my %mapping = @mapping;
+ $params{'project'} = $project unless exists $params{'project'};
if ($params{-replay}) {
while (my ($name, $symbol) = each %mapping) {
if (!exists $params{$name}) {
- $params{'project'} = $project unless exists $params{'project'};
my ($use_pathinfo) = gitweb_check_feature('pathinfo');
if ($use_pathinfo) {
# use PATH_INFO for project name
# Make control characters "printable", using character escape codes (CEC)
sub quot_cec {
my $cntrl = shift;
+ my %opts = @_;
my %es = ( # character escape codes, aka escape sequences
- "\t" => '\t', # tab (HT)
- "\n" => '\n', # line feed (LF)
- "\r" => '\r', # carrige return (CR)
- "\f" => '\f', # form feed (FF)
- "\b" => '\b', # backspace (BS)
- "\a" => '\a', # alarm (bell) (BEL)
- "\e" => '\e', # escape (ESC)
- "\013" => '\v', # vertical tab (VT)
- "\000" => '\0', # nul character (NUL)
- );
+ "\t" => '\t', # tab (HT)
+ "\n" => '\n', # line feed (LF)
+ "\r" => '\r', # carrige return (CR)
+ "\f" => '\f', # form feed (FF)
+ "\b" => '\b', # backspace (BS)
+ "\a" => '\a', # alarm (bell) (BEL)
+ "\e" => '\e', # escape (ESC)
+ "\013" => '\v', # vertical tab (VT)
+ "\000" => '\0', # nul character (NUL)
+ );
my $chr = ( (exists $es{$cntrl})
? $es{$cntrl}
: sprintf('\%03o', ord($cntrl)) );
- return "<span class=\"cntrl\">$chr</span>";
+ if ($opts{-nohtml}) {
+ return $chr;
+ } else {
+ return "<span class=\"cntrl\">$chr</span>";
+ }
# Alternatively use unicode control pictures codepoints,
# Unicode "printable representation" (PR)
sub quot_upr {
my $cntrl = shift;
+ my %opts = @_;
my $chr = sprintf('&#%04d;', 0x2400+ord($cntrl));
- return "<span class=\"cntrl\">$chr</span>";
+ if ($opts{-nohtml}) {
+ return $chr;
+ } else {
+ return "<span class=\"cntrl\">$chr</span>";
+ }
# git may return quoted and escaped filenames
return chr(oct($seq));
} elsif (exists $es{$seq}) {
# C escape sequence, aka character escape code
- return $es{$seq}
+ return $es{$seq};
# quoted ordinary character
return $seq;
if ($chopped eq $str) {
return esc_html($chopped);
} else {
- return qq{<span title="} . esc_html($str) . qq{">} .
- esc_html($chopped) . qq{</span>};
+ $str =~ s/([[:cntrl:]])/?/g;
+ return $cgi->span({-title=>$str}, esc_html($chopped));
sub config_to_multi {
my $val = shift;
- return ref($val) ? $val : [ $val ];
+ return ref($val) ? $val : (defined($val) ? [ $val ] : []);
sub git_get_project_config {
my $path = shift;
$git_dir = "$projectroot/$path";
- open my $fd, "$projectroot/$path/description"
+ open my $fd, "$git_dir/description"
or return git_get_project_config('description');
my $descr = <$fd>;
close $fd;
my $path = shift;
$git_dir = "$projectroot/$path";
- open my $fd, "$projectroot/$path/cloneurl"
+ open my $fd, "$git_dir/cloneurl"
or return wantarray ?
@{ config_to_multi(git_get_project_config('url')) } :
my $owner;
return undef unless $project;
+ $git_dir = "$projectroot/$project";
if (!defined $gitweb_project_owner) {
if (exists $gitweb_project_owner->{$project}) {
$owner = $gitweb_project_owner->{$project};
+ if (!defined $owner){
+ $owner = git_get_project_config('owner');
+ }
if (!defined $owner) {
- $owner = get_file_owner("$projectroot/$project");
+ $owner = get_file_owner("$git_dir");
return $owner;
my ($hash, $name, $title) = split(' ', $refinfo, 3);
my ($committer, $epoch, $tz) =
($committerinfo =~ /^(.*) ([0-9]+) (.*)$/);
+ $ref_item{'fullname'} = $name;
$name =~ s!^refs/heads/!!;
$ref_item{'name'} = $name;
my ($id, $type, $name, $refid, $reftype, $title) = split(' ', $refinfo, 6);
my ($creator, $epoch, $tz) =
($creatorinfo =~ /^(.*) ([0-9]+) (.*)$/);
+ $ref_item{'fullname'} = $name;
$name =~ s!^refs/tags/!!;
$ref_item{'type'} = $type;
"<td class=\"link\">" . " | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>$tag{'reftype'}, hash=>$tag{'refid'})}, $tag{'reftype'});
if ($tag{'reftype'} eq "commit") {
- print " | " . $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"shortlog", hash=>$tag{'name'})}, "shortlog") .
- " | " . $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"log", hash=>$tag{'name'})}, "log");
+ print " | " . $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"shortlog", hash=>$tag{'fullname'})}, "shortlog") .
