Interactive Tools package still can install "git", but you can build it
with --disable-transition option to avoid this.
- - You can use git after building but without installing if you
- wanted to. Various git commands need to find other git
- commands and scripts to do their work, so you would need to
- arrange a few environment variables to tell them that their
- friends will be found in your built source area instead of at
- their standard installation area. Something like this works
- for me:
+ - You can use git after building but without installing if you want
+ to test drive it. Simply run git found in bin-wrappers directory
+ in the build directory, or prepend that directory to your $PATH.
+ This however is less efficient than running an installed git, as
+ you always need an extra fork+exec to run any git subcommand.
+ It is still possible to use git without installing by setting a few
+ environment variables, which was the way this was done
+ traditionally. But using git found in bin-wrappers directory in
+ the build directory is far simpler. As a historical reference, the
+ old way went like this: