$filename = filecleanup($filename);
- my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename);
+ # no -r, -A, or -D with add
+ my $stickyInfo = resolveStickyInfo($filename);
+ my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename,$stickyInfo);
my $wrev = revparse($filename);
if ($wrev && $meta && ($wrev=~/^-/))
# this is an "entries" line
my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash});
- $log->debug("/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/");
- print "/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n";
+ my $entryLine = "/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/";
+ $entryLine .= getStickyTagOrDate($stickyInfo);
+ $log->debug($entryLine);
+ print "$entryLine\n";
# permissions
$log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}");
print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n";
print "$filename\n";
my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"file",
- print "/$filepart/0//$kopts/\n";
+ print "/$filepart/0//$kopts/" .
+ getStickyTagOrDate($stickyInfo) . "\n";
my $requestedKopts = $state->{opt}{k};
- my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename);
+ # only from entries
+ my $stickyInfo = resolveStickyInfo($filename);
+ my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename,$stickyInfo);
my $wrev = revparse($filename);
unless ( defined ( $wrev ) )
print "Checked-in $dirpart\n";
print "$filename\n";
my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash});
- print "/$filepart/-$wrev//$kopts/\n";
+ print "/$filepart/-$wrev//$kopts/" . getStickyTagOrDate($stickyInfo) . "\n";
return 1;
+ my $stickyInfo = { 'tag' => $state->{opt}{r},
+ 'date' => $state->{opt}{D} };
my $module = $state->{args}[0];
$state->{module} = $module;
my $checkout_path = $module;
my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $module, $log);
- $checkout_path =~ s|/$||; # get rid of trailing slashes
+ my $headHash;
+ if( defined($stickyInfo) && defined($stickyInfo->{tag}) )
+ {
+ $headHash = $updater->lookupCommitRef($stickyInfo->{tag});
+ if( !defined($headHash) )
+ {
+ print "error 1 no such tag `$stickyInfo->{tag}'\n";
+ cleanupWorkTree();
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
- # Eclipse seems to need the Clear-sticky command
- # to prepare the 'Entries' file for the new directory.
- print "Clear-sticky $checkout_path/\n";
- print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n";
- print "Clear-static-directory $checkout_path/\n";
- print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n";
- print "Clear-sticky $checkout_path/\n"; # yes, twice
- print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n";
- print "Template $checkout_path/\n";
- print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/\n";
- print "0\n";
- # instruct the client that we're checking out to $checkout_path
- print "E cvs checkout: Updating $checkout_path\n";
+ $checkout_path =~ s|/$||; # get rid of trailing slashes
my %seendirs = ();
my $lastdir ='';
- # recursive
- sub prepdir {
- my ($dir, $repodir, $remotedir, $seendirs) = @_;
- my $parent = dirname($dir);
- $dir =~ s|/+$||;
- $repodir =~ s|/+$||;
- $remotedir =~ s|/+$||;
- $parent =~ s|/+$||;
- $log->debug("announcedir $dir, $repodir, $remotedir" );
- if ($parent eq '.' || $parent eq './') {
- $parent = '';
- }
- # recurse to announce unseen parents first
- if (length($parent) && !exists($seendirs->{$parent})) {
- prepdir($parent, $repodir, $remotedir, $seendirs);
- }
- # Announce that we are going to modify at the parent level
- if ($parent) {
- print "E cvs checkout: Updating $remotedir/$parent\n";
- } else {
- print "E cvs checkout: Updating $remotedir\n";
- }
- print "Clear-sticky $remotedir/$parent/\n";
- print "$repodir/$parent/\n";
- print "Clear-static-directory $remotedir/$dir/\n";
- print "$repodir/$dir/\n";
- print "Clear-sticky $remotedir/$parent/\n"; # yes, twice
- print "$repodir/$parent/\n";
- print "Template $remotedir/$dir/\n";
- print "$repodir/$dir/\n";
- print "0\n";
- $seendirs->{$dir} = 1;
- }
- foreach my $git ( @{$updater->gethead} )
+ prepDirForOutput(
+ ".",
+ $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module",
+ $checkout_path,
+ \%seendirs,
+ 'checkout',
+ $state->{dirArgs} );
+ foreach my $git ( @{$updater->getAnyHead($headHash)} )
# Don't want to check out deleted files
next if ( $git->{filehash} eq "deleted" );
my $fullName = $git->{name};
( $git->{name}, $git->{dir} ) = filenamesplit($git->{name});
- if (length($git->{dir}) && $git->{dir} ne './'
- && $git->{dir} ne $lastdir ) {
- unless (exists($seendirs{$git->{dir}})) {
- prepdir($git->{dir}, $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/",
- $checkout_path, \%seendirs);
- $lastdir = $git->{dir};
- $seendirs{$git->{dir}} = 1;
- }
- print "E cvs checkout: Updating /$checkout_path/$git->{dir}\n";
- }
+ unless (exists($seendirs{$git->{dir}})) {
+ prepDirForOutput($git->{dir}, $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$module/",
+ $checkout_path, \%seendirs, 'checkout',
+ $state->{dirArgs} );
+ $lastdir = $git->{dir};
+ $seendirs{$git->{dir}} = 1;
+ }
# modification time of this file
print "Mod-time $git->{modified}\n";
# this is an "entries" line
my $kopts = kopts_from_path($fullName,"sha1",$git->{filehash});
- print "/$git->{name}/$git->{revision}//$kopts/\n";
+ print "/$git->{name}/$git->{revision}//$kopts/" .
