight
global viewname viewfiles viewperm selectedview curview
+ global viewargs newviewargs viewhlmenu
+ if {[catch {
+ set newargs [shellsplit $newviewargs($n)]
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup "Error in commit selection arguments: $err"
+ wm raise $top
+ focus $top
+ return
+ }
set files {}
foreach f [split [$top.t get 0.0 end] "\n"] {
set ft [string trim $f]
set viewname($n) $newviewname($n)
set viewperm($n) $newviewperm($n)
set viewfiles($n) $files
- .bar.view add radiobutton -label $viewname($n) \
- -command [list showview $n] -variable selectedview -value $n
- after idle showview $n
+ set viewargs($n) $newargs
+ addviewmenu $n
+ if {!$newishighlight} {
+ run showview $n
+ } else {
+ run addvhighlight $n
+ }
} else {
# editing an existing view
set viewperm($n) $newviewperm($n)
if {$newviewname($n) ne $viewname($n)} {
set viewname($n) $newviewname($n)
- set i [viewmenuitem $n]
- if {$i ne {}} {
- .bar.view entryconf $i -label $viewname($n)
- }
+ doviewmenu .bar.view 5 [list showview $n] \
+ entryconf [list -label $viewname($n)]
+ # doviewmenu $viewhlmenu 1 [list addvhighlight $n] \
+ # entryconf [list -label $viewname($n) -value $viewname($n)]
- if {$files ne $viewfiles($n)} {
+ if {$files ne $viewfiles($n) || $newargs ne $viewargs($n)} {
set viewfiles($n) $files
+ set viewargs($n) $newargs
if {$curview == $n} {
- after idle updatecommits
+ run reloadcommits
proc delview {} {
- global curview viewdata viewperm
+ global curview viewperm hlview selectedhlview
if {$curview == 0} return
- set i [viewmenuitem $curview]
- if {$i ne {}} {
- .bar.view delete $i
+ if {[info exists hlview] && $hlview == $curview} {
+ set selectedhlview None
+ unset hlview
- set viewdata($curview) {}
+ allviewmenus $curview delete
set viewperm($curview) 0
showview 0
-proc flatten {var} {
- global $var
- set ret {}
- foreach i [array names $var] {
- lappend ret $i [set $var\($i\)]
- }
- return $ret
-proc unflatten {var l} {
- global $var
+proc addviewmenu {n} {
+ global viewname viewhlmenu
- catch {unset $var}
- foreach {i v} $l {
- set $var\($i\) $v
- }
+ .bar.view add radiobutton -label $viewname($n) \
+ -command [list showview $n] -variable selectedview -value $n
+ #$viewhlmenu add radiobutton -label $viewname($n) \
+ # -command [list addvhighlight $n] -variable selectedhlview
proc showview {n} {
- global curview viewdata viewfiles
- global displayorder parentlist childlist rowidlist rowoffsets
- global colormap rowtextx commitrow
- global numcommits rowrangelist commitlisted idrowranges
+ global curview viewfiles cached_commitrow ordertok
+ global displayorder parentlist rowidlist rowisopt rowfinal
+ global colormap rowtextx nextcolor canvxmax
+ global numcommits viewcomplete
global selectedline currentid canv canvy0
- global matchinglines treediffs
- global pending_select phase
- global commitidx rowlaidout rowoptim linesegends leftover
- global commfd nextupdate
- global selectedview
+ global treediffs
+ global pending_select
+ global commitidx
+ global selectedview selectfirst
+ global hlview selectedhlview commitinterest
if {$n == $curview} return
set selid {}
+ set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
+ set span [$canv yview]
+ set ytop [expr {[lindex $span 0] * $ymax}]
+ set ybot [expr {[lindex $span 1] * $ymax}]
+ set yscreen [expr {($ybot - $ytop) / 2}]
if {[info exists selectedline]} {
set selid $currentid
set y [yc $selectedline]
- set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
- set span [$canv yview]
- set ytop [expr {[lindex $span 0] * $ymax}]
- set ybot [expr {[lindex $span 1] * $ymax}]
if {$ytop < $y && $y < $ybot} {
set yscreen [expr {$y - $ytop}]
- } else {
- set yscreen [expr {($ybot - $ytop) / 2}]
+ } elseif {[info exists pending_select]} {
+ set selid $pending_select
+ unset pending_select
- stopfindproc
- if {$curview >= 0} {
- if {$phase ne {}} {
- set viewdata($curview) \
- [list $phase $displayorder $parentlist $childlist $rowidlist \
- $rowoffsets $rowrangelist $commitlisted \
- [flatten children] [flatten idrowranges] \
- [flatten idinlist] \
- $commitidx $rowlaidout $rowoptim $numcommits \
- $linesegends $leftover $commfd]
- fileevent $commfd readable {}
- } elseif {![info exists viewdata($curview)]
- || [lindex $viewdata($curview) 0] ne {}} {
- set viewdata($curview) \
- [list {} $displayorder $parentlist $childlist $rowidlist \
- $rowoffsets $rowrangelist $commitlisted]
- }
- }
- catch {unset matchinglines}
catch {unset treediffs}
+ if {[info exists hlview] && $hlview == $n} {
+ unset hlview
+ set selectedhlview None
+ }
+ catch {unset commitinterest}
+ catch {unset cached_commitrow}
+ catch {unset ordertok}
set curview $n
set selectedview $n
- .bar.view entryconf 2 -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
- .bar.view entryconf 3 -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
+ .bar.view entryconf Edit* -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
+ .bar.view entryconf Delete* -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
- if {![info exists viewdata($n)]} {
- set pending_select $selid
+ run refill_reflist
+ if {![info exists viewcomplete($n)]} {
+ if {$selid ne {}} {
+ set pending_select $selid
+ }
- set v $viewdata($n)
- set phase [lindex $v 0]
- set displayorder [lindex $v 1]
- set parentlist [lindex $v 2]
- set childlist [lindex $v 3]
- set rowidlist [lindex $v 4]
- set rowoffsets [lindex $v 5]
- set rowrangelist [lindex $v 6]
- set commitlisted [lindex $v 7]
- if {$phase eq {}} {
- set numcommits [llength $displayorder]
- catch {unset idrowranges}
- catch {unset children}
- } else {
- unflatten children [lindex $v 8]
- unflatten idrowranges [lindex $v 9]
- unflatten idinlist [lindex $v 10]
- set commitidx [lindex $v 11]
- set rowlaidout [lindex $v 12]
- set rowoptim [lindex $v 13]
- set numcommits [lindex $v 14]
- set linesegends [lindex $v 15]
- set leftover [lindex $v 16]
- set commfd [lindex $v 17]
- fileevent $commfd readable [list getcommitlines $commfd]
- set nextupdate [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] + 100}]
- }
+ set displayorder {}
+ set parentlist {}
+ set rowidlist {}
+ set rowisopt {}
+ set rowfinal {}
+ set numcommits $commitidx($n)
catch {unset colormap}
catch {unset rowtextx}
- catch {unset commitrow}
+ set nextcolor 0
+ set canvxmax [$canv cget -width]
set curview $n
set row 0
- foreach id $displayorder {
- set commitrow($id) $row
- incr row
- }
set yf 0
- set row 0
- if {$selid ne {} && [info exists commitrow($selid)]} {
- set row $commitrow($selid)
+ set row {}
+ set selectfirst 0
+ if {$selid ne {} && [commitinview $selid $n]} {
+ set row [rowofcommit $selid]
# try to get the selected row in the same position on the screen
set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
set ytop [expr {[yc $row] - $yscreen}]
allcanvs yview moveto $yf
- selectline $row 0
- if {$phase eq {}} {
- global maincursor textcursor
- . config -cursor $maincursor
- settextcursor $textcursor
+ if {$row ne {}} {
+ selectline $row 0
+ } elseif {$selid ne {}} {
+ set pending_select $selid
} else {
- . config -cursor watch
- settextcursor watch
- if {$phase eq "getcommits"} {
- global mainfont
- $canv create text 3 3 -anchor nw -text "Reading commits..." \
- -font $mainfont -tags textitems
+ set row [first_real_row]
+ if {$row < $numcommits} {
+ selectline $row 0
+ } else {
+ set selectfirst 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$viewcomplete($n)} {
+ if {$numcommits == 0} {
+ show_status "Reading commits..."
+ } else {
+ run chewcommits $n
+ } elseif {$numcommits == 0} {
+ show_status "No commits selected"
-proc shortids {ids} {
- set res {}
- foreach id $ids {
- if {[llength $id] > 1} {
- lappend res [shortids $id]
- } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $id]} {
- lappend res [string range $id 0 7]
+# Stuff relating to the highlighting facility
+proc ishighlighted {row} {
+ global vhighlights fhighlights nhighlights rhighlights
+ if {[info exists nhighlights($row)] && $nhighlights($row) > 0} {
+ return $nhighlights($row)
+ }
+ if {[info exists vhighlights($row)] && $vhighlights($row) > 0} {
+ return $vhighlights($row)
+ }
+ if {[info exists fhighlights($row)] && $fhighlights($row) > 0} {
+ return $fhighlights($row)
+ }
+ if {[info exists rhighlights($row)] && $rhighlights($row) > 0} {
+ return $rhighlights($row)
+ }
+ return 0
+proc bolden {row font} {
+ global canv linehtag selectedline boldrows
+ lappend boldrows $row
+ $canv itemconf $linehtag($row) -font $font
+ if {[info exists selectedline] && $row == $selectedline} {
+ $canv delete secsel
+ set t [eval $canv create rect [$canv bbox $linehtag($row)] \
+ -outline {{}} -tags secsel \
+ -fill [$canv cget -selectbackground]]
+ $canv lower $t
+ }
+proc bolden_name {row font} {
+ global canv2 linentag selectedline boldnamerows
+ lappend boldnamerows $row
+ $canv2 itemconf $linentag($row) -font $font
+ if {[info exists selectedline] && $row == $selectedline} {
+ $canv2 delete secsel
+ set t [eval $canv2 create rect [$canv2 bbox $linentag($row)] \
+ -outline {{}} -tags secsel \
+ -fill [$canv2 cget -selectbackground]]
+ $canv2 lower $t
+ }
+proc unbolden {} {
+ global boldrows
+ set stillbold {}
+ foreach row $boldrows {
+ if {![ishighlighted $row]} {
+ bolden $row mainfont
} else {
- lappend res $id
+ lappend stillbold $row
- return $res
+ set boldrows $stillbold
+proc addvhighlight {n} {
+ global hlview viewcomplete curview vhl_done vhighlights commitidx
+ if {[info exists hlview]} {
+ delvhighlight
+ }
+ set hlview $n
+ if {$n != $curview && ![info exists viewcomplete($n)]} {
+ start_rev_list $n
+ }
+ set vhl_done $commitidx($hlview)
+ if {$vhl_done > 0} {
+ drawvisible
+ }
+proc delvhighlight {} {
+ global hlview vhighlights
+ if {![info exists hlview]} return
+ unset hlview
+ catch {unset vhighlights}
+ unbolden
-proc incrange {l x o} {
- set n [llength $l]
- while {$x < $n} {
- set e [lindex $l $x]
- if {$e ne {}} {
- lset l $x [expr {$e + $o}]
+proc vhighlightmore {} {
+ global hlview vhl_done commitidx vhighlights curview
+ set max $commitidx($hlview)
+ set vr [visiblerows]
+ set r0 [lindex $vr 0]
+ set r1 [lindex $vr 1]
+ for {set i $vhl_done} {$i < $max} {incr i} {
+ set id [commitonrow $i $hlview]
+ if {[commitinview $id $curview]} {
+ set row [rowofcommit $id]
+ if {$r0 <= $row && $row <= $r1} {
+ if {![highlighted $row]} {
+ bolden $row mainfontbold
+ }
+ set vhighlights($row) 1
+ }
- incr x
- return $l
+ set vhl_done $max
-proc ntimes {n o} {
+proc askvhighlight {row id} {
+ global hlview vhighlights iddrawn
+ if {[commitinview $id $hlview]} {
+ if {[info exists iddrawn($id)] && ![ishighlighted $row]} {
+ bolden $row mainfontbold
+ }
+ set vhighlights($row) 1
+ } else {
+ set vhighlights($row) 0
+ }
+proc hfiles_change {} {
+ global highlight_files filehighlight fhighlights fh_serial
+ global highlight_paths gdttype
+ if {[info exists filehighlight]} {
+ # delete previous highlights
+ catch {close $filehighlight}
+ unset filehighlight
+ catch {unset fhighlights}
+ unbolden
+ unhighlight_filelist
+ }
+ set highlight_paths {}
+ after cancel do_file_hl $fh_serial
+ incr fh_serial
+ if {$highlight_files ne {}} {
+ after 300 do_file_hl $fh_serial
+ }
+proc gdttype_change {name ix op} {
+ global gdttype highlight_files findstring findpattern
+ stopfinding
+ if {$findstring ne {}} {
+ if {$gdttype eq "containing:"} {
+ if {$highlight_files ne {}} {
+ set highlight_files {}
+ hfiles_change
+ }
+ findcom_change
+ } else {
+ if {$findpattern ne {}} {
+ set findpattern {}
+ findcom_change
+ }
+ set highlight_files $findstring
+ hfiles_change
+ }
+ drawvisible
+ }
+ # enable/disable findtype/findloc menus too
+proc find_change {name ix op} {
+ global gdttype findstring highlight_files
+ stopfinding
+ if {$gdttype eq "containing:"} {
+ findcom_change
+ } else {
+ if {$highlight_files ne $findstring} {
+ set highlight_files $findstring
+ hfiles_change
+ }
+ }
+ drawvisible
+proc findcom_change args {
+ global nhighlights boldnamerows
+ global findpattern findtype findstring gdttype
+ stopfinding
+ # delete previous highlights, if any
+ foreach row $boldnamerows {
+ bolden_name $row mainfont
+ }
+ set boldnamerows {}
+ catch {unset nhighlights}
+ unbolden
+ unmarkmatches
+ if {$gdttype ne "containing:" || $findstring eq {}} {
+ set findpattern {}
+ } elseif {$findtype eq "Regexp"} {
+ set findpattern $findstring
+ } else {
+ set e [string map {"*" "\\*" "?" "\\?" "\[" "\\\[" "\\" "\\\\"} \
+ $findstring]
+ set findpattern "*$e*"
+ }
+proc makepatterns {l} {
set ret {}
- for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1} {
- lappend ret $o
+ foreach e $l {
+ set ee [string map {"*" "\\*" "?" "\\?" "\[" "\\\[" "\\" "\\\\"} $e]
+ if {[string index $ee end] eq "/"} {
+ lappend ret "$ee*"
+ } else {
+ lappend ret $ee
+ lappend ret "$ee/*"
+ }
return $ret
-proc usedinrange {id l1 l2} {
- global children commitrow childlist
+proc do_file_hl {serial} {
+ global highlight_files filehighlight highlight_paths gdttype fhl_list
+ if {$gdttype eq "touching paths:"} {
+ if {[catch {set paths [shellsplit $highlight_files]}]} return
+ set highlight_paths [makepatterns $paths]
+ highlight_filelist
+ set gdtargs [concat -- $paths]
+ } elseif {$gdttype eq "adding/removing string:"} {
+ set gdtargs [list "-S$highlight_files"]
+ } else {
+ # must be "containing:", i.e. we're searching commit info
+ return
+ }
+ set cmd [concat | git diff-tree -r -s --stdin $gdtargs]
+ set filehighlight [open $cmd r+]
+ fconfigure $filehighlight -blocking 0
+ filerun $filehighlight readfhighlight
+ set fhl_list {}
+ drawvisible
+ flushhighlights
+proc flushhighlights {} {
+ global filehighlight fhl_list
+ if {[info exists filehighlight]} {
+ lappend fhl_list {}
+ puts $filehighlight ""
+ flush $filehighlight
+ }
+proc askfilehighlight {row id} {
+ global filehighlight fhighlights fhl_list
- if {[info exists commitrow($id)]} {
- set r $commitrow($id)
- if {$l1 <= $r && $r <= $l2} {
- return [expr {$r - $l1 + 1}]
+ lappend fhl_list $id
+ set fhighlights($row) -1
+ puts $filehighlight $id
+proc readfhighlight {} {
+ global filehighlight fhighlights curview iddrawn
+ global fhl_list find_dirn
+ if {![info exists filehighlight]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ set nr 0
+ while {[incr nr] <= 100 && [gets $filehighlight line] >= 0} {
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ set i [lsearch -exact $fhl_list $line]
+ if {$i < 0} continue
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} {
+ set id [lindex $fhl_list $j]
+ if {[commitinview $id $curview]} {
+ set fhighlights([rowofcommit $id]) 0
+ }
+ }
+ set fhl_list [lrange $fhl_list [expr {$i+1}] end]
+ if {$line eq {}} continue
+ if {![commitinview $line $curview]} continue
+ set row [rowofcommit $line]
+ if {[info exists iddrawn($line)] && ![ishighlighted $row]} {
+ bolden $row mainfontbold
- set kids [lindex $childlist $r]
+ set fhighlights($row) 1
+ }
+ if {[eof $filehighlight]} {
+ # strange...
+ puts "oops, git diff-tree died"
+ catch {close $filehighlight}
+ unset filehighlight
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {[info exists find_dirn]} {
+ run findmore
+ }
+ return 1
+proc doesmatch {f} {
+ global findtype findpattern
+ if {$findtype eq "Regexp"} {
+ return [regexp $findpattern $f]
+ } elseif {$findtype eq "IgnCase"} {
+ return [string match -nocase $findpattern $f]
} else {
- set kids $children($id)
+ return [string match $findpattern $f]
+ }
+proc askfindhighlight {row id} {
+ global nhighlights commitinfo iddrawn
+ global findloc
+ global markingmatches
+ if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
+ getcommit $id
- foreach c $kids {
- set r $commitrow($c)
- if {$l1 <= $r && $r <= $l2} {
- return [expr {$r - $l1 + 1}]
+ set info $commitinfo($id)
+ set isbold 0
+ set fldtypes {Headline Author Date Committer CDate Comments}
+ foreach f $info ty $fldtypes {
+ if {($findloc eq "All fields" || $findloc eq $ty) &&
+ [doesmatch $f]} {
+ if {$ty eq "Author"} {
+ set isbold 2
+ break
+ }
+ set isbold 1
- return 0
+ if {$isbold && [info exists iddrawn($id)]} {
+ if {![ishighlighted $row]} {
+ bolden $row mainfontbold
+ if {$isbold > 1} {
+ bolden_name $row mainfontbold
+ }
+ }
+ if {$markingmatches} {
+ markrowmatches $row $id
+ }
+ }
+ set nhighlights($row) $isbold
-proc sanity {row {full 0}} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets
+proc markrowmatches {row id} {
+ global canv canv2 linehtag linentag commitinfo findloc
- set col -1
- set ids [lindex $rowidlist $row]
- foreach id $ids {
- incr col
- if {$id eq {}} continue
- if {$col < [llength $ids] - 1 &&
- [lsearch -exact -start [expr {$col+1}] $ids $id] >= 0} {
- puts "oops: [shortids $id] repeated in row $row col $col: {[shortids [lindex $rowidlist $row]]}"
- }
- set o [lindex $rowoffsets $row $col]
- set y $row
- set x $col
- while {$o ne {}} {
- incr y -1
- incr x $o
- if {[lindex $rowidlist $y $x] != $id} {
- puts "oops: rowoffsets wrong at row [expr {$y+1}] col [expr {$x-$o}]"
- puts " id=[shortids $id] check started at row $row"
- for {set i $row} {$i >= $y} {incr i -1} {
- puts " row $i ids={[shortids [lindex $rowidlist $i]]} offs={[lindex $rowoffsets $i]}"
+ set headline [lindex $commitinfo($id) 0]
+ set author [lindex $commitinfo($id) 1]
+ $canv delete match$row
+ $canv2 delete match$row
+ if {$findloc eq "All fields" || $findloc eq "Headline"} {
+ set m [findmatches $headline]
+ if {$m ne {}} {
+ markmatches $canv $row $headline $linehtag($row) $m \
+ [$canv itemcget $linehtag($row) -font] $row
+ }
+ }
+ if {$findloc eq "All fields" || $findloc eq "Author"} {
+ set m [findmatches $author]
+ if {$m ne {}} {
+ markmatches $canv2 $row $author $linentag($row) $m \
+ [$canv2 itemcget $linentag($row) -font] $row
+ }
+ }
+proc vrel_change {name ix op} {
+ global highlight_related
+ rhighlight_none
+ if {$highlight_related ne "None"} {
+ run drawvisible
+ }
+# prepare for testing whether commits are descendents or ancestors of a
+proc rhighlight_sel {a} {
+ global descendent desc_todo ancestor anc_todo
+ global highlight_related rhighlights
+ catch {unset descendent}
+ set desc_todo [list $a]
+ catch {unset ancestor}
+ set anc_todo [list $a]
+ if {$highlight_related ne "None"} {
+ rhighlight_none
+ run drawvisible
+ }
+proc rhighlight_none {} {
+ global rhighlights
+ catch {unset rhighlights}
+ unbolden
+proc is_descendent {a} {
+ global curview children descendent desc_todo
+ set v $curview
+ set la [rowofcommit $a]
+ set todo $desc_todo
+ set leftover {}
+ set done 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo]} {incr i} {
+ set do [lindex $todo $i]
+ if {[rowofcommit $do] < $la} {
+ lappend leftover $do
+ continue
+ }
+ foreach nk $children($v,$do) {
+ if {![info exists descendent($nk)]} {
+ set descendent($nk) 1
+ lappend todo $nk
+ if {$nk eq $a} {
+ set done 1
- break
- if {!$full} break
- set o [lindex $rowoffsets $y $x]
+ }
+ if {$done} {
+ set desc_todo [concat $leftover [lrange $todo [expr {$i+1}] end]]
+ return
+ set descendent($a) 0
+ set desc_todo $leftover
-proc makeuparrow {oid x y z} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets uparrowlen idrowranges
+proc is_ancestor {a} {
+ global curview parents ancestor anc_todo
- for {set i 1} {$i < $uparrowlen && $y > 1} {incr i} {
- incr y -1
- incr x $z
- set off0 [lindex $rowoffsets $y]
- for {set x0 $x} {1} {incr x0} {
- if {$x0 >= [llength $off0]} {
- set x0 [llength [lindex $rowoffsets [expr {$y-1}]]]
- break
+ set v $curview
+ set la [rowofcommit $a]
+ set todo $anc_todo
+ set leftover {}
+ set done 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo]} {incr i} {
+ set do [lindex $todo $i]
+ if {![commitinview $do $v] || [rowofcommit $do] > $la} {
+ lappend leftover $do
+ continue
+ }
+ foreach np $parents($v,$do) {
+ if {![info exists ancestor($np)]} {
+ set ancestor($np) 1
+ lappend todo $np
+ if {$np eq $a} {
+ set done 1
+ }
- set z [lindex $off0 $x0]
- if {$z ne {}} {
- incr x0 $z
- break
+ }
+ if {$done} {
+ set anc_todo [concat $leftover [lrange $todo [expr {$i+1}] end]]
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set ancestor($a) 0
+ set anc_todo $leftover
+proc askrelhighlight {row id} {
+ global descendent highlight_related iddrawn rhighlights
+ global selectedline ancestor
+ if {![info exists selectedline]} return
+ set isbold 0
+ if {$highlight_related eq "Descendent" ||
+ $highlight_related eq "Not descendent"} {
+ if {![info exists descendent($id)]} {
+ is_descendent $id
+ }
+ if {$descendent($id) == ($highlight_related eq "Descendent")} {
+ set isbold 1
+ }
+ } elseif {$highlight_related eq "Ancestor" ||
+ $highlight_related eq "Not ancestor"} {
+ if {![info exists ancestor($id)]} {
+ is_ancestor $id
+ }
+ if {$ancestor($id) == ($highlight_related eq "Ancestor")} {
+ set isbold 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists iddrawn($id)]} {
+ if {$isbold && ![ishighlighted $row]} {
+ bolden $row mainfontbold
+ }
+ }
+ set rhighlights($row) $isbold
+# Graph layout functions
+proc shortids {ids} {
+ set res {}
+ foreach id $ids {
+ if {[llength $id] > 1} {
+ lappend res [shortids $id]
+ } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $id]} {
+ lappend res [string range $id 0 7]
+ } else {
+ lappend res $id
+ }
+ }
+ return $res
+proc ntimes {n o} {
+ set ret {}
+ set o [list $o]
+ for {set mask 1} {$mask <= $n} {incr mask $mask} {
+ if {($n & $mask) != 0} {
+ set ret [concat $ret $o]
+ }
+ set o [concat $o $o]
+ }
+ return $ret
+proc ordertoken {id} {
+ global ordertok curview varcid varcstart varctok curview parents children
+ global nullid nullid2
+ if {[info exists ordertok($id)]} {
+ return $ordertok($id)
+ }
+ set origid $id
+ set todo {}
+ while {1} {
+ if {[info exists varcid($curview,$id)]} {
+ set a $varcid($curview,$id)
+ set p [lindex $varcstart($curview) $a]
+ } else {
+ set p [lindex $children($curview,$id) 0]
+ }
+ if {[info exists ordertok($p)]} {
+ set tok $ordertok($p)
+ break
+ }
+ if {[llength $children($curview,$p)] == 0} {
+ # it's a root
+ set tok [lindex $varctok($curview) $a]
+ break
+ }
+ set id [lindex $children($curview,$p) 0]
+ if {$id eq $nullid || $id eq $nullid2} {
+ # XXX treat it as a root
+ set tok [lindex $varctok($curview) $a]
+ break
+ }
+ if {[llength $parents($curview,$id)] == 1} {
+ lappend todo [list $p {}]
+ } else {
+ set j [lsearch -exact $parents($curview,$id) $p]
+ if {$j < 0} {
+ puts "oops didn't find [shortids $p] in parents of [shortids $id]"
+ lappend todo [list $p [strrep $j]]
+ }
+ }
+ for {set i [llength $todo]} {[incr i -1] >= 0} {} {
+ set p [lindex $todo $i 0]
+ append tok [lindex $todo $i 1]
+ set ordertok($p) $tok
+ }
+ set ordertok($origid) $tok
+ return $tok
+# Work out where id should go in idlist so that order-token
+# values increase from left to right
+proc idcol {idlist id {i 0}} {
+ set t [ordertoken $id]
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ set i 0
+ }
+ if {$i >= [llength $idlist] || $t < [ordertoken [lindex $idlist $i]]} {
+ if {$i > [llength $idlist]} {
+ set i [llength $idlist]
+ }
+ while {[incr i -1] >= 0 && $t < [ordertoken [lindex $idlist $i]]} {}
+ incr i
+ } else {
+ if {$t > [ordertoken [lindex $idlist $i]]} {
+ while {[incr i] < [llength $idlist] &&
+ $t >= [ordertoken [lindex $idlist $i]]} {}
- set z [expr {$x0 - $x}]
- lset rowidlist $y [linsert [lindex $rowidlist $y] $x $oid]
- lset rowoffsets $y [linsert [lindex $rowoffsets $y] $x $z]
- set tmp [lreplace [lindex $rowoffsets $y] $x $x {}]
- lset rowoffsets $y [incrange $tmp [expr {$x+1}] -1]
- lappend idrowranges($oid) $y
+ return $i
proc initlayout {} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets displayorder commitlisted
- global rowlaidout rowoptim
- global idinlist rowchk rowrangelist idrowranges
- global commitidx numcommits canvxmax canv
+ global rowidlist rowisopt rowfinal displayorder parentlist
+ global numcommits canvxmax canv
global nextcolor
- global parentlist childlist children
- global colormap rowtextx commitrow
- global linesegends
+ global colormap rowtextx
+ global selectfirst
- set commitidx 0
set numcommits 0
set displayorder {}
- set commitlisted {}
set parentlist {}
- set childlist {}
- set rowrangelist {}
- catch {unset children}
set nextcolor 0
- set rowidlist {{}}
- set rowoffsets {{}}
- catch {unset idinlist}
- catch {unset rowchk}
- set rowlaidout 0
- set rowoptim 0
+ set rowidlist {}
+ set rowisopt {}
+ set rowfinal {}
set canvxmax [$canv cget -width]
catch {unset colormap}
catch {unset rowtextx}
- catch {unset commitrow}
- catch {unset idrowranges}
- set linesegends {}
+ set selectfirst 1
proc setcanvscroll {} {
proc layoutmore {} {
- global rowlaidout rowoptim commitidx numcommits optim_delay
- global uparrowlen
- set row $rowlaidout
- set rowlaidout [layoutrows $row $commitidx 0]
- set orow [expr {$rowlaidout - $uparrowlen - 1}]
- if {$orow > $rowoptim} {
- optimize_rows $rowoptim 0 $orow
- set rowoptim $orow
- }
- set canshow [expr {$rowoptim - $optim_delay}]
- if {$canshow > $numcommits} {
- showstuff $canshow
- }
-proc showstuff {canshow} {
- global numcommits commitrow pending_select selectedline
- global linesegends idrowranges idrangedrawn
+ global commitidx viewcomplete curview
+ global numcommits pending_select selectedline curview
+ global selectfirst lastscrollset commitinterest
+ set canshow $commitidx($curview)
+ if {$canshow <= $numcommits && !$viewcomplete($curview)} return
if {$numcommits == 0} {
- global phase
- set phase "incrdraw"
allcanvs delete all
- set row $numcommits
+ set r0 $numcommits
+ set prev $numcommits
set numcommits $canshow
- setcanvscroll
+ set t [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ if {$prev < 100 || $viewcomplete($curview) || $t - $lastscrollset > 500} {
+ set lastscrollset $t
+ setcanvscroll
+ }
set rows [visiblerows]
- set r0 [lindex $rows 0]
set r1 [lindex $rows 1]
- set selrow -1
- for {set r $row} {$r < $canshow} {incr r} {
