if {$revs eq {}} {
set revs HEAD
+ } elseif {[lsearch -exact $revs --all] >= 0} {
+ lappend revs HEAD
if {[catch {set ids [eval exec git rev-parse $revs]} err]} {
# we get stdout followed by stderr in $err
set pid [pid $fd]
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
- exec kill -f $pid
+ exec taskkill /pid $pid
} else {
exec kill $pid
resetvarcs $curview
set selectedline {}
- catch {unset currentid}
- catch {unset thickerline}
- catch {unset treediffs}
+ unset -nocomplain currentid
+ unset -nocomplain thickerline
+ unset -nocomplain treediffs
if {$showneartags} {
- catch {unset commitinterest}
- catch {unset cached_commitrow}
- catch {unset targetid}
+ unset -nocomplain commitinterest
+ unset -nocomplain cached_commitrow
+ unset -nocomplain targetid
getcommits $selid
return 0
foreach vd [array names vseedcount $view,*] {
unset vseedcount($vd)
- catch {unset ordertok}
+ unset -nocomplain ordertok
# returns a list of the commits with no children
set vp $v,$p
if {[llength [lappend children($vp) $id]] > 1} {
set children($vp) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $v] $children($vp)]
- catch {unset ordertok}
+ unset -nocomplain ordertok
fix_reversal $p $a $v
incr commitidx($v)
set displayorder [lrange $displayorder 0 [expr {$vrowmod($v) - 1}]]
set parentlist [lrange $parentlist 0 [expr {$vrowmod($v) - 1}]]
- catch {unset cached_commitrow}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_commitrow
set narctot [expr {[llength $varctok($v)] - 1}]
set a $varcmod($v)
if {[string range $err 0 4] == "usage"} {
set err "Gitk: error reading commits$fv:\
bad arguments to git log."
- if {$viewname($view) eq "Command line"} {
+ if {$viewname($view) eq [mc "Command line"]} {
append err \
" (Note: arguments to gitk are passed to git log\
to allow selection of commits to be displayed.)"
[vtokcmp $view [lindex $children($vp) end-1] $id] > 0} {
set children($vp) [lsort -command [list vtokcmp $view] \
- catch {unset ordertok}
+ unset -nocomplain ordertok
if {[info exists varcid($view,$p)]} {
fix_reversal $p $a $view
global hideremotes
foreach v {tagids idtags headids idheads otherrefids idotherrefs} {
- catch {unset $v}
+ unset -nocomplain $v
set refd [open [list | git show-ref -d] r]
while {[gets $refd line] >= 0} {
-proc show_error {w top msg {mc mc}} {
+proc show_error {w top msg} {
global NS
if {![info exists NS]} {set NS ""}
if {[wm state $top] eq "withdrawn"} { wm deiconify $top }
message $w.m -text $msg -justify center -aspect 400
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- ${NS}::button $w.ok -default active -text [$mc OK] -command "destroy $top"
+ ${NS}::button $w.ok -default active -text [mc OK] -command "destroy $top"
pack $w.ok -side bottom -fill x
bind $top <Visibility> "grab $top; focus $top"
bind $top <Key-Return> "destroy $top"
# The "mc" arguments here are purely so that xgettext
# sees the following string as needing to be translated
set file {
- mc "File" cascade {
- {mc "Update" command updatecommits -accelerator F5}
- {mc "Reload" command reloadcommits -accelerator Shift-F5}
- {mc "Reread references" command rereadrefs}
- {mc "List references" command showrefs -accelerator F2}
+ mc "&File" cascade {
+ {mc "&Update" command updatecommits -accelerator F5}
+ {mc "&Reload" command reloadcommits -accelerator Shift-F5}
+ {mc "Reread re&ferences" command rereadrefs}
+ {mc "&List references" command showrefs -accelerator F2}
{xx "" separator}
- {mc "Start git gui" command {exec git gui &}}