+ getStickyTagOrDate($stickyInfo) . "\n";
# permissions
print "u=$git->{mode},g=$git->{mode},o=$git->{mode}\n";
+# used by req_co and req_update to set up directories for files
+# recursively handles parents
+sub prepDirForOutput
+ my ($dir, $repodir, $remotedir, $seendirs, $request, $dirArgs) = @_;
+ my $parent = dirname($dir);
+ $dir =~ s|/+$||;
+ $repodir =~ s|/+$||;
+ $remotedir =~ s|/+$||;
+ $parent =~ s|/+$||;
+ if ($parent eq '.' || $parent eq './')
+ {
+ $parent = '';
+ }
+ # recurse to announce unseen parents first
+ if( length($parent) &&
+ !exists($seendirs->{$parent}) &&
+ ( $request eq "checkout" ||
+ exists($dirArgs->{$parent}) ) )
+ {
+ prepDirForOutput($parent, $repodir, $remotedir,
+ $seendirs, $request, $dirArgs);
+ }
+ # Announce that we are going to modify at the parent level
+ if ($dir eq '.' || $dir eq './')
+ {
+ $dir = '';
+ }
+ if(exists($seendirs->{$dir}))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $log->debug("announcedir $dir, $repodir, $remotedir" );
+ my($thisRemoteDir,$thisRepoDir);
+ if ($dir ne "")
+ {
+ $thisRepoDir="$repodir/$dir";
+ if($remotedir eq ".")
+ {
+ $thisRemoteDir=$dir;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $thisRemoteDir="$remotedir/$dir";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $thisRepoDir=$repodir;
+ $thisRemoteDir=$remotedir;
+ }
+ unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-Q} || $state->{globaloptions}{-q} )
+ {
+ print "E cvs $request: Updating $thisRemoteDir\n";
+ }
+ my ($opt_r)=$state->{opt}{r};
+ my $stickyInfo;
+ if(exists($state->{opt}{A}))
+ {
+ # $stickyInfo=undef;
+ }
+ elsif( defined($opt_r) && $opt_r ne "" )
+ # || ( defined($state->{opt}{D}) && $state->{opt}{D} ne "" ) # TODO
+ {
+ $stickyInfo={ 'tag' => (defined($opt_r)?$opt_r:undef) };
+ # TODO: Convert -D value into the form 2011.,
+ # similar to an entry line's sticky date, without the D prefix.
+ # It sometimes (always?) arrives as something more like
+ # '10 Apr 2011 04:46:57 -0000'...
+ # $stickyInfo={ 'date' => (defined($stickyDate)?$stickyDate:undef) };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $stickyInfo=getDirStickyInfo($state->{prependdir} . $dir);
+ }
+ my $stickyResponse;
+ if(defined($stickyInfo))
+ {
+ $stickyResponse = "Set-sticky $thisRemoteDir/\n" .
+ "$thisRepoDir/\n" .
+ getStickyTagOrDate($stickyInfo) . "\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $stickyResponse = "Clear-sticky $thisRemoteDir/\n" .
+ "$thisRepoDir/\n";
+ }
+ unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} )
+ {
+ print $stickyResponse;
+ print "Clear-static-directory $thisRemoteDir/\n";
+ print "$thisRepoDir/\n";
+ print $stickyResponse; # yes, twice
+ print "Template $thisRemoteDir/\n";
+ print "$thisRepoDir/\n";
+ print "0\n";
+ }
+ $seendirs->{$dir} = 1;
+ # FUTURE: This would more accurately emulate CVS by sending
+ # another copy of sticky after processing the files in that
+ # directory. Or intermediate: perhaps send all sticky's for
+ # $seendirs after after processing all files.
# update \n
# Response expected: yes. Actually do a cvs update command. This uses any
# previous Argument, Directory, Entry, or Modified requests, if they have
#$log->debug("update state : " . Dumper($state));
- my $last_dirname = "///";
+ my($repoDir);
+ $repoDir=$state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$state->{prependdir}";
+ my %seendirs = ();
# foreach file specified on the command line ...
- foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} )
+ foreach my $argsFilename ( @{$state->{args}} )
- $filename = filecleanup($filename);
+ my $filename;
+ $filename = filecleanup($argsFilename);
$log->debug("Processing file $filename");
- unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-Q} || $state->{globaloptions}{-q} )
- {
- my $cur_dirname = dirname($filename);
- if ( $cur_dirname ne $last_dirname )
- {
- $last_dirname = $cur_dirname;
- if ( $cur_dirname eq "" )
- {
- $cur_dirname = ".";
- }
- print "E cvs update: Updating $cur_dirname\n";
- }
- }
# if we have a -C we should pretend we never saw modified stuff
if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) )
$state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} = 1;
- my $meta;
- if ( defined($state->{opt}{r}) and $state->{opt}{r} =~ /^(1\.\d+)$/ )
- {
- $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $1);
- } else {
- $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename);
- }
+ my $stickyInfo = resolveStickyInfo($filename,
+ $state->{opt}{r},
+ $state->{opt}{D},
+ exists($state->{opt}{A}));
+ my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $stickyInfo);
# If -p was given, "print" the contents of the requested revision.
if ( exists ( $state->{opt}{p} ) ) {
+ # Directories:
+ prepDirForOutput(
+ dirname($argsFilename),
+ $repoDir,
+ ".",
+ \%seendirs,
+ "update",
+ $state->{dirArgs} );
+ my $wrev = revparse($filename);
if ( ! defined $meta )
$meta = {
revision => '0',
filehash => 'added'
+ if($wrev ne "0")
+ {
+ $meta->{filehash}='deleted';
+ }
my $oldmeta = $meta;
- my $wrev = revparse($filename);
