use Getopt::Std;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use Data::Dumper;
-use File::Basename qw(basename);
+use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
+use File::Spec;
+use Git;
-unless ($ENV{GIT_DIR} && -r $ENV{GIT_DIR}){
- die "GIT_DIR is not defined or is unreadable";
+our ($opt_h, $opt_P, $opt_p, $opt_v, $opt_c, $opt_f, $opt_a, $opt_m, $opt_d, $opt_u, $opt_w, $opt_W);
-our ($opt_h, $opt_p, $opt_v, $opt_c, $opt_f, $opt_m );
$opt_h && usage();
die "Need at least one commit identifier!" unless @ARGV;
-# setup a tempdir
-our ($tmpdir, $tmpdirname) = tempdir('git-cvsapplycommit-XXXXXX',
- TMPDIR => 1,
- CLEANUP => 1);
+# Get git-config settings
+my $repo = Git->repository();
+$opt_w = $repo->config('cvsexportcommit.cvsdir') unless defined $opt_w;
+if ($opt_w || $opt_W) {
+ # Remember where GIT_DIR is before changing to CVS checkout
+ unless ($ENV{GIT_DIR}) {
+ # No GIT_DIR set. Figure it out for ourselves
+ my $gd =`git-rev-parse --git-dir`;
+ chomp($gd);
+ $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $gd;
+ }
+ # Make sure GIT_DIR is absolute
+ $ENV{GIT_DIR} = File::Spec->rel2abs($ENV{GIT_DIR});
+if ($opt_w) {
+ if (! -d $opt_w."/CVS" ) {
+ die "$opt_w is not a CVS checkout";
+ }
+ chdir $opt_w or die "Cannot change to CVS checkout at $opt_w";
+unless ($ENV{GIT_DIR} && -r $ENV{GIT_DIR}){
+ die "GIT_DIR is not defined or is unreadable";
+my @cvs;
+if ($opt_d) {
+ @cvs = ('cvs', '-d', $opt_d);
+} else {
+ @cvs = ('cvs');
-print Dumper(@ARGV);
# resolve target commit
my $commit;
$commit = pop @ARGV;
# find parents from the commit itself
my @commit = safe_pipe_capture('git-cat-file', 'commit', $commit);
my @parents;
-foreach my $p (@commit) {
- if ($p =~ m/^$/) { # end of commit headers, we're done
- last;
+my $committer;
+my $author;
+my $stage = 'headers'; # headers, msg
+my $title;
+my $msg = '';
+foreach my $line (@commit) {
+ chomp $line;
+ if ($stage eq 'headers' && $line eq '') {
+ $stage = 'msg';
+ next;
- if ($p =~ m/^parent (\w{40})$/) { # found a parent
- push @parents, $1;
+ if ($stage eq 'headers') {
+ if ($line =~ m/^parent (\w{40})$/) { # found a parent
+ push @parents, $1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ m/^author (.+) \d+ [-+]\d+$/) {
+ $author = $1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ m/^committer (.+) \d+ [-+]\d+$/) {
+ $committer = $1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $msg .= $line . "\n";
+ unless ($title) {
+ $title = $line;
+ }
+my $noparent = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
if ($parent) {
+ my $found;
# double check that it's a valid parent
foreach my $p (@parents) {
- my $found;
if ($p eq $parent) {
$found = 1;
}; # found it
- die "Did not find $parent in the parents for this commit!";
+ die "Did not find $parent in the parents for this commit!" if !$found and !$opt_P;
} else { # we don't have a parent from the cmdline...
if (@parents == 1) { # it's safe to get it from the commit
$parent = $parents[0];
- } else { # or perhaps not!