+ {mc "Start git &gui" command {exec git gui &}}
{xx "" separator}
- {mc "Quit" command doquit -accelerator Meta1-Q}
+ {mc "&Quit" command doquit -accelerator Meta1-Q}
set edit {
- mc "Edit" cascade {
- {mc "Preferences" command doprefs}
+ mc "&Edit" cascade {
+ {mc "&Preferences" command doprefs}
set view {
- mc "View" cascade {
- {mc "New view..." command {newview 0} -accelerator Shift-F4}
- {mc "Edit view..." command editview -state disabled -accelerator F4}
- {mc "Delete view" command delview -state disabled}
+ mc "&View" cascade {
+ {mc "&New view..." command {newview 0} -accelerator Shift-F4}
+ {mc "&Edit view..." command editview -state disabled -accelerator F4}
+ {mc "&Delete view" command delview -state disabled}
{xx "" separator}
- {mc "All files" radiobutton {selectedview 0} -command {showview 0}}
+ {mc "&All files" radiobutton {selectedview 0} -command {showview 0}}
if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
set help {
- mc "Help" cascade {
- {mc "About gitk" command about}
- {mc "Key bindings" command keys}
+ mc "&Help" cascade {
+ {mc "&About gitk" command about}
+ {mc "&Key bindings" command keys}
set bar [list $file $edit $view $help]
} else {
proc ::tk::mac::Quit {} {doquit}
lset file end [lreplace [lindex $file end] end-1 end]
set apple {
- xx "Apple" cascade {
- {mc "About gitk" command about}
+ xx "&Apple" cascade {
+ {mc "&About gitk" command about}
{xx "" separator}
set help {
- mc "Help" cascade {
- {mc "Key bindings" command keys}
+ mc "&Help" cascade {
+ {mc "&Key bindings" command keys}
set bar [list $apple $file $view $help]
} else {
bindall <ButtonRelease-4> "allcanvs yview scroll -5 units"
bindall <ButtonRelease-5> "allcanvs yview scroll 5 units"
+ bind $ctext <Button> {
+ if {"%b" eq 6} {
+ $ctext xview scroll -5 units
+ } elseif {"%b" eq 7} {
+ $ctext xview scroll 5 units
+ }
+ }
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
bindall <MouseWheel> {
set delta [expr {- (%D)}]
bindkey b prevfile
bindkey d "$ctext yview scroll 18 units"
bindkey u "$ctext yview scroll -18 units"
+ bindkey g {$sha1entry delete 0 end; focus $sha1entry}
bindkey / {focus $fstring}
bindkey <Key-KP_Divide> {focus $fstring}
bindkey <Key-Return> {dofind 1 1}
{mc "Diff selected -> this" command {diffvssel 1}}
{mc "Make patch" command mkpatch}
{mc "Create tag" command mktag}
+ {mc "Copy commit summary" command copysummary}
{mc "Write commit to file" command writecommit}
{mc "Create new branch" command mkbranch}
{mc "Cherry-pick this commit" command cherrypick}
makemenu $headctxmenu {
{mc "Check out this branch" command cobranch}
{mc "Remove this branch" command rmbranch}
+ {mc "Copy branch name" command {clipboard clear; clipboard append $headmenuhead}}
$headctxmenu configure -tearoff 0
{mc "Highlight this only" command {flist_hl 1}}
{mc "External diff" command {external_diff}}
{mc "Blame parent commit" command {external_blame 1}}
+ {mc "Copy path" command {clipboard clear; clipboard append $flist_menu_file}}
$flist_menu configure -tearoff 0
+proc config_check_tmp_exists {tries_left} {
+ global config_file_tmp
+ if {[file exists $config_file_tmp]} {
+ incr tries_left -1
+ if {$tries_left > 0} {
+ after 100 [list config_check_tmp_exists $tries_left]
+ } else {
+ error_popup "There appears to be a stale $config_file_tmp\
+ file, which will prevent gitk from saving its configuration on exit.\
+ Please remove it if it is not being used by any existing gitk process."