# If the working copy is an old revision, lets get that version too for comparison.
- if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev ne $meta->{revision} )
+ my $oldWrev=$wrev;
+ if(defined($oldWrev))
- $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev);
+ $oldWrev=~s/^-//;
+ if($oldWrev ne $meta->{revision})
+ {
+ $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $oldWrev);
+ }
#$log->debug("Target revision is $meta->{revision}, current working revision is $wrev");
if ( defined ( $wrev )
and defined($meta->{revision})
and $wrev eq $meta->{revision}
+ and $wrev ne "0"
and defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash})
and not exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) )
- if ( $meta->{filehash} eq "deleted" )
+ if ( $meta->{filehash} eq "deleted" && $wrev ne "0" )
# TODO: If it has been modified in the sandbox, error out
# with the appropriate message, rather than deleting a modified
$log->debug("Updating existing file 'Update-existing $dirpart'");
} else {
# instruct client we're sending a file to put in this path as a new file
- print "Clear-static-directory $dirpart\n";
- print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$dirpart\n";
- print "Clear-sticky $dirpart\n";
- print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$dirpart\n";
$log->debug("Creating new file 'Created $dirpart'");
print "Created $dirpart\n";
# this is an "entries" line
my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash});
- $log->debug("/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/");
- print "/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n";
+ my $entriesLine = "/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/";
+ $entriesLine .= getStickyTagOrDate($stickyInfo);
+ $log->debug($entriesLine);
+ print "$entriesLine\n";
# permissions
$log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}");
my $kopts = kopts_from_path("$dirpart/$filepart",
- print "/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n";
+ my $entriesLine="/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/";
+ $entriesLine .= getStickyTagOrDate($stickyInfo);
+ print "$entriesLine\n";
elsif ( $return == 1 )
print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n";
my $kopts = kopts_from_path("$dirpart/$filepart",
- print "/$filepart/$meta->{revision}/+/$kopts/\n";
+ my $entriesLine = "/$filepart/$meta->{revision}/+/$kopts/";
+ $entriesLine .= getStickyTagOrDate($stickyInfo);
+ print "$entriesLine\n";
+ # prepDirForOutput() any other existing directories unless they already
+ # have the right sticky tag:
+ unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{n} )
+ {
+ my $dir;
+ foreach $dir (keys(%{$state->{dirMap}}))
+ {
+ if( ! $seendirs{$dir} &&
+ exists($state->{dirArgs}{$dir}) )
+ {
+ my($oldTag);
+ $oldTag=$state->{dirMap}{$dir}{tagspec};
+ unless( ( exists($state->{opt}{A}) &&
+ defined($oldTag) ) ||
+ ( defined($state->{opt}{r}) &&
+ ( !defined($oldTag) ||
+ $state->{opt}{r} ne $oldTag ) ) )
+ # TODO?: OR sticky dir is different...
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ prepDirForOutput(
+ $dir,
+ $repoDir,
+ ".",
+ \%seendirs,
+ 'update',
+ $state->{dirArgs} );
+ }
+ # TODO?: Consider sending a final duplicate Sticky response
+ # to more closely mimic real CVS.
+ }
+ }
print "ok\n";
my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log);
- # Remember where the head was at the beginning.
- my $parenthash = `git show-ref -s refs/heads/$state->{module}`;
- chomp $parenthash;
- if ($parenthash !~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/) {
- print "error 1 pserver cannot find the current HEAD of module";
- cleanupWorkTree();
- exit;
- }
- setupWorkTree($parenthash);
- $log->info("Lockless commit start, basing commit on '$work->{workDir}', index file is '$work->{index}'");
- $log->info("Created index '$work->{index}' for head $state->{module} - exit status $?");
my @committedfiles = ();
my %oldmeta;
+ my $stickyInfo;
+ my $branchRef;
+ my $parenthash;
# foreach file specified on the command line ...
foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} )
next unless ( exists $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} or not $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} );
- my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename);
+ #####
+ # Figure out which branch and parenthash we are committing
+ # to, and setup worktree:
+ # should always come from entries:
+ my $fileStickyInfo = resolveStickyInfo($filename);
+ if( !defined($branchRef) )
+ {
+ $stickyInfo = $fileStickyInfo;
+ if( defined($stickyInfo) &&
+ ( defined($stickyInfo->{date}) ||
+ !defined($stickyInfo->{tag}) ) )
+ {
+ print "error 1 cannot commit with sticky date for file `$filename'\n";
+ cleanupWorkTree();
+ exit;
+ }
+ $branchRef = "refs/heads/$state->{module}";
+ if ( defined($stickyInfo) && defined($stickyInfo->{tag}) )
+ {
+ $branchRef = "refs/heads/$stickyInfo->{tag}";
+ }
+ $parenthash = `git show-ref -s $branchRef`;
+ chomp $parenthash;
+ if ($parenthash !~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/)
+ {
+ if ( defined($stickyInfo) && defined($stickyInfo->{tag}) )
+ {
+ print "error 1 sticky tag `$stickyInfo->{tag}' for file `$filename' is not a branch\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "error 1 pserver cannot find the current HEAD of module";
+ }
+ cleanupWorkTree();
+ exit;
+ }
+ setupWorkTree($parenthash);
+ $log->info("Lockless commit start, basing commit on '$work->{workDir}', index file is '$work->{index}'");
+ $log->info("Created index '$work->{index}' for head $state->{module} - exit status $?");
+ }
+ elsif( !refHashEqual($stickyInfo,$fileStickyInfo) )
+ {
+ #TODO: We could split the cvs commit into multiple
+ # git commits by distinct stickyTag values, but that
+ # is lowish priority.
