'svn:entry:committed-date' => 1,
-sub fatal (@) { print STDERR $@; exit 1 }
+sub fatal (@) { print STDERR @_; exit 1 }
# If SVN:: library support is added, please make the dependencies
# optional and preserve the capability to use the command-line client.
# use eval { require SVN::... } to make it lazy load
sub dcommit {
+ my $head = shift || 'HEAD';
my $gs = "refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN";
- chomp(my @refs = safe_qx(qw/git-rev-list --no-merges/, "$gs..HEAD"));
+ chomp(my @refs = safe_qx(qw/git-rev-list --no-merges/, "$gs..$head"));
my $last_rev;
foreach my $d (reverse @refs) {
if (quiet_run('git-rev-parse','--verify',"$d~1") != 0) {
return if $_dry_run;
- my @diff = safe_qx(qw/git-diff-tree HEAD/, $gs);
+ my @diff = safe_qx('git-diff-tree', $head, $gs);
my @finish;
if (@diff) {
@finish = qw/rebase/;
push @finish, qw/--merge/ if $_merge;
push @finish, "--strategy=$_strategy" if $_strategy;
- print STDERR "W: HEAD and $gs differ, using @finish:\n", @diff;
+ print STDERR "W: $head and $gs differ, using @finish:\n", @diff;
} else {
- print "No changes between current HEAD and $gs\n",
- "Hard resetting to the latest $gs\n";
+ print "No changes between current $head and $gs\n",
+ "Resetting to the latest $gs\n";
@finish = qw/reset --mixed/;
sys('git', @finish, $gs);
# just in case we clobber the existing ref, we still want that ref
# as our parent:
- if (my $cur = eval { file_to_s("$GIT_DIR/refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN") }) {
+ open my $null, '>', '/dev/null' or croak $!;
+ open my $stderr, '>&', \*STDERR or croak $!;
+ open STDERR, '>&', $null or croak $!;
+ if (my $cur = eval { safe_qx('git-rev-parse',
+ "refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN^0") }) {
+ chomp $cur;
push @tmp_parents, $cur;
+ open STDERR, '>&', $stderr or croak $!;
+ close $stderr or croak $!;
+ close $null or croak $!;
if (exists $tree_map{$tree}) {
foreach my $p (@{$tree_map{$tree}}) {