-'git-cvsexportcommit' [-h] [-u] [-v] [-c] [-P] [-p] [-a] [-d cvsroot] [-w cvsworkdir] [-W] [-f] [-m msgprefix] [PARENTCOMMIT] COMMITID
+'git cvsexportcommit' [-h] [-u] [-v] [-c] [-P] [-p] [-a] [-d cvsroot]
+ [-w cvsworkdir] [-W] [-f] [-m msgprefix] [PARENTCOMMIT] COMMITID
Supports file additions, removals, and commits that affect binary files.
-If the commit is a merge commit, you must tell git-cvsexportcommit what parent
-should the changeset be done against.
+If the commit is a merge commit, you must tell `git-cvsexportcommit` what
+parent the changeset should be done against.
Specify the location of the CVS checkout to use for the export. This
option does not require GIT_DIR to be set before execution if the
- current directory is within a git repository.
+ current directory is within a git repository. The default is the
+ value of 'cvsexportcommit.cvsdir'.
Tell cvsexportcommit that the current working directory is not only
+ The default location of the CVS checkout to use for the export.
$ export GIT_DIR=~/project/.git
$ cd ~/project_cvs_checkout
-$ git-cvsexportcommit -v <commit-sha1>
+$ git cvsexportcommit -v <commit-sha1>
$ cvs commit -F .msg <files>
Merge one patch into CVS (-c and -w options). The working directory is within the Git Repo::
- $ git-cvsexportcommit -v -c -w ~/project_cvs_checkout <commit-sha1>
+ $ git cvsexportcommit -v -c -w ~/project_cvs_checkout <commit-sha1>
Merge pending patches into CVS automatically -- only if you really know what you are doing::
$ export GIT_DIR=~/project/.git
$ cd ~/project_cvs_checkout
-$ git-cherry cvshead myhead | sed -n 's/^+ //p' | xargs -l1 git-cvsexportcommit -c -p -v
+$ git cherry cvshead myhead | sed -n 's/^+ //p' | xargs -l1 git cvsexportcommit -c -p -v
-Part of the linkgit:git[7] suite
+Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite