. git-sh-setup
# The file containing rebase commands, comments, and empty lines.
# This file is created by "git rebase -i" then edited by the user. As
# the lines are processed, they are removed from the front of this
# file and written to the tail of $done.
# The rebase command lines that have already been processed. A line
# is moved here when it is first handled, before any associated user
# actions.
# The commit message that is planned to be used for any changes that
# need to be committed following a user interaction.
# The file into which is accumulated the suggested commit message for
# squash/fixup commands. When the first of a series of squash/fixups
# written to the file so far (including the initial "pick" commit).
# Each time that a commit message is processed, this line is read and
# updated. It is deleted just before the combined commit is made.
# If the current series of squash/fixups has not yet included a squash
# command, then this file exists and holds the commit message of the
# original "pick" commit. (If the series ends without a "squash"
# command, then this can be used as the commit message of the combined
# commit without opening the editor.)
# $rewritten is the name of a directory containing files for each
# commit that is reachable by at least one merge base of $head and
# might be. This ensures that commits on merged, but otherwise
# unrelated side branches are left alone. (Think "X" in the man page's
# example.)
# A script to set the GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL, and
# GIT_AUTHOR_DATE that will be used for the commit that is currently
# being rebased.
# When an "edit" rebase command is being processed, the SHA1 of the
# commit to be edited is recorded in this file. When "git rebase
# will be amended to the HEAD commit, but only provided the HEAD
# commit is still the commit to be edited. When any other rebase
# command is processed, this file is deleted.
# For the post-rewrite hook, we make a list of rewritten commits and
# their new sha1s. The rewritten-pending list keeps the sha1s of
# commits that have been processed, but not committed yet,
# e.g. because they are waiting for a 'squash' command.
-hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
-hint: with 'git add <paths>' and run 'git rebase --continue'"
warn () {
printf '%s\n' "$*" >&2
-output () {
- case "$verbose" in
- '')
- output=$("$@" 2>&1 )
- status=$?
- test $status != 0 && printf "%s\n" "$output"
- return $status
- ;;
- *)
- "$@"
- ;;
- esac
# Output the commit message for the specified commit.
commit_message () {
git cat-file commit "$1" | sed "1,/^$/d"
-run_pre_rebase_hook () {
- if test -z "$ok_to_skip_pre_rebase" &&
- test -x "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-rebase"
- then
- "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-rebase" ${1+"$@"} || {
- echo >&2 "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
- exit 1
- }
- fi
comment_for_reflog () {
echo "Root commit"
- esac > "$dotest"/patch
+ esac > "$state_dir"/patch
test -f "$msg" ||
commit_message "$1" > "$msg"
test -f "$author_script" ||
die_with_patch () {
- echo "$1" > "$dotest"/stopped-sha
+ echo "$1" > "$state_dir"/stopped-sha
make_patch "$1"
git rerere
die "$2"
die_abort () {
- rm -rf "$dotest"
+ rm -rf "$state_dir"
die "$1"
output git rev-parse --verify $sha1 || die "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
test -d "$rewritten" &&
pick_one_preserving_merges "$@" && return
- if test -n "$rebase_root"
- then
- output git cherry-pick "$@"
- return
- fi
output git cherry-pick $ff "$@"
sha1=$(git rev-parse $sha1)