+ print "error 1 Committing different files to different"
+ . " branches is not currently supported\n";
+ cleanupWorkTree();
+ exit;
+ }
+ #####
+ # Process this file:
+ my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename,$stickyInfo);
$oldmeta{$filename} = $meta;
my $wrev = revparse($filename);
### Emulate git-receive-pack by running hooks/update
- my @hook = ( $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/update', "refs/heads/$state->{module}",
+ my @hook = ( $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/update', $branchRef,
$parenthash, $commithash );
if( -x $hook[0] ) {
unless( system( @hook ) == 0 )
### Update the ref
if (system(qw(git update-ref -m), "cvsserver ci",
- "refs/heads/$state->{module}", $commithash, $parenthash)) {
+ $branchRef, $commithash, $parenthash)) {
$log->warn("update-ref for $state->{module} failed.");
print "error 1 Cannot commit -- update first\n";
local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die 'pipe broke' };
- print $pipe "$parenthash $commithash refs/heads/$state->{module}\n";
+ print $pipe "$parenthash $commithash $branchRef\n";
close $pipe || die "bad pipe: $! $?";
### Then hooks/post-update
$hook = $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/post-update';
if (-x $hook) {
- system($hook, "refs/heads/$state->{module}");
+ system($hook, $branchRef);
# foreach file specified on the command line ...
$filename = filecleanup($filename);
- my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename);
+ my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename,$stickyInfo);
unless (defined $meta->{revision}) {
$meta->{revision} = "1.1";
print "Checked-in $dirpart\n";
print "$filename\n";
my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filename,"sha1",$meta->{filehash});
- print "/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n";
+ print "/$filepart/$meta->{revision}//$kopts/" .
+ getStickyTagOrDate($stickyInfo) . "\n";
- my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename);
- my $oldmeta = $meta;
my $wrev = revparse($filename);
+ my $stickyInfo = resolveStickyInfo($filename);
+ my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename,$stickyInfo);
+ my $oldmeta = $meta;
# If the working copy is an old revision, lets get that
# version too for comparison.
if ( defined($wrev) and $wrev ne $meta->{revision} )
- $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev);
+ my($rmRev)=$wrev;
+ $rmRev=~s/^-//;
+ $oldmeta = $updater->getmeta($filename, $rmRev);
# TODO : All possible statuses aren't yet implemented
# same revision but there are local changes
if ( defined ( $wrev ) and defined($meta->{revision}) and
$wrev eq $meta->{revision} and
+ $wrev ne "0" and
$state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} )
$status ||= "Locally Modified";
if ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{revision} ) and
- not defined ( $meta->{revision} ) )
+ ( !defined($meta->{revision}) ||
+ $meta->{revision} eq "0" ) )
$status ||= "Locally Added";
# be providing status on ...
+ my($foundDiff);
# foreach file specified on the command line ...
- foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} )
+ foreach my $argFilename ( @{$state->{args}} )
- $filename = filecleanup($filename);
+ my($filename) = filecleanup($argFilename);
my ( $fh, $file1, $file2, $meta1, $meta2, $filediff );
my $wrev = revparse($filename);
- # We need _something_ to diff against
- next unless ( defined ( $wrev ) );
+ # Priority for revision1:
+ # 1. First -r (missing file: check -N)
+ # 2. wrev from client's Entry line
+ # - missing line/file: check -N
+ # - "0": added file not committed (empty contents for rev1)
+ # - Prefixed with dash (to be removed): check -N
- # if we have a -r switch, use it
if ( defined ( $revision1 ) )
- ( undef, $file1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 );
$meta1 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $revision1);
- unless ( defined ( $meta1 ) and $meta1->{filehash} ne "deleted" )
+ }
+ elsif( defined($wrev) && $wrev ne "0" )
+ {
+ my($rmRev)=$wrev;
+ $rmRev=~s/^-//;
+ $meta1 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $rmRev);
+ }
+ if ( !defined($meta1) ||
+ $meta1->{filehash} eq "deleted" )
+ {
+ if( !exists($state->{opt}{N}) )
- print "E File $filename at revision $revision1 doesn't exist\n";
+ if(!defined($revision1))
+ {
+ print "E File $filename at revision $revision1 doesn't exist\n";
+ }
- transmitfile($meta1->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file1 });
- }
- # otherwise we just use the working copy revision
- else
- {
- ( undef, $file1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 );
- $meta1 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev);
- transmitfile($meta1->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file1 });
+ elsif( !defined($meta1) )
+ {
+ $meta1 = {
+ name => $filename,
+ revision => '0',
+ filehash => 'deleted'
+ };
+ }
+ # Priority for revision2:
+ # 1. Second -r (missing file: check -N)
+ # 2. Modified file contents from client
+ # 3. wrev from client's Entry line
+ # - missing line/file: check -N
+ # - Prefixed with dash (to be removed): check -N
# if we have a second -r switch, use it too
if ( defined ( $revision2 ) )
- ( undef, $file2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 );
$meta2 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $revision2);
- unless ( defined ( $meta2 ) and $meta2->{filehash} ne "deleted" )
- {
- print "E File $filename at revision $revision2 doesn't exist\n";
- next;
- }
- transmitfile($meta2->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file2 });
- # otherwise we just use the working copy
- else
+ elsif(defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename}))
$file2 = $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename};
+ $meta2 = {
+ name => $filename,
+ revision => '0',
+ filehash => 'modified'
+ };
- # if we have been given -r, and we don't have a $file2 yet, lets