+ }
+ }
+proc config_init_trace {name} {
+ global config_variable_changed config_variable_original
+ upvar #0 $name var
+ set config_variable_changed($name) 0
+ set config_variable_original($name) $var
+proc config_variable_change_cb {name name2 op} {
+ global config_variable_changed config_variable_original
+ upvar #0 $name var
+ if {$op eq "write" &&
+ (![info exists config_variable_original($name)] ||
+ $config_variable_original($name) ne $var)} {
+ set config_variable_changed($name) 1
+ }
proc savestuff {w} {
- global canv canv2 canv3 mainfont textfont uifont tabstop
- global stuffsaved findmergefiles maxgraphpct
- global maxwidth showneartags showlocalchanges
- global viewname viewfiles viewargs viewargscmd viewperm nextviewnum
- global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat limitdiffs
- global colors uicolor bgcolor fgcolor diffcolors diffcontext selectbgcolor
- global uifgcolor uifgdisabledcolor
- global headbgcolor headfgcolor headoutlinecolor remotebgcolor
- global tagbgcolor tagfgcolor tagoutlinecolor
- global reflinecolor filesepbgcolor filesepfgcolor
- global mergecolors foundbgcolor currentsearchhitbgcolor
- global linehoverbgcolor linehoverfgcolor linehoveroutlinecolor circlecolors
- global mainheadcirclecolor workingfilescirclecolor indexcirclecolor
- global linkfgcolor circleoutlinecolor
- global autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs markbgcolor use_ttk
- global hideremotes want_ttk maxrefs visiblerefs
+ global stuffsaved
global config_file config_file_tmp
+ global config_variables config_variable_changed
+ global viewchanged
+ upvar #0 viewname current_viewname
+ upvar #0 viewfiles current_viewfiles
+ upvar #0 viewargs current_viewargs
+ upvar #0 viewargscmd current_viewargscmd
+ upvar #0 viewperm current_viewperm
+ upvar #0 nextviewnum current_nextviewnum
+ upvar #0 use_ttk current_use_ttk
if {$stuffsaved} return
if {![winfo viewable .]} return
- catch {
- if {[file exists $config_file_tmp]} {
- file delete -force $config_file_tmp
+ set remove_tmp 0
+ if {[catch {
+ set try_count 0
+ while {[catch {set f [open $config_file_tmp {WRONLY CREAT EXCL}]}]} {
+ if {[incr try_count] > 50} {
+ error "Unable to write config file: $config_file_tmp exists"
+ }
+ after 100
- set f [open $config_file_tmp w]
+ set remove_tmp 1
if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
file attributes $config_file_tmp -hidden true
- puts $f [list set mainfont $mainfont]
- puts $f [list set textfont $textfont]
- puts $f [list set uifont $uifont]
- puts $f [list set tabstop $tabstop]
- puts $f [list set findmergefiles $findmergefiles]
- puts $f [list set maxgraphpct $maxgraphpct]
- puts $f [list set maxwidth $maxwidth]
- puts $f [list set cmitmode $cmitmode]
- puts $f [list set wrapcomment $wrapcomment]
- puts $f [list set autoselect $autoselect]
- puts $f [list set autosellen $autosellen]
- puts $f [list set showneartags $showneartags]
- puts $f [list set maxrefs $maxrefs]
- puts $f [list set visiblerefs $visiblerefs]
- puts $f [list set hideremotes $hideremotes]
- puts $f [list set showlocalchanges $showlocalchanges]
- puts $f [list set datetimeformat $datetimeformat]
- puts $f [list set limitdiffs $limitdiffs]
- puts $f [list set uicolor $uicolor]
- puts $f [list set want_ttk $want_ttk]
- puts $f [list set bgcolor $bgcolor]
- puts $f [list set fgcolor $fgcolor]
- puts $f [list set uifgcolor $uifgcolor]
- puts $f [list set uifgdisabledcolor $uifgdisabledcolor]
- puts $f [list set colors $colors]
- puts $f [list set diffcolors $diffcolors]
- puts $f [list set mergecolors $mergecolors]
