# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
proc update_indexinfo {msg pathList after} {
- global update_index_cp ui_status_value
+ global update_index_cp
if {![lock_index update]} return
set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
- set ui_status_value [format \
+ ui_status [format \
"$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
- set fd [open "| git update-index -z --index-info" w]
+ set fd [git_write update-index -z --index-info]
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-buffering full \
proc write_update_indexinfo {fd pathList totalCnt batch msg after} {
- global update_index_cp ui_status_value
+ global update_index_cp
global file_states current_diff_path
if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
display_file $path $new
- set ui_status_value [format \
+ ui_status [format \
"$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
proc update_index {msg pathList after} {
- global update_index_cp ui_status_value
+ global update_index_cp
if {![lock_index update]} return
set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
- set ui_status_value [format \
+ ui_status [format \
"$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
- set fd [open "| git update-index --add --remove -z --stdin" w]
+ set fd [git_write update-index --add --remove -z --stdin]
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-buffering full \
proc write_update_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch msg after} {
- global update_index_cp ui_status_value
+ global update_index_cp
global file_states current_diff_path
if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
display_file $path $new
- set ui_status_value [format \
+ ui_status [format \
"$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
proc checkout_index {msg pathList after} {
- global update_index_cp ui_status_value
+ global update_index_cp
if {![lock_index update]} return
set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
- set ui_status_value [format \
+ ui_status [format \
"$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
- set cmd [list git checkout-index]
- lappend cmd --index
- lappend cmd --quiet
- lappend cmd --force
- lappend cmd -z
- lappend cmd --stdin
- set fd [open "| $cmd " w]
+ set fd [git_write checkout-index \
+ --index \
+ --quiet \
+ --force \
+ -z \
+ --stdin \
+ ]
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-buffering full \
proc write_checkout_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch msg after} {
- global update_index_cp ui_status_value
+ global update_index_cp
global file_states current_diff_path
if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
- set ui_status_value [format \
+ ui_status [format \
"$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
update_indexinfo \
$txt \
$pathList \
- [concat $after {set ui_status_value {Ready.}}]
+ [concat $after [list ui_ready]]
update_index \
$txt \
$pathList \
- [concat $after {set ui_status_value {Ready to commit.}}]
+ [concat $after {ui_status {Ready to commit.}}]
+ # Split question between singular and plural cases, because
+ # such distinction is needed in some languages. Previously, the
+ # code used "Revert changes in" for both, but that can't work
+ # in languages where 'in' must be combined with word from
+ # rest of string (in diffrent way for both cases of course).
+ #
+ # FIXME: Unfortunately, even that isn't enough in some languages
+ # as they have quite complex plural-form rules. Unfortunately,
+ # msgcat doesn't seem to support that kind of string translation.
+ #
set n [llength $pathList]
if {$n == 0} {
} elseif {$n == 1} {
- set s "[short_path [lindex $pathList]]"
+ set query [mc "Revert changes in file %s?" [short_path [lindex $pathList]]]
} else {
- set s "these $n files"
+ set query [mc "Revert changes in these %i files?" $n]
set reply [tk_dialog \
.confirm_revert \
"[appname] ([reponame])" \
- "Revert changes in $s?
-Any unadded changes will be permanently lost by the revert." \
+ [mc "Any unstaged changes will be permanently lost by the revert."] \
question \
1 \
- {Do Nothing} \
- {Revert Changes} \
+ [mc "Do Nothing"] \
+ [mc "Revert Changes"] \
if {$reply == 1} {
checkout_index \
$txt \
$pathList \
- [concat $after {set ui_status_value {Ready.}}]
+ [concat $after [list ui_ready]]
} else {