field w_asim ; # text column: annotations (simple computation)
field w_file ; # text column: actual file data
field w_cviewer ; # pane showing commit message
+field finder ; # find mini-dialog frame
field status ; # status mega-widget instance
field old_height ; # last known height of $w.file_pane
# Tk UI colors
variable active_color #c0edc5
field tooltip_commit {} ; # Commit(s) in tooltip
constructor new {i_commit i_path i_jump} {
- global cursor_ptr
+ global cursor_ptr M1B M1T have_tk85
variable active_color
variable group_colors
make_toplevel top w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "File Viewer"]]
+ set font_w [font measure font_diff "0"]
frame $w.header -background gold
label $w.header.commit_l \
-text [mc "Commit:"] \
pack $w_path -fill x -side right
pack $w.header.path_l -side right
- panedwindow $w.file_pane -orient vertical
- frame $w.file_pane.out
- frame $
+ panedwindow $w.file_pane -orient vertical -borderwidth 0 -sashwidth 3
+ frame $w.file_pane.out -relief flat -borderwidth 1
+ frame $ -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
$w.file_pane add $w.file_pane.out \
-sticky nsew \
-minsize 100 \
-width 80 \
-xscrollcommand [list $w.file_pane.out.sbx set] \
-font font_diff
+ if {$have_tk85} {
+ $w_file configure -inactiveselectbackground darkblue
+ }
+ $w_file tag conf found \
+ -background yellow
set w_columns [list $w_amov $w_asim $w_line $w_file]
-weight 1
grid rowconfigure $w.file_pane.out 0 -weight 1
+ set finder [::searchbar::new \
+ $w.file_pane.out.ff $w_file \
+ -column [expr {[llength $w_columns] - 1}] \
+ ]
set w_cviewer $
text $w_cviewer \
-background white \
-label [mc "Copy Commit"] \
-command [cb _copycommit]
$w.ctxm add separator
+ $w.ctxm add command \
+ -label [mc "Find Text..."] \
+ -accelerator F7 \
+ -command [list searchbar::show $finder]
menu $w.ctxm.enc
build_encoding_menu $w.ctxm.enc [cb _setencoding]
$w.ctxm add cascade \
$i tag conf color$g -background [lindex $group_colors $g]
+ if {$i eq $w_file} {
+ $w_file tag raise found
+ }
+ $i tag raise sel
$i conf -cursor $cursor_ptr
- $i conf -yscrollcommand [list many2scrollbar \
- $w_columns yview $w.file_pane.out.sby]
+ $i conf -yscrollcommand \
+ "[list ::searchbar::scrolled $finder]
+ [list many2scrollbar $w_columns yview $w.file_pane.out.sby]"
bind $i <Button-1> "
[cb _hide_tooltip]
[cb _click $i @%x,%y]
tk_popup $w.ctxm %X %Y
bind $i <Shift-Tab> "[list focus $w_cviewer];break"
- bind $i <Tab> "[list focus $w_cviewer];break"
+ bind $i <Tab> "[cb _focus_search $w_cviewer];break"
foreach i [concat $w_columns $w_cviewer] {
bind $i <Control-Key-f> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 pages};break}
- bind $w_cviewer <Shift-Tab> "[list focus $w_file];break"
+ bind $w_cviewer <Shift-Tab> "[cb _focus_search $w_file];break"
bind $w_cviewer <Tab> "[list focus $w_file];break"
- bind $w_cviewer <Button-1> [list focus $w_cviewer]
- bind $w_file <Visibility> [list focus $w_file]
+ bind $w_cviewer <Button-1> [list focus $w_cviewer]
+ bind $w_file <Visibility> [cb _focus_search $w_file]
+ bind $top <F7> [list searchbar::show $finder]
+ bind $top <Escape> [list searchbar::hide $finder]
+ bind $top <F3> [list searchbar::find_next $finder]
+ bind $top <Shift-F3> [list searchbar::find_prev $finder]
+ catch { bind $top <Shift-Key-XF86_Switch_VT_3> [list searchbar::find_prev $finder] }
grid configure $w.header -sticky ew
grid configure $w.file_pane -sticky nsew
set req_w [winfo reqwidth $top]
set req_h [winfo reqheight $top]
- set scr_h [expr {[winfo screenheight $top] - 100}]
- if {$req_w < 600} {set req_w 600}
+ set scr_w [expr {[winfo screenwidth $top] - 40}]
+ set scr_h [expr {[winfo screenheight $top] - 120}]
+ set opt_w [expr {$font_w * (80 + 5*3 + 3)}]
+ if {$req_w < $opt_w} {set req_w $opt_w}
+ if {$req_w > $scr_w} {set req_w $scr_w}
+ set opt_h [expr {$req_w*4/3}]
if {$req_h < $scr_h} {set req_h $scr_h}
+ if {$req_h > $opt_h} {set req_h $opt_h}
set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
wm geometry $top $g
set old_height [winfo height $w.file_pane]
$w.file_pane sash place 0 \
[lindex [$w.file_pane sash coord 0] 0] \
- [expr {int($old_height * 0.70)}]
+ [expr {int($old_height * 0.80)}]
bind $w.file_pane <Configure> \
"if {{$w.file_pane} eq {%W}} {[cb _resize %h]}"
wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $top"
- bind $top <Destroy> [cb _kill]
+ bind $top <Destroy> [cb _handle_destroy %W]
_load $this $i_jump
+method _focus_search {win} {
+ if {[searchbar::visible $finder]} {
+ focus [searchbar::editor $finder]
+ } else {
+ focus $win
+ }
+method _handle_destroy {win} {
+ if {$win eq $w} {
+ _kill $this
+ delete_this
+ }
method _kill {} {
if {$current_fd ne {}} {
kill_file_process $current_fd
} ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
method _exec_blame {cur_w cur_d options cur_s} {
- lappend options --incremental
+ lappend options --incremental --encoding=utf-8
if {$commit eq {}} {
lappend options --contents $path
} else {
foreach i $w_columns {
$i tag conf g$cmit -background $active_color
$i tag raise g$cmit
+ if {$i eq $w_file} {
+ $w_file tag raise found
+ }
+ $i tag raise sel
set author_name {}
catch {
set fd [git_read cat-file commit $cmit]
fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation lf
- if {[catch {set enc $repo_config(i18n.commitencoding)}]} {
- set enc utf-8
- }
+ # By default commits are assumed to be in utf-8
+ set enc utf-8
while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
if {[string match {encoding *} $line]} {
set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
$tooltip_t conf -state disabled
_position_tooltip $this
+ # On MacOS raising a window causes it to acquire focus.
+ # Tk 8.5 on MacOS seems to properly support wm transient,
+ # so we can safely counter the effect there.
+ if {$::have_tk85 && [is_MacOSX]} {
+ update
+ if {$w eq {}} {
+ raise .
+ } else {
+ raise $w
+ }
+ }
method _position_tooltip {} {
append g $pos_y
wm geometry $tooltip_wm $g
- raise $tooltip_wm
+ if {![is_MacOSX]} {
+ raise $tooltip_wm
+ }
method _hide_tooltip {} {