- die "This commit has more than one parent -- please name the parent you want to use explicitly";
+ } elsif (@parents == 0) { # there is no parent
+ $parent = $noparent;
+ } else { # cannot choose automatically from multiple parents
+ die "This commit has more than one parent -- please name the parent you want to use explicitly";
+my $go_back_to = 0;
+if ($opt_W) {
+ $opt_v && print "Resetting to $parent\n";
+ $go_back_to = `git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null ||
+ git rev-parse HEAD` || die "Could not determine current branch";
+ system("git checkout -q $parent^0") && die "Could not check out $parent^0";
$opt_v && print "Applying to CVS commit $commit from parent $parent\n";
# grab the commit message
open(MSG, ">.msg") or die "Cannot open .msg for writing";
-print MSG $opt_m;
+if ($opt_m) {
+ print MSG $opt_m;
+print MSG $msg;
+if ($opt_a) {
+ print MSG "\n\nAuthor: $author\n";
+ if ($author ne $committer) {
+ print MSG "Committer: $committer\n";
+ }
close MSG;
-`git-cat-file commit $commit | sed -e '1,/^\$/d' >> .msg`;
-$? && die "Error extracting the commit message";
+if ($parent eq $noparent) {
+ `git-diff-tree --binary -p --root $commit >.cvsexportcommit.diff`;# || die "Cannot diff";
+} else {
+ `git-diff-tree --binary -p $parent $commit >.cvsexportcommit.diff`;# || die "Cannot diff";
-my (@afiles, @dfiles, @mfiles);
-my @files = safe_pipe_capture('git-diff-tree', '-r', $parent, $commit);
-#print @files;
-$? && die "Error in git-diff-tree";
-foreach my $f (@files) {
- chomp $f;
- my @fields = split(m!\s+!, $f);
- if ($fields[4] eq 'A') {
- push @afiles, $fields[5];
- }
- if ($fields[4] eq 'M') {
- push @mfiles, $fields[5];
- }
- if ($fields[4] eq 'R') {
- push @dfiles, $fields[5];
- }
+## apply non-binary changes
+# In pedantic mode require all lines of context to match. In normal
+# mode, be compatible with diff/patch: assume 3 lines of context and
+# require at least one line match, i.e. ignore at most 2 lines of
+# context, like diff/patch do by default.
+my $context = $opt_p ? '' : '-C1';
+print "Checking if patch will apply\n";
+my @stat;
+open APPLY, "GIT_DIR= git-apply $context --summary --numstat<.cvsexportcommit.diff|" || die "cannot patch";
+close APPLY || die "Cannot patch";
+my (@bfiles,@files,@afiles,@dfiles);
+chomp @stat;
+foreach (@stat) {
+ push (@bfiles,$1) if m/^-\t-\t(.*)$/;
+ push (@files, $1) if m/^-\t-\t(.*)$/;
+ push (@files, $1) if m/^\d+\t\d+\t(.*)$/;
+ push (@afiles,$1) if m/^ create mode [0-7]+ (.*)$/;
+ push (@dfiles,$1) if m/^ delete mode [0-7]+ (.*)$/;
-$opt_v && print "The commit affects:\n ";
-$opt_v && print join ("\n ", @afiles,@mfiles,@dfiles) . "\n\n";
-undef @files; # don't need it anymore
+map { s/^"(.*)"$/$1/g } @bfiles,@files;
+map { s/\\([0-7]{3})/sprintf('%c',oct $1)/eg } @bfiles,@files;
# check that the files are clean and up to date according to cvs
my $dirty;
-foreach my $f (@afiles) {
- # This should return only one value
- my @status = grep(m/^File/, safe_pipe_capture('cvs', '-q', 'status' ,$f));
- if (@status > 1) { warn 'Strange! cvs status returned more than one line?'};
- unless ($status[0] =~ m/Status: Unknown$/) {
- $dirty = 1;
- warn "File $f is already known in your CVS checkout -- perhaps it has been added by another user. Or this may indicate that it exists on a different branch. If this is the case, use -f to force the merge.\n";
+my @dirs;
+foreach my $p (@afiles) {
+ my $path = dirname $p;
+ while (!-d $path and ! grep { $_ eq $path } @dirs) {
+ unshift @dirs, $path;
+ $path = dirname $path;
-foreach my $f (@mfiles, @dfiles) {
- # TODO:we need to handle removed in cvs
- my @status = grep(m/^File/, safe_pipe_capture('cvs', '-q', 'status' ,$f));
- if (@status > 1) { warn 'Strange! cvs status returned more than one line?'};
- unless ($status[0] =~ m/Status: Up-to-date$/) {
+# ... check dirs,
+foreach my $d (@dirs) {
+ if (-e $d) {
$dirty = 1;
- warn "File $f not up to date in your CVS checkout!\n";
+ warn "$d exists and is not a directory!\n";
-if ($dirty) {
- if ($opt_f) { warn "The tree is not clean -- forced merge\n";
- $dirty = 0;
- } else {
- die "Exiting: your CVS tree is not clean for this merge.";
+# ... query status of all files that we have a directory for and parse output of 'cvs status' to %cvsstat.
+my @canstatusfiles;
+foreach my $f (@files) {
+ my $path = dirname $f;
+ next if (grep { $_ eq $path } @dirs);
+ push @canstatusfiles, $f;
+my %cvsstat;
+if (@canstatusfiles) {
+ if ($opt_u) {
+ my @updated = xargs_safe_pipe_capture([@cvs, 'update'], @canstatusfiles);
+ print @updated;
+ }
+ # "cvs status" reorders the parameters, notably when there are multiple
+ # arguments with the same basename. So be precise here.