- # get one
- if ( defined ( $revision1 ) and not defined ( $file2 ) )
+ elsif( defined($wrev) && ($wrev!~/^-/) )
- ( undef, $file2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 );
+ if(!defined($revision1)) # no revision and no modifications:
+ {
+ next;
+ }
$meta2 = $updater->getmeta($filename, $wrev);
- transmitfile($meta2->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file2 });
+ }
+ if(!defined($file2))
+ {
+ if ( !defined($meta2) ||
+ $meta2->{filehash} eq "deleted" )
+ {
+ if( !exists($state->{opt}{N}) )
+ {
+ if(!defined($revision2))
+ {
+ print "E File $filename at revision $revision2 doesn't exist\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif( !defined($meta2) )
+ {
+ $meta2 = {
+ name => $filename,
+ revision => '0',
+ filehash => 'deleted'
+ };
+ }
+ }
- # We need to have retrieved something useful
- next unless ( defined ( $meta1 ) );
- # Files to date if the working copy and repo copy have the same
- # revision, and the working copy is unmodified
- if ( not defined ( $meta2 ) and $wrev eq $meta1->{revision} and
- ( ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{unchanged} and
- ( not defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} ) or
- $state->{entries}{$filename}{conflict} !~ /^\+=/ ) ) or
- ( defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash}) and
- $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash} eq
- $meta1->{filehash} ) ) )
+ if( $meta1->{filehash} eq $meta2->{filehash} )
+ $log->info("unchanged $filename");
- # Apparently we only show diffs for locally modified files
- unless ( defined($meta2) or
- defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) )
+ # Retrieve revision contents:
+ ( undef, $file1 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 );
+ transmitfile($meta1->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file1 });
+ if(!defined($file2))
- next;
+ ( undef, $file2 ) = tempfile( DIR => $TEMP_DIR, OPEN => 0 );
+ transmitfile($meta2->{filehash}, { targetfile => $file2 });
- print "M Index: $filename\n";
+ # Generate the actual diff:
+ print "M Index: $argFilename\n";
print "M =======" . ( "=" x 60 ) . "\n";
print "M RCS file: $state->{CVSROOT}/$state->{module}/$filename,v\n";
- if ( defined ( $meta1 ) )
+ if ( defined ( $meta1 ) && $meta1->{revision} ne "0" )
print "M retrieving revision $meta1->{revision}\n"
- if ( defined ( $meta2 ) )
+ if ( defined ( $meta2 ) && $meta2->{revision} ne "0" )
print "M retrieving revision $meta2->{revision}\n"
- print "$filename\n";
+ print "$argFilename\n";
$log->info("Diffing $filename -r $meta1->{revision} -r " .
( $meta2->{revision} or "workingcopy" ));
- ( $fh, $filediff ) = tempfile ( DIR => $TEMP_DIR );
- if ( exists $state->{opt}{u} )
+ # TODO: Use --label instead of -L because -L is no longer
+ # documented and may go away someday. Not sure if there there are
+ # versions that only support -L, which would make this change risky?
+ # http://osdir.com/ml/bug-gnu-utils-gnu/2010-12/msg00060.html
+ # ("man diff" should actually document the best migration strategy,
+ # [current behavior, future changes, old compatibility issues
+ # or lack thereof, etc], not just stop mentioning the option...)
+ # TODO: Real CVS seems to include a date in the label, before
+ # the revision part, without the keyword "revision". The following
+ # has minimal changes compared to original versions of
+ # git-cvsserver.perl. (Mostly tab vs space after filename.)
+ my (@diffCmd) = ( 'diff' );
+ if ( exists($state->{opt}{N}) )
- system("diff -u -L '$filename revision $meta1->{revision}'" .
- " -L '$filename " .
- ( defined($meta2->{revision}) ?
- "revision $meta2->{revision}" :
- "working copy" ) .
- "' $file1 $file2 > $filediff" );
- } else {
- system("diff $file1 $file2 > $filediff");
+ push @diffCmd,"-N";
+ if ( exists $state->{opt}{u} )
+ {
+ push @diffCmd,("-u","-L");
+ if( $meta1->{filehash} eq "deleted" )
+ {
+ push @diffCmd,"/dev/null";
+ } else {
+ push @diffCmd,("$argFilename\trevision $meta1->{revision}");
+ }
- while ( <$fh> )
+ if( defined($meta2->{filehash}) )
+ {
+ if( $meta2->{filehash} eq "deleted" )
+ {
+ push @diffCmd,("-L","/dev/null");
+ } else {
+ push @diffCmd,("-L",
+ "$argFilename\trevision $meta2->{revision}");
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @diffCmd,("-L","$argFilename\tworking copy");
+ }
+ }
+ push @diffCmd,($file1,$file2);
+ if(!open(DIFF,"-|",@diffCmd))
- print "M $_";
+ $log->warn("Unable to run diff: $!");
- close $fh;
+ my($diffLine);
+ while(defined($diffLine=<DIFF>))
+ {
+ print "M $diffLine";
+ $foundDiff=1;
+ }
+ close(DIFF);
- print "ok\n";
+ if($foundDiff)
+ {
+ print "error \n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "ok\n";
+ }
sub req_log
$opt = { A => 0, N => 0, P => 0, R => 0, c => 0, f => 0, l => 0, n => 0, p => 0, s => 0, r => 1, D => 1, d => 1, k => 1, j => 1, } if ( $type eq "co" );
$opt = { v => 0, l => 0, R => 0 } if ( $type eq "status" );
$opt = { A => 0, P => 0, C => 0, d => 0, f => 0, l => 0, R => 0, p => 0, k => 1, r => 1, D => 1, j => 1, I => 1, W => 1 } if ( $type eq "update" );
- $opt = { l => 0, R => 0, k => 1, D => 1, D => 1, r => 2 } if ( $type eq "diff" );
+ $opt = { l => 0, R => 0, k => 1, D => 1, D => 1, r => 2, N => 0 } if ( $type eq "diff" );
$opt = { c => 0, R => 0, l => 0, f => 0, F => 1, m => 1, r => 1 } if ( $type eq "ci" );
$opt = { k => 1, m => 1 } if ( $type eq "add" );
$opt = { f => 0, l => 0, R => 0 } if ( $type eq "remove" );
-# This method uses $state->{directory} to populate $state->{args} with a list of filenames
-sub argsfromdir
+# Used by argsfromdir
+sub expandArg
- my $updater = shift;
+ my ($updater,$outNameMap,$outDirMap,$path,$isDir) = @_;
- $state->{args} = [] if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) == 1 and $state->{args}[0] eq "." );
+ my $fullPath = filecleanup($path);
- return if ( scalar ( @{$state->{args}} ) > 1 );
+ # Is it a directory?