- puts $f [list set markbgcolor $markbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set diffcontext $diffcontext]
- puts $f [list set selectbgcolor $selectbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set foundbgcolor $foundbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set currentsearchhitbgcolor $currentsearchhitbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set extdifftool $extdifftool]
- puts $f [list set perfile_attrs $perfile_attrs]
- puts $f [list set headbgcolor $headbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set headfgcolor $headfgcolor]
- puts $f [list set headoutlinecolor $headoutlinecolor]
- puts $f [list set remotebgcolor $remotebgcolor]
- puts $f [list set tagbgcolor $tagbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set tagfgcolor $tagfgcolor]
- puts $f [list set tagoutlinecolor $tagoutlinecolor]
- puts $f [list set reflinecolor $reflinecolor]
- puts $f [list set filesepbgcolor $filesepbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set filesepfgcolor $filesepfgcolor]
- puts $f [list set linehoverbgcolor $linehoverbgcolor]
- puts $f [list set linehoverfgcolor $linehoverfgcolor]
- puts $f [list set linehoveroutlinecolor $linehoveroutlinecolor]
- puts $f [list set mainheadcirclecolor $mainheadcirclecolor]
- puts $f [list set workingfilescirclecolor $workingfilescirclecolor]
- puts $f [list set indexcirclecolor $indexcirclecolor]
- puts $f [list set circlecolors $circlecolors]
- puts $f [list set linkfgcolor $linkfgcolor]
- puts $f [list set circleoutlinecolor $circleoutlinecolor]
+ if {[file exists $config_file]} {
+ source $config_file
+ }
+ foreach var_name $config_variables {
+ upvar #0 $var_name var
+ upvar 0 $var_name old_var
+ if {!$config_variable_changed($var_name) && [info exists old_var]} {
+ puts $f [list set $var_name $old_var]
+ } else {
+ puts $f [list set $var_name $var]
+ }
+ }
puts $f "set geometry(main) [wm geometry .]"
puts $f "set geometry(state) [wm state .]"
puts $f "set geometry(topwidth) [winfo width .tf]"
puts $f "set geometry(topheight) [winfo height .tf]"
- if {$use_ttk} {
+ if {$current_use_ttk} {
puts $f "set geometry(pwsash0) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 0] 1\""
puts $f "set geometry(pwsash1) \"[.tf.histframe.pwclist sashpos 1] 1\""
} else {
puts $f "set geometry(botwidth) [winfo width .bleft]"
puts $f "set geometry(botheight) [winfo height .bleft]"
+ array set view_save {}
+ array set views {}
+ if {![info exists permviews]} { set permviews {} }
+ foreach view $permviews {
+ set view_save([lindex $view 0]) 1
+ set views([lindex $view 0]) $view
+ }
puts -nonewline $f "set permviews {"
- for {set v 0} {$v < $nextviewnum} {incr v} {
- if {$viewperm($v)} {
- puts $f "{[list $viewname($v) $viewfiles($v) $viewargs($v) $viewargscmd($v)]}"
+ for {set v 1} {$v < $current_nextviewnum} {incr v} {
+ if {$viewchanged($v)} {
+ if {$current_viewperm($v)} {
+ set views($current_viewname($v)) [list $current_viewname($v) $current_viewfiles($v) $current_viewargs($v) $current_viewargscmd($v)]
+ } else {
+ set view_save($current_viewname($v)) 0
+ }
+ # write old and updated view to their places and append remaining to the end
+ foreach view $permviews {
+ set view_name [lindex $view 0]
+ if {$view_save($view_name)} {
+ puts $f "{$views($view_name)}"
+ }
+ unset views($view_name)
+ }
+ foreach view_name [array names views] {
+ puts $f "{$views($view_name)}"
+ }
puts $f "}"
close $f
file rename -force $config_file_tmp $config_file
+ set remove_tmp 0
+ } err]} {
+ puts "Error saving config: $err"
+ }
+ if {$remove_tmp} {
+ file delete -force $config_file_tmp
set stuffsaved 1
[mc "<%s-F> Find" $M1T]
[mc "<%s-G> Move to next find hit" $M1T]