+ my %added = map { $_ => 1 } @afiles;
+ my %todo = map { $_ => 1 } @canstatusfiles;
+ while (%todo) {
+ my @canstatusfiles2 = ();
+ my %fullname = ();
+ foreach my $name (keys %todo) {
+ my $basename = basename($name);
+ # CVS reports files that don't exist in the current revision as
+ # "no file $basename" in its "status" output, so we should
+ # anticipate that. Totally unknown files will have a status
+ # "Unknown". However, if they exist in the Attic, their status
+ # will be "Up-to-date" (this means they were added once but have
+ # been removed).
+ $basename = "no file $basename" if $added{$basename};
+ $basename =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $basename =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if (!exists($fullname{$basename})) {
+ $fullname{$basename} = $name;
+ push (@canstatusfiles2, $name);
+ delete($todo{$name});
+ }
+ }
+ my @cvsoutput;
+ @cvsoutput = xargs_safe_pipe_capture([@cvs, 'status'], @canstatusfiles2);
+ foreach my $l (@cvsoutput) {
+ chomp $l;
+ next unless
+ my ($file, $status) = $l =~ /^File:\s+(.*\S)\s+Status: (.*)$/;
+ my $fullname = $fullname{$file};
+ print STDERR "Huh? Status '$status' reported for unexpected file '$file'\n"
+ unless defined $fullname;
+ # This response means the file does not exist except in
+ # CVS's attic, so set the status accordingly
+ $status = "In-attic"
+ if $file =~ /^no file /
+ && $status eq 'Up-to-date';
+ $cvsstat{$fullname{$file}} = $status;
+ }
-### NOTE: if you are planning to die() past this point
-### you MUST call cleanupcvs(@files) before die()
+# ... Validate that new files have the correct status
+foreach my $f (@afiles) {
+ next unless defined(my $stat = $cvsstat{$f});
+ # This means the file has never been seen before
+ next if $stat eq 'Unknown';
-print "'Patching' binary files\n";
+ # This means the file has been seen before but was removed
+ next if $stat eq 'In-attic';
-my @bfiles = grep(m/^Binary/, safe_pipe_capture('git-diff-tree', '-p', $parent, $commit));
-@bfiles = map { chomp } @bfiles;
-foreach my $f (@bfiles) {
- # check that the file in cvs matches the "old" file
- # extract the file to $tmpdir and comparre with cmp
- my $tree = safe_pipe_capture('git-rev-parse', "$parent^{tree}");
- chomp $tree;
- my $blob = `git-ls-tree $tree "$f" | cut -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 3`;
- chomp $blob;
- `git-cat-file blob $blob > $tmpdir/blob`;
- if (system('cmp', '-s', $f, "$tmpdir/blob")) {
- warn "Binary file $f in CVS does not match parent.\n";
+ $dirty = 1;
+ warn "File $f is already known in your CVS checkout -- perhaps it has been added by another user. Or this may indicate that it exists on a different branch. If this is the case, use -f to force the merge.\n";
+ warn "Status was: $cvsstat{$f}\n";
+# ... validate known files.
+foreach my $f (@files) {
+ next if grep { $_ eq $f } @afiles;
+ # TODO:we need to handle removed in cvs
+ unless (defined ($cvsstat{$f}) and $cvsstat{$f} eq "Up-to-date") {
$dirty = 1;
- next;
+ warn "File $f not up to date but has status '$cvsstat{$f}' in your CVS checkout!\n";
- # replace with the new file
- `git-cat-file blob $blob > $f`;
- # TODO: something smart with file modes
if ($dirty) {
- cleanupcvs(@files);
- die "Exiting: Binary files in CVS do not match parent";
+ if ($opt_f) { warn "The tree is not clean -- forced merge\n";
+ $dirty = 0;
+ } else {
+ die "Exiting: your CVS tree is not clean for this merge.";
+ }
-## apply non-binary changes
-my $fuzz = $opt_p ? 0 : 2;
-print "Patching non-binary files\n";
-print `(git-diff-tree -p $parent -p $commit | patch -p1 -F $fuzz ) 2>&1`;
+print "Applying\n";
+if ($opt_W) {
+ system("git checkout -q $commit^0") && die "cannot patch";
+} else {
+ `GIT_DIR= git-apply $context --summary --numstat --apply <.cvsexportcommit.diff` || die "cannot patch";
+print "Patch applied successfully. Adding new files and directories to CVS\n";
my $dirtypatch = 0;
-if (($? >> 8) == 2) {
- cleanupcvs(@files);
- die "Exiting: Patch reported serious trouble -- you will have to apply this patch manually";
-} elsif (($? >> 8) == 1) { # some hunks failed to apply
- $dirtypatch = 1;
+# We have to add the directories in order otherwise we will have
+# problems when we try and add the sub-directory of a directory we
+# have not added yet.