+ if( defined($state->{dirMap}{$fullPath}) ||
+ defined($state->{dirMap}{"$fullPath/"}) )
+ {
+ # It is a directory in the user's sandbox.
+ $isDir=1;
- my @gethead = @{$updater->gethead};
+ if(defined($state->{entries}{$fullPath}))
+ {
+ $log->fatal("Inconsistent file/dir type");
+ die "Inconsistent file/dir type";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif(defined($state->{entries}{$fullPath}))
+ {
+ # It is a file in the user's sandbox.
+ $isDir=0;
+ }
+ my($revDirMap,$otherRevDirMap);
+ if(!defined($isDir) || $isDir)
+ {
+ # Resolve version tree for sticky tag:
+ # (for now we only want list of files for the version, not
+ # particular versions of those files: assume it is a directory
+ # for the moment; ignore Entry's stick tag)
+ # Order of precedence of sticky tags:
+ # -A [head]
+ # -r /tag/
+ # [file entry sticky tag, but that is only relevant to files]
+ # [the tag specified in dir req_Sticky]
+ # [the tag specified in a parent dir req_Sticky]
+ # [head]
+ # Also, -r may appear twice (for diff).
+ #
+ # FUTURE: When/if -j (merges) are supported, we also
+ # need to add relevant files from one or two
+ # versions specified with -j.
+ if(exists($state->{opt}{A}))
+ {
+ $revDirMap=$updater->getRevisionDirMap();
+ }
+ elsif( defined($state->{opt}{r}) and
+ ref $state->{opt}{r} eq "ARRAY" )
+ {
+ $revDirMap=$updater->getRevisionDirMap($state->{opt}{r}[0]);
+ $otherRevDirMap=$updater->getRevisionDirMap($state->{opt}{r}[1]);
+ }
+ elsif(defined($state->{opt}{r}))
+ {
+ $revDirMap=$updater->getRevisionDirMap($state->{opt}{r});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my($sticky)=getDirStickyInfo($fullPath);
+ $revDirMap=$updater->getRevisionDirMap($sticky->{tag});
+ }
- # push added files
- foreach my $file (keys %{$state->{entries}}) {
- if ( exists $state->{entries}{$file}{revision} &&
- $state->{entries}{$file}{revision} eq '0' )
- {
- push @gethead, { name => $file, filehash => 'added' };
- }
+ # Is it a directory?
+ if( defined($revDirMap->{$fullPath}) ||
+ defined($otherRevDirMap->{$fullPath}) )
+ {
+ $isDir=1;
+ }
- if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) == 1 )
+ # What to do with it?
+ if(!$isDir)
- my $arg = $state->{args}[0];
- $arg .= $state->{prependdir} if ( defined ( $state->{prependdir} ) );
- $log->info("Only one arg specified, checking for directory expansion on '$arg'");
+ $outNameMap->{$fullPath}=1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $outDirMap->{$fullPath}=1;
- foreach my $file ( @gethead )
+ if(defined($revDirMap->{$fullPath}))
+ {
+ addDirMapFiles($updater,$outNameMap,$outDirMap,
+ $revDirMap->{$fullPath});
+ }
+ if( defined($otherRevDirMap) &&
+ defined($otherRevDirMap->{$fullPath}) )
- next if ( $file->{filehash} eq "deleted" and not defined ( $state->{entries}{$file->{name}} ) );
- next unless ( $file->{name} =~ /^$arg\// or $file->{name} eq $arg );
- push @{$state->{args}}, $file->{name};
+ addDirMapFiles($updater,$outNameMap,$outDirMap,
+ $otherRevDirMap->{$fullPath});
+ }
- shift @{$state->{args}} if ( scalar(@{$state->{args}}) > 1 );
- } else {
- $log->info("Only one arg specified, populating file list automatically");
+# Used by argsfromdir
+# Add entries from dirMap to outNameMap. Also recurse into entries
+# that are subdirectories.
