git-gui: Gracefully display non-aspell version errors to users
If the user has somehow managed to make us execute ispell instead
of aspell, even though our code is invoking aspell, and ispell is
not recognizing the aspell command line options we use to invoke
it then we don't want a giant usage message back from ispell.
Instead we show the ispell version number, letting the user know
we don't actually support that spell checker.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Catch and display aspell startup failures to the user
If we feed a bad dictionary name to aspell on startup it may appear
to start (as Tcl found the executable in our $PATH) but it fails to
give us the version string. In such a case the close of the pipe
will report the exit status of the process (failure) and that is
an error in Tcl.
We now trap the subprocess failure and display the stderr message
from it, letting the user know why the failure is happening. We then
disable the spell checker, but keep our object instance so the user
can alter their preferred dictionary through the options dialog, and
possibly restart the spell checker.
I was also originally wrong to use "error" here for the display
of the problem to the user. I meant to use "error_popup", which
will open a message box and show the failure in a GUI context,
rather than killing git-gui and showing the message on the console.
Noticed by Ilari on #git.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Only bind the spellcheck popup suggestion hook once
If we reconnect to the spellchecker there is no reason to resetup
the binding for button 3 on our text widget to show the suggestion
list (if available).
Plus, by moving it out of _connect and into init we can now break
out of _connect earlier if there is something wrong with the pipe,
for example if the dictionary we were asked to load is not valid.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Remove explicit references to 'aspell' in message strings
Users may or may not be using aspell here. About the only thing
we are using that is aspell specific (and not supported by ispell
or an ispell variant) is some command line options when we start
up aspell, and a forced encoding of UTF-8. Both of these can be
corrected and/or cleaned up by users through an aspell wrapper
script, or through further improvements to git-gui. There is no
reason to require our translated strings to reference a specific
spell checker, especially if that spell checker implementation is
not very suitable for the language being translated.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Ensure all spellchecker 'class' variables are initialized
If we somehow managed to get our spellchecker instance created but
aspell wasn't startable we may not finish _connect and thus may
find one or more of our fields was not initialized in the instance.
If we have an instance but no version, there is no reason to show
a version to the user in our about dialog. We effectively have no
spellchecker available.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Ensure error dialogs always appear over all other windows
If we are opening an error dialog we want it to appear above all of
the other windows, even those that we may have opened with a grab
to make the window modal. Failure to do so may allow an error
dialog to open up (and grab focus!) under an existing toplevel,
making the user think git-gui has frozen up and is unresponsive,
as they cannot get to the dialog.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
"git gui" would complain at launch if the local version of Git was
"". Loosen the regular expression to look for either
"-dirty" or ".dirty", thus eliminating spurious warnings.
Signed-off-by: Wincent Colaiuta <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Automatically spell check commit messages as the user types
Many user friendly tools like word processors, email editors and web
browsers allow users to spell check the message they are writing
as they type it, making it easy to identify a common misspelling
of a word and correct it on the fly.
We now open a bi-directional pipe to Aspell and feed the message
text the user is editing off to the program about once every 300
milliseconds. This is frequent enough that the user sees the results
almost immediately, but is not so frequent as to cause significant
additional load on the system. If the user has modified the message
text during the last 300 milliseconds we delay until the next period,
ensuring that we avoid flooding the Aspell process with a lot of
text while the user is actively typing their message.
We wait to send the current message buffer to Aspell until the user
is at a word boundary, thus ensuring that we are not likely to ask
for misspelled word detection on a word that the user is actively
typing, as most words are misspelled when only partially typed,
even if the user has thus far typed it correctly.
Misspelled words are highlighted in red and are given an underline,
causing the word to stand out from the others in the buffer. This is
a very common user interface idiom for displaying misspelled words,
but differs from one platform to the next in slight variations.
For example the Mac OS X system prefers using a dashed red underline,
leaving the word in the original text color. Unfortunately the
control that Tk gives us over text display is not powerful enough
to handle such formatting so we have to work with the least common
The top suggestions for a misspelling are saved in an array and
offered to the user when they right-click (or on the Mac ctrl-click)
a misspelled word. Selecting an entry from this menu will replace
the misspelling with the correction shown. Replacement is integrated
with the undo/redo stack so undoing a replacement will restore the
misspelled original text.