[mc "<Return> Move to next find hit"]
+[mc "g Go to commit"]
[mc "/ Focus the search box"]
[mc "? Move to previous find hit"]
[mc "f Scroll diff view to next file"]
set cflist_top 1
$cflist tag add highlight 1.0 "1.0 lineend"
} else {
- catch {unset cflist_top}
+ unset -nocomplain cflist_top
$cflist conf -state disabled
set difffilestart {}
return $l
+proc set_window_title {} {
+ global appname curview viewname vrevs
+ set rev [mc "All files"]
+ if {$curview ne 0} {
+ if {$viewname($curview) eq [mc "Command line"]} {
+ set rev [string map {"--gitk-symmetric-diff-marker" "--merge"} $vrevs($curview)]
+ } else {
+ set rev $viewname($curview)
+ }
+ }
+ wm title . "[reponame]: $rev - $appname"
# Code to implement multiple views
proc newview {ishighlight} {
{committer t15 . "--committer=*" {mc "Committer:"}}
{loginfo t15 .. "--grep=*" {mc "Commit Message:"}}
{allmatch b .. "--all-match" {mc "Matches all Commit Info criteria"}}
+ {igrep b .. "--invert-grep" {mc "Matches no Commit Info criteria"}}
{changes_l l + {} {mc "Changes to Files:"}}
{pickaxe_s r0 . {} {mc "Fixed String"}}
{pickaxe_t r1 . "--pickaxe-regex" {mc "Regular Expression"}}
proc newviewok {top n {apply 0}} {
global nextviewnum newviewperm newviewname newishighlight
- global viewname viewfiles viewperm selectedview curview
+ global viewname viewfiles viewperm viewchanged selectedview curview
global viewargs viewargscmd newviewopts viewhlmenu
if {[catch {
incr nextviewnum
set viewname($n) $newviewname($n)
set viewperm($n) $newviewopts($n,perm)
+ set viewchanged($n) 1
set viewfiles($n) $files
set viewargs($n) $newargs
set viewargscmd($n) $newviewopts($n,cmd)
} else {
# editing an existing view
set viewperm($n) $newviewopts($n,perm)
+ set viewchanged($n) 1
if {$newviewname($n) ne $viewname($n)} {
set viewname($n) $newviewname($n)
doviewmenu .bar.view 5 [list showview $n] \
proc delview {} {
- global curview viewperm hlview selectedhlview
+ global curview viewperm hlview selectedhlview viewchanged
if {$curview == 0} return
if {[info exists hlview] && $hlview == $curview} {
allviewmenus $curview delete
set viewperm($curview) 0
+ set viewchanged($curview) 1
showview 0
- catch {unset treediffs}
+ unset -nocomplain treediffs
if {[info exists hlview] && $hlview == $n} {
unset hlview
set selectedhlview [mc "None"]
- catch {unset commitinterest}
- catch {unset cached_commitrow}
- catch {unset ordertok}
+ unset -nocomplain commitinterest
+ unset -nocomplain cached_commitrow
+ unset -nocomplain ordertok
set curview $n
set selectedview $n
- .bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
- .bar.view entryconf [mca "Delete view"] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
+ .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Edit view..."] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
+ .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Delete view"] -state [expr {$n == 0? "disabled": "normal"}]
run refill_reflist
if {![info exists viewcomplete($n)]} {
set rowfinal {}
set numcommits $commitidx($n)
- catch {unset colormap}
- catch {unset rowtextx}
+ unset -nocomplain colormap
+ unset -nocomplain rowtextx
set nextcolor 0
set canvxmax [$canv cget -width]
set curview $n
} elseif {$numcommits == 0} {
show_status [mc "No commits selected"]
+ set_window_title
# Stuff relating to the highlighting facility
if {![info exists hlview]} return
unset hlview
- catch {unset vhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain vhighlights
# delete previous highlights
catch {close $filehighlight}
unset filehighlight
- catch {unset fhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain fhighlights