+sub addDirMapFiles
+ my($updater,$outNameMap,$outDirMap,$dirMap)=@_;
- $state->{args} = [];
+ my($fullName);
+ foreach $fullName (keys(%$dirMap))
+ {
+ my $cleanName=$fullName;
+ if(defined($state->{prependdir}))
+ {
+ if(!($cleanName=~s/^\Q$state->{prependdir}\E//))
+ {
+ $log->fatal("internal error stripping prependdir");
+ die "internal error stripping prependdir";
+ }
+ }
- foreach my $file ( @gethead )
+ if($dirMap->{$fullName} eq "F")
- next if ( $file->{filehash} eq "deleted" and not defined ( $state->{entries}{$file->{name}} ) );
- next unless ( $file->{name} =~ s/^$state->{prependdir}// );
- push @{$state->{args}}, $file->{name};
+ $outNameMap->{$cleanName}=1;
+ }
+ elsif($dirMap->{$fullName} eq "D")
+ {
+ if(!$state->{opt}{l})
+ {
+ expandArg($updater,$outNameMap,$outDirMap,$cleanName,1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $log->fatal("internal error in addDirMapFiles");
+ die "internal error in addDirMapFiles";
+# This method replaces $state->{args} with a directory-expanded
+# list of all relevant filenames (recursively unless -d), based
+# on $state->{entries}, and the "current" list of files in
+# each directory. "Current" files as determined by
+# either the requested (-r/-A) or "req_Sticky" version of
+# that directory.
+# Both the input args and the new output args are relative
+# to the cvs-client's CWD, although some of the internal
+# computations are relative to the top of the project.
+sub argsfromdir
+ my $updater = shift;
+ # Notes about requirements for specific callers:
+ # update # "standard" case (entries; a single -r/-A/default; -l)
+ # # Special case: -d for create missing directories.
+ # diff # 0 or 1 -r's: "standard" case.
+ # # 2 -r's: We could ignore entries (just use the two -r's),
+ # # but it doesn't really matter.
+ # annotate # "standard" case
+ # log # Punting: log -r has a more complex non-"standard"
+ # # meaning, and we don't currently try to support log'ing
+ # # branches at all (need a lot of work to
+ # # support CVS-consistent branch relative version
+ # # numbering).
+#HERE: But we still want to expand directories. Maybe we should
+# essentially force "-A".
+ # status # "standard", except that -r/-A/default are not possible.
+ # # Mostly only used to expand entries only)
+ #
+ # Don't use argsfromdir at all:
+ # add # Explicit arguments required. Directory args imply add
+ # # the directory itself, not the files in it.
+ # co # Obtain list directly.
+ # remove # HERE: TEST: MAYBE client does the recursion for us,
+ # # since it only makes sense to remove stuff already in
+ # # the sandobx?
+ # ci # HERE: Similar to remove...
+ # # Don't try to implement the confusing/weird
+ # # ci -r bug er.."feature".
+ if(scalar(@{$state->{args}})==0)
+ {
+ $state->{args} = [ "." ];
+ }
+ my %allArgs;
+ my %allDirs;
+ for my $file (@{$state->{args}})
+ {
+ expandArg($updater,\%allArgs,\%allDirs,$file);
+ }
+ # Include any entries from sandbox. Generally client won't
+ # send entries that shouldn't be used.
+ foreach my $file (keys %{$state->{entries}})
+ {
+ $allArgs{remove_prependdir($file)} = 1;
+ }
+ $state->{dirArgs} = \%allDirs;
+ $state->{args} = [
+ sort {
+ # Sort priority: by directory depth, then actual file name:
+ my @piecesA=split('/',$a);
+ my @piecesB=split('/',$b);
+ my $count=scalar(@piecesA);
+ my $tmp=scalar(@piecesB);
+ return $count<=>$tmp if($count!=$tmp);
+ for($tmp=0;$tmp<$count;$tmp++)
+ {
+ if($piecesA[$tmp] ne $piecesB[$tmp])
+ {
+ return $piecesA[$tmp] cmp $piecesB[$tmp]
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } keys(%allArgs) ];
## look up directory sticky tag, of either fullPath or a parent:
sub getDirStickyInfo
sub statecleanup
$state->{files} = [];
+ $state->{dirArgs} = {};
$state->{args} = [];
$state->{arguments} = [];
$state->{entries} = {};
return $ret;
+# Test if the (deep) values of two references to a hash are the same.
+sub refHashEqual
+ my($v1,$v2) = @_;
+ my $out;
+ if(!defined($v1))
+ {
+ if(!defined($v2))
+ {
+ $out=1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( !defined($v2) ||
+ scalar(keys(%{$v1})) != scalar(keys(%{$v2})) )
+ {
+ # $out=undef;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $out=1;
+ my $key;
+ foreach $key (keys(%{$v1}))
+ {
+ if( !exists($v2->{$key}) ||
+ defined($v1->{$key}) ne defined($v2->{$key}) ||
+ ( defined($v1->{$key}) &&
+ $v1->{$key} ne $v2->{$key} ) )
+ {
+ $out=undef;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $out;
package GITCVS::log;
my $lastcommit = $self->_get_prop("last_commit");
if (defined $lastcommit && $lastcommit eq $commitsha1) { # up-to-date
+ # invalidate the gethead cache
+ $self->clearCommitRefCaches();
return 1;
This function takes a filename (with path) argument and returns a hashref of
metadata for that file.
+There are several ways $revision can be specified:
+ - A reference to hash that contains a "tag" that is the
+ actual revision (one of the below). TODO: Also allow it to
+ specify a "date" in the hash.
+ - undef, to refer to the latest version on the main branch.
+ - Full CVS client revision number (mapped to integer in DB, without the
+ "1." prefix),
+ - Complex CVS-compatible "special" revision number for
+ non-linear history (see comment below)
+ - git commit sha1 hash
+ - branch or tag name
sub getmeta
my $tablename_rev = $self->tablename("revision");
my $tablename_head = $self->tablename("head");
- my $db_query;
- if ( defined($revision) and $revision =~ /^1\.(\d+)$/ )
+ if ( ref($revision) eq "HASH" )
- my ($intRev) = $1;
- $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND revision=?",{},1);
- $db_query->execute($filename, $intRev);
+ $revision = $revision->{tag};
+ }
+ # Overview of CVS revision numbers:
+ #
+ # General CVS numbering scheme:
+ # - Basic mainline branch numbers: "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", etc.