+# Luckily this is easy to deal with by sorting the directories and
+# dealing with the shortest ones first.
+@dirs = sort { length $a <=> length $b} @dirs;
+foreach my $d (@dirs) {
+ if (system(@cvs,'add',$d)) {
+ $dirtypatch = 1;
+ warn "Failed to cvs add directory $d -- you may need to do it manually";
+ }
foreach my $f (@afiles) {
- system('cvs', 'add', $f);
+ if (grep { $_ eq $f } @bfiles) {
+ system(@cvs, 'add','-kb',$f);
+ } else {
+ system(@cvs, 'add', $f);
+ }
if ($?) {
- $dirty = 1;
+ $dirtypatch = 1;
warn "Failed to cvs add $f -- you may need to do it manually";
foreach my $f (@dfiles) {
- system('cvs', 'rm', '-f', $f);
+ system(@cvs, 'rm', '-f', $f);
if ($?) {
- $dirty = 1;
+ $dirtypatch = 1;
warn "Failed to cvs rm -f $f -- you may need to do it manually";
print "Commit to CVS\n";
-my $commitfiles = join(' ', @afiles, @mfiles, @dfiles);
-my $cmd = "cvs commit -F .msg $commitfiles";
+print "Patch title (first comment line): $title\n";
+my @commitfiles = map { unless (m/\s/) { '\''.$_.'\''; } else { $_; }; } (@files);
+my $cmd = join(' ', @cvs)." commit -F .msg @commitfiles";
if ($dirtypatch) {
print "NOTE: One or more hunks failed to apply cleanly.\n";
- print "Resolve the conflicts and then commit using:\n";
- print "\n $cmd\n\n";
+ print "You'll need to apply the patch in .cvsexportcommit.diff manually\n";
+ print "using a patch program. After applying the patch and resolving the\n";
+ print "problems you may commit using:";
+ print "\n cd \"$opt_w\"" if $opt_w;
+ print "\n $cmd\n";
+ print "\n git checkout $go_back_to\n" if $go_back_to;
+ print "\n";
if ($opt_c) {
print "Autocommit\n $cmd\n";
- print safe_pipe_capture('cvs', 'commit', '-F', '.msg', @afiles, @mfiles, @dfiles);
+ print xargs_safe_pipe_capture([@cvs, 'commit', '-F', '.msg'], @files);
if ($?) {
- cleanupcvs(@files);
die "Exiting: The commit did not succeed";
print "Committed successfully to CVS\n";
+ # clean up
+ unlink(".msg");
} else {
print "Ready for you to commit, just run:\n\n $cmd\n";
+# clean up
+if ($opt_W) {
+ system("git checkout $go_back_to") && die "cannot move back to $go_back_to";
+ if (!($go_back_to =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/)) {
+ system("git symbolic-ref HEAD $go_back_to") &&
+ die "cannot move back to $go_back_to";
+ }
+# CVS version 1.11.x and 1.12.x sleeps the wrong way to ensure the timestamp
+# used by CVS and the one set by subsequence file modifications are different.
+# If they are not different CVS will not detect changes.
sub usage {
print STDERR <<END;
-Usage: GIT_DIR=/path/to/.git ${\basename $0} [-h] [-p] [-v] [-c] [-f] [-m msgprefix] [ parent ] commit
+Usage: GIT_DIR=/path/to/.git git cvsexportcommit [-h] [-p] [-v] [-c] [-f] [-u] [-w cvsworkdir] [-m msgprefix] [ parent ] commit
-# ensure cvs is clean before we die
-sub cleanupcvs {
- my @files = @_;
- foreach my $f (@files) {
- system('cvs', '-q', 'update', '-C', $f);
- if ($?) {
- warn "Warning! Failed to cleanup state of $f\n";
- }
- }
-# An alterative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array
+# An alternative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array
# to work around shell problems with weird characters in arguments
# if the exec returns non-zero we die
sub safe_pipe_capture {
return wantarray ? @output : join('',@output);
+sub xargs_safe_pipe_capture {
+ my $MAX_ARG_LENGTH = 65536;
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my @output;
+ my $output;
+ while(@_) {
+ my @args;
+ my $length = 0;
+ while(@_ && $length < $MAX_ARG_LENGTH) {
+ push @args, shift;
+ $length += length($args[$#args]);
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ push @output, safe_pipe_capture(@$cmd, @args);
+ }
+ else {
+ $output .= safe_pipe_capture(@$cmd, @args);
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @output : $output;