%remote_opts );
-my ($_trunk, $_tags, $_branches);
+my ($_trunk, $_tags, $_branches, $_stdlayout);
my %icv;
my %init_opts = ( 'template=s' => \$_template, 'shared:s' => \$_shared,
'trunk|T=s' => \$_trunk, 'tags|t=s' => \$_tags,
'branches|b=s' => \$_branches, 'prefix=s' => \$_prefix,
+ 'stdlayout|s' => \$_stdlayout,
'minimize-url|m' => \$Git::SVN::_minimize_url,
'no-metadata' => sub { $icv{noMetadata} = 1 },
'use-svm-props' => sub { $icv{useSvmProps} = 1 },
"Set an SVN repository to a git tree-ish",
{ 'stdin|' => \$_stdin, %cmt_opts, %fc_opts, } ],
'show-ignore' => [ \&cmd_show_ignore, "Show svn:ignore listings",
- { 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision } ],
+ { 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision
+ } ],
'multi-fetch' => [ \&cmd_multi_fetch,
"Deprecated alias for $0 fetch --all",
{ 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision, %fc_opts } ],
'non-recursive' => \$Git::SVN::Log::non_recursive,
'authors-file|A=s' => \$_authors,
'color' => \$Git::SVN::Log::color,
- 'pager=s' => \$Git::SVN::Log::pager,
+ 'pager=s' => \$Git::SVN::Log::pager
} ],
'find-rev' => [ \&cmd_find_rev, "Translate between SVN revision numbers and tree-ish",
- { } ],
+ {} ],
'rebase' => [ \&cmd_rebase, "Fetch and rebase your working directory",
{ 'merge|m|M' => \$_merge,
'verbose|v' => \$_verbose,
sub cmd_clone {
my ($url, $path) = @_;
if (!defined $path &&
- (defined $_trunk || defined $_branches || defined $_tags) &&
+ (defined $_trunk || defined $_branches || defined $_tags ||
+ defined $_stdlayout) &&
$url !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
$path = $url;
sub cmd_init {
+ if (defined $_stdlayout) {
+ $_trunk = 'trunk' if (!defined $_trunk);
+ $_tags = 'tags' if (!defined $_tags);
+ $_branches = 'branches' if (!defined $_branches);
+ }
if (defined $_trunk || defined $_branches || defined $_tags) {
return cmd_multi_init(@_);
$head ||= 'HEAD';
my @refs;
my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = working_head_info($head, \@refs);
+ print "Committing to $url ...\n";
unless ($gs) {
die "Unable to determine upstream SVN information from ",
"$head history\n";
- my $c = $refs[-1];
my $last_rev;
- foreach my $d (@refs) {
- if (!verify_ref("$d~1")) {
- fatal "Commit $d\n",
- "has no parent commit, and therefore ",
- "nothing to diff against.\n",
- "You should be working from a repository ",
- "originally created by git-svn\n";
- }
+ my ($linear_refs, $parents) = linearize_history($gs, \@refs);
+ if ($_no_rebase && scalar(@$linear_refs) > 1) {
+ warn "Attempting to commit more than one change while ",
+ "--no-rebase is enabled.\n",
+ "If these changes depend on each other, re-running ",
+ "without --no-rebase will be required."
+ }
+ foreach my $d (@$linear_refs) {
unless (defined $last_rev) {
(undef, $last_rev, undef) = cmt_metadata("$d~1");
unless (defined $last_rev) {
if ($_dry_run) {
print "diff-tree $d~1 $d\n";
} else {
+ my $cmt_rev;
my %ed_opts = ( r => $last_rev,
log => get_commit_entry($d)->{log},
ra => Git::SVN::Ra->new($gs->full_url),
tree_b => $d,
editor_cb => sub {
print "Committed r$_[0]\n";
- $last_rev = $_[0]; },
+ $cmt_rev = $_[0];
+ },
svn_path => '');
if (!SVN::Git::Editor->new(\%ed_opts)->apply_diff) {
print "No changes\n$d~1 == $d\n";
+ } elsif ($parents->{$d} && @{$parents->{$d}}) {
+ $gs->{inject_parents_dcommit}->{$cmt_rev} =
+ $parents->{$d};
+ $_fetch_all ? $gs->fetch_all : $gs->fetch;
+ next if $_no_rebase;
+ # we always want to rebase against the current HEAD,
+ # not any head that was passed to us
+ my @diff = command('diff-tree', 'HEAD',
+ $gs->refname, '--');
+ my @finish;
+ if (@diff) {
+ @finish = rebase_cmd();
+ print STDERR "W: HEAD and ", $gs->refname,
+ " differ, using @finish:\n",
+ "@diff";
+ } else {
+ print "No changes between current HEAD and ",
+ $gs->refname,
+ "\nResetting to the latest ",
+ $gs->refname, "\n";
+ @finish = qw/reset --mixed/;
+ }
+ command_noisy(@finish, $gs->refname);
+ $last_rev = $cmt_rev;
- return if $_dry_run;
- unless ($gs) {
- warn "Could not determine fetch information for $url\n",
- "Will not attempt to fetch and rebase commits.\n",
- "This probably means you have useSvmProps and should\n",
- "now resync your SVN::Mirror repository.\n";
- return;
- }
- $_fetch_all ? $gs->fetch_all : $gs->fetch;
- unless ($_no_rebase) {
- # we always want to rebase against the current HEAD, not any
- # head that was passed to us
- my @diff = command('diff-tree', 'HEAD', $gs->refname, '--');
