-my ($SVN_PATH, $SVN, $SVN_LOG, $_use_lib);
sub nag_lib {
print STDERR <<EOF;
$_template, $_shared, $_no_default_regex, $_no_graft_copy,
$_limit, $_verbose, $_incremental, $_oneline, $_l_fmt, $_show_commit,
$_version, $_upgrade, $_authors, $_branch_all_refs, @_opt_m,
- $_merge, $_strategy, $_dry_run, $_ignore_nodate, $_non_recursive);
+ $_merge, $_strategy, $_dry_run, $_ignore_nodate, $_non_recursive,
+ $_username, $_config_dir, $_no_auth_cache);
my (@_branch_from, %tree_map, %users, %rusers, %equiv);
my ($_svn_co_url_revs, $_svn_pg_peg_revs);
my @repo_path_split_cache;
'repack:i' => \$_repack,
'no-metadata' => \$_no_metadata,
'quiet|q' => \$_q,
+ 'username=s' => \$_username,
+ 'config-dir=s' => \$_config_dir,
+ 'no-auth-cache' => \$_no_auth_cache,
'ignore-nodate' => \$_ignore_nodate,
'repack-flags|repack-args|repack-opts=s' => \$_repack_flags);
} else {
print "No changes between current HEAD and $gs\n",
"Hard resetting to the latest $gs\n";
- @finish = qw/reset --hard/;
+ @finish = qw/reset --mixed/;
sys('git', @finish, $gs);
my $kill_stupid_warnings = $SVN::Node::none.$SVN::Node::file.
- $SVN::Node::dir.$SVN::Node::unknown;
+ $SVN::Node::dir.$SVN::Node::unknown.
+ $SVN::Auth::SSL::OTHER;
+sub _simple_prompt {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $default_username, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ $default_username = $_username if defined $_username;
+ if (defined $default_username && length $default_username) {
+ if (defined $realm && length $realm) {
+ print "Authentication realm: $realm\n";
+ }
+ $cred->username($default_username);
+ } else {
+ _username_prompt($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool);
+ }
+ $cred->password(_read_password("Password for '" .
+ $cred->username . "': ", $realm));
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub _ssl_server_trust_prompt {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $failures, $cert_info, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ print "Error validating server certificate for '$realm':\n";
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::UNKNOWNCA) {
+ print " - The certificate is not issued by a trusted ",
+ "authority. Use the\n",
+ " fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!\n";
+ }
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::CNMISMATCH) {
+ print " - The certificate hostname does not match.\n";
+ }
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::NOTYETVALID) {
+ print " - The certificate is not yet valid.\n";
+ }
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::EXPIRED) {
+ print " - The certificate has expired.\n";
+ }
+ if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::OTHER) {
+ print " - The certificate has an unknown error.\n";
+ }
+ printf( "Certificate information:\n".
+ " - Hostname: %s\n".
+ " - Valid: from %s until %s\n".
+ " - Issuer: %s\n".
+ " - Fingerprint: %s\n",
+ map $cert_info->$_, qw(hostname valid_from valid_until
+ issuer_dname fingerprint) );
+ my $choice;
+ print $may_save ?
+ "(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? " :
+ "(R)eject or accept (t)emporarily? ";
+ $choice = lc(substr(<STDIN> || 'R', 0, 1));
+ if ($choice =~ /^t$/i) {
+ $cred->may_save(undef);
+ } elsif ($choice =~ /^r$/i) {
+ return -1;
+ } elsif ($may_save && $choice =~ /^p$/i) {
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ } else {
+ goto prompt;
+ }
+ $cred->accepted_failures($failures);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub _ssl_client_cert_prompt {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ print "Client certificate filename: ";
+ chomp(my $filename = <STDIN>);
+ $cred->cert_file($filename);
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub _ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ $cred->password(_read_password("Password: ", $realm));
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub _username_prompt {
+ my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
+ $may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
+ if (defined $realm && length $realm) {
+ print "Authentication realm: $realm\n";
+ }
+ my $username;
+ if (defined $_username) {
+ $username = $_username;
+ } else {
+ print "Username: ";
+ chomp($username = <STDIN>);
+ }
+ $cred->username($username);
+ $cred->may_save($may_save);
+ $SVN::_Core::SVN_NO_ERROR;
+sub _read_password {
+ my ($prompt, $realm) = @_;
+ print $prompt;
+ require Term::ReadKey;
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('noecho');
+ my $password = '';
+ while (defined(my $key = Term::ReadKey::ReadKey(0))) {
+ last if $key =~ /[\012\015]/; # \n\r
+ $password .= $key;
+ }
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('restore');
+ print "\n";
+ $password;
sub libsvn_connect {
my ($url) = @_;
- my $auth = SVN::Core::auth_open([SVN::Client::get_simple_provider(),
- SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_file_provider(),
- SVN::Client::get_username_provider()]);
- my $s = eval { SVN::Ra->new(url => $url, auth => $auth) };
- return $s;
+ SVN::_Core::svn_config_ensure($_config_dir, undef);
+ ($AUTH_BATON, $AUTH_CALLBACKS) = SVN::Core::auth_open_helper([
+ SVN::Client::get_simple_provider(),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_file_provider(),
+ SVN::Client::get_simple_prompt_provider(
+ \&_simple_prompt, 2),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_prompt_provider(
+ \&_ssl_client_cert_prompt, 2),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_provider(
+ \&_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt, 2),
+ SVN::Client::get_username_provider(),
+ SVN::Client::get_ssl_server_trust_prompt_provider(
+ \&_ssl_server_trust_prompt),
+ SVN::Client::get_username_prompt_provider(
+ \&_username_prompt, 2),
+ ]);
+ }
+ SVN::Ra->new(url => $url, auth => $AUTH_BATON,
+ auth_provider_callbacks => $AUTH_CALLBACKS);
sub libsvn_get_file {