- foreach id [lindex $linesegends [expr {$r+1}]] {
- set i -1
- foreach {s e} [rowranges $id] {
- incr i
- if {$e ne {} && $e < $numcommits && $s <= $r1 && $e >= $r0
- && ![info exists idrangedrawn($id,$i)]} {
- drawlineseg $id $i
- set idrangedrawn($id,$i) 1
- }
- }
- }
+ if {$r1 >= $canshow} {
+ set r1 [expr {$canshow - 1}]
- if {$canshow > $r1} {
- set canshow $r1
- }
- while {$row < $canshow} {
- drawcmitrow $row
- incr row
+ if {$r0 <= $r1} {
+ drawcommits $r0 $r1
if {[info exists pending_select] &&
- [info exists commitrow($pending_select)] &&
- $commitrow($pending_select) < $numcommits} {
- selectline $commitrow($pending_select) 1
+ [commitinview $pending_select $curview]} {
+ selectline [rowofcommit $pending_select] 1
- if {![info exists selectedline] && ![info exists pending_select]} {
- selectline 0 1
+ if {$selectfirst} {
+ if {[info exists selectedline] || [info exists pending_select]} {
+ set selectfirst 0
+ } else {
+ set l [first_real_row]
+ selectline $l 1
+ set selectfirst 0
+ }
-proc layoutrows {row endrow last} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets displayorder
- global uparrowlen downarrowlen maxwidth mingaplen
- global childlist parentlist
- global idrowranges linesegends
- global commitidx
- global idinlist rowchk rowrangelist
+proc doshowlocalchanges {} {
+ global curview mainheadid
- set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]
- set offs [lindex $rowoffsets $row]
- while {$row < $endrow} {
- set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
- set oldolds {}
- set newolds {}
- foreach p [lindex $parentlist $row] {
- if {![info exists idinlist($p)]} {
- lappend newolds $p
- } elseif {!$idinlist($p)} {
- lappend oldolds $p
- }
- }
- set lse {}
- set nev [expr {[llength $idlist] + [llength $newolds]
- + [llength $oldolds] - $maxwidth + 1}]
- if {$nev > 0} {
- if {!$last && $row + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen >= $commitidx} break
- for {set x [llength $idlist]} {[incr x -1] >= 0} {} {
- set i [lindex $idlist $x]
- if {![info exists rowchk($i)] || $row >= $rowchk($i)} {
- set r [usedinrange $i [expr {$row - $downarrowlen}] \
- [expr {$row + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen}]]
- if {$r == 0} {
- set idlist [lreplace $idlist $x $x]
- set offs [lreplace $offs $x $x]
- set offs [incrange $offs $x 1]
- set idinlist($i) 0
- set rm1 [expr {$row - 1}]
- lappend lse $i
- lappend idrowranges($i) $rm1
- if {[incr nev -1] <= 0} break
- continue
- }
- set rowchk($id) [expr {$row + $r}]
- }
- }
- lset rowidlist $row $idlist
- lset rowoffsets $row $offs
- }
- lappend linesegends $lse
- set col [lsearch -exact $idlist $id]
- if {$col < 0} {
- set col [llength $idlist]
- lappend idlist $id
- lset rowidlist $row $idlist
- set z {}
- if {[lindex $childlist $row] ne {}} {
- set z [expr {[llength [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row-1}]]] - $col}]
- unset idinlist($id)
- }
- lappend offs $z
- lset rowoffsets $row $offs
- if {$z ne {}} {
- makeuparrow $id $col $row $z
- }
- } else {
- unset idinlist($id)
- }
- set ranges {}
- if {[info exists idrowranges($id)]} {
- set ranges $idrowranges($id)
- lappend ranges $row
- unset idrowranges($id)
- }
- lappend rowrangelist $ranges
- incr row
- set offs [ntimes [llength $idlist] 0]
- set l [llength $newolds]
- set idlist [eval lreplace \$idlist $col $col $newolds]
- set o 0
- if {$l != 1} {
- set offs [lrange $offs 0 [expr {$col - 1}]]
- foreach x $newolds {
- lappend offs {}
- incr o -1
- }
- incr o
- set tmp [expr {[llength $idlist] - [llength $offs]}]
- if {$tmp > 0} {
- set offs [concat $offs [ntimes $tmp $o]]
- }
- } else {
- lset offs $col {}
- }
- foreach i $newolds {
- set idinlist($i) 1
- set idrowranges($i) $row
- }
- incr col $l
- foreach oid $oldolds {
- set idinlist($oid) 1
- set idlist [linsert $idlist $col $oid]
- set offs [linsert $offs $col $o]
- makeuparrow $oid $col $row $o
- incr col
- }
- lappend rowidlist $idlist
- lappend rowoffsets $offs
+ if {[commitinview $mainheadid $curview]} {
+ dodiffindex
+ } else {
+ lappend commitinterest($mainheadid) {dodiffindex}
- return $row
-proc addextraid {id row} {
- global displayorder commitrow commitinfo
- global commitidx commitlisted
- global parentlist childlist children
+proc dohidelocalchanges {} {
+ global nullid nullid2 lserial curview
- incr commitidx
- lappend displayorder $id
- lappend commitlisted 0
- lappend parentlist {}
- set commitrow($id) $row
- readcommit $id
- if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
- set commitinfo($id) {"No commit information available"}
+ if {[commitinview $nullid $curview]} {
+ removerow $nullid $curview
- if {[info exists children($id)]} {
- lappend childlist $children($id)
- unset children($id)
- } else {
- lappend childlist {}
+ if {[commitinview $nullid2 $curview]} {
+ removerow $nullid2 $curview
+ incr lserial
-proc layouttail {} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets idinlist commitidx
- global idrowranges rowrangelist
+# spawn off a process to do git diff-index --cached HEAD
+proc dodiffindex {} {
+ global lserial showlocalchanges
- set row $commitidx
- set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]
- while {$idlist ne {}} {
- set col [expr {[llength $idlist] - 1}]
- set id [lindex $idlist $col]
- addextraid $id $row
- unset idinlist($id)
- lappend idrowranges($id) $row
- lappend rowrangelist $idrowranges($id)
- unset idrowranges($id)
- incr row
- set offs [ntimes $col 0]
- set idlist [lreplace $idlist $col $col]
- lappend rowidlist $idlist
- lappend rowoffsets $offs
- }
- foreach id [array names idinlist] {
- addextraid $id $row
- lset rowidlist $row [list $id]
- lset rowoffsets $row 0
- makeuparrow $id 0 $row 0
- lappend idrowranges($id) $row
- lappend rowrangelist $idrowranges($id)
- unset idrowranges($id)
- incr row
- lappend rowidlist {}
- lappend rowoffsets {}
- }
+ if {!$showlocalchanges} return
+ incr lserial
+ set fd [open "|git diff-index --cached HEAD" r]
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
+ filerun $fd [list readdiffindex $fd $lserial]
-proc insert_pad {row col npad} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets
+proc readdiffindex {fd serial} {
+ global mainheadid nullid2 curview commitinfo commitdata lserial
- set pad [ntimes $npad {}]
- lset rowidlist $row [eval linsert [list [lindex $rowidlist $row]] $col $pad]
- set tmp [eval linsert [list [lindex $rowoffsets $row]] $col $pad]
- lset rowoffsets $row [incrange $tmp [expr {$col + $npad}] [expr {-$npad}]]
+ set isdiff 1
+ if {[gets $fd line] < 0} {
+ if {![eof $fd]} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ set isdiff 0
+ }
+ # we only need to see one line and we don't really care what it says...
+ close $fd
+ if {$serial != $lserial} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ # now see if there are any local changes not checked in to the index
+ set fd [open "|git diff-files" r]
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
+ filerun $fd [list readdifffiles $fd $serial]
+ if {$isdiff && ![commitinview $nullid2 $curview]} {
+ # add the line for the changes in the index to the graph
+ set hl "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
+ set commitinfo($nullid2) [list $hl {} {} {} {} " $hl\n"]
+ set commitdata($nullid2) "\n $hl\n"
+ insertrow $nullid2 $mainheadid $curview
+ } elseif {!$isdiff && [commitinview $nullid2 $curview]} {
+ removerow $nullid2 $curview
+ }
+ return 0
-proc optimize_rows {row col endrow} {
- global rowidlist rowoffsets idrowranges displayorder
+proc readdifffiles {fd serial} {
+ global mainheadid nullid nullid2 curview
+ global commitinfo commitdata lserial
+ set isdiff 1
+ if {[gets $fd line] < 0} {
+ if {![eof $fd]} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ set isdiff 0
+ }
+ # we only need to see one line and we don't really care what it says...
+ close $fd
+ if {$serial != $lserial} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {$isdiff && ![commitinview $nullid $curview]} {
+ # add the line for the local diff to the graph
+ set hl "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
+ set commitinfo($nullid) [list $hl {} {} {} {} " $hl\n"]
+ set commitdata($nullid) "\n $hl\n"
+ if {[commitinview $nullid2 $curview]} {
+ set p $nullid2
+ } else {
+ set p $mainheadid
+ }
+ insertrow $nullid $p $curview
+ } elseif {!$isdiff && [commitinview $nullid $curview]} {
+ removerow $nullid $curview
+ }
+ return 0
+proc nextuse {id row} {
+ global curview children
+ if {[info exists children($curview,$id)]} {
+ foreach kid $children($curview,$id) {
+ if {![commitinview $kid $curview]} {
+ return -1
+ }
+ if {[rowofcommit $kid] > $row} {
+ return [rowofcommit $kid]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[commitinview $id $curview]} {
+ return [rowofcommit $id]
+ }
+ return -1
+proc prevuse {id row} {
+ global curview children
+ set ret -1
+ if {[info exists children($curview,$id)]} {
+ foreach kid $children($curview,$id) {
+ if {![commitinview $kid $curview]} break
+ if {[rowofcommit $kid] < $row} {
+ set ret [rowofcommit $kid]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret
+proc make_idlist {row} {
+ global displayorder parentlist uparrowlen downarrowlen mingaplen
+ global commitidx curview children
+ set r [expr {$row - $mingaplen - $downarrowlen - 1}]
+ if {$r < 0} {
+ set r 0
+ }
+ set ra [expr {$row - $downarrowlen}]
+ if {$ra < 0} {
+ set ra 0
+ }
+ set rb [expr {$row + $uparrowlen}]
+ if {$rb > $commitidx($curview)} {
+ set rb $commitidx($curview)
+ }
+ make_disporder $r [expr {$rb + 1}]
+ set ids {}
+ for {} {$r < $ra} {incr r} {
+ set nextid [lindex $displayorder [expr {$r + 1}]]
+ foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] {
+ if {$p eq $nextid} continue
+ set rn [nextuse $p $r]
+ if {$rn >= $row &&
+ $rn <= $r + $downarrowlen + $mingaplen + $uparrowlen} {
+ lappend ids [list [ordertoken $p] $p]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for {} {$r < $row} {incr r} {
+ set nextid [lindex $displayorder [expr {$r + 1}]]
+ foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] {
+ if {$p eq $nextid} continue
+ set rn [nextuse $p $r]
+ if {$rn < 0 || $rn >= $row} {
+ lappend ids [list [ordertoken $p] $p]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ lappend ids [list [ordertoken $id] $id]
+ while {$r < $rb} {
+ foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] {
+ set firstkid [lindex $children($curview,$p) 0]
+ if {[rowofcommit $firstkid] < $row} {
+ lappend ids [list [ordertoken $p] $p]
+ }
+ }
+ incr r
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $r]
+ if {$id ne {}} {
+ set firstkid [lindex $children($curview,$id) 0]
+ if {$firstkid ne {} && [rowofcommit $firstkid] < $row} {
+ lappend ids [list [ordertoken $id] $id]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set idlist {}
+ foreach idx [lsort -unique $ids] {
+ lappend idlist [lindex $idx 1]
+ }
+ return $idlist
+proc rowsequal {a b} {
+ while {[set i [lsearch -exact $a {}]] >= 0} {
+ set a [lreplace $a $i $i]
+ }
+ while {[set i [lsearch -exact $b {}]] >= 0} {
+ set b [lreplace $b $i $i]
+ }
+ return [expr {$a eq $b}]
+proc makeupline {id row rend col} {
+ global rowidlist uparrowlen downarrowlen mingaplen
+ for {set r $rend} {1} {set r $rstart} {
+ set rstart [prevuse $id $r]
+ if {$rstart < 0} return
+ if {$rstart < $row} break
+ }
+ if {$rstart + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen + $downarrowlen < $rend} {
+ set rstart [expr {$rend - $uparrowlen - 1}]
+ }
+ for {set r $rstart} {[incr r] <= $row} {} {
+ set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $r]
+ if {$idlist ne {} && [lsearch -exact $idlist $id] < 0} {
+ set col [idcol $idlist $id $col]
+ lset rowidlist $r [linsert $idlist $col $id]
+ changedrow $r
+ }
+ }
+proc layoutrows {row endrow} {
+ global rowidlist rowisopt rowfinal displayorder
+ global uparrowlen downarrowlen maxwidth mingaplen
+ global children parentlist
+ global commitidx viewcomplete curview
+ make_disporder [expr {$row - 1}] [expr {$endrow + $uparrowlen}]
+ set idlist {}
+ if {$row > 0} {
+ set rm1 [expr {$row - 1}]
+ foreach id [lindex $rowidlist $rm1] {
+ if {$id ne {}} {
+ lappend idlist $id
+ }
+ }
+ set final [lindex $rowfinal $rm1]
+ }
for {} {$row < $endrow} {incr row} {
- set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]
- set offs [lindex $rowoffsets $row]
+ set rm1 [expr {$row - 1}]
+ if {$rm1 < 0 || $idlist eq {}} {
+ set idlist [make_idlist $row]
+ set final 1
+ } else {
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $rm1]
+ set col [lsearch -exact $idlist $id]
+ set idlist [lreplace $idlist $col $col]
+ foreach p [lindex $parentlist $rm1] {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $idlist $p] < 0} {
+ set col [idcol $idlist $p $col]
+ set idlist [linsert $idlist $col $p]
+ # if not the first child, we have to insert a line going up
+ if {$id ne [lindex $children($curview,$p) 0]} {
+ makeupline $p $rm1 $row $col
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ if {$row > $downarrowlen} {
+ set termrow [expr {$row - $downarrowlen - 1}]
+ foreach p [lindex $parentlist $termrow] {
+ set i [lsearch -exact $idlist $p]
+ if {$i < 0} continue
+ set nr [nextuse $p $termrow]
+ if {$nr < 0 || $nr >= $row + $mingaplen + $uparrowlen} {
+ set idlist [lreplace $idlist $i $i]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set col [lsearch -exact $idlist $id]
+ if {$col < 0} {
+ set col [idcol $idlist $id]
+ set idlist [linsert $idlist $col $id]
+ if {$children($curview,$id) ne {}} {
+ makeupline $id $rm1 $row $col
+ }
+ }
+ set r [expr {$row + $uparrowlen - 1}]
+ if {$r < $commitidx($curview)} {
+ set x $col
+ foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $idlist $p] >= 0} continue
+ set fk [lindex $children($curview,$p) 0]
+ if {[rowofcommit $fk] < $row} {
+ set x [idcol $idlist $p $x]
+ set idlist [linsert $idlist $x $p]
+ }
+ }
+ if {[incr r] < $commitidx($curview)} {
+ set p [lindex $displayorder $r]
+ if {[lsearch -exact $idlist $p] < 0} {
+ set fk [lindex $children($curview,$p) 0]
+ if {$fk ne {} && [rowofcommit $fk] < $row} {
+ set x [idcol $idlist $p $x]
+ set idlist [linsert $idlist $x $p]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$final && !$viewcomplete($curview) &&
+ $row + $uparrowlen + $mingaplen + $downarrowlen
+ >= $commitidx($curview)} {
+ set final 0
+ }
+ set l [llength $rowidlist]
+ if {$row == $l} {
+ lappend rowidlist $idlist
+ lappend rowisopt 0
+ lappend rowfinal $final
+ } elseif {$row < $l} {
+ if {![rowsequal $idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]]} {
+ lset rowidlist $row $idlist
+ changedrow $row
+ }
+ lset rowfinal $row $final
+ } else {
+ set pad [ntimes [expr {$row - $l}] {}]
+ set rowidlist [concat $rowidlist $pad]
+ lappend rowidlist $idlist
+ set rowfinal [concat $rowfinal $pad]
+ lappend rowfinal $final
+ set rowisopt [concat $rowisopt [ntimes [expr {$row - $l + 1}] 0]]
+ }
+ }
+ return $row
+proc changedrow {row} {
+ global displayorder iddrawn rowisopt need_redisplay
+ set l [llength $rowisopt]
+ if {$row < $l} {
+ lset rowisopt $row 0
+ if {$row + 1 < $l} {
+ lset rowisopt [expr {$row + 1}] 0
+ if {$row + 2 < $l} {
+ lset rowisopt [expr {$row + 2}] 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ if {[info exists iddrawn($id)]} {
+ set need_redisplay 1
+ }
+proc insert_pad {row col npad} {
+ global rowidlist
+ set pad [ntimes $npad {}]
+ set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]
+ set bef [lrange $idlist 0 [expr {$col - 1}]]
+ set aft [lrange $idlist $col end]
+ set i [lsearch -exact $aft {}]
+ if {$i > 0} {
+ set aft [lreplace $aft $i $i]
+ }
+ lset rowidlist $row [concat $bef $pad $aft]
+ changedrow $row
+proc optimize_rows {row col endrow} {
+ global rowidlist rowisopt displayorder curview children
+ if {$row < 1} {
+ set row 1
+ }
+ for {} {$row < $endrow} {incr row; set col 0} {
+ if {[lindex $rowisopt $row]} continue
set haspad 0
- for {} {$col < [llength $offs]} {incr col} {
- if {[lindex $idlist $col] eq {}} {
+ set y0 [expr {$row - 1}]
+ set ym [expr {$row - 2}]
+ set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]
+ set previdlist [lindex $rowidlist $y0]
+ if {$idlist eq {} || $previdlist eq {}} continue
+ if {$ym >= 0} {
+ set pprevidlist [lindex $rowidlist $ym]
+ if {$pprevidlist eq {}} continue
+ } else {
+ set pprevidlist {}
+ }
+ set x0 -1
+ set xm -1
+ for {} {$col < [llength $idlist]} {incr col} {
+ set id [lindex $idlist $col]
+ if {[lindex $previdlist $col] eq $id} continue
+ if {$id eq {}} {
set haspad 1
- set z [lindex $offs $col]
- if {$z eq {}} continue
+ set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id]
+ if {$x0 < 0} continue
+ set z [expr {$x0 - $col}]
set isarrow 0
- set x0 [expr {$col + $z}]
- set y0 [expr {$row - 1}]
- set z0 [lindex $rowoffsets $y0 $x0]
+ set z0 {}
+ if {$ym >= 0} {
+ set xm [lsearch -exact $pprevidlist $id]
+ if {$xm >= 0} {
+ set z0 [expr {$xm - $x0}]
+ }
+ }
if {$z0 eq {}} {
- set id [lindex $idlist $col]
- set ranges [rowranges $id]
- if {$ranges ne {} && $y0 > [lindex $ranges 0]} {
+ # if row y0 is the first child of $id then it's not an arrow
+ if {[lindex $children($curview,$id) 0] ne
+ [lindex $displayorder $y0]} {
set isarrow 1
+ if {!$isarrow && $id ne [lindex $displayorder $row] &&
+ [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row+1}]] $id] < 0} {
+ set isarrow 1
+ }
+ # Looking at lines from this row to the previous row,
+ # make them go straight up if they end in an arrow on
+ # the previous row; otherwise make them go straight up
+ # or at 45 degrees.
if {$z < -1 || ($z < 0 && $isarrow)} {
+ # Line currently goes left too much;
+ # insert pads in the previous row, then optimize it
set npad [expr {-1 - $z + $isarrow}]
- set offs [incrange $offs $col $npad]
insert_pad $y0 $x0 $npad
if {$y0 > 0} {
optimize_rows $y0 $x0 $row
- set z [lindex $offs $col]
- set x0 [expr {$col + $z}]
- set z0 [lindex $rowoffsets $y0 $x0]
+ set previdlist [lindex $rowidlist $y0]
+ set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id]
+ set z [expr {$x0 - $col}]
+ if {$z0 ne {}} {
+ set pprevidlist [lindex $rowidlist $ym]
+ set xm [lsearch -exact $pprevidlist $id]
+ set z0 [expr {$xm - $x0}]
+ }
} elseif {$z > 1 || ($z > 0 && $isarrow)} {
+ # Line currently goes right too much;
+ # insert pads in this line
set npad [expr {$z - 1 + $isarrow}]
- set y1 [expr {$row + 1}]
- set offs2 [lindex $rowoffsets $y1]
- set x1 -1
- foreach z $offs2 {
- incr x1
- if {$z eq {} || $x1 + $z < $col} continue
- if {$x1 + $z > $col} {
- incr npad
- }
- lset rowoffsets $y1 [incrange $offs2 $x1 $npad]
- break
- }
- set pad [ntimes $npad {}]
- set idlist [eval linsert \$idlist $col $pad]
- set tmp [eval linsert \$offs $col $pad]
+ insert_pad $row $col $npad
+ set idlist [lindex $rowidlist $row]
incr col $npad
- set offs [incrange $tmp $col [expr {-$npad}]]
- set z [lindex $offs $col]
+ set z [expr {$x0 - $col}]
set haspad 1
- if {$z0 eq {} && !$isarrow} {
+ if {$z0 eq {} && !$isarrow && $ym >= 0} {
# this line links to its first child on row $row-2
- set rm2 [expr {$row - 2}]
- set id [lindex $displayorder $rm2]
- set xc [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $rm2] $id]
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $ym]
+ set xc [lsearch -exact $pprevidlist $id]
if {$xc >= 0} {
set z0 [expr {$xc - $x0}]
+ # avoid lines jigging left then immediately right
if {$z0 ne {} && $z < 0 && $z0 > 0} {
insert_pad $y0 $x0 1
- set offs [incrange $offs $col 1]
- optimize_rows $y0 [expr {$x0 + 1}] $row
+ incr x0
+ optimize_rows $y0 $x0 $row
+ set previdlist [lindex $rowidlist $y0]
if {!$haspad} {
- set o {}
+ # Find the first column that doesn't have a line going right
for {set col [llength $idlist]} {[incr col -1] >= 0} {} {
- set o [lindex $offs $col]
- if {$o eq {}} {
+ set id [lindex $idlist $col]
+ if {$id eq {}} break
+ set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $id]
+ if {$x0 < 0} {
# check if this is the link to the first child
- set id [lindex $idlist $col]
- set ranges [rowranges $id]
- if {$ranges ne {} && $row == [lindex $ranges 0]} {
+ set kid [lindex $displayorder $y0]
+ if {[lindex $children($curview,$id) 0] eq $kid} {
# it is, work out offset to child
- set y0 [expr {$row - 1}]
- set id [lindex $displayorder $y0]
- set x0 [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $y0] $id]
- if {$x0 >= 0} {
- set o [expr {$x0 - $col}]
- }
+ set x0 [lsearch -exact $previdlist $kid]
- if {$o eq {} || $o <= 0} break
- }
- if {$o ne {} && [incr col] < [llength $idlist]} {
- set y1 [expr {$row + 1}]
- set offs2 [lindex $rowoffsets $y1]
- set x1 -1
- foreach z $offs2 {
- incr x1
- if {$z eq {} || $x1 + $z < $col} continue
- lset rowoffsets $y1 [incrange $offs2 $x1 1]
- break
- }
+ if {$x0 <= $col} break
+ }
+ # Insert a pad at that column as long as it has a line and
+ # isn't the last column
+ if {$x0 >= 0 && [incr col] < [llength $idlist]} {
set idlist [linsert $idlist $col {}]
- set tmp [linsert $offs $col {}]
- incr col
- set offs [incrange $tmp $col -1]
+ lset rowidlist $row $idlist
+ changedrow $row
- lset rowidlist $row $idlist
- lset rowoffsets $row $offs
- set col 0
proc rowranges {id} {
- global phase idrowranges commitrow rowlaidout rowrangelist
+ global curview children uparrowlen downarrowlen
+ global rowidlist
- set ranges {}
- if {$phase eq {} ||
- ([info exists commitrow($id)] && $commitrow($id) < $rowlaidout)} {
- set ranges [lindex $rowrangelist $commitrow($id)]
- } elseif {[info exists idrowranges($id)]} {
- set ranges $idrowranges($id)
+ set kids $children($curview,$id)
+ if {$kids eq {}} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set ret {}
+ lappend kids $id
+ foreach child $kids {
+ if {![commitinview $child $curview]} break
+ set row [rowofcommit $child]
+ if {![info exists prev]} {
+ lappend ret [expr {$row + 1}]
+ } else {
+ if {$row <= $prevrow} {
+ puts "oops children of [shortids $id] out of order [shortids $child] $row <= [shortids $prev] $prevrow"
+ }
+ # see if the line extends the whole way from prevrow to row
+ if {$row > $prevrow + $uparrowlen + $downarrowlen &&
+ [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist \
+ [expr {int(($row + $prevrow) / 2)}]] $id] < 0} {
+ # it doesn't, see where it ends
+ set r [expr {$prevrow + $downarrowlen}]
+ if {[lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] < 0} {
+ while {[incr r -1] > $prevrow &&
+ [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] < 0} {}
+ } else {
+ while {[incr r] <= $row &&
+ [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] >= 0} {}
+ incr r -1
+ }
+ lappend ret $r
+ # see where it starts up again
+ set r [expr {$row - $uparrowlen}]
+ if {[lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] < 0} {
+ while {[incr r] < $row &&
+ [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] < 0} {}
+ } else {
+ while {[incr r -1] >= $prevrow &&
+ [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $r] $id] >= 0} {}
+ incr r
+ }
+ lappend ret $r
+ }
+ }
+ if {$child eq $id} {
+ lappend ret $row
+ }
+ set prev $child
+ set prevrow $row
- return $ranges
+ return $ret
-proc drawlineseg {id i} {
- global rowoffsets rowidlist
- global displayorder
- global canv colormap linespc
- global numcommits commitrow
+proc drawlineseg {id row endrow arrowlow} {
+ global rowidlist displayorder iddrawn linesegs
+ global canv colormap linespc curview maxlinelen parentlist
- set ranges [rowranges $id]
- set downarrow 1
- if {[info exists commitrow($id)] && $commitrow($id) < $numcommits} {
- set downarrow [expr {$i < [llength $ranges] / 2 - 1}]
- } else {
- set downarrow 1
- }
- set startrow [lindex $ranges [expr {2 * $i}]]
- set row [lindex $ranges [expr {2 * $i + 1}]]
- if {$startrow == $row} return
- assigncolor $id
- set coords {}
- set col [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $id]
- if {$col < 0} {
- puts "oops: drawline: id $id not on row $row"
- return
- }
- set lasto {}
- set ns 0
+ set cols [list [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $id]]
+ set le [expr {$row + 1}]
+ set arrowhigh 1
while {1} {
- set o [lindex $rowoffsets $row $col]
- if {$o eq {}} break
- if {$o ne $lasto} {
- # changing direction
- set x [xc $row $col]
- set y [yc $row]
- lappend coords $x $y
- set lasto $o
- }
- incr col $o
- incr row -1
+ set c [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $le] $id]
+ if {$c < 0} {
+ incr le -1
+ break
+ }
+ lappend cols $c
+ set x [lindex $displayorder $le]
+ if {$x eq $id} {
+ set arrowhigh 0
+ break
+ }
+ if {[info exists iddrawn($x)] || $le == $endrow} {
+ set c [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$le+1}]] $id]
+ if {$c >= 0} {
+ lappend cols $c
+ set arrowhigh 0
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ incr le
+ }
+ if {$le <= $row} {
+ return $row
+ }
+ set lines {}
+ set i 0
+ set joinhigh 0
+ if {[info exists linesegs($id)]} {
+ set lines $linesegs($id)
+ foreach li $lines {
+ set r0 [lindex $li 0]
+ if {$r0 > $row} {
+ if {$r0 == $le && [lindex $li 1] - $row <= $maxlinelen} {
+ set joinhigh 1
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
- set x [xc $row $col]
- set y [yc $row]
- lappend coords $x $y
- if {$i == 0} {
- # draw the link to the first child as part of this line
- incr row -1
- set child [lindex $displayorder $row]
- set ccol [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $child]
- if {$ccol >= 0} {
- set x [xc $row $ccol]
- set y [yc $row]
- if {$ccol < $col - 1} {
- lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$col - 1}]] [yc $row]
- } elseif {$ccol > $col + 1} {
- lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$col + 1}]] [yc $row]
- }
- lappend coords $x $y
- }
- }
- if {[llength $coords] < 4} return
- if {$downarrow} {
- # This line has an arrow at the lower end: check if the arrow is
- # on a diagonal segment, and if so, work around the Tk 8.4
- # refusal to draw arrows on diagonal lines.