bolden_name $id mainfont
set boldnameids {}
- catch {unset nhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain nhighlights
if {$gdttype ne [mc "containing:"] || $findstring eq {}} {
global descendent desc_todo ancestor anc_todo
global highlight_related
- catch {unset descendent}
+ unset -nocomplain descendent
set desc_todo [list $a]
- catch {unset ancestor}
+ unset -nocomplain ancestor
set anc_todo [list $a]
if {$highlight_related ne [mc "None"]} {
proc rhighlight_none {} {
global rhighlights
- catch {unset rhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain rhighlights
set rowisopt {}
set rowfinal {}
set canvxmax [$canv cget -width]
- catch {unset colormap}
- catch {unset rowtextx}
+ unset -nocomplain colormap
+ unset -nocomplain rowtextx
global linehtag linentag linedtag boldids boldnameids
allcanvs delete all
- catch {unset iddrawn}
- catch {unset linesegs}
- catch {unset linehtag}
- catch {unset linentag}
- catch {unset linedtag}
+ unset -nocomplain iddrawn
+ unset -nocomplain linesegs
+ unset -nocomplain linehtag
+ unset -nocomplain linentag
+ unset -nocomplain linedtag
set boldids {}
set boldnameids {}
- catch {unset vhighlights}
- catch {unset fhighlights}
- catch {unset nhighlights}
- catch {unset rhighlights}
+ unset -nocomplain vhighlights
+ unset -nocomplain fhighlights
+ unset -nocomplain nhighlights
+ unset -nocomplain rhighlights
set need_redisplay 0
set nrows_drawn 0
global canv fgcolor
+ set_window_title
$canv create text 3 3 -anchor nw -text $msg -font mainfont \
-tags text -fill $fgcolor
global autoselect autosellen jump_to_here
global vinlinediff
- catch {unset pending_select}
+ unset -nocomplain pending_select
$canv delete hover
global selectedline currentid
set selectedline {}
- catch {unset currentid}
+ unset -nocomplain currentid
allcanvs delete secsel
if {[info exists last_posvars]} {
foreach {var val} $last_posvars {
global $var
- catch {unset $var}
+ unset -nocomplain $var
unset last_posvars
global nullid nullid2
set diffids $id
- catch {unset diffmergeid}
+ unset -nocomplain diffmergeid
if {![info exists treefilelist($id)]} {
if {![info exists treepending]} {
if {$id eq $nullid} {
settabs 1
set diffids $ids
- catch {unset diffmergeid}
+ unset -nocomplain diffmergeid
if {![info exists treediffs($ids)] ||
[lsearch -exact $ids $nullid] >= 0 ||
[lsearch -exact $ids $nullid2] >= 0} {
$ctext delete $first end
if {$first eq "1.0"} {
- catch {unset pendinglinks}
+ unset -nocomplain pendinglinks
set ctext_file_names {}
set ctext_file_lines {}
highlightfile_for_scrollpos $topidx
- catch {unset suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos}
+ unset -nocomplain suppress_highlighting_file_for_this_scrollpos
.bleft.bottom.sb set $f0 $f1
if {$searchstring ne {}} {
if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
set menu $rowctxmenu
if {$mainhead ne {}} {
- $menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead] -state normal
+ $menu entryconfigure 8 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead] -state normal
} else {
- $menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Detached head: can't reset" $mainhead] -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure 8 -label [mc "Detached head: can't reset" $mainhead] -state disabled
- $menu entryconfigure 9 -state $mstate
$menu entryconfigure 10 -state $mstate
$menu entryconfigure 11 -state $mstate
+ $menu entryconfigure 12 -state $mstate
} else {
set menu $fakerowmenu
+proc copysummary {} {
+ global rowmenuid autosellen
+ set format "%h (\"%s\", %ad)"
+ set cmd [list git show -s --pretty=format:$format --date=short]
+ if {$autosellen < 40} {
+ lappend cmd --abbrev=$autosellen
