From: Junio C Hamano Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2015 19:00:19 +0000 (-0700) Subject: Merge branch 'jk/asciidoc-markup-fix' into maint X-Git-Tag: v2.4.3~11 X-Git-Url: Merge branch 'jk/asciidoc-markup-fix' into maint Various documentation mark-up fixes to make the output more consistent in general and also make AsciiDoctor (an alternative formatter) happier. * jk/asciidoc-markup-fix: doc: convert AsciiDoc {?foo} to ifdef::foo[] doc: put example URLs and emails inside literal backticks doc: drop backslash quoting of some curly braces doc: convert \--option to --option doc/add: reformat `--edit` option doc: fix length of underlined section-title doc: fix hanging "+"-continuation doc: fix unquoted use of "{type}" doc: fix misrendering due to `single quote' --- 96b7f93ac85ba09aaa82ecc86bf14cba481bbdbb diff --cc Documentation/config.txt index 2e5ceaf719,7714798ffe..9ccabb4a6e --- a/Documentation/config.txt +++ b/Documentation/config.txt @@@ -2274,14 -2260,14 +2274,14 @@@ remote..receivepack: remote..uploadpack:: The default program to execute on the remote side when fetching. See - option \--upload-pack of linkgit:git-fetch-pack[1]. + option --upload-pack of linkgit:git-fetch-pack[1]. -remote..tagopt:: +remote..tagOpt:: - Setting this value to \--no-tags disables automatic tag following when - fetching from remote . Setting it to \--tags will fetch every + Setting this value to --no-tags disables automatic tag following when + fetching from remote . Setting it to --tags will fetch every tag from remote , even if they are not reachable from remote branch heads. Passing these flags directly to linkgit:git-fetch[1] can - override this setting. See options \--tags and \--no-tags of + override this setting. See options --tags and --no-tags of linkgit:git-fetch[1]. remote..vcs::