- set x0 [lindex $coords 0]
- set x1 [lindex $coords 2]
- if {$x0 != $x1} {
- set y0 [lindex $coords 1]
- set y1 [lindex $coords 3]
- if {$y0 - $y1 <= 2 * $linespc && $x1 == [lindex $coords 4]} {
- # we have a nearby vertical segment, just trim off the diag bit
- set coords [lrange $coords 2 end]
- } else {
- set slope [expr {($x0 - $x1) / ($y0 - $y1)}]
- set xi [expr {$x0 - $slope * $linespc / 2}]
- set yi [expr {$y0 - $linespc / 2}]
- set coords [lreplace $coords 0 1 $xi $y0 $xi $yi]
+ set joinlow 0
+ if {$i > 0} {
+ set li [lindex $lines [expr {$i-1}]]
+ set r1 [lindex $li 1]
+ if {$r1 == $row && $le - [lindex $li 0] <= $maxlinelen} {
+ set joinlow 1
+ }
+ }
+ set x [lindex $cols [expr {$le - $row}]]
+ set xp [lindex $cols [expr {$le - 1 - $row}]]
+ set dir [expr {$xp - $x}]
+ if {$joinhigh} {
+ set ith [lindex $lines $i 2]
+ set coords [$canv coords $ith]
+ set ah [$canv itemcget $ith -arrow]
+ set arrowhigh [expr {$ah eq "first" || $ah eq "both"}]
+ set x2 [lindex $cols [expr {$le + 1 - $row}]]
+ if {$x2 ne {} && $x - $x2 == $dir} {
+ set coords [lrange $coords 0 end-2]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set coords [list [xc $le $x] [yc $le]]
+ }
+ if {$joinlow} {
+ set itl [lindex $lines [expr {$i-1}] 2]
+ set al [$canv itemcget $itl -arrow]
+ set arrowlow [expr {$al eq "last" || $al eq "both"}]
+ } elseif {$arrowlow} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row-1}]] $id] >= 0 ||
+ [lsearch -exact [lindex $parentlist [expr {$row-1}]] $id] >= 0} {
+ set arrowlow 0
+ }
+ }
+ set arrow [lindex {none first last both} [expr {$arrowhigh + 2*$arrowlow}]]
+ for {set y $le} {[incr y -1] > $row} {} {
+ set x $xp
+ set xp [lindex $cols [expr {$y - 1 - $row}]]
+ set ndir [expr {$xp - $x}]
+ if {$dir != $ndir || $xp < 0} {
+ lappend coords [xc $y $x] [yc $y]
+ }
+ set dir $ndir
+ }
+ if {!$joinlow} {
+ if {$xp < 0} {
+ # join parent line to first child
+ set ch [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ set xc [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $ch]
+ if {$xc < 0} {
+ puts "oops: drawlineseg: child $ch not on row $row"
+ } elseif {$xc != $x} {
+ if {($arrowhigh && $le == $row + 1) || $dir == 0} {
+ set d [expr {int(0.5 * $linespc)}]
+ set x1 [xc $row $x]
+ if {$xc < $x} {
+ set x2 [expr {$x1 - $d}]
+ } else {
+ set x2 [expr {$x1 + $d}]
+ }
+ set y2 [yc $row]
+ set y1 [expr {$y2 + $d}]
+ lappend coords $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2
+ } elseif {$xc < $x - 1} {
+ lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$x-1}]] [yc $row]
+ } elseif {$xc > $x + 1} {
+ lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$x+1}]] [yc $row]
+ }
+ set x $xc
+ }
+ lappend coords [xc $row $x] [yc $row]
+ } else {
+ set xn [xc $row $xp]
+ set yn [yc $row]
+ lappend coords $xn $yn
+ }
+ if {!$joinhigh} {
+ assigncolor $id
+ set t [$canv create line $coords -width [linewidth $id] \
+ -fill $colormap($id) -tags lines.$id -arrow $arrow]
+ $canv lower $t
+ bindline $t $id
+ set lines [linsert $lines $i [list $row $le $t]]
+ } else {
+ $canv coords $ith $coords
+ if {$arrow ne $ah} {
+ $canv itemconf $ith -arrow $arrow
+ lset lines $i 0 $row
+ }
+ } else {
+ set xo [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row - 1}]] $id]
+ set ndir [expr {$xo - $xp}]
+ set clow [$canv coords $itl]
+ if {$dir == $ndir} {
+ set clow [lrange $clow 2 end]
+ }
+ set coords [concat $coords $clow]
+ if {!$joinhigh} {
+ lset lines [expr {$i-1}] 1 $le
+ } else {
+ # coalesce two pieces
+ $canv delete $ith
+ set b [lindex $lines [expr {$i-1}] 0]
+ set e [lindex $lines $i 1]
+ set lines [lreplace $lines [expr {$i-1}] $i [list $b $e $itl]]
+ }
+ $canv coords $itl $coords
+ if {$arrow ne $al} {
+ $canv itemconf $itl -arrow $arrow
- set arrow [expr {2 * ($i > 0) + $downarrow}]
- set arrow [lindex {none first last both} $arrow]
- set t [$canv create line $coords -width [linewidth $id] \
- -fill $colormap($id) -tags lines.$id -arrow $arrow]
- $canv lower $t
- bindline $t $id
+ set linesegs($id) $lines
+ return $le
-proc drawparentlinks {id row col olds} {
- global rowidlist canv colormap
+proc drawparentlinks {id row} {
+ global rowidlist canv colormap curview parentlist
+ global idpos linespc
+ set rowids [lindex $rowidlist $row]
+ set col [lsearch -exact $rowids $id]
+ if {$col < 0} return
+ set olds [lindex $parentlist $row]
set row2 [expr {$row + 1}]
set x [xc $row $col]
set y [yc $row]
set y2 [yc $row2]
+ set d [expr {int(0.5 * $linespc)}]
+ set ymid [expr {$y + $d}]
set ids [lindex $rowidlist $row2]
# rmx = right-most X coord used
set rmx 0
if {$x2 > $rmx} {
set rmx $x2
- set ranges [rowranges $p]
- if {$ranges ne {} && $row2 == [lindex $ranges 0]
- && $row2 < [lindex $ranges 1]} {
+ set j [lsearch -exact $rowids $p]
+ if {$j < 0} {
# drawlineseg will do this one for us
assigncolor $p
# should handle duplicated parents here...
set coords [list $x $y]
- if {$i < $col - 1} {
- lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$i + 1}]] $y
- } elseif {$i > $col + 1} {
- lappend coords [xc $row [expr {$i - 1}]] $y
+ if {$i != $col} {
+ # if attaching to a vertical segment, draw a smaller
+ # slant for visual distinctness
+ if {$i == $j} {
+ if {$i < $col} {
+ lappend coords [expr {$x2 + $d}] $y $x2 $ymid
+ } else {
+ lappend coords [expr {$x2 - $d}] $y $x2 $ymid
+ }
+ } elseif {$i < $col && $i < $j} {
+ # segment slants towards us already
+ lappend coords [xc $row $j] $y
+ } else {
+ if {$i < $col - 1} {
+ lappend coords [expr {$x2 + $linespc}] $y
+ } elseif {$i > $col + 1} {
+ lappend coords [expr {$x2 - $linespc}] $y
+ }
+ lappend coords $x2 $y2
+ }
+ } else {
+ lappend coords $x2 $y2
- lappend coords $x2 $y2
set t [$canv create line $coords -width [linewidth $p] \
-fill $colormap($p) -tags lines.$p]
$canv lower $t
bindline $t $p
- return $rmx
+ if {$rmx > [lindex $idpos($id) 1]} {
+ lset idpos($id) 1 $rmx
+ redrawtags $id
+ }
proc drawlines {id} {
- global colormap canv
- global idrangedrawn
- global childlist iddrawn commitrow rowidlist
+ global canv
- $canv delete lines.$id
- set nr [expr {[llength [rowranges $id]] / 2}]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $nr} {incr i} {
- if {[info exists idrangedrawn($id,$i)]} {
- drawlineseg $id $i
- }
- }
- foreach child [lindex $childlist $commitrow($id)] {
- if {[info exists iddrawn($child)]} {
- set row $commitrow($child)
- set col [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $child]
- if {$col >= 0} {
- drawparentlinks $child $row $col [list $id]
- }
- }
- }
+ $canv itemconf lines.$id -width [linewidth $id]
-proc drawcmittext {id row col rmx} {
- global linespc canv canv2 canv3 canvy0
- global commitlisted commitinfo rowidlist
+proc drawcmittext {id row col} {
+ global linespc canv canv2 canv3 fgcolor curview
+ global cmitlisted commitinfo rowidlist parentlist
global rowtextx idpos idtags idheads idotherrefs
- global linehtag linentag linedtag
- global mainfont namefont canvxmax
- set ofill [expr {[lindex $commitlisted $row]? "blue": "white"}]
+ global linehtag linentag linedtag selectedline
+ global canvxmax boldrows boldnamerows fgcolor nullid nullid2
+ # listed is 0 for boundary, 1 for normal, 2 for left, 3 for right
+ set listed $cmitlisted($curview,$id)
+ if {$id eq $nullid} {
+ set ofill red
+ } elseif {$id eq $nullid2} {
+ set ofill green
+ } else {
+ set ofill [expr {$listed != 0? "blue": "white"}]
+ }
set x [xc $row $col]
set y [yc $row]
set orad [expr {$linespc / 3}]
- set t [$canv create oval [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
- [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
- -fill $ofill -outline black -width 1]
+ if {$listed <= 1} {
+ set t [$canv create oval [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
+ [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
+ -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ } elseif {$listed == 2} {
+ # triangle pointing left for left-side commits
+ set t [$canv create polygon \
+ [expr {$x - $orad}] $y \
+ [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
+ [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
+ -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ } else {
+ # triangle pointing right for right-side commits
+ set t [$canv create polygon \
+ [expr {$x + $orad - 1}] $y \
+ [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y - $orad}] \
+ [expr {$x - $orad}] [expr {$y + $orad - 1}] \
+ -fill $ofill -outline $fgcolor -width 1 -tags circle]
+ }
$canv raise $t
$canv bind $t <1> {selcanvline {} %x %y}
- set xt [xc $row [llength [lindex $rowidlist $row]]]
- if {$xt < $rmx} {
- set xt $rmx
+ set rmx [llength [lindex $rowidlist $row]]
+ set olds [lindex $parentlist $row]
+ if {$olds ne {}} {
+ set nextids [lindex $rowidlist [expr {$row + 1}]]
+ foreach p $olds {
+ set i [lsearch -exact $nextids $p]
+ if {$i > $rmx} {
+ set rmx $i
+ }
+ }
+ set xt [xc $row $rmx]
set rowtextx($row) $xt
set idpos($id) [list $x $xt $y]
if {[info exists idtags($id)] || [info exists idheads($id)]
set name [lindex $commitinfo($id) 1]
set date [lindex $commitinfo($id) 2]
set date [formatdate $date]
- set linehtag($row) [$canv create text $xt $y -anchor w \
- -text $headline -font $mainfont ]
+ set font mainfont
+ set nfont mainfont
+ set isbold [ishighlighted $row]
+ if {$isbold > 0} {
+ lappend boldrows $row
+ set font mainfontbold
+ if {$isbold > 1} {
+ lappend boldnamerows $row
+ set nfont mainfontbold
+ }
+ }
+ set linehtag($row) [$canv create text $xt $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \
+ -text $headline -font $font -tags text]
$canv bind $linehtag($row) <Button-3> "rowmenu %X %Y $id"
- set linentag($row) [$canv2 create text 3 $y -anchor w \
- -text $name -font $namefont]
- set linedtag($row) [$canv3 create text 3 $y -anchor w \
- -text $date -font $mainfont]
- set xr [expr {$xt + [font measure $mainfont $headline]}]
+ set linentag($row) [$canv2 create text 3 $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \
+ -text $name -font $nfont -tags text]
+ set linedtag($row) [$canv3 create text 3 $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \
+ -text $date -font mainfont -tags text]
+ if {[info exists selectedline] && $selectedline == $row} {
+ make_secsel $row
+ }
+ set xr [expr {$xt + [font measure $font $headline]}]
if {$xr > $canvxmax} {
set canvxmax $xr
proc drawcmitrow {row} {
- global displayorder rowidlist
- global idrangedrawn iddrawn
- global commitinfo parentlist numcommits
+ global displayorder rowidlist nrows_drawn
+ global iddrawn markingmatches
+ global commitinfo numcommits
+ global filehighlight fhighlights findpattern nhighlights
+ global hlview vhighlights
+ global highlight_related rhighlights
if {$row >= $numcommits} return
- foreach id [lindex $rowidlist $row] {
- if {$id eq {}} continue
- set i -1
- foreach {s e} [rowranges $id] {
- incr i
- if {$row < $s} continue
- if {$e eq {}} break
- if {$row <= $e} {
- if {$e < $numcommits && ![info exists idrangedrawn($id,$i)]} {
- drawlineseg $id $i
- set idrangedrawn($id,$i) 1
- }
- break
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
+ if {[info exists hlview] && ![info exists vhighlights($row)]} {
+ askvhighlight $row $id
+ }
+ if {[info exists filehighlight] && ![info exists fhighlights($row)]} {
+ askfilehighlight $row $id
+ }
+ if {$findpattern ne {} && ![info exists nhighlights($row)]} {
+ askfindhighlight $row $id
+ }
+ if {$highlight_related ne "None" && ![info exists rhighlights($row)]} {
+ askrelhighlight $row $id
+ }
+ if {![info exists iddrawn($id)]} {
+ set col [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $id]
+ if {$col < 0} {
+ puts "oops, row $row id $id not in list"
+ return
+ }
+ if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
+ getcommit $id
+ }
+ assigncolor $id
+ drawcmittext $id $row $col
+ set iddrawn($id) 1
+ incr nrows_drawn
+ }
+ if {$markingmatches} {
+ markrowmatches $row $id
+ }
+proc drawcommits {row {endrow {}}} {
+ global numcommits iddrawn displayorder curview need_redisplay
+ global parentlist rowidlist rowfinal uparrowlen downarrowlen nrows_drawn
+ if {$row < 0} {
+ set row 0
+ }
+ if {$endrow eq {}} {
+ set endrow $row
+ }
+ if {$endrow >= $numcommits} {
+ set endrow [expr {$numcommits - 1}]
+ }
+ set rl1 [expr {$row - $downarrowlen - 3}]
+ if {$rl1 < 0} {
+ set rl1 0
+ }
+ set ro1 [expr {$row - 3}]
+ if {$ro1 < 0} {
+ set ro1 0
+ }
+ set r2 [expr {$endrow + $uparrowlen + 3}]
+ if {$r2 > $numcommits} {
+ set r2 $numcommits
+ }
+ for {set r $rl1} {$r < $r2} {incr r} {
+ if {[lindex $rowidlist $r] ne {} && [lindex $rowfinal $r]} {
+ if {$rl1 < $r} {
+ layoutrows $rl1 $r
+ set rl1 [expr {$r + 1}]
+ if {$rl1 < $r} {
+ layoutrows $rl1 $r
+ }
+ optimize_rows $ro1 0 $r2
+ if {$need_redisplay || $nrows_drawn > 2000} {
+ clear_display
+ drawvisible
+ }
- set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
- if {[info exists iddrawn($id)]} return
- set col [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $id]
- if {$col < 0} {
- puts "oops, row $row id $id not in list"
- return
+ # make the lines join to already-drawn rows either side
+ set r [expr {$row - 1}]
+ if {$r < 0 || ![info exists iddrawn([lindex $displayorder $r])]} {
+ set r $row
+ }
+ set er [expr {$endrow + 1}]
+ if {$er >= $numcommits ||
+ ![info exists iddrawn([lindex $displayorder $er])]} {
+ set er $endrow
+ }
+ for {} {$r <= $er} {incr r} {
+ set id [lindex $displayorder $r]
+ set wasdrawn [info exists iddrawn($id)]
+ drawcmitrow $r
+ if {$r == $er} break
+ set nextid [lindex $displayorder [expr {$r + 1}]]
+ if {$wasdrawn && [info exists iddrawn($nextid)]} continue
+ drawparentlinks $id $r
+ set rowids [lindex $rowidlist $r]
+ foreach lid $rowids {
+ if {$lid eq {}} continue
+ if {[info exists lineend($lid)] && $lineend($lid) > $r} continue
+ if {$lid eq $id} {
+ # see if this is the first child of any of its parents
+ foreach p [lindex $parentlist $r] {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $rowids $p] < 0} {
+ # make this line extend up to the child
+ set lineend($p) [drawlineseg $p $r $er 0]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set lineend($lid) [drawlineseg $lid $r $er 1]
+ }
+ }
- if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
- getcommit $id
+proc undolayout {row} {
+ global uparrowlen mingaplen downarrowlen
+ global rowidlist rowisopt rowfinal need_redisplay
+ set r [expr {$row - ($uparrowlen + $mingaplen + $downarrowlen)}]
+ if {$r < 0} {
+ set r 0
- assigncolor $id
- set olds [lindex $parentlist $row]
- if {$olds ne {}} {
- set rmx [drawparentlinks $id $row $col $olds]
- } else {
- set rmx 0
+ if {[llength $rowidlist] > $r} {
+ incr r -1
+ set rowidlist [lrange $rowidlist 0 $r]
+ set rowfinal [lrange $rowfinal 0 $r]
+ set rowisopt [lrange $rowisopt 0 $r]
+ set need_redisplay 1
+ run drawvisible
- drawcmittext $id $row $col $rmx
- set iddrawn($id) 1
proc drawfrac {f0 f1} {
- global numcommits canv
- global linespc
+ global canv linespc
set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
if {$ymax eq {} || $ymax == 0} return
set y0 [expr {int($f0 * $ymax)}]
set row [expr {int(($y0 - 3) / $linespc) - 1}]
- if {$row < 0} {
- set row 0
- }
set y1 [expr {int($f1 * $ymax)}]
set endrow [expr {int(($y1 - 3) / $linespc) + 1}]
- if {$endrow >= $numcommits} {
- set endrow [expr {$numcommits - 1}]
- }
- for {} {$row <= $endrow} {incr row} {
- drawcmitrow $row
- }
+ drawcommits $row $endrow
proc drawvisible {} {
proc clear_display {} {
- global iddrawn idrangedrawn
+ global iddrawn linesegs need_redisplay nrows_drawn
+ global vhighlights fhighlights nhighlights rhighlights
allcanvs delete all
catch {unset iddrawn}
- catch {unset idrangedrawn}
+ catch {unset linesegs}
+ catch {unset vhighlights}
+ catch {unset fhighlights}
+ catch {unset nhighlights}
+ catch {unset rhighlights}
+ set need_redisplay 0
+ set nrows_drawn 0
proc findcrossings {id} {
- global rowidlist parentlist numcommits rowoffsets displayorder
+ global rowidlist parentlist numcommits displayorder
set cross {}
set ccross {}
set e [expr {$numcommits - 1}]
if {$e <= $s} continue
- set x [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $e] $id]
- if {$x < 0} {
- puts "findcrossings: oops, no [shortids $id] in row $e"
- continue
- }
for {set row $e} {[incr row -1] >= $s} {} {
+ set x [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $id]
+ if {$x < 0} break
set olds [lindex $parentlist $row]
set kid [lindex $displayorder $row]
set kidx [lsearch -exact [lindex $rowidlist $row] $kid]
- set inc [lindex $rowoffsets $row $x]
- if {$inc eq {}} break
- incr x $inc
return [concat $ccross {{}} $cross]
proc assigncolor {id} {
global colormap colors nextcolor
- global commitrow parentlist children childlist
+ global parents children children curview
if {[info exists colormap($id)]} return
set ncolors [llength $colors]
- if {[info exists commitrow($id)]} {
- set kids [lindex $childlist $commitrow($id)]
- } elseif {[info exists children($id)]} {
- set kids $children($id)
+ if {[info exists children($curview,$id)]} {
+ set kids $children($curview,$id)
} else {
set kids {}
if {[llength $kids] == 1} {
set child [lindex $kids 0]
if {[info exists colormap($child)]
- && [llength [lindex $parentlist $commitrow($child)]] == 1} {
+ && [llength $parents($curview,$child)] == 1} {
set colormap($id) $colormap($child)
&& [lsearch -exact $badcolors $colormap($child)] < 0} {
lappend badcolors $colormap($child)
- foreach p [lindex $parentlist $commitrow($child)] {
+ foreach p $parents($curview,$child) {
if {[info exists colormap($p)]
&& [lsearch -exact $badcolors $colormap($p)] < 0} {
lappend badcolors $colormap($p)
proc drawtags {id x xt y1} {
- global idtags idheads idotherrefs
+ global idtags idheads idotherrefs mainhead
global linespc lthickness
- global canv mainfont commitrow rowtextx
+ global canv rowtextx curview fgcolor bgcolor
set marks {}
set ntags 0
set yb [expr {$yt + $linespc - 1}]
set xvals {}
set wvals {}
+ set i -1
foreach tag $marks {
- set wid [font measure $mainfont $tag]
+ incr i
+ if {$i >= $ntags && $i < $ntags + $nheads && $tag eq $mainhead} {
+ set wid [font measure mainfontbold $tag]
+ } else {
+ set wid [font measure mainfont $tag]
+ }
lappend xvals $xt
lappend wvals $wid
set xt [expr {$xt + $delta + $wid + $lthickness + $linespc}]
foreach tag $marks x $xvals wid $wvals {
set xl [expr {$x + $delta}]
set xr [expr {$x + $delta + $wid + $lthickness}]
+ set font mainfont
if {[incr ntags -1] >= 0} {
# draw a tag
set t [$canv create polygon $x [expr {$yt + $delta}] $xl $yt \
$xr $yt $xr $yb $xl $yb $x [expr {$yb - $delta}] \
-width 1 -outline black -fill yellow -tags tag.$id]
$canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag 1]
- set rowtextx($commitrow($id)) [expr {$xr + $linespc}]
+ set rowtextx([rowofcommit $id]) [expr {$xr + $linespc}]
} else {
# draw a head or other ref
if {[incr nheads -1] >= 0} {
set col green
+ if {$tag eq $mainhead} {
+ set font mainfontbold
+ }
} else {
set col "#ddddff"
$canv create polygon $x $yt $xr $yt $xr $yb $x $yb \
-width 1 -outline black -fill $col -tags tag.$id
if {[regexp {^(remotes/.*/|remotes/)} $tag match remoteprefix]} {
- set rwid [font measure $mainfont $remoteprefix]
+ set rwid [font measure mainfont $remoteprefix]
set xi [expr {$x + 1}]
set yti [expr {$yt + 1}]
set xri [expr {$x + $rwid}]
-width 0 -fill "#ffddaa" -tags tag.$id
- set t [$canv create text $xl $y1 -anchor w -text $tag \
- -font $mainfont -tags tag.$id]
+ set t [$canv create text $xl $y1 -anchor w -text $tag -fill $fgcolor \
+ -font $font -tags [list tag.$id text]]
if {$ntags >= 0} {
$canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag 1]
+ } elseif {$nheads >= 0} {
+ $canv bind $t <Button-3> [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag]
return $xt
return $x
-proc finishcommits {} {
- global commitidx phase
- global canv mainfont ctext maincursor textcursor
- global findinprogress pending_select
+proc show_status {msg} {
+ global canv fgcolor
- if {$commitidx > 0} {
- drawrest
- } else {
- $canv delete all
- $canv create text 3 3 -anchor nw -text "No commits selected" \
- -font $mainfont -tags textitems
- }
- if {![info exists findinprogress]} {
- . config -cursor $maincursor
- settextcursor $textcursor
- }
- set phase {}
- catch {unset pending_select}
+ clear_display
+ $canv create text 3 3 -anchor nw -text $msg -font mainfont \
+ -tags text -fill $fgcolor
# Don't change the text pane cursor if it is currently the hand cursor,
set curtextcursor $c
-proc drawrest {} {
- global numcommits
- global startmsecs
- global canvy0 numcommits linespc
- global rowlaidout commitidx
- global pending_select
+proc nowbusy {what {name {}}} {
+ global isbusy busyname statusw
- set row $rowlaidout
- layoutrows $rowlaidout $commitidx 1
- layouttail
- optimize_rows $row 0 $commitidx
- showstuff $commitidx
- if {[info exists pending_select]} {
- selectline 0 1
+ if {[array names isbusy] eq {}} {
+ . config -cursor watch
+ settextcursor watch
+ set isbusy($what) 1
+ set busyname($what) $name
+ if {$name ne {}} {
+ $statusw conf -text $name
+ }
- set drawmsecs [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $startmsecs}]
- #puts "overall $drawmsecs ms for $numcommits commits"
+proc notbusy {what} {
+ global isbusy maincursor textcursor busyname statusw
+ catch {
+ unset isbusy($what)
+ if {$busyname($what) ne {} &&
+ [$statusw cget -text] eq $busyname($what)} {
+ $statusw conf -text {}
+ }
+ }
+ if {[array names isbusy] eq {}} {
+ . config -cursor $maincursor
+ settextcursor $textcursor
+ }
proc findmatches {f} {
- global findtype foundstring foundstrlen
+ global findtype findstring
if {$findtype == "Regexp"} {
- set matches [regexp -indices -all -inline $foundstring $f]
+ set matches [regexp -indices -all -inline $findstring $f]
} else {
+ set fs $findstring
if {$findtype == "IgnCase"} {
- set str [string tolower $f]
- } else {
- set str $f
+ set f [string tolower $f]
+ set fs [string tolower $fs]
set matches {}
set i 0
- while {[set j [string first $foundstring $str $i]] >= 0} {
- lappend matches [list $j [expr {$j+$foundstrlen-1}]]
- set i [expr {$j + $foundstrlen}]
+ set l [string length $fs]
+ while {[set j [string first $fs $f $i]] >= 0} {
+ lappend matches [list $j [expr {$j+$l-1}]]
+ set i [expr {$j + $l}]
return $matches
-proc dofind {} {
- global findtype findloc findstring markedmatches commitinfo
- global numcommits displayorder linehtag linentag linedtag
- global mainfont namefont canv canv2 canv3 selectedline
- global matchinglines foundstring foundstrlen matchstring
- global commitdata
+proc dofind {{dirn 1} {wrap 1}} {
+ global findstring findstartline findcurline selectedline numcommits
+ global gdttype filehighlight fh_serial find_dirn findallowwrap
- stopfindproc
- unmarkmatches
- focus .