+ " | " . $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"log", hash=>$tag{'fullname'})}, "log");
} elsif ($tag{'reftype'} eq "blob") {
print " | " . $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob_plain", hash=>$tag{'refid'})}, "raw");
$alternate ^= 1;
print "<td><i>$ref{'age'}</i></td>\n" .
($curr ? "<td class=\"current_head\">" : "<td>") .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"shortlog", hash=>$ref{'name'}),
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"shortlog", hash=>$ref{'fullname'}),
-class => "list name"},esc_html($ref{'name'})) .
"</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"shortlog", hash=>$ref{'name'})}, "shortlog") . " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"log", hash=>$ref{'name'})}, "log") . " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$ref{'name'}, hash_base=>$ref{'name'})}, "tree") .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"shortlog", hash=>$ref{'fullname'})}, "shortlog") . " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"log", hash=>$ref{'fullname'})}, "log") . " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$ref{'fullname'}, hash_base=>$ref{'name'})}, "tree") .
"</td>\n" .
print "<td title=\"$co{'age_string_age'}\"><i>$co{'age_string_date'}</i></td>\n" .
"<td><i>" . $author . "</i></td>\n" .
"<td>" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$co{'id'}), -class => "list subject"},
- chop_and_escape_str($co{'title'}, 50) . "<br/>");
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$co{'id'}),
+ -class => "list subject"},
+ chop_and_escape_str($co{'title'}, 50) . "<br/>");
my $comment = $co{'comment'};
foreach my $line (@$comment) {
if ($line =~ m/^(.*)($search_regexp)(.*)$/i) {
- my $lead = esc_html($1) || "";
- $lead = chop_str($lead, 30, 10);
- my $match = esc_html($2) || "";
- my $trail = esc_html($3) || "";
- $trail = chop_str($trail, 30, 10);
- my $text = "$lead<span class=\"match\">$match</span>$trail";
- print chop_str($text, 80, 5) . "<br/>\n";
+ my ($lead, $match, $trail) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ $match = chop_str($match, 70, 5); # in case match is very long
+ my $contextlen = int((80 - length($match))/2); # for the remainder
+ $contextlen = 30 if ($contextlen > 30); # but not too much
+ $lead = chop_str($lead, $contextlen, 10);
+ $trail = chop_str($trail, $contextlen, 10);
+ $lead = esc_html($lead);
+ $match = esc_html($match);
+ $trail = esc_html($trail);
+ print "$lead<span class=\"match\">$match</span>$trail<br />";
print "</td>\n" .
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "cat-file", "blob", $hash
or die_error(undef, "Couldn't cat $file_name, $hash");
my $mimetype = blob_mimetype($fd, $file_name);
- if ($mimetype !~ m!^(?:text/|image/(?:gif|png|jpeg)$)!) {
+ if ($mimetype !~ m!^(?:text/|image/(?:gif|png|jpeg)$)! && -B $fd) {
close $fd;
return git_blob_plain($mimetype);
git_print_page_path($file_name, "blob", $hash_base);
print "<div class=\"page_body\">\n";
- if ($mimetype =~ m!^text/!) {
- my $nr;
- while (my $line = <$fd>) {
- chomp $line;
- $nr++;
- $line = untabify($line);
- printf "<div class=\"pre\"><a id=\"l%i\" href=\"#l%i\" class=\"linenr\">%4i</a> %s</div>\n",
- $nr, $nr, $nr, esc_html($line, -nbsp=>1);
- }
- } elsif ($mimetype =~ m!^image/!) {
+ if ($mimetype =~ m!^image/!) {
print qq!<img type="$mimetype"!;
if ($file_name) {
print qq! alt="$file_name" title="$file_name"!;
href(action=>"blob_plain", hash=>$hash,
hash_base=>$hash_base, file_name=>$file_name) .
qq!" />\n!;
+ } else {
+ my $nr;
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ $nr++;
+ $line = untabify($line);
+ printf "<div class=\"pre\"><a id=\"l%i\" href=\"#l%i\" class=\"linenr\">%4i</a> %s</div>\n",
+ $nr, $nr, $nr, esc_html($line, -nbsp=>1);
+ }
close $fd
or print "Reading blob failed.\n";
-expires => $expires,
-content_disposition => 'inline; filename="' . "$filename" . '"');
my %ad = parse_date($co{'author_epoch'}, $co{'author_tz'});
- print <<TEXT;
-From: $co{'author'}
-Date: $ad{'rfc2822'} ($ad{'tz_local'})
-Subject: $co{'title'}
+ print "From: " . to_utf8($co{'author'}) . "\n";
+ print "Date: $ad{'rfc2822'} ($ad{'tz_local'})\n";
+ print "Subject: " . to_utf8($co{'title'}) . "\n";
print "X-Git-Tag: $tagname\n" if $tagname;
print "X-Git-Url: " . $cgi->self_url() . "\n\n";
foreach my $line (@{$co{'comment'}}) {
- print "$line\n";
+ print to_utf8($line) . "\n";
print "---\n\n";
or next;
# print element (entry, item)
- my $co_url = href(-full=>1, action=>"commit", hash=>$commit);
+ my $co_url = href(-full=>1, action=>"commitdiff", hash=>$commit);
if ($format eq 'rss') {
print "<item>\n" .
"<title>" . esc_html($co{'title'}) . "</title>\n" .