-'git-checkout' [-q] [-f] [[--track | --no-track] -b <new_branch> [-l]] [-m] [<branch>]
-'git-checkout' [<tree-ish>] <paths>...
+'git checkout' [-q] [-f] [[--track | --no-track] -b <new_branch> [-l]] [-m] [<branch>]
+'git checkout' [<tree-ish>] <paths>...
When <paths> are given, this command does *not* switch
branches. It updates the named paths in the working tree from
-the index file (i.e. it runs `git-checkout-index -f -u`), or
+the index file (i.e. it runs `git checkout-index -f -u`), or
from a named commit. In
this case, the `-f` and `-b` options are meaningless and giving
either of them results in an error. <tree-ish> argument can be
by linkgit:git-check-ref-format[1]. Some of these checks
may restrict the characters allowed in a branch name.
--t, --track::
- When creating a new branch, set up configuration so that git-pull
+ When creating a new branch, set up configuration so that `git-pull`
will automatically retrieve data from the start point, which must be
a branch. Use this if you always pull from the same upstream branch
into the new branch, and if you don't want to use "git pull
<repository> <refspec>" explicitly. This behavior is the default
when the start point is a remote branch. Set the
branch.autosetupmerge configuration variable to `false` if you want
- git-checkout and git-branch to always behave as if '--no-track' were
+ `git-checkout` and `git-branch` to always behave as if '--no-track' were
given. Set it to `always` if you want this behavior when the
start-point is either a local or remote branch.
(`v2.6.18` in the above example).
You can use usual git commands while in this state. You can use
-`git-reset --hard $othercommit` to further move around, for
+`git reset --hard $othercommit` to further move around, for
example. You can make changes and create a new commit on top of
a detached HEAD. You can even create a merge by using `git
merge $othercommit`.