- set matchinglines {}
- if {$findloc == "Pickaxe"} {
- findpatches
- return
- }
- if {$findtype == "IgnCase"} {
- set foundstring [string tolower $findstring]
- } else {
- set foundstring $findstring
- }
- set foundstrlen [string length $findstring]
- if {$foundstrlen == 0} return
- regsub -all {[*?\[\\]} $foundstring {\\&} matchstring
- set matchstring "*$matchstring*"
- if {$findloc == "Files"} {
- findfiles
- return
+ if {[info exists find_dirn]} {
+ if {$find_dirn == $dirn} return
+ stopfinding
+ focus .
+ if {$findstring eq {} || $numcommits == 0} return
if {![info exists selectedline]} {
- set oldsel -1
- } else {
- set oldsel $selectedline
- }
- set didsel 0
- set fldtypes {Headline Author Date Committer CDate Comment}
- set l -1
- foreach id $displayorder {
- set d $commitdata($id)
- incr l
- if {$findtype == "Regexp"} {
- set doesmatch [regexp $foundstring $d]
- } elseif {$findtype == "IgnCase"} {
- set doesmatch [string match -nocase $matchstring $d]
- } else {
- set doesmatch [string match $matchstring $d]
- }
- if {!$doesmatch} continue
- if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
- getcommit $id
- }
- set info $commitinfo($id)
- set doesmatch 0
- foreach f $info ty $fldtypes {
- if {$findloc != "All fields" && $findloc != $ty} {
- continue
- }
- set matches [findmatches $f]
- if {$matches == {}} continue
- set doesmatch 1
- if {$ty == "Headline"} {
- drawcmitrow $l
- markmatches $canv $l $f $linehtag($l) $matches $mainfont
- } elseif {$ty == "Author"} {
- drawcmitrow $l
- markmatches $canv2 $l $f $linentag($l) $matches $namefont
- } elseif {$ty == "Date"} {
- drawcmitrow $l
- markmatches $canv3 $l $f $linedtag($l) $matches $mainfont
- }
- }
- if {$doesmatch} {
- lappend matchinglines $l
- if {!$didsel && $l > $oldsel} {
- findselectline $l
- set didsel 1
- }
- }
- }
- if {$matchinglines == {}} {
- bell
- } elseif {!$didsel} {
- findselectline [lindex $matchinglines 0]
- }
-proc findselectline {l} {
- global findloc commentend ctext
- selectline $l 1
- if {$findloc == "All fields" || $findloc == "Comments"} {
- # highlight the matches in the comments
- set f [$ctext get 1.0 $commentend]
- set matches [findmatches $f]
- foreach match $matches {
- set start [lindex $match 0]
- set end [expr {[lindex $match 1] + 1}]
- $ctext tag add found "1.0 + $start c" "1.0 + $end c"
- }
- }
-proc findnext {restart} {
- global matchinglines selectedline
- if {![info exists matchinglines]} {
- if {$restart} {
- dofind
- }
- return
- }
- if {![info exists selectedline]} return
- foreach l $matchinglines {
- if {$l > $selectedline} {
- findselectline $l
- return
- }
- }
- bell
-proc findprev {} {
- global matchinglines selectedline
- if {![info exists matchinglines]} {
- dofind
- return
- }
- if {![info exists selectedline]} return
- set prev {}
- foreach l $matchinglines {
- if {$l >= $selectedline} break
- set prev $l
- }
- if {$prev != {}} {
- findselectline $prev
+ set findstartline [lindex [visiblerows] [expr {$dirn < 0}]]
} else {
- bell
+ set findstartline $selectedline
-proc findlocchange {name ix op} {
- global findloc findtype findtypemenu
- if {$findloc == "Pickaxe"} {
- set findtype Exact
- set state disabled
- } else {
- set state normal
+ set findcurline $findstartline
+ nowbusy finding "Searching"
+ if {$gdttype ne "containing:" && ![info exists filehighlight]} {
+ after cancel do_file_hl $fh_serial
+ do_file_hl $fh_serial
- $findtypemenu entryconf 1 -state $state
- $findtypemenu entryconf 2 -state $state
+ set find_dirn $dirn
+ set findallowwrap $wrap
+ run findmore
-proc stopfindproc {{done 0}} {
- global findprocpid findprocfile findids
- global ctext findoldcursor phase maincursor textcursor
- global findinprogress
+proc stopfinding {} {
+ global find_dirn findcurline fprogcoord
- catch {unset findids}
- if {[info exists findprocpid]} {
- if {!$done} {
- catch {exec kill $findprocpid}
- }
- catch {close $findprocfile}
- unset findprocpid
- }
- if {[info exists findinprogress]} {
- unset findinprogress
- if {$phase eq {}} {
- . config -cursor $maincursor
- settextcursor $textcursor
- }
+ if {[info exists find_dirn]} {
+ unset find_dirn
+ unset findcurline
+ notbusy finding
+ set fprogcoord 0
+ adjustprogress
-proc findpatches {} {
- global findstring selectedline numcommits
- global findprocpid findprocfile
- global finddidsel ctext displayorder findinprogress
- global findinsertpos
- if {$numcommits == 0} return
+proc findmore {} {
+ global commitdata commitinfo numcommits findpattern findloc
+ global findstartline findcurline findallowwrap
+ global find_dirn gdttype fhighlights fprogcoord
+ global curview varcorder vrownum varccommits
- # make a list of all the ids to search, starting at the one
- # after the selected line (if any)
- if {[info exists selectedline]} {
- set l $selectedline
- } else {
- set l -1
+ if {![info exists find_dirn]} {
+ return 0
- set inputids {}
- for {set i 0} {$i < $numcommits} {incr i} {
- if {[incr l] >= $numcommits} {
+ set fldtypes {Headline Author Date Committer CDate Comments}
+ set l $findcurline
+ set moretodo 0
+ if {$find_dirn > 0} {
+ incr l
+ if {$l >= $numcommits} {
set l 0
- append inputids [lindex $displayorder $l] "\n"
- }
- if {[catch {
- set f [open [list | git-diff-tree --stdin -s -r -S$findstring \
- << $inputids] r]
- } err]} {
- error_popup "Error starting search process: $err"
- return
- }
- set findinsertpos end
- set findprocfile $f
- set findprocpid [pid $f]
- fconfigure $f -blocking 0
- fileevent $f readable readfindproc
- set finddidsel 0
- . config -cursor watch
- settextcursor watch
- set findinprogress 1
-proc readfindproc {} {
- global findprocfile finddidsel
- global commitrow matchinglines findinsertpos
- set n [gets $findprocfile line]
- if {$n < 0} {
- if {[eof $findprocfile]} {
- stopfindproc 1
- if {!$finddidsel} {
- bell
- }
- }
- return
- }
- if {![regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}} $line id]} {
- error_popup "Can't parse git-diff-tree output: $line"
- stopfindproc
- return
- }
- if {![info exists commitrow($id)]} {
- puts stderr "spurious id: $id"
- return
- }
- set l $commitrow($id)
- insertmatch $l $id
-proc insertmatch {l id} {
- global matchinglines findinsertpos finddidsel
- if {$findinsertpos == "end"} {
- if {$matchinglines != {} && $l < [lindex $matchinglines 0]} {
- set matchinglines [linsert $matchinglines 0 $l]
- set findinsertpos 1
+ if {$l <= $findstartline} {
+ set lim [expr {$findstartline + 1}]
} else {
- lappend matchinglines $l
+ set lim $numcommits
+ set moretodo $findallowwrap
} else {
- set matchinglines [linsert $matchinglines $findinsertpos $l]
- incr findinsertpos
- }
- markheadline $l $id
- if {!$finddidsel} {
- findselectline $l
- set finddidsel 1
- }
-proc findfiles {} {
- global selectedline numcommits displayorder ctext
- global ffileline finddidsel parentlist
- global findinprogress findstartline findinsertpos
- global treediffs fdiffid fdiffsneeded fdiffpos
- global findmergefiles
- if {$numcommits == 0} return
- if {[info exists selectedline]} {
- set l [expr {$selectedline + 1}]
- } else {
- set l 0
- }
- set ffileline $l
- set findstartline $l
- set diffsneeded {}
- set fdiffsneeded {}
- while 1 {
- set id [lindex $displayorder $l]
- if {$findmergefiles || [llength [lindex $parentlist $l]] == 1} {
- if {![info exists treediffs($id)]} {
- append diffsneeded "$id\n"
- lappend fdiffsneeded $id
- }
- }
- if {[incr l] >= $numcommits} {
- set l 0
+ if {$l == 0} {
+ set l $numcommits
- if {$l == $findstartline} break
- }
- # start off a git-diff-tree process if needed
- if {$diffsneeded ne {}} {
- if {[catch {
- set df [open [list | git-diff-tree -r --stdin << $diffsneeded] r]
- } err ]} {
- error_popup "Error starting search process: $err"
- return
+ incr l -1
+ if {$l >= $findstartline} {
+ set lim [expr {$findstartline - 1}]
+ } else {
+ set lim -1
+ set moretodo $findallowwrap
- catch {unset fdiffid}
- set fdiffpos 0
- fconfigure $df -blocking 0
- fileevent $df readable [list readfilediffs $df]
- set finddidsel 0
- set findinsertpos end
- set id [lindex $displayorder $l]
- . config -cursor watch
- settextcursor watch
- set findinprogress 1
- findcont
- update
-proc readfilediffs {df} {
- global findid fdiffid fdiffs
- set n [gets $df line]
- if {$n < 0} {
- if {[eof $df]} {
- donefilediff
- if {[catch {close $df} err]} {
- stopfindproc
- bell
- error_popup "Error in git-diff-tree: $err"
- } elseif {[info exists findid]} {
- set id $findid
- stopfindproc
- bell
- error_popup "Couldn't find diffs for $id"
+ set n [expr {($lim - $l) * $find_dirn}]
+ if {$n > 500} {
+ set n 500
+ set moretodo 1
+ }
+ set found 0
+ set domore 1
+ set ai [bsearch $vrownum($curview) $l]
+ set a [lindex $varcorder($curview) $ai]
+ set arow [lindex $vrownum($curview) $ai]
+ set ids [lindex $varccommits($curview,$a)]
+ set arowend [expr {$arow + [llength $ids]}]
+ if {$gdttype eq "containing:"} {
+ for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1; incr l $find_dirn} {
+ if {$l < $arow || $l >= $arowend} {
+ incr ai $find_dirn
+ set a [lindex $varcorder($curview) $ai]
+ set arow [lindex $vrownum($curview) $ai]
+ set ids [lindex $varccommits($curview,$a)]
+ set arowend [expr {$arow + [llength $ids]}]
- }
- return
- }
- if {[regexp {^([0-9a-f]{40})$} $line match id]} {
- # start of a new string of diffs
- donefilediff
- set fdiffid $id
- set fdiffs {}
- } elseif {[string match ":*" $line]} {
- lappend fdiffs [lindex $line 5]
- }
-proc donefilediff {} {
- global fdiffid fdiffs treediffs findid
- global fdiffsneeded fdiffpos
- if {[info exists fdiffid]} {
- while {[lindex $fdiffsneeded $fdiffpos] ne $fdiffid
- && $fdiffpos < [llength $fdiffsneeded]} {
- # git-diff-tree doesn't output anything for a commit
- # which doesn't change anything
- set nullid [lindex $fdiffsneeded $fdiffpos]
- set treediffs($nullid) {}
- if {[info exists findid] && $nullid eq $findid} {
- unset findid
- findcont
+ set id [lindex $ids [expr {$l - $arow}]]
+ # shouldn't happen unless git log doesn't give all the commits...
+ if {![info exists commitdata($id)] ||
+ ![doesmatch $commitdata($id)]} {
+ continue
- incr fdiffpos
- }
- incr fdiffpos
- if {![info exists treediffs($fdiffid)]} {
- set treediffs($fdiffid) $fdiffs
- }
- if {[info exists findid] && $fdiffid eq $findid} {
- unset findid
- findcont
- }
- }
-proc findcont {} {
- global findid treediffs parentlist
- global ffileline findstartline finddidsel
- global displayorder numcommits matchinglines findinprogress
- global findmergefiles
- set l $ffileline
- while {1} {
- set id [lindex $displayorder $l]
- if {$findmergefiles || [llength [lindex $parentlist $l]] == 1} {
- if {![info exists treediffs($id)]} {
- set findid $id
- set ffileline $l
- return
+ if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
+ getcommit $id
- set doesmatch 0
- foreach f $treediffs($id) {
- set x [findmatches $f]
- if {$x != {}} {
- set doesmatch 1
+ set info $commitinfo($id)
+ foreach f $info ty $fldtypes {
+ if {($findloc eq "All fields" || $findloc eq $ty) &&
+ [doesmatch $f]} {
+ set found 1
- if {$doesmatch} {
- insertmatch $l $id
+ if {$found} break
+ }
+ } else {
+ for {} {$n > 0} {incr n -1; incr l $find_dirn} {
+ if {$l < $arow || $l >= $arowend} {
+ incr ai $find_dirn
+ set a [lindex $varcorder($curview) $ai]
+ set arow [lindex $vrownum($curview) $ai]
+ set ids [lindex $varccommits($curview,$a)]
+ set arowend [expr {$arow + [llength $ids]}]
+ }
+ set id [lindex $ids [expr {$l - $arow}]]
+ if {![info exists fhighlights($l)]} {
+ askfilehighlight $l $id
+ if {$domore} {
+ set domore 0
+ set findcurline [expr {$l - $find_dirn}]
+ }
+ } elseif {$fhighlights($l)} {
+ set found $domore
+ break
- if {[incr l] >= $numcommits} {
- set l 0
+ }
+ if {$found || ($domore && !$moretodo)} {
+ unset findcurline
+ unset find_dirn
+ notbusy finding
+ set fprogcoord 0
+ adjustprogress
+ if {$found} {
+ findselectline $l
+ } else {
+ bell
- if {$l == $findstartline} break
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {!$domore} {
+ flushhighlights
+ } else {
+ set findcurline [expr {$l - $find_dirn}]
- stopfindproc
- if {!$finddidsel} {
- bell
+ set n [expr {($findcurline - $findstartline) * $find_dirn - 1}]
+ if {$n < 0} {
+ incr n $numcommits
+ set fprogcoord [expr {$n * 1.0 / $numcommits}]
+ adjustprogress
+ return $domore
-# mark a commit as matching by putting a yellow background
-# behind the headline
-proc markheadline {l id} {
- global canv mainfont linehtag
+proc findselectline {l} {
+ global findloc commentend ctext findcurline markingmatches gdttype
- drawcmitrow $l
- set bbox [$canv bbox $linehtag($l)]
- set t [$canv create rect $bbox -outline {} -tags matches -fill yellow]
- $canv lower $t
+ set markingmatches 1
+ set findcurline $l
+ selectline $l 1
+ if {$findloc == "All fields" || $findloc == "Comments"} {
+ # highlight the matches in the comments
+ set f [$ctext get 1.0 $commentend]
+ set matches [findmatches $f]
+ foreach match $matches {
+ set start [lindex $match 0]
+ set end [expr {[lindex $match 1] + 1}]
+ $ctext tag add found "1.0 + $start c" "1.0 + $end c"
+ }
+ }
+ drawvisible
-# mark the bits of a headline, author or date that match a find string
-proc markmatches {canv l str tag matches font} {
+# mark the bits of a headline or author that match a find string
+proc markmatches {canv l str tag matches font row} {
+ global selectedline
set bbox [$canv bbox $tag]
set x0 [lindex $bbox 0]
set y0 [lindex $bbox 1]
set xlen [font measure $font [string range $str 0 [expr {$end}]]]
set t [$canv create rect [expr {$x0+$xoff}] $y0 \
[expr {$x0+$xlen+2}] $y1 \
- -outline {} -tags matches -fill yellow]
+ -outline {} -tags [list match$l matches] -fill yellow]
$canv lower $t
+ if {[info exists selectedline] && $row == $selectedline} {
+ $canv raise $t secsel
+ }
proc unmarkmatches {} {
- global matchinglines findids
+ global markingmatches
allcanvs delete matches
- catch {unset matchinglines}
- catch {unset findids}
+ set markingmatches 0
+ stopfinding
proc selcanvline {w x y} {
proc commit_descriptor {p} {
global commitinfo
+ if {![info exists commitinfo($p)]} {
+ getcommit $p
+ }
set l "..."
- if {[info exists commitinfo($p)]} {
+ if {[llength $commitinfo($p)] > 1} {
set l [lindex $commitinfo($p) 0]
- return "$p ($l)"
+ return "$p ($l)\n"
# append some text to the ctext widget, and make any SHA1 ID
# that we know about be a clickable link.
-proc appendwithlinks {text} {
- global ctext commitrow linknum
+proc appendwithlinks {text tags} {
+ global ctext linknum curview pendinglinks
set start [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- $ctext insert end $text
- $ctext insert end "\n"
+ $ctext insert end $text $tags
set links [regexp -indices -all -inline {[0-9a-f]{40}} $text]
foreach l $links {
set s [lindex $l 0]
set e [lindex $l 1]
set linkid [string range $text $s $e]
- if {![info exists commitrow($linkid)]} continue
incr e
- $ctext tag add link "$start + $s c" "$start + $e c"
+ $ctext tag delete link$linknum
$ctext tag add link$linknum "$start + $s c" "$start + $e c"
- $ctext tag bind link$linknum <1> [list selectline $commitrow($linkid) 1]
+ setlink $linkid link$linknum
incr linknum
- $ctext tag conf link -foreground blue -underline 1
- $ctext tag bind link <Enter> { %W configure -cursor hand2 }
- $ctext tag bind link <Leave> { %W configure -cursor $curtextcursor }
+proc setlink {id lk} {
+ global curview ctext pendinglinks commitinterest
+ if {[commitinview $id $curview]} {
+ $ctext tag conf $lk -foreground blue -underline 1
+ $ctext tag bind $lk <1> [list selectline [rowofcommit $id] 1]
+ $ctext tag bind $lk <Enter> {linkcursor %W 1}
+ $ctext tag bind $lk <Leave> {linkcursor %W -1}
+ } else {
+ lappend pendinglinks($id) $lk
+ lappend commitinterest($id) {makelink %I}
+ }
+proc makelink {id} {
+ global pendinglinks
+ if {![info exists pendinglinks($id)]} return
+ foreach lk $pendinglinks($id) {
+ setlink $id $lk
+ }
+ unset pendinglinks($id)
+proc linkcursor {w inc} {
+ global linkentercount curtextcursor
+ if {[incr linkentercount $inc] > 0} {
+ $w configure -cursor hand2
+ } else {
+ $w configure -cursor $curtextcursor
+ if {$linkentercount < 0} {
+ set linkentercount 0
+ }
+ }
proc viewnextline {dir} {
allcanvs yview moveto [expr {$newtop * 1.0 / $ymax}]
+# add a list of tag or branch names at position pos
+# returns the number of names inserted
+proc appendrefs {pos ids var} {
+ global ctext linknum curview $var maxrefs
+ if {[catch {$ctext index $pos}]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ $ctext conf -state normal
+ $ctext delete $pos "$pos lineend"
+ set tags {}
+ foreach id $ids {
+ foreach tag [set $var\($id\)] {
+ lappend tags [list $tag $id]
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $tags] > $maxrefs} {
+ $ctext insert $pos "many ([llength $tags])"
+ } else {
+ set tags [lsort -index 0 -decreasing $tags]
+ set sep {}
+ foreach ti $tags {
+ set id [lindex $ti 1]
+ set lk link$linknum
+ incr linknum
+ $ctext tag delete $lk
+ $ctext insert $pos $sep
+ $ctext insert $pos [lindex $ti 0] $lk
+ setlink $id $lk
+ set sep ", "
+ }
+ }
+ $ctext conf -state disabled
+ return [llength $tags]
+# called when we have finished computing the nearby tags
+proc dispneartags {delay} {
+ global selectedline currentid showneartags tagphase
+ if {![info exists selectedline] || !$showneartags} return
+ after cancel dispnexttag
+ if {$delay} {
+ after 200 dispnexttag
+ set tagphase -1
+ } else {
+ after idle dispnexttag
+ set tagphase 0
+ }
+proc dispnexttag {} {
+ global selectedline currentid showneartags tagphase ctext
+ if {![info exists selectedline] || !$showneartags} return
+ switch -- $tagphase {
+ 0 {
+ set dtags [desctags $currentid]
+ if {$dtags ne {}} {
+ appendrefs precedes $dtags idtags
+ }
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set atags [anctags $currentid]
+ if {$atags ne {}} {
+ appendrefs follows $atags idtags
+ }
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set dheads [descheads $currentid]
+ if {$dheads ne {}} {
+ if {[appendrefs branch $dheads idheads] > 1
+ && [$ctext get "branch -3c"] eq "h"} {
+ # turn "Branch" into "Branches"
+ $ctext conf -state normal
+ $ctext insert "branch -2c" "es"
+ $ctext conf -state disabled
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[incr tagphase] <= 2} {
+ after idle dispnexttag
+ }
+proc make_secsel {l} {
+ global linehtag linentag linedtag canv canv2 canv3
+ if {![info exists linehtag($l)]} return
+ $canv delete secsel
+ set t [eval $canv create rect [$canv bbox $linehtag($l)] -outline {{}} \
+ -tags secsel -fill [$canv cget -selectbackground]]
+ $canv lower $t
+ $canv2 delete secsel
+ set t [eval $canv2 create rect [$canv2 bbox $linentag($l)] -outline {{}} \
+ -tags secsel -fill [$canv2 cget -selectbackground]]
+ $canv2 lower $t
+ $canv3 delete secsel
+ set t [eval $canv3 create rect [$canv3 bbox $linedtag($l)] -outline {{}} \
+ -tags secsel -fill [$canv3 cget -selectbackground]]
+ $canv3 lower $t
proc selectline {l isnew} {
- global canv canv2 canv3 ctext commitinfo selectedline
- global displayorder linehtag linentag linedtag
- global canvy0 linespc parentlist childlist
- global cflist currentid sha1entry
+ global canv ctext commitinfo selectedline
+ global canvy0 linespc parents children curview
+ global currentid sha1entry
global commentend idtags linknum
global mergemax numcommits pending_select
+ global cmitmode showneartags allcommits
catch {unset pending_select}
$canv delete hover
+ unsel_reflist
+ stopfinding
if {$l < 0 || $l >= $numcommits} return
set y [expr {$canvy0 + $l * $linespc}]
set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
- if {![info exists linehtag($l)]} return
- $canv delete secsel
- set t [eval $canv create rect [$canv bbox $linehtag($l)] -outline {{}} \
- -tags secsel -fill [$canv cget -selectbackground]]
- $canv lower $t
- $canv2 delete secsel
- set t [eval $canv2 create rect [$canv2 bbox $linentag($l)] -outline {{}} \
- -tags secsel -fill [$canv2 cget -selectbackground]]
- $canv2 lower $t
- $canv3 delete secsel
- set t [eval $canv3 create rect [$canv3 bbox $linedtag($l)] -outline {{}} \
- -tags secsel -fill [$canv3 cget -selectbackground]]
- $canv3 lower $t
+ make_secsel $l
if {$isnew} {
addtohistory [list selectline $l 0]
set selectedline $l
- set id [lindex $displayorder $l]
+ set id [commitonrow $l]
set currentid $id
$sha1entry delete 0 end
$sha1entry insert 0 $id
$sha1entry selection from 0
$sha1entry selection to end
+ rhighlight_sel $id
$ctext conf -state normal
- $ctext delete 0.0 end
+ clear_ctext
set linknum 0
- $ctext mark set fmark.0 0.0
- $ctext mark gravity fmark.0 left
set info $commitinfo($id)
set date [formatdate [lindex $info 2]]
$ctext insert end "Author: [lindex $info 1] $date\n"
$ctext insert end "\n"
- set comment {}
- set olds [lindex $parentlist $l]
+ set headers {}
+ set olds $parents($curview,$id)
if {[llength $olds] > 1} {
set np 0
foreach p $olds {
set tag m$np
$ctext insert end "Parent: " $tag
- appendwithlinks [commit_descriptor $p]
+ appendwithlinks [commit_descriptor $p] {}
incr np
} else {
foreach p $olds {
- append comment "Parent: [commit_descriptor $p]\n"
+ append headers "Parent: [commit_descriptor $p]"
- foreach c [lindex $childlist $l] {
- append comment "Child: [commit_descriptor $c]\n"
+ foreach c $children($curview,$id) {
+ append headers "Child: [commit_descriptor $c]"
- append comment "\n"
- append comment [lindex $info 5]
# make anything that looks like a SHA1 ID be a clickable link
- appendwithlinks $comment
+ appendwithlinks $headers {}
+ if {$showneartags} {
+ if {![info exists allcommits]} {
+ getallcommits
+ }
+ $ctext insert end "Branch: "
+ $ctext mark set branch "end -1c"
+ $ctext mark gravity branch left
+ $ctext insert end "\nFollows: "
+ $ctext mark set follows "end -1c"
+ $ctext mark gravity follows left
+ $ctext insert end "\nPrecedes: "
+ $ctext mark set precedes "end -1c"
+ $ctext mark gravity precedes left
+ $ctext insert end "\n"
+ dispneartags 1
+ }
+ $ctext insert end "\n"
+ set comment [lindex $info 5]
+ if {[string first "\r" $comment] >= 0} {
+ set comment [string map {"\r" "\n "} $comment]
+ }
+ appendwithlinks $comment {comment}
- $ctext tag delete Comments
$ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
$ctext conf -state disabled
set commentend [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- $cflist delete 0 end
- $cflist insert end "Comments"
- if {[llength $olds] <= 1} {
+ init_flist "Comments"
+ if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} {
+ gettree $id
+ } elseif {[llength $olds] <= 1} {
startdiff $id
} else {
- mergediff $id $l
+ mergediff $id
proc selnextline {dir} {
global selectedline
+ focus .
