test_expect_success 'exit when p4 fails to produce marshaled output' '
- badp4dir="$TRASH_DIRECTORY/badp4dir" &&
- mkdir "$badp4dir" &&
- test_when_finished "rm \"$badp4dir/p4\" && rmdir \"$badp4dir\"" &&
- cat >"$badp4dir"/p4 <<-EOF &&
+ mkdir badp4dir &&
+ test_when_finished "rm badp4dir/p4 && rmdir badp4dir" &&
+ cat >badp4dir/p4 <<-EOF &&
exit 1
- chmod 755 "$badp4dir"/p4 &&
- PATH="$badp4dir:$PATH" git p4 clone --dest="$git" //depot >errs 2>&1 ; retval=$? &&
+ chmod 755 badp4dir/p4 &&
+ PATH="$TRASH_DIRECTORY/badp4dir:$PATH" git p4 clone --dest="$git" //depot >errs 2>&1 ; retval=$? &&
test $retval -eq 1 &&
test_must_fail grep -q Traceback errs
+test_expect_success 'wildcard files submit back to p4, add' '
+ test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+ git p4 clone --dest="$git" //depot &&
+ (
+ cd "$git" &&
+ echo git-wild-hash >git-wild#hash &&
+ echo git-wild-star >git-wild\*star &&
+ echo git-wild-at >git-wild@at &&
+ echo git-wild-percent >git-wild%percent &&
+ git add git-wild* &&
+ git commit -m "add some wildcard filenames" &&
+ git config git-p4.skipSubmitEdit true &&
+ git p4 submit
+ ) &&
+ (
+ cd "$cli" &&
+ test_path_is_file git-wild#hash &&
+ test_path_is_file git-wild\*star &&
+ test_path_is_file git-wild@at &&
+ test_path_is_file git-wild%percent
+ )
+test_expect_success 'wildcard files submit back to p4, modify' '
+ test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+ git p4 clone --dest="$git" //depot &&
+ (
+ cd "$git" &&
+ echo new-line >>git-wild#hash &&
+ echo new-line >>git-wild\*star &&
+ echo new-line >>git-wild@at &&
+ echo new-line >>git-wild%percent &&
+ git add git-wild* &&
+ git commit -m "modify the wildcard files" &&
+ git config git-p4.skipSubmitEdit true &&
+ git p4 submit
+ ) &&
+ (
+ cd "$cli" &&
+ test_line_count = 2 git-wild#hash &&
+ test_line_count = 2 git-wild\*star &&
+ test_line_count = 2 git-wild@at &&
+ test_line_count = 2 git-wild%percent
+ )
+test_expect_success 'wildcard files submit back to p4, copy' '
+ test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+ git p4 clone --dest="$git" //depot &&
+ (
+ cd "$git" &&
+ cp file2 git-wild-cp#hash &&
+ git add git-wild-cp#hash &&
+ cp git-wild\*star file-wild-3 &&
+ git add file-wild-3 &&
+ git commit -m "wildcard copies" &&
+ git config git-p4.detectCopies true &&
+ git config git-p4.detectCopiesHarder true &&
+ git config git-p4.skipSubmitEdit true &&
+ git p4 submit
+ ) &&
+ (
+ cd "$cli" &&
+ test_path_is_file git-wild-cp#hash &&
+ test_path_is_file file-wild-3
+ )
+test_expect_success 'wildcard files submit back to p4, rename' '
+ test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+ git p4 clone --dest="$git" //depot &&
+ (
+ cd "$git" &&
+ git mv git-wild@at file-wild-4 &&
+ git mv file-wild-3 git-wild-cp%percent &&
+ git commit -m "wildcard renames" &&
+ git config git-p4.detectRenames true &&
+ git config git-p4.skipSubmitEdit true &&
+ git p4 submit
+ ) &&
+ (
+ cd "$cli" &&
+ test_path_is_missing git-wild@at &&
+ test_path_is_file git-wild-cp%percent
+ )
+test_expect_success 'wildcard files submit back to p4, delete' '
+ test_when_finished cleanup_git &&
+ git p4 clone --dest="$git" //depot &&
+ (
+ cd "$git" &&
+ git rm git-wild* &&
+ git commit -m "delete the wildcard files" &&
+ git config git-p4.skipSubmitEdit true &&
+ git p4 submit
+ ) &&
+ (
+ cd "$cli" &&
+ test_path_is_missing git-wild#hash &&
+ test_path_is_missing git-wild\*star &&
+ test_path_is_missing git-wild@at &&
+ test_path_is_missing git-wild%percent
+ )
test_expect_success 'clone bare' '
git p4 clone --dest="$git" --bare //depot &&
test_when_finished cleanup_git &&