+ # - Result of "cvs checkin -r" (possible, but not really
+ # recommended): "2.1", "2.2", etc
+ # - Branch tag: "1.2.0.n", where "1.2" is revision it was branched
+ # from, "0" is a magic placeholder that identifies it as a
+ # branch tag instead of a version tag, and n is 2 times the
+ # branch number off of "1.2", starting with "2".
+ # - Version on a branch: "1.2.n.x", where "1.2" is branch-from, "n"
+ # is branch number off of "1.2" (like n above), and "x" is
+ # the version number on the branch.
+ # - Branches can branch off of branches: "" (even number
+ # of components).
+ # - Odd "n"s are used by "vendor branches" that result
+ # from "cvs import". Vendor branches have additional
+ # strangeness in the sense that the main rcs "head" of the main
+ # branch will (temporarily until first normal commit) point
+ # to the version on the vendor branch, rather than the actual
+ # main branch. (FUTURE: This may provide an opportunity
+ # to use "strange" revision numbers for fast-forward-merged
+ # branch tip when CVS client is asking for the main branch.)
+ #
+ # git-cvsserver CVS-compatible special numbering schemes:
+ # - Currently git-cvsserver only tries to be identical to CVS for
+ # simple "1.x" numbers on the "main" branch (as identified
+ # by the module name that was originally cvs checkout'ed).
+ # - The database only stores the "x" part, for historical reasons.
+ # But most of the rest of the cvsserver preserves
+ # and thinks using the full revision number.
+ # - To handle non-linear history, it uses a version of the form
+ # ""..., where the is to help uniquely
+ # identify this as a special revision number, and there are
+ # 20 b's that together encode the sha1 git commit from which
+ # this version of this file originated. Each b is
+ # the numerical value of the corresponding byte plus
+ # 100.
+ # - "plus 100" avoids "0"s, and also reduces the
+ # likelyhood of a collision in the case that someone someday
+ # writes an import tool that tries to preserve original
+ # CVS revision numbers, and the original CVS data had done
+ # lots of branches off of branches and other strangeness to
+ # end up with a real version number that just happens to look
+ # like this special revision number form. Also, if needed
+ # there are several ways to extend/identify alternative encodings
+ # within the "" part if necessary.
+ # - Unlike real CVS revisions, you can't really reconstruct what
+ # relation a revision of this form has to other revisions.
+ # - FUTURE: TODO: Rework database somehow to make up and remember
+ # fully-CVS-compatible branches and branch version numbers.
+ my $meta;
+ if ( defined($revision) )
+ {
+ if ( $revision =~ /^1\.(\d+)$/ )
+ {
+ my ($intRev) = $1;
+ my $db_query;
+ $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(
+ "SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND revision=?",
+ {},1);
+ $db_query->execute($filename, $intRev);
+ $meta = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref;
+ }
+ elsif ( $revision =~ /^2\.1\.1\.2000(\.[1-3][0-9][0-9]){20}$/ )
+ {
+ my ($commitHash)=($revision=~/^2\.1\.1\.2000(.*)$/);
+ $commitHash=~s/\.([0-9]+)/sprintf("%02x",$1-100)/eg;
+ if($commitHash=~/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/)
+ {
+ return $self->getMetaFromCommithash($filename,$commitHash);
+ }
+ # error recovery: fall back on head version below
+ print "E Failed to find $filename version=$revision or commit=$commitHash\n";
+ $log->warning("failed get $revision with commithash=$commitHash");
+ undef $revision;
+ }
+ elsif ( $revision =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/ )
+ {
+ # Try DB first. This is mostly only useful for req_annotate(),
+ # which only calls this for stuff that should already be in
+ # the DB. It is fairly likely to be a waste of time
+ # in most other cases [unless the file happened to be
+ # modified in $revision specifically], but
+ # it is probably in the noise compared to how long
+ # getMetaFromCommithash() will take.
+ my $db_query;
+ $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(
+ "SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND commithash=?",
+ {},1);
+ $db_query->execute($filename, $revision);
+ $meta = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref;
+ if(! $meta)
+ {
+ my($revCommit)=$self->lookupCommitRef($revision);
+ if($revCommit=~/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/)
+ {
+ return $self->getMetaFromCommithash($filename,$revCommit);
+ }
+ # error recovery: nothing found:
+ print "E Failed to find $filename version=$revision\n";
+ $log->warning("failed get $revision");
+ return $meta;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my($revCommit)=$self->lookupCommitRef($revision);
+ if($revCommit=~/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/)
+ {
+ return $self->getMetaFromCommithash($filename,$revCommit);
+ }
+ # error recovery: fall back on head version below
+ print "E Failed to find $filename version=$revision\n";
+ $log->warning("failed get $revision");
+ undef $revision; # Allow fallback
+ }
- elsif ( defined($revision) and $revision =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ )
+ if(!defined($revision))
- $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND commithash=?",{},1);
- $db_query->execute($filename, $revision);
- } else {
- $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_head WHERE name=?",{},1);
+ my $db_query;
+ $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(
+ "SELECT * FROM $tablename_head WHERE name=?",{},1);
+ $meta = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref;
- my $meta = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref;
$meta->{revision} = "1.$meta->{revision}";