- my @finish;
- if (@diff) {
- @finish = rebase_cmd();
- print STDERR "W: HEAD and ", $gs->refname, " differ, ",
- "using @finish:\n", "@diff";
- } else {
- print "No changes between current HEAD and ",
- $gs->refname, "\nResetting to the latest ",
- $gs->refname, "\n";
- @finish = qw/reset --mixed/;
- }
- command_noisy(@finish, $gs->refname);
- }
sub cmd_find_rev {
my $index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} || "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/index";
return if -f $index;
- chomp(my $bare = `git config --bool --get core.bare`);
- return if $bare eq 'true';
+ return if command_oneline(qw/rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree/) eq 'false';
return if command_oneline(qw/rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir/) eq 'true';
command_noisy(qw/read-tree -m -u -v HEAD HEAD/);
print STDERR "Checked out HEAD:\n ",
my $log = $cmd eq 'log';
while (<$authors>) {
- next unless /^(\S+?|\(no author\))\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*<(.+)>\s*$/;
+ next unless /^(.+?|\(no author\))\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*<(.+)>\s*$/;
my ($user, $name, $email) = ($1, $2, $3);
if ($log) {
$Git::SVN::Log::rusers{"$name <$email>"} = $user;
sub working_head_info {
my ($head, $refs) = @_;
- my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe('log', $head);
+ my @args = ('log', '--no-color', '--first-parent');
+ my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@args, $head);
my $hash;
my %max;
while (<$fh>) {
(undef, undef, undef, undef);
+sub read_commit_parents {
+ my ($parents, $c) = @_;
+ chomp(my $p = command_oneline(qw/rev-list --parents -1/, $c));
+ $p =~ s/^($c)\s*// or die "rev-list --parents -1 $c failed!\n";
+ @{$parents->{$c}} = split(/ /, $p);
+sub linearize_history {
+ my ($gs, $refs) = @_;
+ my %parents;
+ foreach my $c (@$refs) {
+ read_commit_parents(\%parents, $c);
+ }
+ my @linear_refs;
+ my %skip = ();
+ my $last_svn_commit = $gs->last_commit;
+ foreach my $c (reverse @$refs) {
+ next if $c eq $last_svn_commit;
+ last if $skip{$c};
+ unshift @linear_refs, $c;
+ $skip{$c} = 1;
+ # we only want the first parent to diff against for linear
+ # history, we save the rest to inject when we finalize the
+ # svn commit
+ my $fp_a = verify_ref("$c~1");
+ my $fp_b = shift @{$parents{$c}} if $parents{$c};
+ if (!$fp_a || !$fp_b) {
+ die "Commit $c\n",
+ "has no parent commit, and therefore ",
+ "nothing to diff against.\n",
+ "You should be working from a repository ",
+ "originally created by git-svn\n";
+ }
+ if ($fp_a ne $fp_b) {
+ die "$c~1 = $fp_a, however parsing commit $c ",
+ "revealed that:\n$c~1 = $fp_b\nBUG!\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $p (@{$parents{$c}}) {
+ $skip{$p} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ (\@linear_refs, \%parents);
package Git::SVN;
use strict;
use warnings;
foreach (command(qw#for-each-ref --format=%(refname) refs/remotes#)) {
next unless m#^refs/remotes/$ref->{regex}$#;
my $p = $1;
- my $pathname = $path->full_path($p);
- my $refname = $ref->full_path($p);
+ my $pathname = desanitize_refname($path->full_path($p));
+ my $refname = desanitize_refname($ref->full_path($p));
if (my $existing = $fetch->{$pathname}) {
if ($existing ne $refname) {
die "Refspec conflict:\n",
my $r = {};
foreach (grep { s/^svn-remote\.// } command(qw/config -l/)) {
if (m!^(.+)\.fetch=\s*(.*)\s*:\s*refs/remotes/(.+)\s*$!) {
- $r->{$1}->{fetch}->{$2} = $3;
+ my ($remote, $local_ref, $remote_ref) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ $local_ref =~ s{^/}{};
+ $r->{$remote}->{fetch}->{$local_ref} = $remote_ref;
} elsif (m!^(.+)\.url=\s*(.*)\s*$!) {
$r->{$1}->{url} = $2;
} elsif (m!^(.+)\.(branches|tags)=
unless ($no_write) {
"svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}.url", $url);
+ $self->{path} =~ s{^/}{};
command_noisy('config', '--add',
-sub refname { "refs/remotes/$_[0]->{ref_id}" }
+sub refname {
+ my ($refname) = "refs/remotes/$_[0]->{ref_id}" ;
+ # It cannot end with a slash /, we'll throw up on this because
+ # SVN can't have directories with a slash in their name, either:
+ if ($refname =~ m{/$}) {
+ die "ref: '$refname' ends with a trailing slash, this is ",
+ "not permitted by git nor Subversion\n";
+ }
+ # It cannot have ASCII control character space, tilde ~, caret ^,
+ # colon :, question-mark ?, asterisk *, space, or open bracket [
+ # anywhere.