- if test -f "$dotest"/current-commit
+ if test -f "$state_dir"/current-commit
if test "$fast_forward" = t
while read current_commit
git rev-parse HEAD > "$rewritten"/$current_commit
- done <"$dotest"/current-commit
- rm "$dotest"/current-commit ||
+ done <"$state_dir"/current-commit
+ rm "$state_dir"/current-commit ||
die "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
- echo $sha1 >> "$dotest"/current-commit
+ echo $sha1 >> "$state_dir"/current-commit
# rewrite parents; if none were rewritten, we can fast-forward.
# No point in merging the first parent, that's HEAD
new_parents=${new_parents# $first_parent}
if ! do_with_author output \
- git merge ${strategy:+-s $strategy} -m \
+ git merge --no-ff ${strategy:+-s $strategy} -m \
"$msg_content" $new_parents
printf "%s\n" "$msg_content" > "$GIT_DIR"/MERGE_MSG
pick_one $sha1 ||
die_with_patch $sha1 "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
- echo "$sha1" > "$dotest"/stopped-sha
+ echo "$sha1" > "$state_dir"/stopped-sha
make_patch $sha1
git rev-parse --verify HEAD > "$amend"
warn "Stopped at $sha1... $rest"
printf 'Executing: %s\n' "$rest"
# "exec" command doesn't take a sha1 in the todo-list.
# => can't just use $sha1 here.
- git rev-parse --verify HEAD > "$dotest"/stopped-sha
+ git rev-parse --verify HEAD > "$state_dir"/stopped-sha
${SHELL:-@SHELL_PATH@} -c "$rest" # Actual execution
if test "$status" -ne 0
test -s "$todo" && return
comment_for_reflog finish &&
- headname=$(cat "$dotest"/head-name) &&
- oldhead=$(cat "$dotest"/head) &&
- shortonto=$(git rev-parse --short $(cat "$dotest"/onto)) &&
+ shortonto=$(git rev-parse --short $onto) &&
newhead=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
- case $headname in
+ case $head_name in
- message="$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: $headname onto $shortonto" &&
- git update-ref -m "$message" $headname $newhead $oldhead &&
- git symbolic-ref HEAD $headname
+ message="$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: $head_name onto $shortonto" &&
+ git update-ref -m "$message" $head_name $newhead $orig_head &&
+ git symbolic-ref \
+ -m "$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: returning to $head_name" \
+ HEAD $head_name
esac && {
- test ! -f "$dotest"/verbose ||
- git diff-tree --stat $(cat "$dotest"/head)..HEAD
+ test ! -f "$state_dir"/verbose ||
+ git diff-tree --stat $orig_head..HEAD
} &&
test -s "$rewritten_list" &&
"$GIT_DIR"/hooks/post-rewrite rebase < "$rewritten_list"
true # we don't care if this hook failed
fi &&
- rm -rf "$dotest" &&
+ rm -rf "$state_dir" &&
git gc --auto &&
- warn "Successfully rebased and updated $headname."
+ warn "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
die "Could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
-get_saved_options () {
- test -d "$rewritten" && preserve_merges=t
- test -f "$dotest"/strategy && strategy="$(cat "$dotest"/strategy)"
- test -f "$dotest"/verbose && verbose=t
- test -f "$dotest"/rebase-root && rebase_root=t
# Rearrange the todo list that has both "pick sha1 msg" and
# "pick sha1 fixup!/squash! msg" appears in it so that the latter
# comes immediately after the former, and change "pick" to
rm -f "$1.sq" "$1.rearranged"
-parse_onto () {
- case "$1" in
- *...*)
- if left=${1%...*} right=${1#*...} &&
- onto=$(git merge-base --all ${left:-HEAD} ${right:-HEAD})
- then
- case "$onto" in
- ?*"$LF"?* | '')
- exit 1 ;;
- esac
- echo "$onto"
- exit 0
- fi
- esac
- git rev-parse --verify "$1^0"
case "$action" in
- get_saved_options
- comment_for_reflog continue
- # Sanity check
- git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null ||
- die "Cannot read HEAD"
- git update-index --ignore-submodules --refresh &&
- git diff-files --quiet --ignore-submodules ||
- die "Working tree is dirty"