if {![info exists selectedline]} return
set l [expr {$selectedline + $dir}]
set lpp 1
allcanvs yview scroll [expr {$dir * $lpp}] units
+ drawvisible
if {![info exists selectedline]} return
set l [expr {$selectedline + $dir * $lpp}]
if {$l < 0} {
set l [expr $numcommits - 1]
- selectline $l 1
+ selectline $l 1
proc unselectline {} {
catch {unset selectedline}
catch {unset currentid}
allcanvs delete secsel
+ rhighlight_none
+proc reselectline {} {
+ global selectedline
+ if {[info exists selectedline]} {
+ selectline $selectedline 0
+ }
proc addtohistory {cmd} {
incr historyindex
if {$historyindex > 1} {
- .ctop.top.bar.leftbut conf -state normal
+ .tf.bar.leftbut conf -state normal
} else {
- .ctop.top.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled
+ .tf.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled
- .ctop.top.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled
+ .tf.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled
proc godo {elt} {
proc goback {} {
global history historyindex
+ focus .
if {$historyindex > 1} {
incr historyindex -1
godo [lindex $history [expr {$historyindex - 1}]]
- .ctop.top.bar.rightbut conf -state normal
+ .tf.bar.rightbut conf -state normal
if {$historyindex <= 1} {
- .ctop.top.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled
+ .tf.bar.leftbut conf -state disabled
proc goforw {} {
global history historyindex
+ focus .
if {$historyindex < [llength $history]} {
set cmd [lindex $history $historyindex]
incr historyindex
godo $cmd
- .ctop.top.bar.leftbut conf -state normal
+ .tf.bar.leftbut conf -state normal
if {$historyindex >= [llength $history]} {
- .ctop.top.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled
+ .tf.bar.rightbut conf -state disabled
+ }
+proc gettree {id} {
+ global treefilelist treeidlist diffids diffmergeid treepending
+ global nullid nullid2
+ set diffids $id
+ catch {unset diffmergeid}
+ if {![info exists treefilelist($id)]} {
+ if {![info exists treepending]} {
+ if {$id eq $nullid} {
+ set cmd [list | git ls-files]
+ } elseif {$id eq $nullid2} {
+ set cmd [list | git ls-files --stage -t]
+ } else {
+ set cmd [list | git ls-tree -r $id]
+ }
+ if {[catch {set gtf [open $cmd r]}]} {
+ return
+ }
+ set treepending $id
+ set treefilelist($id) {}
+ set treeidlist($id) {}
+ fconfigure $gtf -blocking 0
+ filerun $gtf [list gettreeline $gtf $id]
+ }
+ } else {
+ setfilelist $id
+ }
+proc gettreeline {gtf id} {
+ global treefilelist treeidlist treepending cmitmode diffids nullid nullid2
+ set nl 0
+ while {[incr nl] <= 1000 && [gets $gtf line] >= 0} {
+ if {$diffids eq $nullid} {
+ set fname $line
+ } else {
+ if {$diffids ne $nullid2 && [lindex $line 1] ne "blob"} continue
+ set i [string first "\t" $line]
+ if {$i < 0} continue
+ set sha1 [lindex $line 2]
+ set fname [string range $line [expr {$i+1}] end]
+ if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
+ set fname [lindex $fname 0]
+ }
+ lappend treeidlist($id) $sha1
+ }
+ lappend treefilelist($id) $fname
+ }
+ if {![eof $gtf]} {
+ return [expr {$nl >= 1000? 2: 1}]
+ }
+ close $gtf
+ unset treepending
+ if {$cmitmode ne "tree"} {
+ if {![info exists diffmergeid]} {
+ gettreediffs $diffids
+ }
+ } elseif {$id ne $diffids} {
+ gettree $diffids
+ } else {
+ setfilelist $id
+ }
+ return 0
+proc showfile {f} {
+ global treefilelist treeidlist diffids nullid nullid2
+ global ctext commentend
+ set i [lsearch -exact $treefilelist($diffids) $f]
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ puts "oops, $f not in list for id $diffids"
+ return
+ if {$diffids eq $nullid} {
+ if {[catch {set bf [open $f r]} err]} {
+ puts "oops, can't read $f: $err"
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set blob [lindex $treeidlist($diffids) $i]
+ if {[catch {set bf [open [concat | git cat-file blob $blob] r]} err]} {
+ puts "oops, error reading blob $blob: $err"
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ fconfigure $bf -blocking 0
+ filerun $bf [list getblobline $bf $diffids]
+ $ctext config -state normal
+ clear_ctext $commentend
+ $ctext insert end "\n"
+ $ctext insert end "$f\n" filesep
+ $ctext config -state disabled
+ $ctext yview $commentend
+ settabs 0
+proc getblobline {bf id} {
+ global diffids cmitmode ctext
+ if {$id ne $diffids || $cmitmode ne "tree"} {
+ catch {close $bf}
+ return 0
+ }
+ $ctext config -state normal
+ set nl 0
+ while {[incr nl] <= 1000 && [gets $bf line] >= 0} {
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n"
+ }
+ if {[eof $bf]} {
+ # delete last newline
+ $ctext delete "end - 2c" "end - 1c"
+ close $bf
+ return 0
+ }
+ $ctext config -state disabled
+ return [expr {$nl >= 1000? 2: 1}]
-proc mergediff {id l} {
- global diffmergeid diffopts mdifffd
- global difffilestart diffids
- global parentlist
+proc mergediff {id} {
+ global diffmergeid mdifffd
+ global diffids
+ global parents
+ global limitdiffs viewfiles curview
set diffmergeid $id
set diffids $id
- catch {unset difffilestart}
# this doesn't seem to actually affect anything...
- set env(GIT_DIFF_OPTS) $diffopts
- set cmd [concat | git-diff-tree --no-commit-id --cc $id]
+ set cmd [concat | git diff-tree --no-commit-id --cc $id]
+ if {$limitdiffs && $viewfiles($curview) ne {}} {
+ set cmd [concat $cmd -- $viewfiles($curview)]
+ }
if {[catch {set mdf [open $cmd r]} err]} {
error_popup "Error getting merge diffs: $err"
fconfigure $mdf -blocking 0
set mdifffd($id) $mdf
- set np [llength [lindex $parentlist $l]]
- fileevent $mdf readable [list getmergediffline $mdf $id $np]
- set nextupdate [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] + 100}]
+ set np [llength $parents($curview,$id)]
+ settabs $np
+ filerun $mdf [list getmergediffline $mdf $id $np]
proc getmergediffline {mdf id np} {
- global diffmergeid ctext cflist nextupdate mergemax
+ global diffmergeid ctext cflist mergemax
global difffilestart mdifffd
- set n [gets $mdf line]
- if {$n < 0} {
- if {[eof $mdf]} {
+ $ctext conf -state normal
+ set nr 0
+ while {[incr nr] <= 1000 && [gets $mdf line] >= 0} {
+ if {![info exists diffmergeid] || $id != $diffmergeid
+ || $mdf != $mdifffd($id)} {
close $mdf
+ return 0
- return
- }
- if {![info exists diffmergeid] || $id != $diffmergeid
- || $mdf != $mdifffd($id)} {
- return
- }
- $ctext conf -state normal
- if {[regexp {^diff --cc (.*)} $line match fname]} {
- # start of a new file
- $ctext insert end "\n"
- set here [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- set i [$cflist index end]
- $ctext mark set fmark.$i $here
- $ctext mark gravity fmark.$i left
- set difffilestart([expr {$i-1}]) $here
- $cflist insert end $fname
- set l [expr {(78 - [string length $fname]) / 2}]
- set pad [string range "----------------------------------------" 1 $l]
- $ctext insert end "$pad $fname $pad\n" filesep
- } elseif {[regexp {^@@} $line]} {
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
- } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $line] || [regexp {^index} $line]} {
- # do nothing
- } else {
- # parse the prefix - one ' ', '-' or '+' for each parent
- set spaces {}
- set minuses {}
- set pluses {}
- set isbad 0
- for {set j 0} {$j < $np} {incr j} {
- set c [string range $line $j $j]
- if {$c == " "} {
- lappend spaces $j
- } elseif {$c == "-"} {
- lappend minuses $j
- } elseif {$c == "+"} {
- lappend pluses $j
- } else {
- set isbad 1
- break
+ if {[regexp {^diff --cc (.*)} $line match fname]} {
+ # start of a new file
+ $ctext insert end "\n"
+ set here [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
+ lappend difffilestart $here
+ add_flist [list $fname]
+ set l [expr {(78 - [string length $fname]) / 2}]
+ set pad [string range "----------------------------------------" 1 $l]
+ $ctext insert end "$pad $fname $pad\n" filesep
+ } elseif {[regexp {^@@} $line]} {
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
+ } elseif {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $line] || [regexp {^index} $line]} {
+ # do nothing
+ } else {
+ # parse the prefix - one ' ', '-' or '+' for each parent
+ set spaces {}
+ set minuses {}
+ set pluses {}
+ set isbad 0
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $np} {incr j} {
+ set c [string range $line $j $j]
+ if {$c == " "} {
+ lappend spaces $j
+ } elseif {$c == "-"} {
+ lappend minuses $j
+ } elseif {$c == "+"} {
+ lappend pluses $j
+ } else {
+ set isbad 1
+ break
+ }
- }
- set tags {}
- set num {}
- if {!$isbad && $minuses ne {} && $pluses eq {}} {
- # line doesn't appear in result, parents in $minuses have the line
- set num [lindex $minuses 0]
- } elseif {!$isbad && $pluses ne {} && $minuses eq {}} {
- # line appears in result, parents in $pluses don't have the line
- lappend tags mresult
- set num [lindex $spaces 0]
- }
- if {$num ne {}} {
- if {$num >= $mergemax} {
- set num "max"
+ set tags {}
+ set num {}
+ if {!$isbad && $minuses ne {} && $pluses eq {}} {
+ # line doesn't appear in result, parents in $minuses have the line
+ set num [lindex $minuses 0]
+ } elseif {!$isbad && $pluses ne {} && $minuses eq {}} {
+ # line appears in result, parents in $pluses don't have the line
+ lappend tags mresult
+ set num [lindex $spaces 0]
+ }
+ if {$num ne {}} {
+ if {$num >= $mergemax} {
+ set num "max"
+ }
+ lappend tags m$num
- lappend tags m$num
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" $tags
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" $tags
$ctext conf -state disabled
- if {[clock clicks -milliseconds] >= $nextupdate} {
- incr nextupdate 100
- fileevent $mdf readable {}
- update
- fileevent $mdf readable [list getmergediffline $mdf $id $np]
+ if {[eof $mdf]} {
+ close $mdf
+ return 0
+ return [expr {$nr >= 1000? 2: 1}]
proc startdiff {ids} {
- global treediffs diffids treepending diffmergeid
+ global treediffs diffids treepending diffmergeid nullid nullid2
+ settabs 1
set diffids $ids
catch {unset diffmergeid}
- if {![info exists treediffs($ids)]} {
+ if {![info exists treediffs($ids)] ||
+ [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid] >= 0 ||
+ [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid2] >= 0} {
if {![info exists treepending]} {
gettreediffs $ids
-proc addtocflist {ids} {
- global treediffs cflist
- foreach f $treediffs($ids) {
- $cflist insert end $f
+proc path_filter {filter name} {
+ foreach p $filter {
+ set l [string length $p]
+ if {[string index $p end] eq "/"} {
+ if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[string compare -length $l $p $name] == 0 &&
+ ([string length $name] == $l ||
+ [string index $name $l] eq "/")} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+proc addtocflist {ids} {
+ global treediffs
+ add_flist $treediffs($ids)
getblobdiffs $ids
+proc diffcmd {ids flags} {
+ global nullid nullid2
+ set i [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid]
+ set j [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid2]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ if {[llength $ids] > 1 && $j < 0} {
+ # comparing working directory with some specific revision
+ set cmd [concat | git diff-index $flags]
+ if {$i == 0} {
+ lappend cmd -R [lindex $ids 1]
+ } else {
+ lappend cmd [lindex $ids 0]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # comparing working directory with index
+ set cmd [concat | git diff-files $flags]
+ if {$j == 1} {
+ lappend cmd -R
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {$j >= 0} {
+ set cmd [concat | git diff-index --cached $flags]
+ if {[llength $ids] > 1} {
+ # comparing index with specific revision
+ if {$i == 0} {
+ lappend cmd -R [lindex $ids 1]
+ } else {
+ lappend cmd [lindex $ids 0]
+ }
+ } else {
+ # comparing index with HEAD
+ lappend cmd HEAD
+ }
+ } else {
+ set cmd [concat | git diff-tree -r $flags $ids]
+ }
+ return $cmd
proc gettreediffs {ids} {
global treediff treepending
set treepending $ids
set treediff {}
- if {[catch \
- {set gdtf [open [concat | git-diff-tree --no-commit-id -r $ids] r]} \
- ]} return
+ if {[catch {set gdtf [open [diffcmd $ids {--no-commit-id}] r]}]} return
fconfigure $gdtf -blocking 0
- fileevent $gdtf readable [list gettreediffline $gdtf $ids]
+ filerun $gdtf [list gettreediffline $gdtf $ids]
proc gettreediffline {gdtf ids} {
global treediff treediffs treepending diffids diffmergeid
+ global cmitmode viewfiles curview limitdiffs
- set n [gets $gdtf line]
- if {$n < 0} {
- if {![eof $gdtf]} return
- close $gdtf
- set treediffs($ids) $treediff
- unset treepending
- if {$ids != $diffids} {
- if {![info exists diffmergeid]} {
- gettreediffs $diffids
+ set nr 0
+ while {[incr nr] <= 1000 && [gets $gdtf line] >= 0} {
+ set i [string first "\t" $line]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ set file [string range $line [expr {$i+1}] end]
+ if {[string index $file 0] eq "\""} {
+ set file [lindex $file 0]
- } else {
- addtocflist $ids
+ lappend treediff $file
+ }
+ }
+ if {![eof $gdtf]} {
+ return [expr {$nr >= 1000? 2: 1}]
+ }
+ close $gdtf
+ if {$limitdiffs && $viewfiles($curview) ne {}} {
+ set flist {}
+ foreach f $treediff {
+ if {[path_filter $viewfiles($curview) $f]} {
+ lappend flist $f
+ }
+ }
+ set treediffs($ids) $flist
+ } else {
+ set treediffs($ids) $treediff
+ }
+ unset treepending
+ if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} {
+ gettree $diffids
+ } elseif {$ids != $diffids} {
+ if {![info exists diffmergeid]} {
+ gettreediffs $diffids
+ }
+ } else {
+ addtocflist $ids
+ }
+ return 0
+# empty string or positive integer
+proc diffcontextvalidate {v} {
+ return [regexp {^(|[1-9][0-9]*)$} $v]
+proc diffcontextchange {n1 n2 op} {
+ global diffcontextstring diffcontext
+ if {[string is integer -strict $diffcontextstring]} {
+ if {$diffcontextstring > 0} {
+ set diffcontext $diffcontextstring
+ reselectline
- return
- set file [lindex $line 5]
- lappend treediff $file
proc getblobdiffs {ids} {
- global diffopts blobdifffd diffids env curdifftag curtagstart
- global difffilestart nextupdate diffinhdr treediffs
+ global blobdifffd diffids env
+ global diffinhdr treediffs
+ global diffcontext
+ global limitdiffs viewfiles curview
- set env(GIT_DIFF_OPTS) $diffopts
- set cmd [concat | git-diff-tree --no-commit-id -r -p -C $ids]
+ set cmd [diffcmd $ids "-p -C --no-commit-id -U$diffcontext"]
+ if {$limitdiffs && $viewfiles($curview) ne {}} {
+ set cmd [concat $cmd -- $viewfiles($curview)]
+ }
if {[catch {set bdf [open $cmd r]} err]} {
puts "error getting diffs: $err"
set diffinhdr 0
fconfigure $bdf -blocking 0
set blobdifffd($ids) $bdf
- set curdifftag Comments
- set curtagstart 0.0
- catch {unset difffilestart}
- fileevent $bdf readable [list getblobdiffline $bdf $diffids]
- set nextupdate [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] + 100}]
+ filerun $bdf [list getblobdiffline $bdf $diffids]
-proc getblobdiffline {bdf ids} {
- global diffids blobdifffd ctext curdifftag curtagstart
- global diffnexthead diffnextnote difffilestart
- global nextupdate diffinhdr treediffs
+proc setinlist {var i val} {
+ global $var
- set n [gets $bdf line]
- if {$n < 0} {
- if {[eof $bdf]} {
- close $bdf
- if {$ids == $diffids && $bdf == $blobdifffd($ids)} {
- $ctext tag add $curdifftag $curtagstart end
- }
- }
- return
+ while {[llength [set $var]] < $i} {
+ lappend $var {}
- if {$ids != $diffids || $bdf != $blobdifffd($ids)} {
- return
+ if {[llength [set $var]] == $i} {
+ lappend $var $val
+ } else {
+ lset $var $i $val
+ }
+proc makediffhdr {fname ids} {
+ global ctext curdiffstart treediffs
+ set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ setinlist difffilestart $i $curdiffstart
+ set l [expr {(78 - [string length $fname]) / 2}]
+ set pad [string range "----------------------------------------" 1 $l]
+ $ctext insert $curdiffstart "$pad $fname $pad" filesep
+proc getblobdiffline {bdf ids} {
+ global diffids blobdifffd ctext curdiffstart
+ global diffnexthead diffnextnote difffilestart
+ global diffinhdr treediffs
+ set nr 0
$ctext conf -state normal
- if {[regexp {^diff --git a/(.*) b/(.*)} $line match fname newname]} {
- # start of a new file
- $ctext insert end "\n"
- $ctext tag add $curdifftag $curtagstart end
- set curtagstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- set header $newname
- set here [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($diffids) $fname]
- if {$i >= 0} {
- set difffilestart($i) $here
- incr i
- $ctext mark set fmark.$i $here
- $ctext mark gravity fmark.$i left
+ while {[incr nr] <= 1000 && [gets $bdf line] >= 0} {
+ if {$ids != $diffids || $bdf != $blobdifffd($ids)} {
+ close $bdf
+ return 0
- if {$newname != $fname} {
- set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($diffids) $newname]
- if {$i >= 0} {
- set difffilestart($i) $here
- incr i
- $ctext mark set fmark.$i $here
- $ctext mark gravity fmark.$i left
- }
- }
- set curdifftag "f:$fname"
- $ctext tag delete $curdifftag
- set l [expr {(78 - [string length $header]) / 2}]
- set pad [string range "----------------------------------------" 1 $l]
- $ctext insert end "$pad $header $pad\n" filesep
- set diffinhdr 1
- } elseif {$diffinhdr && [string compare -length 3 $line "---"] == 0} {
- # do nothing
- } elseif {$diffinhdr && [string compare -length 3 $line "+++"] == 0} {
- set diffinhdr 0
- } elseif {[regexp {^@@ -([0-9]+),([0-9]+) \+([0-9]+),([0-9]+) @@(.*)} \
- $line match f1l f1c f2l f2c rest]} {
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
- set diffinhdr 0
- } else {
- set x [string range $line 0 0]
- if {$x == "-" || $x == "+"} {
- set tag [expr {$x == "+"}]
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" d$tag
- } elseif {$x == " "} {
- $ctext insert end "$line\n"
- } elseif {$diffinhdr || $x == "\\"} {
- # e.g. "\ No newline at end of file"
+ if {![string compare -length 11 "diff --git " $line]} {
+ # trim off "diff --git "
+ set line [string range $line 11 end]
+ set diffinhdr 1
+ # start of a new file
+ $ctext insert end "\n"
+ set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
+ $ctext insert end "\n" filesep
+ # If the name hasn't changed the length will be odd,
+ # the middle char will be a space, and the two bits either
+ # side will be a/name and b/name, or "a/name" and "b/name".
+ # If the name has changed we'll get "rename from" and
+ # "rename to" or "copy from" and "copy to" lines following this,
+ # and we'll use them to get the filenames.
+ # This complexity is necessary because spaces in the filename(s)
+ # don't get escaped.
