if ($#ARGV == 0) {
$cvs_tree = $ARGV[0];
} elsif (-f 'CVS/Repository') {
- open my $f, '<', 'CVS/Repository' or
+ open my $f, '<', 'CVS/Repository' or
die 'Failed to open CVS/Repository';
$cvs_tree = <$f>;
chomp $cvs_tree;
my ($self,$fn,$rev) = @_;
my $res;
- my ($fh, $name) = tempfile('gitcvs.XXXXXX',
+ my ($fh, $name) = tempfile('gitcvs.XXXXXX',
DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir(), UNLINK => 1);
$self->_file($fn,$rev) and $res = $self->_line($fh);
sub get_headref ($$) {
my $name = shift;
- my $git_dir = shift;
+ my $git_dir = shift;
my $f = "$git_dir/$remote/$name";
if (open(my $fh, $f)) {
chomp(my $r = <$fh>);
if ($branch eq $opt_o && !$index{branch} && !get_headref($branch, $git_dir)) {
# looks like an initial commit
# use the index primed by git-init
- $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = '.git/index';
- $index{$branch} = '.git/index';
+ $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = "$git_dir/index";
+ $index{$branch} = "$git_dir/index";
} else {
# use an index per branch to speed up
# imports of projects with many branches
or die "Cannot write branch $branch for update: $!\n";
if ($tag) {
- my ($in, $out) = ('','');
my ($xtag) = $tag;
$xtag =~ s/\s+\*\*.*$//; # Remove stuff like ** INVALID ** and ** FUNKY **
$xtag =~ tr/_/\./ if ( $opt_u );
$xtag =~ s/[\/]/$opt_s/g;
- my $pid = open2($in, $out, 'git-mktag');
- print $out "object $cid\n".
- "type commit\n".
- "tag $xtag\n".
- "tagger $author_name <$author_email>\n"
- or die "Cannot create tag object $xtag: $!\n";
- close($out)
- or die "Cannot create tag object $xtag: $!\n";
- my $tagobj = <$in>;
- chomp $tagobj;
- if ( !close($in) or waitpid($pid, 0) != $pid or
- $? != 0 or $tagobj !~ /^[0123456789abcdef]{40}$/ ) {
- die "Cannot create tag object $xtag: $!\n";
- }
- open(C,">$git_dir/refs/tags/$xtag")
+ system('git-tag', $xtag, $cid) == 0
or die "Cannot create tag $xtag: $!\n";
- print C "$tagobj\n"
- or die "Cannot write tag $xtag: $!\n";
- close(C)
- or die "Cannot write tag $xtag: $!\n";
print "Created tag '$xtag' on '$branch'\n" if $opt_v;
foreach my $git_index (values %index) {
- if ($git_index ne '.git/index') {
+ if ($git_index ne "$git_dir/index") {
print "DONE; creating $orig_branch branch\n" if $opt_v;
system("git-update-ref", "refs/heads/master", "$remote/$opt_o")
unless -f "$git_dir/refs/heads/master";
+ system("git-symbolic-ref", "$remote/HEAD", "$remote/$opt_o")
+ if ($opt_r && $opt_o ne 'HEAD');
system('git-update-ref', 'HEAD', "$orig_branch");
unless ($opt_i) {
system('git checkout');