+ #
+ # Additionally, % must be escaped because it is used for escaping
+ # and we want our escaped refname to be reversible
+ $refname =~ s{([ \%~\^:\?\*\[\t])}{uc sprintf('%%%02x',ord($1))}eg;
+ # no slash-separated component can begin with a dot .
+ # /.* becomes /%2E*
+ $refname =~ s{/\.}{/%2E}g;
+ # It cannot have two consecutive dots .. anywhere
+ # .. becomes %2E%2E
+ $refname =~ s{\.\.}{%2E%2E}g;
+ return $refname;
+sub desanitize_refname {
+ my ($refname) = @_;
+ $refname =~ s{%(?:([0-9A-F]{2}))}{chr hex($1)}eg;
+ return $refname;
sub svm_uuid {
my ($self) = @_;
if (my $cur = ::verify_ref($self->refname.'^0')) {
push @tmp, $cur;
+ if (my $ipd = $self->{inject_parents_dcommit}) {
+ if (my $commit = delete $ipd->{$log_entry->{revision}}) {
+ push @tmp, @$commit;
+ }
+ }
push @tmp, $_ foreach (@{$log_entry->{parents}}, @tmp);
while (my $p = shift @tmp) {
next if $seen{$p};
print "Rebuilding $db_path ...\n";
- my ($log, $ctx) = command_output_pipe("log", $self->refname);
+ my ($log, $ctx) = command_output_pipe("log", '--no-color', $self->refname);
my $latest;
my $full_url = $self->full_url;
sub url_path {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ if ($self->{url} =~ m#^https?://#) {
+ $path =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
+ }
$self->{url} . '/' . $self->repo_path($path);
use vars qw/@ISA $config_dir $_log_window_size/;
use strict;
use warnings;
-my ($can_do_switch, %ignored_err, $RA);
+my ($ra_invalid, $can_do_switch, %ignored_err, $RA);
# enforce temporary pool usage for some simple functions
\&Git::SVN::Prompt::username, 2),
my $config = SVN::Core::config_get_config($config_dir);
+ $RA = undef;
my $self = SVN::Ra->new(url => $url, auth => $baton,
config => $config,
pool => SVN::Pool->new,
$self->{url} = $full_url;
$reparented = 1;
} else {
+ $_[0] = undef;
+ $self = undef;
+ $RA = undef;
$ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($full_url);
+ $ra_invalid = 1;
$ra ||= $self;
my $inc = $_log_window_size;
my ($min, $max) = ($base, $head < $base + $inc ? $head : $base + $inc);
my $longest_path = longest_common_path($gsv, $globs);
+ my $ra_url = $self->{url};
while (1) {
my %revs;
my $err;
Git::SVN::tmp_config($k, $r);
+ if ($ra_invalid) {
+ $_[0] = undef;
+ $self = undef;
+ $RA = undef;
+ $self = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra_url);
+ $ra_invalid = undef;
+ }
# pre-fill the .rev_db since it'll eventually get filled in
# with '0' x40 if something new gets committed
sub git_svn_log_cmd {
my ($r_min, $r_max, @args) = @_;
my $head = 'HEAD';
+ my (@files, @log_opts);
foreach my $x (@args) {
- last if $x eq '--';
- next unless ::verify_ref("$x^0");
- $head = $x;
- last;
+ if ($x eq '--' || @files) {
+ push @files, $x;
+ } else {
+ if (::verify_ref("$x^0")) {
+ $head = $x;
+ } else {
+ push @log_opts, $x;
+ }
+ }
my ($url, $rev, $uuid, $gs) = ::working_head_info($head);
push @cmd, '-r' unless $non_recursive;
push @cmd, qw/--raw --name-status/ if $verbose;
push @cmd, '--color' if log_use_color();
- return @cmd unless defined $r_max;
- if ($r_max == $r_min) {
+ push @cmd, @log_opts;
+ if (defined $r_max && $r_max == $r_min) {
push @cmd, '--max-count=1';
if (my $c = $gs->rev_db_get($r_max)) {
push @cmd, $c;
- } else {
+ } elsif (defined $r_max) {
my ($c_min, $c_max);
$c_max = $gs->rev_db_get($r_max);
$c_min = $gs->rev_db_get($r_min);
push @cmd, $c_min;
- return @cmd;
+ return (@cmd, @files);
# adapted from pager.c
- @args = (git_svn_log_cmd($r_min, $r_max, @args), @args);
+ @args = git_svn_log_cmd($r_min, $r_max, @args);
my $log = command_output_pipe(@args);
my (@k, $c, $d, $stat);