+ set l [string length $line]
+ set i [expr {$l / 2}]
+ if {!(($l & 1) && [string index $line $i] eq " " &&
+ [string range $line 2 [expr {$i - 1}]] eq \
+ [string range $line [expr {$i + 3}] end])} {
+ continue
+ }
+ # unescape if quoted and chop off the a/ from the front
+ if {[string index $line 0] eq "\""} {
+ set fname [string range [lindex $line 0] 2 end]
+ } else {
+ set fname [string range $line 2 [expr {$i - 1}]]
+ }
+ makediffhdr $fname $ids
+ } elseif {[regexp {^@@ -([0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)? \+([0-9]+)(,[0-9]+)? @@(.*)} \
+ $line match f1l f1c f2l f2c rest]} {
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
+ set diffinhdr 0
+ } elseif {$diffinhdr} {
+ if {![string compare -length 12 "rename from " $line]} {
+ set fname [string range $line [expr 6 + [string first " from " $line] ] end]
+ if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
+ set fname [lindex $fname 0]
+ }
+ set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($ids) $fname]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ setinlist difffilestart $i $curdiffstart
+ }
+ } elseif {![string compare -length 10 $line "rename to "] ||
+ ![string compare -length 8 $line "copy to "]} {
+ set fname [string range $line [expr 4 + [string first " to " $line] ] end]
+ if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
+ set fname [lindex $fname 0]
+ }
+ makediffhdr $fname $ids
+ } elseif {[string compare -length 3 $line "---"] == 0} {
+ # do nothing
+ continue
+ } elseif {[string compare -length 3 $line "+++"] == 0} {
+ set diffinhdr 0
+ continue
+ }
$ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
} else {
- # Something else we don't recognize
- if {$curdifftag != "Comments"} {
- $ctext insert end "\n"
- $ctext tag add $curdifftag $curtagstart end
- set curtagstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- set curdifftag Comments
+ set x [string range $line 0 0]
+ if {$x == "-" || $x == "+"} {
+ set tag [expr {$x == "+"}]
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" d$tag
+ } elseif {$x == " "} {
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n"
+ } else {
+ # "\ No newline at end of file",
+ # or something else we don't recognize
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
$ctext conf -state disabled
- if {[clock clicks -milliseconds] >= $nextupdate} {
- incr nextupdate 100
- fileevent $bdf readable {}
- update
- fileevent $bdf readable "getblobdiffline $bdf {$ids}"
+ if {[eof $bdf]} {
+ close $bdf
+ return 0
+ }
+ return [expr {$nr >= 1000? 2: 1}]
+proc changediffdisp {} {
+ global ctext diffelide
+ $ctext tag conf d0 -elide [lindex $diffelide 0]
+ $ctext tag conf d1 -elide [lindex $diffelide 1]
+proc prevfile {} {
+ global difffilestart ctext
+ set prev [lindex $difffilestart 0]
+ set here [$ctext index @0,0]
+ foreach loc $difffilestart {
+ if {[$ctext compare $loc >= $here]} {
+ $ctext yview $prev
+ return
+ }
+ set prev $loc
+ $ctext yview $prev
proc nextfile {} {
global difffilestart ctext
set here [$ctext index @0,0]
- for {set i 0} {[info exists difffilestart($i)]} {incr i} {
- if {[$ctext compare $difffilestart($i) > $here]} {
- if {![info exists pos]
- || [$ctext compare $difffilestart($i) < $pos]} {
- set pos $difffilestart($i)
- }
+ foreach loc $difffilestart {
+ if {[$ctext compare $loc > $here]} {
+ $ctext yview $loc
+ return
- if {[info exists pos]} {
- $ctext yview $pos
+proc clear_ctext {{first 1.0}} {
+ global ctext smarktop smarkbot
+ global pendinglinks
+ set l [lindex [split $first .] 0]
+ if {![info exists smarktop] || [$ctext compare $first < $smarktop.0]} {
+ set smarktop $l
+ }
+ if {![info exists smarkbot] || [$ctext compare $first < $smarkbot.0]} {
+ set smarkbot $l
+ }
+ $ctext delete $first end
+ if {$first eq "1.0"} {
+ catch {unset pendinglinks}
-proc listboxsel {} {
- global ctext cflist currentid
- if {![info exists currentid]} return
- set sel [lsort [$cflist curselection]]
- if {$sel eq {}} return
- set first [lindex $sel 0]
- catch {$ctext yview fmark.$first}
+proc settabs {{firstab {}}} {
+ global firsttabstop tabstop ctext have_tk85
+ if {$firstab ne {} && $have_tk85} {
+ set firsttabstop $firstab
+ }
+ set w [font measure textfont "0"]
+ if {$firsttabstop != 0} {
+ $ctext conf -tabs [list [expr {($firsttabstop + $tabstop) * $w}] \
+ [expr {($firsttabstop + 2 * $tabstop) * $w}]]
+ } elseif {$have_tk85 || $tabstop != 8} {
+ $ctext conf -tabs [expr {$tabstop * $w}]
+ } else {
+ $ctext conf -tabs {}
+ }
+proc incrsearch {name ix op} {
+ global ctext searchstring searchdirn
+ $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
+ if {[catch {$ctext index anchor}]} {
+ # no anchor set, use start of selection, or of visible area
+ set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel]
+ if {$sel ne {}} {
+ $ctext mark set anchor [lindex $sel 0]
+ } elseif {$searchdirn eq "-forwards"} {
+ $ctext mark set anchor @0,0
+ } else {
+ $ctext mark set anchor @0,[winfo height $ctext]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$searchstring ne {}} {
+ set here [$ctext search $searchdirn -- $searchstring anchor]
+ if {$here ne {}} {
+ $ctext see $here
+ }
+ searchmarkvisible 1
+ }
+proc dosearch {} {
+ global sstring ctext searchstring searchdirn
+ focus $sstring
+ $sstring icursor end
+ set searchdirn -forwards
+ if {$searchstring ne {}} {
+ set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel]
+ if {$sel ne {}} {
+ set start "[lindex $sel 0] + 1c"
+ } elseif {[catch {set start [$ctext index anchor]}]} {
+ set start "@0,0"
+ }
+ set match [$ctext search -count mlen -- $searchstring $start]
+ $ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
+ if {$match eq {}} {
+ bell
+ return
+ }
+ $ctext see $match
+ set mend "$match + $mlen c"
+ $ctext tag add sel $match $mend
+ $ctext mark unset anchor
+ }
+proc dosearchback {} {
+ global sstring ctext searchstring searchdirn
+ focus $sstring
+ $sstring icursor end
+ set searchdirn -backwards
+ if {$searchstring ne {}} {
+ set sel [$ctext tag ranges sel]
+ if {$sel ne {}} {
+ set start [lindex $sel 0]
+ } elseif {[catch {set start [$ctext index anchor]}]} {
+ set start @0,[winfo height $ctext]
+ }
+ set match [$ctext search -backwards -count ml -- $searchstring $start]
+ $ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
+ if {$match eq {}} {
+ bell
+ return
+ }
+ $ctext see $match
+ set mend "$match + $ml c"
+ $ctext tag add sel $match $mend
+ $ctext mark unset anchor
+ }
+proc searchmark {first last} {
+ global ctext searchstring
+ set mend $first.0
+ while {1} {
+ set match [$ctext search -count mlen -- $searchstring $mend $last.end]
+ if {$match eq {}} break
+ set mend "$match + $mlen c"
+ $ctext tag add found $match $mend
+ }
+proc searchmarkvisible {doall} {
+ global ctext smarktop smarkbot
+ set topline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,0] .] 0]
+ set botline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,[winfo height $ctext]] .] 0]
+ if {$doall || $botline < $smarktop || $topline > $smarkbot} {
+ # no overlap with previous
+ searchmark $topline $botline
+ set smarktop $topline
+ set smarkbot $botline
+ } else {
+ if {$topline < $smarktop} {
+ searchmark $topline [expr {$smarktop-1}]
+ set smarktop $topline
+ }
+ if {$botline > $smarkbot} {
+ searchmark [expr {$smarkbot+1}] $botline
+ set smarkbot $botline
+ }
+ }
+proc scrolltext {f0 f1} {
+ global searchstring
+ .bleft.sb set $f0 $f1
+ if {$searchstring ne {}} {
+ searchmarkvisible 0
+ }
proc setcoords {} {
- global linespc charspc canvx0 canvy0 mainfont
+ global linespc charspc canvx0 canvy0
global xspc1 xspc2 lthickness
- set linespc [font metrics $mainfont -linespace]
- set charspc [font measure $mainfont "m"]
+ set linespc [font metrics mainfont -linespace]
+ set charspc [font measure mainfont "m"]
set canvy0 [expr {int(3 + 0.5 * $linespc)}]
set canvx0 [expr {int(3 + 0.5 * $linespc)}]
set lthickness [expr {int($linespc / 9) + 1}]
if {[info exists selectedline]} {
selectline $selectedline 0
+ allcanvs yview moveto [lindex $span 0]
+ }
+proc parsefont {f n} {
+ global fontattr
+ set fontattr($f,family) [lindex $n 0]
+ set s [lindex $n 1]
+ if {$s eq {} || $s == 0} {
+ set s 10
+ } elseif {$s < 0} {
+ set s [expr {int(-$s / [winfo fpixels . 1p] + 0.5)}]
+ }
+ set fontattr($f,size) $s
+ set fontattr($f,weight) normal
+ set fontattr($f,slant) roman
+ foreach style [lrange $n 2 end] {
+ switch -- $style {
+ "normal" -
+ "bold" {set fontattr($f,weight) $style}
+ "roman" -
+ "italic" {set fontattr($f,slant) $style}
+ }
+ }
+proc fontflags {f {isbold 0}} {
+ global fontattr
+ return [list -family $fontattr($f,family) -size $fontattr($f,size) \
+ -weight [expr {$isbold? "bold": $fontattr($f,weight)}] \
+ -slant $fontattr($f,slant)]
+proc fontname {f} {
+ global fontattr
+ set n [list $fontattr($f,family) $fontattr($f,size)]
+ if {$fontattr($f,weight) eq "bold"} {
+ lappend n "bold"
+ }
+ if {$fontattr($f,slant) eq "italic"} {
+ lappend n "italic"
+ return $n
proc incrfont {inc} {
- global mainfont namefont textfont ctext canv phase
- global stopped entries
+ global mainfont textfont ctext canv cflist showrefstop
+ global stopped entries fontattr
- set mainfont [lreplace $mainfont 1 1 [expr {[lindex $mainfont 1] + $inc}]]
- set namefont [lreplace $namefont 1 1 [expr {[lindex $namefont 1] + $inc}]]
- set textfont [lreplace $textfont 1 1 [expr {[lindex $textfont 1] + $inc}]]
+ set s $fontattr(mainfont,size)
+ incr s $inc
+ if {$s < 1} {
+ set s 1
+ }
+ set fontattr(mainfont,size) $s
+ font config mainfont -size $s
+ font config mainfontbold -size $s
+ set mainfont [fontname mainfont]
+ set s $fontattr(textfont,size)
+ incr s $inc
+ if {$s < 1} {
+ set s 1
+ }
+ set fontattr(textfont,size) $s
+ font config textfont -size $s
+ font config textfontbold -size $s
+ set textfont [fontname textfont]
- $ctext conf -font $textfont
- $ctext tag conf filesep -font [concat $textfont bold]
- foreach e $entries {
- $e conf -font $mainfont
- }
- if {$phase eq "getcommits"} {
- $canv itemconf textitems -font $mainfont
- }
+ settabs
proc gotocommit {} {
- global sha1string currentid commitrow tagids headids
- global displayorder numcommits
+ global sha1string tagids headids curview varcid
if {$sha1string == {}
|| ([info exists currentid] && $sha1string == $currentid)} return
} else {
set id [string tolower $sha1string]
if {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{4,39}$} $id]} {
- set matches {}
- foreach i $displayorder {
- if {[string match $id* $i]} {
- lappend matches $i
- }
- }
+ set matches [array names varcid "$curview,$id*"]
if {$matches ne {}} {
if {[llength $matches] > 1} {
error_popup "Short SHA1 id $id is ambiguous"
- set id [lindex $matches 0]
+ set id [lindex [split [lindex $matches 0] ","] 1]
- if {[info exists commitrow($id)]} {
- selectline $commitrow($id) 1
+ if {[commitinview $id $curview]} {
+ selectline [rowofcommit $id] 1
if {[regexp {^[0-9a-fA-F]{4,}$} $sha1string]} {
proc linehover {} {
global hoverx hovery hoverid hovertimer
global canv linespc lthickness
- global commitinfo mainfont
+ global commitinfo
set text [lindex $commitinfo($hoverid) 0]
set ymax [lindex [$canv cget -scrollregion] 3]
set y [expr {$hovery + $yfrac * $ymax - $linespc / 2}]
set x0 [expr {$x - 2 * $lthickness}]
set y0 [expr {$y - 2 * $lthickness}]
- set x1 [expr {$x + [font measure $mainfont $text] + 2 * $lthickness}]
+ set x1 [expr {$x + [font measure mainfont $text] + 2 * $lthickness}]
set y1 [expr {$y + $linespc + 2 * $lthickness}]
set t [$canv create rectangle $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 \
-fill \#ffff80 -outline black -width 1 -tags hover]
$canv raise $t
- set t [$canv create text $x $y -anchor nw -text $text -tags hover -font $mainfont]
+ set t [$canv create text $x $y -anchor nw -text $text -tags hover \
+ -font mainfont]
$canv raise $t
proc lineclick {x y id isnew} {
- global ctext commitinfo childlist commitrow cflist canv thickerline
+ global ctext commitinfo children canv thickerline curview
if {![info exists commitinfo($id)] && ![getcommit $id]} return
# fill the details pane with info about this line
$ctext conf -state normal
- $ctext delete 0.0 end
- $ctext tag conf link -foreground blue -underline 1
- $ctext tag bind link <Enter> { %W configure -cursor hand2 }
- $ctext tag bind link <Leave> { %W configure -cursor $curtextcursor }
+ clear_ctext
+ settabs 0
$ctext insert end "Parent:\t"
- $ctext insert end $id [list link link0]
- $ctext tag bind link0 <1> [list selbyid $id]
+ $ctext insert end $id link0
+ setlink $id link0
set info $commitinfo($id)
$ctext insert end "\n\t[lindex $info 0]\n"
$ctext insert end "\tAuthor:\t[lindex $info 1]\n"
set date [formatdate [lindex $info 2]]
$ctext insert end "\tDate:\t$date\n"
- set kids [lindex $childlist $commitrow($id)]
+ set kids $children($curview,$id)
if {$kids ne {}} {
$ctext insert end "\nChildren:"
set i 0
if {![info exists commitinfo($child)] && ![getcommit $child]} continue
set info $commitinfo($child)
$ctext insert end "\n\t"
- $ctext insert end $child [list link link$i]
- $ctext tag bind link$i <1> [list selbyid $child]
+ $ctext insert end $child link$i
+ setlink $child link$i
$ctext insert end "\n\t[lindex $info 0]"
$ctext insert end "\n\tAuthor:\t[lindex $info 1]"
set date [formatdate [lindex $info 2]]
$ctext conf -state disabled
- $cflist delete 0 end
+ init_flist {}
proc normalline {} {
proc selbyid {id} {
- global commitrow
- if {[info exists commitrow($id)]} {
- selectline $commitrow($id) 1
+ global curview
+ if {[commitinview $id $curview]} {
+ selectline [rowofcommit $id] 1
proc rowmenu {x y id} {
- global rowctxmenu commitrow selectedline rowmenuid
+ global rowctxmenu selectedline rowmenuid curview
+ global nullid nullid2 fakerowmenu mainhead
- if {![info exists selectedline] || $commitrow($id) eq $selectedline} {
+ stopfinding
+ set rowmenuid $id
+ if {![info exists selectedline]
+ || [rowofcommit $id] eq $selectedline} {
set state disabled
} else {
set state normal
- $rowctxmenu entryconfigure 0 -state $state
- $rowctxmenu entryconfigure 1 -state $state
- $rowctxmenu entryconfigure 2 -state $state
- set rowmenuid $id
- tk_popup $rowctxmenu $x $y
+ if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
+ set menu $rowctxmenu
+ $menu entryconfigure 7 -label "Reset $mainhead branch to here"
+ } else {
+ set menu $fakerowmenu
+ }
+ $menu entryconfigure "Diff this*" -state $state
+ $menu entryconfigure "Diff selected*" -state $state
+ $menu entryconfigure "Make patch" -state $state
+ tk_popup $menu $x $y
proc diffvssel {dirn} {
- global rowmenuid selectedline displayorder
+ global rowmenuid selectedline
if {![info exists selectedline]} return
if {$dirn} {
- set oldid [lindex $displayorder $selectedline]
+ set oldid [commitonrow $selectedline]
set newid $rowmenuid
} else {
set oldid $rowmenuid
- set newid [lindex $displayorder $selectedline]
+ set newid [commitonrow $selectedline]
addtohistory [list doseldiff $oldid $newid]
doseldiff $oldid $newid
proc doseldiff {oldid newid} {
- global ctext cflist
+ global ctext
global commitinfo
$ctext conf -state normal
- $ctext delete 0.0 end
- $ctext mark set fmark.0 0.0
- $ctext mark gravity fmark.0 left
- $cflist delete 0 end
- $cflist insert end "Top"
+ clear_ctext
+ init_flist "Top"
$ctext insert end "From "
- $ctext tag conf link -foreground blue -underline 1
- $ctext tag bind link <Enter> { %W configure -cursor hand2 }
- $ctext tag bind link <Leave> { %W configure -cursor $curtextcursor }
- $ctext tag bind link0 <1> [list selbyid $oldid]
- $ctext insert end $oldid [list link link0]
+ $ctext insert end $oldid link0
+ setlink $oldid link0
$ctext insert end "\n "
$ctext insert end [lindex $commitinfo($oldid) 0]
$ctext insert end "\n\nTo "
- $ctext tag bind link1 <1> [list selbyid $newid]
- $ctext insert end $newid [list link link1]
+ $ctext insert end $newid link1
+ setlink $newid link1
$ctext insert end "\n "
$ctext insert end [lindex $commitinfo($newid) 0]
$ctext insert end "\n"
$ctext conf -state disabled
- $ctext tag delete Comments
$ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
startdiff [list $oldid $newid]
proc mkpatchgo {} {
- global patchtop
+ global patchtop nullid nullid2
set oldid [$patchtop.fromsha1 get]
set newid [$patchtop.tosha1 get]
set fname [$patchtop.fname get]
- if {[catch {exec git-diff-tree -p $oldid $newid >$fname &} err]} {
+ set cmd [diffcmd [list $oldid $newid] -p]
+ # trim off the initial "|"
+ set cmd [lrange $cmd 1 end]
+ lappend cmd >$fname &
+ if {[catch {eval exec $cmd} err]} {
error_popup "Error creating patch: $err"
catch {destroy $patchtop}
error_popup "No tag name specified"
- if {[info exists tagids($tag)]} {
- error_popup "Tag \"$tag\" already exists"
- return
+ if {[info exists tagids($tag)]} {
+ error_popup "Tag \"$tag\" already exists"
+ return
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ set dir [gitdir]
+ set fname [file join $dir "refs/tags" $tag]
+ set f [open $fname w]
+ puts $f $id
+ close $f
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup "Error creating tag: $err"
+ return
+ }
+ set tagids($tag) $id
+ lappend idtags($id) $tag
+ redrawtags $id
+ addedtag $id
+ dispneartags 0
+ run refill_reflist
+proc redrawtags {id} {
+ global canv linehtag idpos selectedline curview
+ global canvxmax iddrawn
+ if {![commitinview $id $curview]} return
+ if {![info exists iddrawn($id)]} return
+ drawcommits [rowofcommit $id]
+ $canv delete tag.$id
+ set xt [eval drawtags $id $idpos($id)]
+ $canv coords $linehtag([rowofcommit $id]) $xt [lindex $idpos($id) 2]
+ set text [$canv itemcget $linehtag([rowofcommit $id]) -text]
+ set xr [expr {$xt + [font measure mainfont $text]}]
+ if {$xr > $canvxmax} {
+ set canvxmax $xr
+ setcanvscroll
+ }
+ if {[info exists selectedline]
+ && $selectedline == [rowofcommit $id]} {
+ selectline $selectedline 0
+ }
+proc mktagcan {} {
+ global mktagtop
+ catch {destroy $mktagtop}
+ unset mktagtop
+proc mktaggo {} {
+ domktag
+ mktagcan
+proc writecommit {} {
+ global rowmenuid wrcomtop commitinfo wrcomcmd
+ set top .writecommit
+ set wrcomtop $top
+ catch {destroy $top}
+ toplevel $top
+ label $top.title -text "Write commit to file"
+ grid $top.title - -pady 10
+ label $top.id -text "ID:"
+ entry $top.sha1 -width 40 -relief flat
+ $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
+ $top.sha1 conf -state readonly
+ grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w
+ entry $top.head -width 60 -relief flat
+ $top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0]
+ $top.head conf -state readonly
+ grid x $top.head -sticky w
+ label $top.clab -text "Command:"
+ entry $top.cmd -width 60 -textvariable wrcomcmd
+ grid $top.clab $top.cmd -sticky w -pady 10
+ label $top.flab -text "Output file:"
+ entry $top.fname -width 60
+ $top.fname insert 0 [file normalize "commit-[string range $rowmenuid 0 6]"]
+ grid $top.flab $top.fname -sticky w
+ frame $top.buts
+ button $top.buts.gen -text "Write" -command wrcomgo
+ button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command wrcomcan
+ grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can
+ grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
+ grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
+ grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew
+ focus $top.fname
+proc wrcomgo {} {
+ global wrcomtop
+ set id [$wrcomtop.sha1 get]
+ set cmd "echo $id | [$wrcomtop.cmd get]"
+ set fname [$wrcomtop.fname get]
+ if {[catch {exec sh -c $cmd >$fname &} err]} {
+ error_popup "Error writing commit: $err"
+ }
+ catch {destroy $wrcomtop}
+ unset wrcomtop
+proc wrcomcan {} {
+ global wrcomtop
+ catch {destroy $wrcomtop}
+ unset wrcomtop
+proc mkbranch {} {
+ global rowmenuid mkbrtop
+ set top .makebranch
+ catch {destroy $top}
+ toplevel $top
+ label $top.title -text "Create new branch"
+ grid $top.title - -pady 10
+ label $top.id -text "ID:"
+ entry $top.sha1 -width 40 -relief flat
+ $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
+ $top.sha1 conf -state readonly
+ grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w
+ label $top.nlab -text "Name:"
+ entry $top.name -width 40
+ grid $top.nlab $top.name -sticky w
+ frame $top.buts
+ button $top.buts.go -text "Create" -command [list mkbrgo $top]
+ button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command "catch {destroy $top}"
+ grid $top.buts.go $top.buts.can
+ grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
+ grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
+ grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew
+ focus $top.name
+proc mkbrgo {top} {
+ global headids idheads
+ set name [$top.name get]
+ set id [$top.sha1 get]
+ if {$name eq {}} {
+ error_popup "Please specify a name for the new branch"
+ return
+ }
+ catch {destroy $top}
+ nowbusy newbranch
+ update
+ if {[catch {
+ exec git branch $name $id
+ } err]} {
+ notbusy newbranch
+ error_popup $err
+ } else {
+ set headids($name) $id
+ lappend idheads($id) $name
+ addedhead $id $name
+ notbusy newbranch
+ redrawtags $id
+ dispneartags 0
+ run refill_reflist
+ }
+proc cherrypick {} {
+ global rowmenuid curview
+ global mainhead
+ set oldhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
+ set dheads [descheads $rowmenuid]
+ if {$dheads ne {} && [lsearch -exact $dheads $oldhead] >= 0} {
+ set ok [confirm_popup "Commit [string range $rowmenuid 0 7] is already\
+ included in branch $mainhead -- really re-apply it?"]
+ if {!$ok} return
+ }
+ nowbusy cherrypick "Cherry-picking"
+ update
+ # Unfortunately git-cherry-pick writes stuff to stderr even when
+ # no error occurs, and exec takes that as an indication of error...
+ if {[catch {exec sh -c "git cherry-pick -r $rowmenuid 2>&1"} err]} {
+ notbusy cherrypick
+ error_popup $err
+ return
+ }
+ set newhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
+ if {$newhead eq $oldhead} {
+ notbusy cherrypick
+ error_popup "No changes committed"
+ return
+ }
+ addnewchild $newhead $oldhead
+ if {[commitinview $oldhead $curview]} {
+ insertrow $newhead $oldhead $curview
+ if {$mainhead ne {}} {
+ movehead $newhead $mainhead
+ movedhead $newhead $mainhead
+ }
+ redrawtags $oldhead
+ redrawtags $newhead
+ }
+ notbusy cherrypick
+proc resethead {} {
+ global mainheadid mainhead rowmenuid confirm_ok resettype
+ set confirm_ok 0
+ set w ".confirmreset"
+ toplevel $w
+ wm transient $w .
+ wm title $w "Confirm reset"
+ message $w.m -text \
+ "Reset branch $mainhead to [string range $rowmenuid 0 7]?" \
+ -justify center -aspect 1000
+ pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
+ frame $w.f -relief sunken -border 2
+ message $w.f.rt -text "Reset type:" -aspect 1000
+ grid $w.f.rt -sticky w
+ set resettype mixed
+ radiobutton $w.f.soft -value soft -variable resettype -justify left \
+ -text "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"
+ grid $w.f.soft -sticky w
+ radiobutton $w.f.mixed -value mixed -variable resettype -justify left \
+ -text "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"
+ grid $w.f.mixed -sticky w
+ radiobutton $w.f.hard -value hard -variable resettype -justify left \
+ -text "Hard: Reset working tree and index\n(discard ALL local changes)"
+ grid $w.f.hard -sticky w
+ pack $w.f -side top -fill x
+ button $w.ok -text OK -command "set confirm_ok 1; destroy $w"
+ pack $w.ok -side left -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
+ button $w.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy $w"
+ pack $w.cancel -side right -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
+ bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
+ tkwait window $w
+ if {!$confirm_ok} return
+ if {[catch {set fd [open \
+ [list | sh -c "git reset --$resettype $rowmenuid 2>&1"] r]} err]} {
+ error_popup $err
+ } else {
+ dohidelocalchanges
+ filerun $fd [list readresetstat $fd]
+ nowbusy reset "Resetting"
+ }
+proc readresetstat {fd} {
+ global mainhead mainheadid showlocalchanges rprogcoord
+ if {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp {([0-9]+)% \(([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)\)} $line match p m n]} {
+ set rprogcoord [expr {1.0 * $m / $n}]
+ adjustprogress
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ set rprogcoord 0
+ adjustprogress
+ notbusy reset
+ if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
+ error_popup $err
+ }
+ set oldhead $mainheadid
+ set newhead [exec git rev-parse HEAD]
+ if {$newhead ne $oldhead} {
+ movehead $newhead $mainhead
+ movedhead $newhead $mainhead
+ set mainheadid $newhead
+ redrawtags $oldhead
+ redrawtags $newhead
+ }
+ if {$showlocalchanges} {
+ doshowlocalchanges
+ }
+ return 0
+# context menu for a head
+proc headmenu {x y id head} {
+ global headmenuid headmenuhead headctxmenu mainhead
+ stopfinding
+ set headmenuid $id
+ set headmenuhead $head
+ set state normal
+ if {$head eq $mainhead} {
+ set state disabled
+ }
+ $headctxmenu entryconfigure 0 -state $state
+ $headctxmenu entryconfigure 1 -state $state
+ tk_popup $headctxmenu $x $y
+proc cobranch {} {
+ global headmenuid headmenuhead mainhead headids
+ global showlocalchanges mainheadid
+ # check the tree is clean first??
+ set oldmainhead $mainhead
+ nowbusy checkout "Checking out"
+ update
+ dohidelocalchanges
+ if {[catch {
+ exec git checkout -q $headmenuhead
+ } err]} {
+ notbusy checkout
+ error_popup $err
+ } else {
+ notbusy checkout
+ set mainhead $headmenuhead
+ set mainheadid $headmenuid
+ if {[info exists headids($oldmainhead)]} {
+ redrawtags $headids($oldmainhead)
+ }
+ redrawtags $headmenuid
+ }
+ if {$showlocalchanges} {
+ dodiffindex
+ }
+proc rmbranch {} {
+ global headmenuid headmenuhead mainhead
+ global idheads
+ set head $headmenuhead
+ set id $headmenuid
+ # this check shouldn't be needed any more...
+ if {$head eq $mainhead} {
+ error_popup "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"
+ return
+ }
+ set dheads [descheads $id]
+ if {[llength $dheads] == 1 && $idheads($dheads) eq $head} {
+ # the stuff on this branch isn't on any other branch
+ if {![confirm_popup "The commits on branch $head aren't on any other\
+ branch.\nReally delete branch $head?"]} return
+ }
+ nowbusy rmbranch
+ update
+ if {[catch {exec git branch -D $head} err]} {
+ notbusy rmbranch
+ error_popup $err
+ return
+ }
+ removehead $id $head
+ removedhead $id $head
+ redrawtags $id
+ notbusy rmbranch
+ dispneartags 0
+ run refill_reflist
+# Display a list of tags and heads
+proc showrefs {} {
+ global showrefstop bgcolor fgcolor selectbgcolor
+ global bglist fglist reflistfilter reflist maincursor
+ set top .showrefs
+ set showrefstop $top
+ if {[winfo exists $top]} {
+ raise $top
+ refill_reflist
+ return
+ }
+ toplevel $top
+ wm title $top "Tags and heads: [file tail [pwd]]"
+ text $top.list -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
+ -selectbackground $selectbgcolor -font mainfont \
+ -xscrollcommand "$top.xsb set" -yscrollcommand "$top.ysb set" \
+ -width 30 -height 20 -cursor $maincursor \
+ -spacing1 1 -spacing3 1 -state disabled
+ $top.list tag configure highlight -background $selectbgcolor
+ lappend bglist $top.list
+ lappend fglist $top.list
+ scrollbar $top.ysb -command "$top.list yview" -orient vertical
+ scrollbar $top.xsb -command "$top.list xview" -orient horizontal
+ grid $top.list $top.ysb -sticky nsew
+ grid $top.xsb x -sticky ew
+ frame $top.f
+ label $top.f.l -text "Filter: " -font uifont
+ entry $top.f.e -width 20 -textvariable reflistfilter -font uifont
+ set reflistfilter "*"
+ trace add variable reflistfilter write reflistfilter_change
+ pack $top.f.e -side right -fill x -expand 1
+ pack $top.f.l -side left
+ grid $top.f - -sticky ew -pady 2
+ button $top.close -command [list destroy $top] -text "Close" \
+ -font uifont
+ grid $top.close -
+ grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
+ grid rowconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
+ bind $top.list <1> {break}
+ bind $top.list <B1-Motion> {break}
+ bind $top.list <ButtonRelease-1> {sel_reflist %W %x %y; break}
+ set reflist {}
+ refill_reflist
+proc sel_reflist {w x y} {
+ global showrefstop reflist headids tagids otherrefids
+ if {![winfo exists $showrefstop]} return
+ set l [lindex [split [$w index "@$x,$y"] "."] 0]
+ set ref [lindex $reflist [expr {$l-1}]]
+ set n [lindex $ref 0]
+ switch -- [lindex $ref 1] {
+ "H" {selbyid $headids($n)}
+ "T" {selbyid $tagids($n)}
+ "o" {selbyid $otherrefids($n)}
+ }
+ $showrefstop.list tag add highlight $l.0 "$l.0 lineend"
+proc unsel_reflist {} {
+ global showrefstop
+ if {![info exists showrefstop] || ![winfo exists $showrefstop]} return
+ $showrefstop.list tag remove highlight 0.0 end
+proc reflistfilter_change {n1 n2 op} {
+ global reflistfilter
+ after cancel refill_reflist
+ after 200 refill_reflist
+proc refill_reflist {} {
+ global reflist reflistfilter showrefstop headids tagids otherrefids
+ global curview commitinterest
+ if {![info exists showrefstop] || ![winfo exists $showrefstop]} return
+ set refs {}
+ foreach n [array names headids] {
+ if {[string match $reflistfilter $n]} {
+ if {[commitinview $headids($n) $curview]} {
+ lappend refs [list $n H]
+ } else {
+ set commitinterest($headids($n)) {run refill_reflist}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach n [array names tagids] {
+ if {[string match $reflistfilter $n]} {
+ if {[commitinview $tagids($n) $curview]} {
+ lappend refs [list $n T]
+ } else {
+ set commitinterest($tagids($n)) {run refill_reflist}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach n [array names otherrefids] {
+ if {[string match $reflistfilter $n]} {
+ if {[commitinview $otherrefids($n) $curview]} {
+ lappend refs [list $n o]
+ } else {
+ set commitinterest($otherrefids($n)) {run refill_reflist}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set refs [lsort -index 0 $refs]
+ if {$refs eq $reflist} return
+ # Update the contents of $showrefstop.list according to the
+ # differences between $reflist (old) and $refs (new)
+ $showrefstop.list conf -state normal
+ $showrefstop.list insert end "\n"
+ set i 0
+ set j 0
+ while {$i < [llength $reflist] || $j < [llength $refs]} {
+ if {$i < [llength $reflist]} {
+ if {$j < [llength $refs]} {
+ set cmp [string compare [lindex $reflist $i 0] \
+ [lindex $refs $j 0]]
+ if {$cmp == 0} {
+ set cmp [string compare [lindex $reflist $i 1] \
+ [lindex $refs $j 1]]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set cmp -1
+ }
+ } else {
+ set cmp 1
+ }
+ switch -- $cmp {
+ -1 {
+ $showrefstop.list delete "[expr {$j+1}].0" "[expr {$j+2}].0"
+ incr i
+ }
+ 0 {
+ incr i
+ incr j
+ }
+ 1 {
+ set l [expr {$j + 1}]
+ $showrefstop.list image create $l.0 -align baseline \
+ -image reficon-[lindex $refs $j 1] -padx 2
+ $showrefstop.list insert $l.1 "[lindex $refs $j 0]\n"
+ incr j
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set reflist $refs
+ # delete last newline
+ $showrefstop.list delete end-2c end-1c
+ $showrefstop.list conf -state disabled
+# Stuff for finding nearby tags
+proc getallcommits {} {
+ global allcommits nextarc seeds allccache allcwait cachedarcs allcupdate
+ global idheads idtags idotherrefs allparents tagobjid
+ if {![info exists allcommits]} {
+ set nextarc 0
+ set allcommits 0
+ set seeds {}
+ set allcwait 0
+ set cachedarcs 0
+ set allccache [file join [gitdir] "gitk.cache"]
+ if {![catch {
+ set f [open $allccache r]
+ set allcwait 1
+ getcache $f
+ }]} return
+ }
+ if {$allcwait} {
+ return
+ }
+ set cmd [list | git rev-list --parents]
+ set allcupdate [expr {$seeds ne {}}]
+ if {!$allcupdate} {
+ set ids "--all"
+ } else {
+ set refs [concat [array names idheads] [array names idtags] \
+ [array names idotherrefs]]
+ set ids {}
+ set tagobjs {}
+ foreach name [array names tagobjid] {
+ lappend tagobjs $tagobjid($name)
+ }
+ foreach id [lsort -unique $refs] {
+ if {![info exists allparents($id)] &&
+ [lsearch -exact $tagobjs $id] < 0} {
+ lappend ids $id
+ }
+ }
+ if {$ids ne {}} {
+ foreach id $seeds {
+ lappend ids "^$id"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$ids ne {}} {
+ set fd [open [concat $cmd $ids] r]
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
+ incr allcommits
+ nowbusy allcommits
+ filerun $fd [list getallclines $fd]
+ } else {
+ dispneartags 0
+ }
+# Since most commits have 1 parent and 1 child, we group strings of
+# such commits into "arcs" joining branch/merge points (BMPs), which
+# are commits that either don't have 1 parent or don't have 1 child.
