if (defined $r0 && defined $parent) {
print STDERR "Found branch parent: ($self->{ref_id}) $parent\n";
- $self->assert_index_clean($parent);
my $ed;
if ($self->ra->can_do_switch) {
+ $self->assert_index_clean($parent);
print STDERR "Following parent with do_switch\n";
# do_switch works with svn/trunk >= r22312, but that
# is not included with SVN 1.4.3 (the latest version
my ($class, $url) = @_;
$url =~ s!/+$!!;
return $RA if ($RA && $RA->{url} eq $url);
+ $RA->{pool}->clear if $RA;
SVN::_Core::svn_config_ensure($config_dir, undef);
my ($baton, $callbacks) = SVN::Core::auth_open_helper([
my $new = ($rev_a == $rev_b);
my $path = $gs->{path};
+ if ($new && -e $gs->{index}) {
+ unlink $gs->{index} or die
+ "Couldn't unlink index: $gs->{index}: $!\n";
+ }
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my (@pc) = split m#/#, $path;