field o_cons ; # Console object (if active)
field w_types ; # List of type buttons in clone
field w_recentlist ; # Listbox containing recent repositories
+field w_localpath ; # Entry widget bound to local_path
field done 0 ; # Finished picking the repository?
field local_path {} ; # Where this repository is locally
menu $m_repo
if {[is_MacOSX]} {
- $w.mbar add cascade -label [mc Apple] -menu
+ $w.mbar add cascade -label Apple -menu
menu $
$ add command \
-label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
button $w_body.where.b \
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _new_local_path]
+ set w_localpath $w_body.where.t
pack $w_body.where.b -side right
pack $w_body.where.l -side left
set local_path $p
+ $w_localpath icursor end
method _do_new2 {} {
-text [mc "Browse"] \
-command [cb _new_local_path]
grid $args.where_l $args.where_t $args.where_b -sticky ew
+ set w_localpath $args.where_t
label $args.type_l -text [mc "Clone Type:"]
frame $args.type_f