If Aspell could not be started during git-gui launch we silently eat
the error and run without spell checking support. This way users
who do not have Aspell in their $PATH can continue to use git-gui,
although they will not get the advanced spelling functionality.
If Aspell started successfully the version line and language are
shown in git-gui's about box, below the Tcl/Tk versions. This way
the user can verify the Aspell function has been activated.
If Aspell crashes while we are running we inform the user with an
error dialog and then disable Aspell entirely for the rest of this
git-gui session. This prevents us from fork-bombing the system
with Aspell instances that always crash when presented with the
current message text, should there be a bug in either Aspell or in
git-gui's output to it.
We escape all input lines with ^, as recommended by the Aspell manual
page, as this allows Aspell to properly ignore any input line that is
otherwise looking like a command (e.g. ! to enable terse output). By
using this escape however we need to correct all word offsets by -1 as
Aspell is apparently considering the ^ escape to be part of the line's
character count, but our Tk text widget obviously does not.
Available dictionaries are offered in the Options dialog, allowing
the user to select the language they want to spellcheck commit
messages with for the current repository, as well as the global
user setting that all repositories inherit.
Special thanks to Adam Flott for suggesting connecting git-gui
to Aspell for the purpose of spell checking the commit message,
and to Wincent Colaiuta for the idea to wait for a word boundary
before passing the message over for checking.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
In the multiple message case we remove the word "messages" from the
statistics output of msgfmt as it looks cleaner on the tty when you
are watching the build process. However we failed to strip the word
"message" when only 1 message was found to be untranslated or fuzzy,
as msgfmt does not produce the 's' suffix.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Make the statistics of po2msg match those of msgfmt
The strings we were showing from po2msg didn't exactly match those
of msgfmt's --statistics output so we didn't show quite the same
results when building git-gui's message files. Now we're closer
to what msgfmt shows (at least for an en_US locale) so the make
output matches.
I noticed that the fuzzy translation count is off by one for the
current po/zh_cn.po file. Not sure why and I'm not going to try
and debug it at this time as the po2msg is strictly a fallback,
users building from source really should prefer msgfmt.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Fallback to Tcl based if msgfmt isn't available
If msgfmt fails with exit code 127 that typically means the program
is not found in the user's PATH and thus cannot be executed by make.
In such a case we can try to fallback to the Tcl based po2msg program
that we distributed with git-gui, as it does a "good enough" job.
We still don't default to however as it does not perform
a lot of the sanity checks that msgfmt does, and quite a few of
those are too useful to give up.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Work around random missing scrollbar in revision list
If the horizontal scrollbar isn't currently visible (because it has
not been needed) but we get an update to the scroll port we may find
the scrollbar window exists but the Tcl command doesn't. Apparently
it is possible for Tk to have partially destroyed the scrollbar by
removing the Tcl procedure name but still leaving the widget name in
the window registry.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Correct encoding of glossary/fr.po to UTF-8
Junio noticed this was incorrectly added in ISO-8859-1 but it should
be in UTF-8 (as the headers claim UTF-8, and our convention is to use
only UTF-8).
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Consolidate hook execution code into a single function
The code we use to test if a hook is executable or not differs on
Cygwin from the normal POSIX case. Rather then repeating that for
all three hooks we call in our commit code path we can place the
common logic into a global procedure and invoke it when necessary.
This also lets us get rid of the ugly "|& cat" we were using before
as we can now rely on the Tcl 8.4 feature of "2>@1" or fallback to
the "|& cat" when necessary.
The post-commit hook is now run through the same API, but its outcome
does not influence the commit status. As a result we now show any of
the errors from the post-commit hook in a dialog window, instead of on
the user's tty that was used to launch git-gui. This resolves a long
standing bug related to not getting errors out of the post-commit hook
when launched under git-gui.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Correct window title for hook failure dialogs
During i18n translation work this message was partially broken
by using "append" instead of "strcat" to join the two different
parts of the message together.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
Under core Git the git-commit tool will invoke the commit-msg hook
if it exists and is executable to the user running git-commit. As
a hook it has some limited value as it cannot alter the commit, but
it can modify the message the user is attempting to commit. It is
also able to examine the message to ensure it conforms to some local
Since the hook takes the name of a temporary file holding the message
as its only parameter we need to move the code that creates the temp
file up earlier in our commit code path, and then pass through that
file name to the latest stage (where we call git-commit-tree). We let
the hook alter the file as it sees fit and we don't bother to look at
its content again until the commit succeeded and we need the subject
for the reflog update.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
gg_libdir is converted to an absolute Windows path on Cygwin,
but a later step attempts to prefix $DESTDIR to install to a
staging directory. Explicitly separate the uses of gg_libdir for
these two purposes so installation to $DESTDIR will work.
