is($r->config_int("test.nonexistent"), undef, "config_int: nonexistent");
ok($r->config_bool("test.booltrue"), "config_bool: true");
ok(!$r->config_bool("test.boolfalse"), "config_bool: false");
+is($r->config_path("test.path"), $r->config("test.pathexpanded"),
+ "config_path: ~/foo expansion");
+is_deeply([$r->config_path("test.pathmulti")], ["foo", "bar"],
+ "config_path: multiple values");
our $ansi_green = "\x1b[32m";
is($r->get_color("color.test.slot1", "red"), $ansi_green, "get_color");
# Cannot test $r->get_colorbool("")) because we do not
# Save and restore STDERR; we will probably extract this into a
# "dies_ok" method and possibly move the STDERR handling to
open our $tmpstderr, ">&STDERR" or die "cannot save STDERR"; close STDERR;
-eval { $r->config("test.dupstring") };
-ok($@, "config: duplicate entry in scalar context fails");
+is($r->config("test.dupstring"), "value2", "config: multivar");
eval { $r->config_bool("test.boolother") };
ok($@, "config_bool: non-boolean values fail");
open STDERR, ">&", $tmpstderr or die "cannot restore STDERR";