+ }
+ set summary [eval exec $cmd $rowmenuid]
+ clipboard clear
+ clipboard append $summary
proc writecommit {} {
global rowmenuid wrcomtop commitinfo wrcomcmd NS
-width 30 -height 20 -cursor $maincursor \
-spacing1 1 -spacing3 1 -state disabled
$top.list tag configure highlight -background $selectbgcolor
- lappend bglist $top.list
- lappend fglist $top.list
+ if {![lsearch -exact $bglist $top.list]} {
+ lappend bglist $top.list
+ lappend fglist $top.list
+ }
${NS}::scrollbar $top.ysb -command "$top.list yview" -orient vertical
${NS}::scrollbar $top.xsb -command "$top.list xview" -orient horizontal
grid $top.list $top.ysb -sticky nsew
if {$nid > 0} {
global cached_dheads cached_dtags cached_atags
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
- catch {unset cached_dtags}
- catch {unset cached_atags}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dtags
+ unset -nocomplain cached_atags
if {![eof $fd]} {
return [expr {$nid >= 1000? 2: 1}]
foreach v {arcnos arcout arcids arcstart arcend growing \
arctags archeads allparents allchildren} {
global $v
- catch {unset $v}
+ unset -nocomplain $v
set allcwait 0
set nextarc 0
if {![info exists arcout($id)]} {
recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($id) 0]
- catch {unset cached_dtags}
- catch {unset cached_atags}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dtags
+ unset -nocomplain cached_atags
proc addedhead {hid head} {
if {![info exists arcout($hid)]} {
recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($hid) 0]
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
proc removedhead {hid head} {
global cached_dheads
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
proc movedhead {hid head} {
if {![info exists arcout($hid)]} {
recalcarc [lindex $arcnos($hid) 0]
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
proc changedrefs {} {
- catch {unset cached_tagcontent}
- catch {unset cached_dtags}
- catch {unset cached_atags}
- catch {unset cached_dheads}
+ unset -nocomplain cached_tagcontent
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dtags
+ unset -nocomplain cached_atags
+ unset -nocomplain cached_dheads
proc rereadrefs {} {
${NS}::label $page.maxwidthl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (lines)"]
spinbox $page.maxwidth -from 0 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxwidth
grid $page.spacer $page.maxwidthl $page.maxwidth -sticky w
+ #xgettext:no-tcl-format
${NS}::label $page.maxpctl -text [mc "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"]
spinbox $page.maxpct -from 1 -to 100 -width 4 -textvariable maxgraphpct
grid x $page.maxpctl $page.maxpct -sticky w
proc setselbg {c} {
global bglist cflist
foreach w $bglist {
- $w configure -selectbackground $c
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ $w configure -selectbackground $c
+ }
$cflist tag configure highlight \
-background [$cflist cget -selectbackground]
global bglist
foreach w $bglist {
- $w conf -background $c
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ $w conf -background $c
+ }
global fglist canv
foreach w $fglist {
- $w conf -foreground $c
+ if {[winfo exists $w]} {
+ $w conf -foreground $c
+ }
allcanvs itemconf text -fill $c
$canv itemconf circle -outline $c
($perfile_attrs && !$oldprefs(perfile_attrs))} {
# treediffs elements are limited by path;
# won't have encodings cached if perfile_attrs was just turned on
- catch {unset treediffs}
+ unset -nocomplain treediffs
if {$fontchanged || $maxwidth != $oldprefs(maxwidth)
|| $maxgraphpct != $oldprefs(maxgraphpct)} {
return $tcl_enc
+## For msgcat loading, first locate the installation location.
