'git read-tree' [[-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>]
[-u [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] | -i]]
[--index-output=<file>] [--no-sparse-checkout]
Keep the current index contents, and read the contents
- of the named tree-ish under the directory at `<prefix>`. The
- original index file cannot have anything at the path
- `<prefix>` itself, nor anything in the `<prefix>/`
- directory. Note that the `<prefix>/` value must end
- with a slash.
+ of the named tree-ish under the directory at `<prefix>`.
+ The command will refuse to overwrite entries that already
+ existed in the original index file. Note that the `<prefix>/`
+ value must end with a slash.
When running the command with `-u` and `-m` options, the
$ git fetch git://.... linus
-$ LT=`cat .git/FETCH_HEAD`
+$ LT=`git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD`
Your work tree is still based on your HEAD ($JC), but you have
define the skip-worktree reference bitmap. When 'git read-tree' needs
to update the working directory, it resets the skip-worktree bit in the index
based on this file, which uses the same syntax as .gitignore files.
-If an entry matches a pattern in this file, skip-worktree will be
-set on that entry. Otherwise, skip-worktree will be unset.
+If an entry matches a pattern in this file, skip-worktree will not be
+set on that entry. Otherwise, skip-worktree will be set.
Then it compares the new skip-worktree value with the previous one. If
-skip-worktree turns from unset to set, it will add the corresponding
-file back. If it turns from set to unset, that file will be removed.
+skip-worktree turns from set to unset, it will add the corresponding
+file back. If it turns from unset to set, that file will be removed.
While `$GIT_DIR/info/sparse-checkout` is usually used to specify what
files are in, you can also specify what files are _not_ in, using
negate patterns. For example, to remove the file `unwanted`:
Then you can disable sparse checkout. Sparse checkout support in 'git