+# arcnos(id) - incoming arcs for BMP, arc we're on for other nodes
+# arcout(id) - outgoing arcs for BMP
+# arcids(a) - list of IDs on arc including end but not start
+# arcstart(a) - BMP ID at start of arc
+# arcend(a) - BMP ID at end of arc
+# growing(a) - arc a is still growing
+# arctags(a) - IDs out of arcids (excluding end) that have tags
+# archeads(a) - IDs out of arcids (excluding end) that have heads
+# The start of an arc is at the descendent end, so "incoming" means
+# coming from descendents, and "outgoing" means going towards ancestors.
+proc getallclines {fd} {
+ global allparents allchildren idtags idheads nextarc
+ global arcnos arcids arctags arcout arcend arcstart archeads growing
+ global seeds allcommits cachedarcs allcupdate
+ set nid 0
+ while {[incr nid] <= 1000 && [gets $fd line] >= 0} {
+ set id [lindex $line 0]
+ if {[info exists allparents($id)]} {
+ # seen it already
+ continue
+ }
+ set cachedarcs 0
+ set olds [lrange $line 1 end]
+ set allparents($id) $olds
+ if {![info exists allchildren($id)]} {
+ set allchildren($id) {}
+ set arcnos($id) {}
+ lappend seeds $id
+ } else {
+ set a $arcnos($id)
+ if {[llength $olds] == 1 && [llength $a] == 1} {
+ lappend arcids($a) $id
+ if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
+ lappend arctags($a) $id
+ }
+ if {[info exists idheads($id)]} {
+ lappend archeads($a) $id
+ }
+ if {[info exists allparents($olds)]} {
+ # seen parent already
+ if {![info exists arcout($olds)]} {
+ splitarc $olds
+ }
+ lappend arcids($a) $olds
+ set arcend($a) $olds
+ unset growing($a)
+ }
+ lappend allchildren($olds) $id
+ lappend arcnos($olds) $a
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ foreach a $arcnos($id) {
+ lappend arcids($a) $id
+ set arcend($a) $id
+ unset growing($a)
+ }
+ set ao {}
+ foreach p $olds {
+ lappend allchildren($p) $id
+ set a [incr nextarc]
+ set arcstart($a) $id
+ set archeads($a) {}
+ set arctags($a) {}
+ set archeads($a) {}
+ set arcids($a) {}
+ lappend ao $a
+ set growing($a) 1
+ if {[info exists allparents($p)]} {
+ # seen it already, may need to make a new branch
+ if {![info exists arcout($p)]} {
+ splitarc $p
+ }
+ lappend arcids($a) $p
+ set arcend($a) $p
+ unset growing($a)
+ }
+ lappend arcnos($p) $a
+ }
+ set arcout($id) $ao
+ }
+ if {$nid > 0} {
+ global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags
+ catch {unset cached_dheads}
+ catch {unset cached_dtags}
+ catch {unset cached_atags}
+ }
+ if {![eof $fd]} {
+ return [expr {$nid >= 1000? 2: 1}]
+ }
+ set cacheok 1
+ if {[catch {
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ close $fd
+ } err]} {
+ # got an error reading the list of commits
+ # if we were updating, try rereading the whole thing again
+ if {$allcupdate} {
+ incr allcommits -1
+ dropcache $err
+ return
+ }
+ error_popup "Error reading commit topology information;\
+ branch and preceding/following tag information\
+ will be incomplete.\n($err)"
+ set cacheok 0
+ }
+ if {[incr allcommits -1] == 0} {
+ notbusy allcommits
+ if {$cacheok} {
+ run savecache
+ }
+ }
+ dispneartags 0
+ return 0
+proc recalcarc {a} {
+ global arctags archeads arcids idtags idheads
+ set at {}
+ set ah {}
+ foreach id [lrange $arcids($a) 0 end-1] {
+ if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
+ lappend at $id
+ }
+ if {[info exists idheads($id)]} {
+ lappend ah $id
+ }
+ }
+ set arctags($a) $at
+ set archeads($a) $ah
+proc splitarc {p} {
+ global arcnos arcids nextarc arctags archeads idtags idheads
+ global arcstart arcend arcout allparents growing
+ set a $arcnos($p)
+ if {[llength $a] != 1} {
+ puts "oops splitarc called but [llength $a] arcs already"
+ return
+ }
+ set a [lindex $a 0]
+ set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $p]
+ if {$i < 0} {
+ puts "oops splitarc $p not in arc $a"
+ return
+ }
+ set na [incr nextarc]
+ if {[info exists arcend($a)]} {
+ set arcend($na) $arcend($a)
+ } else {
+ set l [lindex $allparents([lindex $arcids($a) end]) 0]
+ set j [lsearch -exact $arcnos($l) $a]
+ set arcnos($l) [lreplace $arcnos($l) $j $j $na]
+ }
+ set tail [lrange $arcids($a) [expr {$i+1}] end]
+ set arcids($a) [lrange $arcids($a) 0 $i]
+ set arcend($a) $p
+ set arcstart($na) $p
+ set arcout($p) $na
+ set arcids($na) $tail
+ if {[info exists growing($a)]} {
+ set growing($na) 1
+ unset growing($a)
+ }
+ foreach id $tail {
+ if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1} {
+ set arcnos($id) $na
+ } else {
+ set j [lsearch -exact $arcnos($id) $a]
+ set arcnos($id) [lreplace $arcnos($id) $j $j $na]
+ }
+ }
+ # reconstruct tags and heads lists
+ if {$arctags($a) ne {} || $archeads($a) ne {}} {
+ recalcarc $a
+ recalcarc $na
+ } else {
+ set arctags($na) {}
+ set archeads($na) {}
+ }
+# Update things for a new commit added that is a child of one
+# existing commit. Used when cherry-picking.
+proc addnewchild {id p} {
+ global allparents allchildren idtags nextarc
+ global arcnos arcids arctags arcout arcend arcstart archeads growing
+ global seeds allcommits
+ if {![info exists allcommits] || ![info exists arcnos($p)]} return
+ set allparents($id) [list $p]
+ set allchildren($id) {}
+ set arcnos($id) {}
+ lappend seeds $id
+ lappend allchildren($p) $id
+ set a [incr nextarc]
+ set arcstart($a) $id
+ set archeads($a) {}
+ set arctags($a) {}
+ set arcids($a) [list $p]
+ set arcend($a) $p
+ if {![info exists arcout($p)]} {
+ splitarc $p
+ }
+ lappend arcnos($p) $a
+ set arcout($id) [list $a]
+# This implements a cache for the topology information.
+# The cache saves, for each arc, the start and end of the arc,
+# the ids on the arc, and the outgoing arcs from the end.
+proc readcache {f} {
+ global arcnos arcids arcout arcstart arcend arctags archeads nextarc
+ global idtags idheads allparents cachedarcs possible_seeds seeds growing
+ global allcwait
+ set a $nextarc
+ set lim $cachedarcs
+ if {$lim - $a > 500} {
+ set lim [expr {$a + 500}]
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ if {$a == $lim} {
+ # finish reading the cache and setting up arctags, etc.
+ set line [gets $f]
+ if {$line ne "1"} {error "bad final version"}
+ close $f
+ foreach id [array names idtags] {
+ if {[info exists arcnos($id)] && [llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 &&
+ [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} {
+ set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
+ if {$arctags($a) eq {}} {
+ recalcarc $a
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach id [array names idheads] {
+ if {[info exists arcnos($id)] && [llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 &&
+ [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} {
+ set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
+ if {$archeads($a) eq {}} {
+ recalcarc $a
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach id [lsort -unique $possible_seeds] {
+ if {$arcnos($id) eq {}} {
+ lappend seeds $id
+ }
+ }
+ set allcwait 0
+ } else {
+ while {[incr a] <= $lim} {
+ set line [gets $f]
+ if {[llength $line] != 3} {error "bad line"}
+ set s [lindex $line 0]
+ set arcstart($a) $s
+ lappend arcout($s) $a
+ if {![info exists arcnos($s)]} {
+ lappend possible_seeds $s
+ set arcnos($s) {}
+ }
+ set e [lindex $line 1]
+ if {$e eq {}} {
+ set growing($a) 1
+ } else {
+ set arcend($a) $e
+ if {![info exists arcout($e)]} {
+ set arcout($e) {}
+ }
+ }
+ set arcids($a) [lindex $line 2]
+ foreach id $arcids($a) {
+ lappend allparents($s) $id
+ set s $id
+ lappend arcnos($id) $a
+ }
+ if {![info exists allparents($s)]} {
+ set allparents($s) {}
+ }
+ set arctags($a) {}
+ set archeads($a) {}
+ }
+ set nextarc [expr {$a - 1}]
+ }
+ } err]} {
+ dropcache $err
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {!$allcwait} {
+ getallcommits
+ }
+ return $allcwait
+proc getcache {f} {
+ global nextarc cachedarcs possible_seeds
+ if {[catch {
+ set line [gets $f]
+ if {[llength $line] != 2 || [lindex $line 0] ne "1"} {error "bad version"}
+ # make sure it's an integer
+ set cachedarcs [expr {int([lindex $line 1])}]
+ if {$cachedarcs < 0} {error "bad number of arcs"}
+ set nextarc 0
+ set possible_seeds {}
+ run readcache $f
+ } err]} {
+ dropcache $err
+ }
+ return 0
+proc dropcache {err} {
+ global allcwait nextarc cachedarcs seeds
+ #puts "dropping cache ($err)"
+ foreach v {arcnos arcout arcids arcstart arcend growing \
+ arctags archeads allparents allchildren} {
+ global $v
+ catch {unset $v}
+ }
+ set allcwait 0
+ set nextarc 0
+ set cachedarcs 0
+ set seeds {}
+ getallcommits
+proc writecache {f} {
+ global cachearc cachedarcs allccache
+ global arcstart arcend arcnos arcids arcout
+ set a $cachearc
+ set lim $cachedarcs
+ if {$lim - $a > 1000} {
+ set lim [expr {$a + 1000}]
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ while {[incr a] <= $lim} {
+ if {[info exists arcend($a)]} {
+ puts $f [list $arcstart($a) $arcend($a) $arcids($a)]
+ } else {
+ puts $f [list $arcstart($a) {} $arcids($a)]
+ }
+ }
+ } err]} {
+ catch {close $f}
+ catch {file delete $allccache}
+ #puts "writing cache failed ($err)"
+ return 0
+ }
+ set cachearc [expr {$a - 1}]
+ if {$a > $cachedarcs} {
+ puts $f "1"
+ close $f
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 1
+proc savecache {} {
+ global nextarc cachedarcs cachearc allccache
+ if {$nextarc == $cachedarcs} return
+ set cachearc 0
+ set cachedarcs $nextarc
+ catch {
+ set f [open $allccache w]
+ puts $f [list 1 $cachedarcs]
+ run writecache $f
+ }
+# Returns 1 if a is an ancestor of b, -1 if b is an ancestor of a,
+# or 0 if neither is true.
+proc anc_or_desc {a b} {
+ global arcout arcstart arcend arcnos cached_isanc
+ if {$arcnos($a) eq $arcnos($b)} {
+ # Both are on the same arc(s); either both are the same BMP,
+ # or if one is not a BMP, the other is also not a BMP or is
+ # the BMP at end of the arc (and it only has 1 incoming arc).
+ # Or both can be BMPs with no incoming arcs.
+ if {$a eq $b || $arcnos($a) eq {}} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ # assert {[llength $arcnos($a)] == 1}
+ set arc [lindex $arcnos($a) 0]
+ set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($arc) $a]
+ set j [lsearch -exact $arcids($arc) $b]
+ if {$i < 0 || $i > $j} {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ return -1
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists arcout($a)]} {
+ set arc [lindex $arcnos($a) 0]
+ if {[info exists arcend($arc)]} {
+ set aend $arcend($arc)
+ } else {
+ set aend {}
+ }
+ set a $arcstart($arc)
+ } else {
+ set aend $a
+ }
+ if {![info exists arcout($b)]} {
+ set arc [lindex $arcnos($b) 0]
+ if {[info exists arcend($arc)]} {
+ set bend $arcend($arc)
+ } else {
+ set bend {}
+ }
+ set b $arcstart($arc)
+ } else {
+ set bend $b
+ }
+ if {$a eq $bend} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ if {$b eq $aend} {
+ return -1
+ }
+ if {[info exists cached_isanc($a,$bend)]} {
+ if {$cached_isanc($a,$bend)} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists cached_isanc($b,$aend)]} {
+ if {$cached_isanc($b,$aend)} {
+ return -1
+ }
+ if {[info exists cached_isanc($a,$bend)]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ set todo [list $a $b]
+ set anc($a) a
+ set anc($b) b
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo]} {incr i} {
+ set x [lindex $todo $i]
+ if {$anc($x) eq {}} {
+ continue
+ }
+ foreach arc $arcnos($x) {
+ set xd $arcstart($arc)
+ if {$xd eq $bend} {
+ set cached_isanc($a,$bend) 1
+ set cached_isanc($b,$aend) 0
+ return 1
+ } elseif {$xd eq $aend} {
+ set cached_isanc($b,$aend) 1
+ set cached_isanc($a,$bend) 0
+ return -1
+ }
+ if {![info exists anc($xd)]} {
+ set anc($xd) $anc($x)
+ lappend todo $xd
+ } elseif {$anc($xd) ne $anc($x)} {
+ set anc($xd) {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set cached_isanc($a,$bend) 0
+ set cached_isanc($b,$aend) 0
+ return 0
+# This identifies whether $desc has an ancestor that is
+# a growing tip of the graph and which is not an ancestor of $anc
+# and returns 0 if so and 1 if not.
+# If we subsequently discover a tag on such a growing tip, and that
+# turns out to be a descendent of $anc (which it could, since we
+# don't necessarily see children before parents), then $desc
+# isn't a good choice to display as a descendent tag of
+# $anc (since it is the descendent of another tag which is
+# a descendent of $anc). Similarly, $anc isn't a good choice to
+# display as a ancestor tag of $desc.
+proc is_certain {desc anc} {
+ global arcnos arcout arcstart arcend growing problems
+ set certain {}
+ if {[llength $arcnos($anc)] == 1} {
+ # tags on the same arc are certain
+ if {$arcnos($desc) eq $arcnos($anc)} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ if {![info exists arcout($anc)]} {
+ # if $anc is partway along an arc, use the start of the arc instead
+ set a [lindex $arcnos($anc) 0]
+ set anc $arcstart($a)
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $arcnos($desc)] > 1 || [info exists arcout($desc)]} {
+ set x $desc
+ } else {
+ set a [lindex $arcnos($desc) 0]
+ set x $arcend($a)
+ }
+ if {$x == $anc} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ set anclist [list $x]
+ set dl($x) 1
+ set nnh 1
+ set ngrowanc 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $anclist] && ($nnh > 0 || $ngrowanc > 0)} {incr i} {
+ set x [lindex $anclist $i]
+ if {$dl($x)} {
+ incr nnh -1
+ }
+ set done($x) 1
+ foreach a $arcout($x) {
+ if {[info exists growing($a)]} {
+ if {![info exists growanc($x)] && $dl($x)} {
+ set growanc($x) 1
+ incr ngrowanc
+ }
+ } else {
+ set y $arcend($a)
+ if {[info exists dl($y)]} {
+ if {$dl($y)} {
+ if {!$dl($x)} {
+ set dl($y) 0
+ if {![info exists done($y)]} {
+ incr nnh -1
+ }
+ if {[info exists growanc($x)]} {
+ incr ngrowanc -1
+ }
+ set xl [list $y]
+ for {set k 0} {$k < [llength $xl]} {incr k} {
+ set z [lindex $xl $k]
+ foreach c $arcout($z) {
+ if {[info exists arcend($c)]} {
+ set v $arcend($c)
+ if {[info exists dl($v)] && $dl($v)} {
+ set dl($v) 0
+ if {![info exists done($v)]} {
+ incr nnh -1
+ }
+ if {[info exists growanc($v)]} {
+ incr ngrowanc -1
+ }
+ lappend xl $v
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {$y eq $anc || !$dl($x)} {
+ set dl($y) 0
+ lappend anclist $y
+ } else {
+ set dl($y) 1
+ lappend anclist $y
+ incr nnh
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x [array names growanc] {
+ if {$dl($x)} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ return 1
+proc validate_arctags {a} {
+ global arctags idtags
+ set i -1
+ set na $arctags($a)
+ foreach id $arctags($a) {
+ incr i
+ if {![info exists idtags($id)]} {
+ set na [lreplace $na $i $i]
+ incr i -1
+ }
+ }
+ set arctags($a) $na
+proc validate_archeads {a} {
+ global archeads idheads
+ set i -1
+ set na $archeads($a)
+ foreach id $archeads($a) {
+ incr i
+ if {![info exists idheads($id)]} {
+ set na [lreplace $na $i $i]
+ incr i -1
+ }
+ }
+ set archeads($a) $na
+# Return the list of IDs that have tags that are descendents of id,
+# ignoring IDs that are descendents of IDs already reported.
+proc desctags {id} {
+ global arcnos arcstart arcids arctags idtags allparents
+ global growing cached_dtags
+ if {![info exists allparents($id)]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ set argid $id
+ if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} {
+ # part-way along an arc; check that arc first
+ set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
+ if {$arctags($a) ne {}} {
+ validate_arctags $a
+ set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $id]
+ set tid {}
+ foreach t $arctags($a) {
+ set j [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $t]
+ if {$j >= $i} break
+ set tid $t
+ }
+ if {$tid ne {}} {
+ return $tid
+ }
+ }
+ set id $arcstart($a)
+ if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
+ return $id
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists cached_dtags($id)]} {
+ return $cached_dtags($id)
+ }
+ set origid $id
+ set todo [list $id]
+ set queued($id) 1
+ set nc 1
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo] && $nc > 0} {incr i} {
+ set id [lindex $todo $i]
+ set done($id) 1
+ set ta [info exists hastaggedancestor($id)]
+ if {!$ta} {
+ incr nc -1
+ }
+ # ignore tags on starting node
+ if {!$ta && $i > 0} {
+ if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
+ set tagloc($id) $id
+ set ta 1
+ } elseif {[info exists cached_dtags($id)]} {
+ set tagloc($id) $cached_dtags($id)
+ set ta 1
+ }
+ }
+ foreach a $arcnos($id) {
+ set d $arcstart($a)
+ if {!$ta && $arctags($a) ne {}} {
+ validate_arctags $a
+ if {$arctags($a) ne {}} {
+ lappend tagloc($id) [lindex $arctags($a) end]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$ta || $arctags($a) ne {}} {
+ set tomark [list $d]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $tomark]} {incr j} {
+ set dd [lindex $tomark $j]
+ if {![info exists hastaggedancestor($dd)]} {
+ if {[info exists done($dd)]} {
+ foreach b $arcnos($dd) {
+ lappend tomark $arcstart($b)
+ }
+ if {[info exists tagloc($dd)]} {
+ unset tagloc($dd)
+ }
+ } elseif {[info exists queued($dd)]} {
+ incr nc -1
+ }
+ set hastaggedancestor($dd) 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists queued($d)]} {
+ lappend todo $d
+ set queued($d) 1
+ if {![info exists hastaggedancestor($d)]} {
+ incr nc
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set tags {}
+ foreach id [array names tagloc] {
+ if {![info exists hastaggedancestor($id)]} {
+ foreach t $tagloc($id) {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $tags $t] < 0} {
+ lappend tags $t
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ set loopix $i
+ # remove tags that are descendents of other tags
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $tags]} {incr i} {
+ set a [lindex $tags $i]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} {
+ set b [lindex $tags $j]
+ set r [anc_or_desc $a $b]
+ if {$r == 1} {
+ set tags [lreplace $tags $j $j]
+ incr j -1
+ incr i -1
+ } elseif {$r == -1} {
+ set tags [lreplace $tags $i $i]
+ incr i -1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[array names growing] ne {}} {
+ # graph isn't finished, need to check if any tag could get
+ # eclipsed by another tag coming later. Simply ignore any
+ # tags that could later get eclipsed.
+ set ctags {}
+ foreach t $tags {
+ if {[is_certain $t $origid]} {
+ lappend ctags $t
+ }
+ }
+ if {$tags eq $ctags} {
+ set cached_dtags($origid) $tags
+ } else {
+ set tags $ctags
+ }
+ } else {
+ set cached_dtags($origid) $tags
+ }
+ set t3 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ if {0 && $t3 - $t1 >= 100} {
+ puts "iterating descendents ($loopix/[llength $todo] nodes) took\
+ [expr {$t2-$t1}]+[expr {$t3-$t2}]ms, $nc candidates left"
+ }
+ return $tags
+proc anctags {id} {
+ global arcnos arcids arcout arcend arctags idtags allparents
+ global growing cached_atags
+ if {![info exists allparents($id)]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set t1 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ set argid $id
+ if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} {
+ # part-way along an arc; check that arc first
+ set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
+ if {$arctags($a) ne {}} {
+ validate_arctags $a
+ set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $id]
+ foreach t $arctags($a) {
+ set j [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $t]
+ if {$j > $i} {
+ return $t
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists arcend($a)]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set id $arcend($a)
+ if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
+ return $id
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists cached_atags($id)]} {
+ return $cached_atags($id)
+ }
+ set origid $id
+ set todo [list $id]
+ set queued($id) 1
+ set taglist {}
+ set nc 1
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo] && $nc > 0} {incr i} {
+ set id [lindex $todo $i]
+ set done($id) 1
+ set td [info exists hastaggeddescendent($id)]
+ if {!$td} {
+ incr nc -1
+ }
+ # ignore tags on starting node
+ if {!$td && $i > 0} {
+ if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
+ set tagloc($id) $id
+ set td 1
+ } elseif {[info exists cached_atags($id)]} {
+ set tagloc($id) $cached_atags($id)
+ set td 1
+ }
+ }
+ foreach a $arcout($id) {
+ if {!$td && $arctags($a) ne {}} {
+ validate_arctags $a
+ if {$arctags($a) ne {}} {
+ lappend tagloc($id) [lindex $arctags($a) 0]
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists arcend($a)]} continue
+ set d $arcend($a)
+ if {$td || $arctags($a) ne {}} {
+ set tomark [list $d]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $tomark]} {incr j} {
+ set dd [lindex $tomark $j]
+ if {![info exists hastaggeddescendent($dd)]} {
+ if {[info exists done($dd)]} {
+ foreach b $arcout($dd) {
+ if {[info exists arcend($b)]} {
+ lappend tomark $arcend($b)
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists tagloc($dd)]} {
+ unset tagloc($dd)
+ }
+ } elseif {[info exists queued($dd)]} {
+ incr nc -1
+ }
+ set hastaggeddescendent($dd) 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists queued($d)]} {
+ lappend todo $d
+ set queued($d) 1
+ if {![info exists hastaggeddescendent($d)]} {
+ incr nc
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if {[catch {
- set dir [gitdir]
- set fname [file join $dir "refs/tags" $tag]
- set f [open $fname w]
- puts $f $id
- close $f
- } err]} {
- error_popup "Error creating tag: $err"
- return
+ set t2 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ set loopix $i
+ set tags {}
+ foreach id [array names tagloc] {
+ if {![info exists hastaggeddescendent($id)]} {
+ foreach t $tagloc($id) {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $tags $t] < 0} {
+ lappend tags $t
+ }
+ }
+ }
- set tagids($tag) $id
- lappend idtags($id) $tag
- redrawtags $id
-proc redrawtags {id} {
- global canv linehtag commitrow idpos selectedline
+ # remove tags that are ancestors of other tags
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $tags]} {incr i} {
+ set a [lindex $tags $i]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} {
+ set b [lindex $tags $j]
+ set r [anc_or_desc $a $b]
+ if {$r == -1} {
+ set tags [lreplace $tags $j $j]
+ incr j -1
+ incr i -1
+ } elseif {$r == 1} {
+ set tags [lreplace $tags $i $i]
+ incr i -1
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if {![info exists commitrow($id)]} return
- drawcmitrow $commitrow($id)
- $canv delete tag.$id
- set xt [eval drawtags $id $idpos($id)]
- $canv coords $linehtag($commitrow($id)) $xt [lindex $idpos($id) 2]
- if {[info exists selectedline] && $selectedline == $commitrow($id)} {
- selectline $selectedline 0
+ if {[array names growing] ne {}} {
+ # graph isn't finished, need to check if any tag could get
+ # eclipsed by another tag coming later. Simply ignore any
+ # tags that could later get eclipsed.