# do we have anything to commit?
if git diff-index --cached --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD --
- record_in_rewritten "$(cat "$dotest"/stopped-sha)"
+ record_in_rewritten "$(cat "$state_dir"/stopped-sha)"
require_clean_work_tree "rebase"
- get_saved_options
- comment_for_reflog abort
- git rerere clear
- headname=$(cat "$dotest"/head-name)
- head=$(cat "$dotest"/head)
- case $headname in
- refs/*)
- git symbolic-ref HEAD $headname
- ;;
- esac &&
- output git reset --hard $head &&
- rm -rf "$dotest"
- exit
- ;;
- get_saved_options
- comment_for_reflog skip
git rerere clear
- output git reset --hard && do_rest
+ do_rest
-if test -n "$onto"
- onto=$(parse_onto "$onto") || die "Does not point to a valid commit: $1"
-test -z "$rebase_root" -a $# -ge 1 -a $# -le 2 ||
-test ! -z "$rebase_root" -a $# -le 1 || usage
git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT >/dev/null ||
die "You need to set your committer info first"
-if test -z "$rebase_root"
- upstream_arg="$1"
- upstream=$(git rev-parse --verify "$1") || die "Invalid base"
- test -z "$onto" && onto=$upstream
- shift
- upstream=
- upstream_arg=--root
- test -z "$onto" &&
- die "You must specify --onto when using --root"
-run_pre_rebase_hook "$upstream_arg" "$@"
comment_for_reflog start
-require_clean_work_tree "rebase" "Please commit or stash them."
-if test ! -z "$1"
+if test ! -z "$switch_to"
- output git checkout "$1" -- ||
- die "Could not checkout $1"
+ output git checkout "$switch_to" -- ||
+ die "Could not checkout $switch_to"
-head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) || die "No HEAD?"
-mkdir "$dotest" || die "Could not create temporary $dotest"
-: > "$dotest"/interactive || die "Could not mark as interactive"
-git symbolic-ref HEAD > "$dotest"/head-name 2> /dev/null ||
- echo "detached HEAD" > "$dotest"/head-name
+orig_head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) || die "No HEAD?"
+mkdir "$state_dir" || die "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
-echo $head > "$dotest"/head
-case "$rebase_root" in
- rm -f "$dotest"/rebase-root ;;
- : >"$dotest"/rebase-root ;;
-echo $onto > "$dotest"/onto
-test -z "$strategy" || echo "$strategy" > "$dotest"/strategy
-test t = "$verbose" && : > "$dotest"/verbose
+: > "$state_dir"/interactive || die "Could not mark as interactive"
if test t = "$preserve_merges"
if test -z "$rebase_root"
mkdir "$rewritten" &&
- for c in $(git merge-base --all $head $upstream)
+ for c in $(git merge-base --all $orig_head $upstream)
echo $onto > "$rewritten"/$c ||
die "Could not init rewritten commits"
# parents to rewrite and skipping dropped commits would
# prematurely end our probe
- first_after_upstream="$(git rev-list --reverse --first-parent $upstream..$head | head -n 1)"
+ first_after_upstream="$(git rev-list --reverse --first-parent $upstream..$orig_head | head -n 1)"
merges_option="--no-merges --cherry-pick"
-shorthead=$(git rev-parse --short $head)
+shorthead=$(git rev-parse --short $orig_head)
shortonto=$(git rev-parse --short $onto)
if test -z "$rebase_root"
# this is now equivalent to ! -z "$upstream"
shortupstream=$(git rev-parse --short $upstream)
- revisions=$upstream...$head
+ revisions=$upstream...$orig_head
- revisions=$onto...$head
+ revisions=$onto...$orig_head
git rev-list $merges_option --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit \
mkdir "$dropped"
# Save all non-cherry-picked changes
git rev-list $revisions --left-right --cherry-pick | \
- sed -n "s/^>//p" > "$dotest"/not-cherry-picks
+ sed -n "s/^>//p" > "$state_dir"/not-cherry-picks
# Now all commits and note which ones are missing in
# not-cherry-picks and hence being dropped
git rev-list $revisions |
while read rev
- if test -f "$rewritten"/$rev -a "$(sane_grep "$rev" "$dotest"/not-cherry-picks)" = ""
+ if test -f "$rewritten"/$rev -a "$(sane_grep "$rev" "$state_dir"/not-cherry-picks)" = ""
# Use -f2 because if rev-list is telling us this commit is
# not worthwhile, we don't want to track its multiple heads,
test -d "$rewritten" || test -n "$force_rebase" || skip_unnecessary_picks
output git checkout $onto || die_abort "could not detach HEAD"
-git update-ref ORIG_HEAD $head
+git update-ref ORIG_HEAD $orig_head