+if { [info exists ::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)] } {
+ ## Msgsdir was manually set in the environment.
+ set gitk_msgsdir $::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)
+} else {
+ ## Let's guess the prefix from argv0.
+ set gitk_prefix [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]]]
+ set gitk_libdir [file join $gitk_prefix share gitk lib]
+ set gitk_msgsdir [file join $gitk_libdir msgs]
+ unset gitk_prefix
+## Internationalization (i18n) through msgcat and gettext. See
+## http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Tcl.html
+package require msgcat
+namespace import ::msgcat::mc
+## And eventually load the actual message catalog
+::msgcat::mcload $gitk_msgsdir
# First check that Tcl/Tk is recent enough
if {[catch {package require Tk 8.4} err]} {
- show_error {} . "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n\
- Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4." list
+ show_error {} . [mc "Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n\
+ Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."]
exit 1
# defaults...
-set wrcomcmd "git diff-tree --stdin -p --pretty"
+set wrcomcmd "git diff-tree --stdin -p --pretty=email"
set gitencoding {}
catch {
set ctxbut <Button-3>
-## For msgcat loading, first locate the installation location.
-if { [info exists ::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)] } {
- ## Msgsdir was manually set in the environment.
- set gitk_msgsdir $::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)
-} else {
- ## Let's guess the prefix from argv0.
- set gitk_prefix [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]]]
- set gitk_libdir [file join $gitk_prefix share gitk lib]
- set gitk_msgsdir [file join $gitk_libdir msgs]
- unset gitk_prefix
-## Internationalization (i18n) through msgcat and gettext. See
-## http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Tcl.html
-package require msgcat
-namespace import ::msgcat::mc
-## And eventually load the actual message catalog
-::msgcat::mcload $gitk_msgsdir
catch {
# follow the XDG base directory specification by default. See
# http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
source $config_file
+config_check_tmp_exists 50
+set config_variables {
+ mainfont textfont uifont tabstop findmergefiles maxgraphpct maxwidth
+ cmitmode wrapcomment autoselect autosellen showneartags maxrefs visiblerefs
+ hideremotes showlocalchanges datetimeformat limitdiffs uicolor want_ttk
+ bgcolor fgcolor uifgcolor uifgdisabledcolor colors diffcolors mergecolors
+ markbgcolor diffcontext selectbgcolor foundbgcolor currentsearchhitbgcolor
+ extdifftool perfile_attrs headbgcolor headfgcolor headoutlinecolor
+ remotebgcolor tagbgcolor tagfgcolor tagoutlinecolor reflinecolor
+ filesepbgcolor filesepfgcolor linehoverbgcolor linehoverfgcolor
+ linehoveroutlinecolor mainheadcirclecolor workingfilescirclecolor
+ indexcirclecolor circlecolors linkfgcolor circleoutlinecolor
+foreach var $config_variables {
+ config_init_trace $var
+ trace add variable $var write config_variable_change_cb
parsefont mainfont $mainfont
eval font create mainfont [fontflags mainfont]
set highlight_files {}
set viewfiles(0) {}
set viewperm(0) 0
+set viewchanged(0) 0
set viewargs(0) {}
set viewargscmd(0) {}
# wait for the window to become visible
tkwait visibility .
-wm title . "$appname: [reponame]"
set viewargs(1) $revtreeargs
set viewargscmd(1) $revtreeargscmd
set viewperm(1) 0
+ set viewchanged(1) 0
set vdatemode(1) 0
addviewmenu 1
- .bar.view entryconf [mca "Edit view..."] -state normal
- .bar.view entryconf [mca "Delete view"] -state normal
+ .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Edit view..."] -state normal
+ .bar.view entryconf [mca "&Delete view"] -state normal
if {[info exists permviews]} {
set viewargs($n) [lindex $v 2]
set viewargscmd($n) [lindex $v 3]
set viewperm($n) 1
+ set viewchanged($n) 0
addviewmenu $n