+ set ctags {}
+ foreach t $tags {
+ if {[is_certain $origid $t]} {
+ lappend ctags $t
+ }
+ }
+ if {$tags eq $ctags} {
+ set cached_atags($origid) $tags
+ } else {
+ set tags $ctags
+ }
+ } else {
+ set cached_atags($origid) $tags
+ }
+ set t3 [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+ if {0 && $t3 - $t1 >= 100} {
+ puts "iterating ancestors ($loopix/[llength $todo] nodes) took\
+ [expr {$t2-$t1}]+[expr {$t3-$t2}]ms, $nc candidates left"
+ }
+ return $tags
+# Return the list of IDs that have heads that are descendents of id,
+# including id itself if it has a head.
+proc descheads {id} {
+ global arcnos arcstart arcids archeads idheads cached_dheads
+ global allparents
+ if {![info exists allparents($id)]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set aret {}
+ if {[llength $arcnos($id)] == 1 && [llength $allparents($id)] == 1} {
+ # part-way along an arc; check it first
+ set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
+ if {$archeads($a) ne {}} {
+ validate_archeads $a
+ set i [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $id]
+ foreach t $archeads($a) {
+ set j [lsearch -exact $arcids($a) $t]
+ if {$j > $i} break
+ lappend aret $t
+ }
+ }
+ set id $arcstart($a)
+ }
+ set origid $id
+ set todo [list $id]
+ set seen($id) 1
+ set ret {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $todo]} {incr i} {
+ set id [lindex $todo $i]
+ if {[info exists cached_dheads($id)]} {
+ set ret [concat $ret $cached_dheads($id)]
+ } else {
+ if {[info exists idheads($id)]} {
+ lappend ret $id
+ }
+ foreach a $arcnos($id) {
+ if {$archeads($a) ne {}} {
+ validate_archeads $a
+ if {$archeads($a) ne {}} {
+ set ret [concat $ret $archeads($a)]
+ }
+ }
+ set d $arcstart($a)
+ if {![info exists seen($d)]} {
+ lappend todo $d
+ set seen($d) 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set ret [lsort -unique $ret]
+ set cached_dheads($origid) $ret
+ return [concat $ret $aret]
-proc mktagcan {} {
- global mktagtop
- catch {destroy $mktagtop}
- unset mktagtop
+proc addedtag {id} {
+ global arcnos arcout cached_dtags cached_atags
-proc mktaggo {} {
- domktag
- mktagcan
+ if {![info exists arcnos($id)]} return
+ if {![info exists arcout($id)]} {
+ recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
+ }
+ catch {unset cached_dtags}
+ catch {unset cached_atags}
-proc writecommit {} {
- global rowmenuid wrcomtop commitinfo wrcomcmd
+proc addedhead {hid head} {
+ global arcnos arcout cached_dheads
- set top .writecommit
- set wrcomtop $top
- catch {destroy $top}
- toplevel $top
- label $top.title -text "Write commit to file"
- grid $top.title - -pady 10
- label $top.id -text "ID:"
- entry $top.sha1 -width 40 -relief flat
- $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
- $top.sha1 conf -state readonly
- grid $top.id $top.sha1 -sticky w
- entry $top.head -width 60 -relief flat
- $top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($rowmenuid) 0]
- $top.head conf -state readonly
- grid x $top.head -sticky w
- label $top.clab -text "Command:"
- entry $top.cmd -width 60 -textvariable wrcomcmd
- grid $top.clab $top.cmd -sticky w -pady 10
- label $top.flab -text "Output file:"
- entry $top.fname -width 60
- $top.fname insert 0 [file normalize "commit-[string range $rowmenuid 0 6]"]
- grid $top.flab $top.fname -sticky w
- frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.gen -text "Write" -command wrcomgo
- button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command wrcomcan
- grid $top.buts.gen $top.buts.can
- grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
- grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
- grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew
- focus $top.fname
+ if {![info exists arcnos($hid)]} return
+ if {![info exists arcout($hid)]} {
+ recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($hid) 0]
+ }
+ catch {unset cached_dheads}
-proc wrcomgo {} {
- global wrcomtop
+proc removedhead {hid head} {
+ global cached_dheads
- set id [$wrcomtop.sha1 get]
- set cmd "echo $id | [$wrcomtop.cmd get]"
- set fname [$wrcomtop.fname get]
- if {[catch {exec sh -c $cmd >$fname &} err]} {
- error_popup "Error writing commit: $err"
- }
- catch {destroy $wrcomtop}
- unset wrcomtop
+ catch {unset cached_dheads}
-proc wrcomcan {} {
- global wrcomtop
+proc movedhead {hid head} {
+ global arcnos arcout cached_dheads
- catch {destroy $wrcomtop}
- unset wrcomtop
+ if {![info exists arcnos($hid)]} return
+ if {![info exists arcout($hid)]} {
+ recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($hid) 0]
+ }
+ catch {unset cached_dheads}
-proc listrefs {id} {
- global idtags idheads idotherrefs
+proc changedrefs {} {
+ global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags
+ global arctags archeads arcnos arcout idheads idtags
- set x {}
- if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
- set x $idtags($id)
- }
- set y {}
- if {[info exists idheads($id)]} {
- set y $idheads($id)
- }
- set z {}
- if {[info exists idotherrefs($id)]} {
- set z $idotherrefs($id)
+ foreach id [concat [array names idheads] [array names idtags]] {
+ if {[info exists arcnos($id)] && ![info exists arcout($id)]} {
+ set a [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
+ if {![info exists donearc($a)]} {
+ recalcarc $a
+ set donearc($a) 1
+ }
+ }
- return [list $x $y $z]
+ catch {unset cached_dtags}
+ catch {unset cached_atags}
+ catch {unset cached_dheads}
proc rereadrefs {} {
- global idtags idheads idotherrefs
+ global idtags idheads idotherrefs mainhead
set refids [concat [array names idtags] \
[array names idheads] [array names idotherrefs]]
set ref($id) [listrefs $id]
+ set oldmainhead $mainhead
+ changedrefs
set refids [lsort -unique [concat $refids [array names idtags] \
[array names idheads] [array names idotherrefs]]]
foreach id $refids {
set v [listrefs $id]
- if {![info exists ref($id)] || $ref($id) != $v} {
+ if {![info exists ref($id)] || $ref($id) != $v ||
+ ($id eq $oldmainhead && $id ne $mainhead) ||
+ ($id eq $mainhead && $id ne $oldmainhead)} {
redrawtags $id
+ run refill_reflist
+proc listrefs {id} {
+ global idtags idheads idotherrefs
+ set x {}
+ if {[info exists idtags($id)]} {
+ set x $idtags($id)
+ }
+ set y {}
+ if {[info exists idheads($id)]} {
+ set y $idheads($id)
+ }
+ set z {}
+ if {[info exists idotherrefs($id)]} {
+ set z $idotherrefs($id)
+ }
+ return [list $x $y $z]
proc showtag {tag isnew} {
- global ctext cflist tagcontents tagids linknum
+ global ctext tagcontents tagids linknum tagobjid
if {$isnew} {
addtohistory [list showtag $tag 0]
$ctext conf -state normal
- $ctext delete 0.0 end
+ clear_ctext
+ settabs 0
set linknum 0
+ if {![info exists tagcontents($tag)]} {
+ catch {
+ set tagcontents($tag) [exec git cat-file tag $tagobjid($tag)]
+ }
+ }
if {[info exists tagcontents($tag)]} {
set text $tagcontents($tag)
} else {
set text "Tag: $tag\nId: $tagids($tag)"
- appendwithlinks $text
+ appendwithlinks $text {}
$ctext conf -state disabled
- $cflist delete 0 end
+ init_flist {}
proc doquit {} {
global stopped
set stopped 100
+ savestuff .
destroy .
+proc mkfontdisp {font top which} {
+ global fontattr fontpref $font
+ set fontpref($font) [set $font]
+ button $top.${font}but -text $which -font optionfont \
+ -command [list choosefont $font $which]
+ label $top.$font -relief flat -font $font \
+ -text $fontattr($font,family) -justify left
+ grid x $top.${font}but $top.$font -sticky w
+proc choosefont {font which} {
+ global fontparam fontlist fonttop fontattr
+ set fontparam(which) $which
+ set fontparam(font) $font
+ set fontparam(family) [font actual $font -family]
+ set fontparam(size) $fontattr($font,size)
+ set fontparam(weight) $fontattr($font,weight)
+ set fontparam(slant) $fontattr($font,slant)
+ set top .gitkfont
+ set fonttop $top
+ if {![winfo exists $top]} {
+ font create sample
+ eval font config sample [font actual $font]
+ toplevel $top
+ wm title $top "Gitk font chooser"
+ label $top.l -textvariable fontparam(which) -font uifont
+ pack $top.l -side top
+ set fontlist [lsort [font families]]
+ frame $top.f
+ listbox $top.f.fam -listvariable fontlist \
+ -yscrollcommand [list $top.f.sb set]
+ bind $top.f.fam <<ListboxSelect>> selfontfam
+ scrollbar $top.f.sb -command [list $top.f.fam yview]
+ pack $top.f.sb -side right -fill y
+ pack $top.f.fam -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $top.f -side top -fill both -expand 1
+ frame $top.g
+ spinbox $top.g.size -from 4 -to 40 -width 4 \
+ -textvariable fontparam(size) \
+ -validatecommand {string is integer -strict %s}
+ checkbutton $top.g.bold -padx 5 \
+ -font {{Times New Roman} 12 bold} -text "B" -indicatoron 0 \
+ -variable fontparam(weight) -onvalue bold -offvalue normal
+ checkbutton $top.g.ital -padx 5 \
+ -font {{Times New Roman} 12 italic} -text "I" -indicatoron 0 \
+ -variable fontparam(slant) -onvalue italic -offvalue roman
+ pack $top.g.size $top.g.bold $top.g.ital -side left
+ pack $top.g -side top
+ canvas $top.c -width 150 -height 50 -border 2 -relief sunk \
+ -background white
+ $top.c create text 100 25 -anchor center -text $which -font sample \
+ -fill black -tags text
+ bind $top.c <Configure> [list centertext $top.c]
+ pack $top.c -side top -fill x
+ frame $top.buts
+ button $top.buts.ok -text "OK" -command fontok -default active \
+ -font uifont
+ button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command fontcan -default normal \
+ -font uifont
+ grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can
+ grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
+ grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
+ pack $top.buts -side bottom -fill x
+ trace add variable fontparam write chg_fontparam
+ } else {
+ raise $top
+ $top.c itemconf text -text $which
+ }
+ set i [lsearch -exact $fontlist $fontparam(family)]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ $top.f.fam selection set $i
+ $top.f.fam see $i
+ }
+proc centertext {w} {
+ $w coords text [expr {[winfo width $w] / 2}] [expr {[winfo height $w] / 2}]
+proc fontok {} {
+ global fontparam fontpref prefstop
+ set f $fontparam(font)
+ set fontpref($f) [list $fontparam(family) $fontparam(size)]
+ if {$fontparam(weight) eq "bold"} {
+ lappend fontpref($f) "bold"
+ }
+ if {$fontparam(slant) eq "italic"} {
+ lappend fontpref($f) "italic"
+ }
+ set w $prefstop.$f
+ $w conf -text $fontparam(family) -font $fontpref($f)
+ fontcan
+proc fontcan {} {
+ global fonttop fontparam
+ if {[info exists fonttop]} {
+ catch {destroy $fonttop}
+ catch {font delete sample}
+ unset fonttop
+ unset fontparam
+ }
+proc selfontfam {} {
+ global fonttop fontparam
+ set i [$fonttop.f.fam curselection]
+ if {$i ne {}} {
+ set fontparam(family) [$fonttop.f.fam get $i]
+ }
+proc chg_fontparam {v sub op} {
+ global fontparam
+ font config sample -$sub $fontparam($sub)
proc doprefs {} {
- global maxwidth maxgraphpct diffopts findmergefiles
- global oldprefs prefstop
+ global maxwidth maxgraphpct
+ global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
+ global bgcolor fgcolor ctext diffcolors selectbgcolor
+ global uifont tabstop limitdiffs
set top .gitkprefs
set prefstop $top
raise $top
- foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct diffopts findmergefiles} {
+ foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \
+ limitdiffs tabstop} {
set oldprefs($v) [set $v]
toplevel $top
wm title $top "Gitk preferences"
label $top.ldisp -text "Commit list display options"
+ $top.ldisp configure -font uifont
grid $top.ldisp - -sticky w -pady 10
label $top.spacer -text " "
label $top.maxwidthl -text "Maximum graph width (lines)" \
-font optionfont
spinbox $top.maxpct -from 1 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxgraphpct
grid x $top.maxpctl $top.maxpct -sticky w
- checkbutton $top.findm -variable findmergefiles
- label $top.findml -text "Include merges for \"Find\" in \"Files\"" \
- -font optionfont
- grid $top.findm $top.findml - -sticky w
+ frame $top.showlocal
+ label $top.showlocal.l -text "Show local changes" -font optionfont
+ checkbutton $top.showlocal.b -variable showlocalchanges
+ pack $top.showlocal.b $top.showlocal.l -side left
+ grid x $top.showlocal -sticky w
label $top.ddisp -text "Diff display options"
+ $top.ddisp configure -font uifont
grid $top.ddisp - -sticky w -pady 10
- label $top.diffoptl -text "Options for diff program" \
- -font optionfont
- entry $top.diffopt -width 20 -textvariable diffopts
- grid x $top.diffoptl $top.diffopt -sticky w
+ label $top.tabstopl -text "Tab spacing" -font optionfont
+ spinbox $top.tabstop -from 1 -to 20 -width 4 -textvariable tabstop
+ grid x $top.tabstopl $top.tabstop -sticky w
+ frame $top.ntag
+ label $top.ntag.l -text "Display nearby tags" -font optionfont
+ checkbutton $top.ntag.b -variable showneartags
+ pack $top.ntag.b $top.ntag.l -side left
+ grid x $top.ntag -sticky w
+ frame $top.ldiff
+ label $top.ldiff.l -text "Limit diffs to listed paths" -font optionfont
+ checkbutton $top.ldiff.b -variable limitdiffs
+ pack $top.ldiff.b $top.ldiff.l -side left
+ grid x $top.ldiff -sticky w
+ label $top.cdisp -text "Colors: press to choose"
+ $top.cdisp configure -font uifont
+ grid $top.cdisp - -sticky w -pady 10
+ label $top.bg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $bgcolor
+ button $top.bgbut -text "Background" -font optionfont \
+ -command [list choosecolor bgcolor 0 $top.bg background setbg]
+ grid x $top.bgbut $top.bg -sticky w
+ label $top.fg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $fgcolor
+ button $top.fgbut -text "Foreground" -font optionfont \
+ -command [list choosecolor fgcolor 0 $top.fg foreground setfg]
+ grid x $top.fgbut $top.fg -sticky w
+ label $top.diffold -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 0]
+ button $top.diffoldbut -text "Diff: old lines" -font optionfont \
+ -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 0 $top.diffold "diff old lines" \
+ [list $ctext tag conf d0 -foreground]]
+ grid x $top.diffoldbut $top.diffold -sticky w
+ label $top.diffnew -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 1]
+ button $top.diffnewbut -text "Diff: new lines" -font optionfont \
+ -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 1 $top.diffnew "diff new lines" \
+ [list $ctext tag conf d1 -foreground]]
+ grid x $top.diffnewbut $top.diffnew -sticky w
+ label $top.hunksep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 2]
+ button $top.hunksepbut -text "Diff: hunk header" -font optionfont \
+ -command [list choosecolor diffcolors 2 $top.hunksep \
+ "diff hunk header" \
+ [list $ctext tag conf hunksep -foreground]]
+ grid x $top.hunksepbut $top.hunksep -sticky w
+ label $top.selbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $selectbgcolor
+ button $top.selbgbut -text "Select bg" -font optionfont \
+ -command [list choosecolor selectbgcolor 0 $top.selbgsep background setselbg]
+ grid x $top.selbgbut $top.selbgsep -sticky w
+ label $top.cfont -text "Fonts: press to choose"
+ $top.cfont configure -font uifont
+ grid $top.cfont - -sticky w -pady 10
+ mkfontdisp mainfont $top "Main font"
+ mkfontdisp textfont $top "Diff display font"
+ mkfontdisp uifont $top "User interface font"
frame $top.buts
- button $top.buts.ok -text "OK" -command prefsok
- button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command prefscan
+ button $top.buts.ok -text "OK" -command prefsok -default active
+ $top.buts.ok configure -font uifont
+ button $top.buts.can -text "Cancel" -command prefscan -default normal
+ $top.buts.can configure -font uifont
grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid $top.buts - - -pady 10 -sticky ew
+ bind $top <Visibility> "focus $top.buts.ok"
+proc choosecolor {v vi w x cmd} {
+ global $v
+ set c [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor [lindex [set $v] $vi] \
+ -title "Gitk: choose color for $x"]
+ if {$c eq {}} return
+ $w conf -background $c
+ lset $v $vi $c
+ eval $cmd $c
+proc setselbg {c} {
+ global bglist cflist
+ foreach w $bglist {
+ $w configure -selectbackground $c
+ }
+ $cflist tag configure highlight \
+ -background [$cflist cget -selectbackground]
+ allcanvs itemconf secsel -fill $c
+proc setbg {c} {
+ global bglist
+ foreach w $bglist {
+ $w conf -background $c
+ }
+proc setfg {c} {
+ global fglist canv
+ foreach w $fglist {
+ $w conf -foreground $c
+ }
+ allcanvs itemconf text -fill $c
+ $canv itemconf circle -outline $c
proc prefscan {} {
- global maxwidth maxgraphpct diffopts findmergefiles
global oldprefs prefstop
- foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct diffopts findmergefiles} {
+ foreach v {maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges \
+ limitdiffs tabstop} {
+ global $v
set $v $oldprefs($v)
catch {destroy $prefstop}
unset prefstop
+ fontcan
proc prefsok {} {
global maxwidth maxgraphpct
- global oldprefs prefstop
+ global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
+ global fontpref mainfont textfont uifont
+ global limitdiffs treediffs
catch {destroy $prefstop}
unset prefstop
- if {$maxwidth != $oldprefs(maxwidth)
+ fontcan
+ set fontchanged 0
+ if {$mainfont ne $fontpref(mainfont)} {
+ set mainfont $fontpref(mainfont)
+ parsefont mainfont $mainfont
+ eval font configure mainfont [fontflags mainfont]
+ eval font configure mainfontbold [fontflags mainfont 1]
+ setcoords
+ set fontchanged 1
+ }
+ if {$textfont ne $fontpref(textfont)} {
+ set textfont $fontpref(textfont)
+ parsefont textfont $textfont
+ eval font configure textfont [fontflags textfont]
+ eval font configure textfontbold [fontflags textfont 1]
+ }
+ if {$uifont ne $fontpref(uifont)} {
+ set uifont $fontpref(uifont)
+ parsefont uifont $uifont
+ eval font configure uifont [fontflags uifont]
+ }
+ settabs
+ if {$showlocalchanges != $oldprefs(showlocalchanges)} {
+ if {$showlocalchanges} {
+ doshowlocalchanges
+ } else {
+ dohidelocalchanges
+ }
+ }
+ if {$limitdiffs != $oldprefs(limitdiffs)} {
+ # treediffs elements are limited by path
+ catch {unset treediffs}
+ }
+ if {$fontchanged || $maxwidth != $oldprefs(maxwidth)
|| $maxgraphpct != $oldprefs(maxgraphpct)} {
+ } elseif {$showneartags != $oldprefs(showneartags) ||
+ $limitdiffs != $oldprefs(limitdiffs)} {
+ reselectline
proc formatdate {d} {
- return [clock format $d -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]
+ global datetimeformat
+ if {$d ne {}} {
+ set d [clock format $d -format $datetimeformat]
+ }
+ return $d
# This list of encoding names and aliases is distilled from
return {}
+# First check that Tcl/Tk is recent enough
+if {[catch {package require Tk 8.4} err]} {
+ show_error {} . "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n\
+ Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
+ exit 1
# defaults...
set datemode 0
-set diffopts "-U 5 -p"
-set wrcomcmd "git-diff-tree --stdin -p --pretty"
+set wrcomcmd "git diff-tree --stdin -p --pretty"
set gitencoding {}
catch {
- set gitencoding [exec git-repo-config --get i18n.commitencoding]
+ set gitencoding [exec git config --get i18n.commitencoding]
if {$gitencoding == ""} {
set gitencoding "utf-8"
set mainfont {Helvetica 9}
set textfont {Courier 9}
set uifont {Helvetica 9 bold}
+set tabstop 8
set findmergefiles 0
set maxgraphpct 50
set maxwidth 16
set revlistorder 0
set fastdate 0
-set uparrowlen 7
-set downarrowlen 7
-set mingaplen 30
+set uparrowlen 5
+set downarrowlen 5
+set mingaplen 100
+set cmitmode "patch"
+set wrapcomment "none"
+set showneartags 1
+set maxrefs 20
+set maxlinelen 200
+set showlocalchanges 1
+set limitdiffs 1
+set datetimeformat "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set colors {green red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
+set bgcolor white
+set fgcolor black
+set diffcolors {red "#00a000" blue}
+set diffcontext 3
+set selectbgcolor gray85
catch {source ~/.gitk}
-set namefont $mainfont
font create optionfont -family sans-serif -size -12
+parsefont mainfont $mainfont
+eval font create mainfont [fontflags mainfont]
+eval font create mainfontbold [fontflags mainfont 1]
+parsefont textfont $textfont
+eval font create textfont [fontflags textfont]
+eval font create textfontbold [fontflags textfont 1]
+parsefont uifont $uifont
+eval font create uifont [fontflags uifont]
+# check that we can find a .git directory somewhere...
+if {[catch {set gitdir [gitdir]}]} {
+ show_error {} . "Cannot find a git repository here."
+ exit 1
+if {![file isdirectory $gitdir]} {
+ show_error {} . "Cannot find the git directory \"$gitdir\"."
+ exit 1
+set mergeonly 0
set revtreeargs {}
+set cmdline_files {}
+set i 0
foreach arg $argv {
- switch -regexp -- $arg {
- "^$" { }
- "^-d" { set datemode 1 }
+ switch -- $arg {
+ "" { }
+ "-d" { set datemode 1 }
+ "--merge" {
+ set mergeonly 1
+ lappend revtreeargs $arg
+ }
+ "--" {
+ set cmdline_files [lrange $argv [expr {$i + 1}] end]
+ break
+ }
default {
lappend revtreeargs $arg
+ incr i
-# check that we can find a .git directory somewhere...
-set gitdir [gitdir]
-if {![file isdirectory $gitdir]} {
- error_popup "Cannot find the git directory \"$gitdir\"."
- exit 1
+if {$i >= [llength $argv] && $revtreeargs ne {}} {
+ # no -- on command line, but some arguments (other than -d)
+ if {[catch {
+ set f [eval exec git rev-parse --no-revs --no-flags $revtreeargs]
+ set cmdline_files [split $f "\n"]
+ set n [llength $cmdline_files]
+ set revtreeargs [lrange $revtreeargs 0 end-$n]
+ # Unfortunately git rev-parse doesn't produce an error when
+ # something is both a revision and a filename. To be consistent
+ # with git log and git rev-list, check revtreeargs for filenames.
+ foreach arg $revtreeargs {
+ if {[file exists $arg]} {
+ show_error {} . "Ambiguous argument '$arg': both revision\
+ and filename"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+ } err]} {
+ # unfortunately we get both stdout and stderr in $err,
+ # so look for "fatal:".
+ set i [string first "fatal:" $err]
+ if {$i > 0} {
+ set err [string range $err [expr {$i + 6}] end]
+ }
+ show_error {} . "Bad arguments to gitk:\n$err"
+ exit 1
+ }
+if {$mergeonly} {
+ # find the list of unmerged files
+ set mlist {}
+ set nr_unmerged 0
+ if {[catch {
+ set fd [open "| git ls-files -u" r]
+ } err]} {
+ show_error {} . "Couldn't get list of unmerged files: $err"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
+ set i [string first "\t" $line]
+ if {$i < 0} continue
+ set fname [string range $line [expr {$i+1}] end]
+ if {[lsearch -exact $mlist $fname] >= 0} continue
+ incr nr_unmerged
+ if {$cmdline_files eq {} || [path_filter $cmdline_files $fname]} {
+ lappend mlist $fname
+ }
+ }
+ catch {close $fd}
+ if {$mlist eq {}} {
+ if {$nr_unmerged == 0} {
+ show_error {} . "No files selected: --merge specified but\
+ no files are unmerged."
+ } else {
+ show_error {} . "No files selected: --merge specified but\
+ no unmerged files are within file limit."
+ }
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set cmdline_files $mlist
+set nullid "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+set nullid2 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
+set have_tk85 [expr {[package vcompare $tk_version "8.5"] >= 0}]
+set runq {}
set history {}
set historyindex 0
-set optim_delay 16
+set fh_serial 0
+set nhl_names {}
+set highlight_paths {}
+set findpattern {}
+set searchdirn -forwards
+set boldrows {}
+set boldnamerows {}
+set diffelide {0 0}
+set markingmatches 0
+set linkentercount 0
+set need_redisplay 0
+set nrows_drawn 0
+set firsttabstop 0
set nextviewnum 1
set curview 0
set selectedview 0
+set selectedhlview None
+set highlight_related None
+set highlight_files {}
set viewfiles(0) {}
set viewperm(0) 0
+set viewargs(0) {}
+set loginstance 0
+set cmdlineok 0
set stopped 0
set stuffsaved 0
set patchnum 0
+set lserial 0
+# wait for the window to become visible
+tkwait visibility .
+wm title . "[file tail $argv0]: [file tail [pwd]]"
-set cmdline_files {}
-catch {
- set fileargs [eval exec git-rev-parse --no-revs --no-flags $revtreeargs]
- set cmdline_files [split $fileargs "\n"]
- set n [llength $cmdline_files]
- set revtreeargs [lrange $revtreeargs 0 end-$n]
-if {[lindex $revtreeargs end] eq "--"} {
- set revtreeargs [lrange $revtreeargs 0 end-1]
-if {$cmdline_files ne {}} {
+if {$cmdline_files ne {} || $revtreeargs ne {}} {
# create a view for the files/dirs specified on the command line
set curview 1
set selectedview 1
set nextviewnum 2
set viewname(1) "Command line"
set viewfiles(1) $cmdline_files
+ set viewargs(1) $revtreeargs
set viewperm(1) 0
- .bar.view add radiobutton -label $viewname(1) -command {showview 1} \
- -variable selectedview -value 1
- .bar.view entryconf 2 -state normal
- .bar.view entryconf 3 -state normal
+ addviewmenu 1
+ .bar.view entryconf Edit* -state normal
+ .bar.view entryconf Delete* -state normal
if {[info exists permviews]} {
incr nextviewnum
set viewname($n) [lindex $v 0]
set viewfiles($n) [lindex $v 1]
+ set viewargs($n) [lindex $v 2]
set viewperm($n) 1
- .bar.view add radiobutton -label $viewname($n) \
- -command [list showview $n] -variable selectedview -value $n
+ addviewmenu $n