From: Rutger Nijlunsing <>
Subject: Setting up a git repository which can be pushed into and pulled from over HTTP(S).
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 22:00:26 +0200
+Content-type: text/asciidoc
+How to setup git server over http
Since Apache is one of those packages people like to compile
themselves while others prefer the bureaucrat's dream Debian, it is
Require valid-user
- Debian automatically reads all files under /etc/apach2/conf.d.
+ Debian automatically reads all files under /etc/apache2/conf.d.
The password file can be somewhere else, but it has to be readable by
Apache and preferably not readable by the world.
Make sure that you have HTTP support, i.e. your git was built with
-curl (version more recent than 7.10). The command 'git http-push' with
+libcurl (version more recent than 7.10). The command 'git http-push' with
no argument should display a usage message.
Then, add the following to your $HOME/.netrc (you can do without, but will be