sub usage() {
print STDERR <<END;
Usage: ${\basename $0} # fetch/update GIT from CVS
[ -o branch-for-HEAD ] [ -h ] [ -v ] [ -d CVSROOT ]
[ -p opts-for-cvsps ] [ -C GIT_repository ] [ -z fuzz ]
- [ -i ] [ -k ] [-s subst] [ CVS_module ]
+ [ -i ] [ -k ] [-s subst] [ -m ] [ -M regex] [ CVS_module ]
-getopts("hivko:d:p:C:z:s:") or usage();
+getopts("hivmko:d:p:C:z:s:M:") or usage();
usage if $opt_h;
@ARGV <= 1 or usage();
die 'Failed to open CVS/Repository';
$cvs_tree = <$f>;
chomp $cvs_tree;
- close $f
+ close $f;
} else {
+our @mergerx = ();
+if ($opt_m) {
+ @mergerx = ( qr/\W(?:from|of|merge|merging|merged) (\w+)/i );
+if ($opt_M) {
+ push (@mergerx, qr/$opt_M/);
select(STDERR); $|=1; select(STDOUT);
return $pwd;
+sub get_headref($$) {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $git_dir = shift;
+ my $sha;
+ if (open(C,"$git_dir/refs/heads/$name")) {
+ chomp($sha = <C>);
+ close(C);
+ length($sha) == 40
+ or die "Cannot get head id for $name ($sha): $!\n";
+ }
+ return $sha;
-d $git_tree
or mkdir($git_tree,0777)
or die "Could not create $git_tree: $!";
my @par = ();
@par = ("-p",$parent) if $parent;
+ # loose detection of merges
+ # based on the commit msg
+ foreach my $rx (@mergerx) {
+ if ($logmsg =~ $rx) {
+ my $mparent = $1;
+ if ($mparent eq 'HEAD') { $mparent = $opt_o };
+ if ( -e "$git_dir/refs/heads/$mparent") {
+ $mparent = get_headref($mparent, $git_dir);
+ push @par, '-p', $mparent;
+ # printing here breaks import #
+ # # print "Merge parent branch: $mparent\n" if $opt_v;
+ }
+ }
+ }