Signed-off-by: Mark Levedahl <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Refresh file status description after hunk application
If we apply a hunk in either direction this may change the file's
status. For example if a file is completely unstaged, and has at
least two hunks in it and the user stages one hunk the file will
change from "Modified, not staged" to "Portions staged for commit".
Resetting the file path causes our trace on this variable to fire;
that trace is used to update the file header in the diff viewer to
the file's current status.
Noticed by Johannes Sixt.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Allow 'Create New Repository' on existing directories
Often users setup a few source files and get a project rolling
before they create a Git repository for it. In such cases the
core Git tools allow users to initialize a new repository by
simply running `git init` at the desired root level directory.
We need to allow the same situation in git-gui; if the user is
trying to make a new repository we should let them do that to any
location they chose. If the directory already exists and already
has files contained within it we still should allow the user to
create a repository there. However we still need to disallow
creating a repository on top of an existing repository.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Make commit log messages end with a newline
Concatenating commit log messages from multiple commits works better
when all of the commits end with a clean line break.
Its good to be strict in what you create, and lenient in what you
accept, and since we're creating here, we should always try to
Do The Right Thing(tm).
Signed-off-by: Bernt Hansen <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Unconditionally use absolute paths with Cygwin
The mapping of Windows vs Cygwin/Posix paths is arbitrary and not knowable
from the Posix side, so logic to determine whether to use relative paths
to locate the git-gui library just does not work on Cygwin. Fix this to
unconditionally use absolute path on Cygwin. (This fixes a regression
from 1.5.4).
Signed-off-by: Mark Levedahl <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Handle file mode changes (644->755) in diff viewer
Johannes Sixt pointed out the diff headers "old mode ..." and
"new mode ..." were not being parsed properly by git-gui. We
now include them in the diff viewer for a file.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Move frequently used commands to the top of the context menu.
"Stage/Unstage Hunk" is probably the most frequently used command of the
patch context menu *and* it is not available in some other form than
the context menu. Therefore, it should go to the top. "Less Context" and
"More Context" entries are also not easily available otherwise, and are
therefore, moved second. The other entries are available via key strokes
(Copy, Paste, Refresh) or rarly used (Font Size, Options) and can go last.
Signed-off-by: Johannes Sixt <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: install-sh from automake does not like -m755
The install-sh script as shipped with automake requires a space between
the -m switch and its argument. Since this is also the regular way of
doing it with other install implementations this change inserts the
missing space.
Signed-off-by: Robert Schiele <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
Any program using getopt or getopt_long will stop processing options
once a non-option argument has been encountered, if POSIXLY_CORRECT is
set. Therefore, reorder the command-line arguments to put options
first, so that the msgfmt call works in this scenario.
Signed-off-by: brian m. carlson <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
Previously we allowed users to tweak their font weight to be bold by
setting it manually in their ~/.gitconfig prior to starting git-gui.
This was broken in ae0754ac9a24afa2693246222fc078fe9c133b3a when
Simon set the font weight to normal by default, overridding whatever
we found from the ~/.gitconfig file.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
If a translation string uses a format character we don't have an
argument for then it may throw an error when we attempt to format
the translation. In this case switch back to the default format
that comes with the program (aka the English translation).
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Make sure we get errors from git-update-index
I'm seeing a lot of silent failures from git-update-index on
Windows and this is leaving the index.lock file intact, which
means users are later unable to perform additional operations.
When the index is locked behind our back and we are unable to
use it we may need to allow the user to delete the index lock
and try again. However our UI state is probably not currect
as we have assumed that some changes were applied but none of
them actually did. A rescan is the easiest (in code anyway)
solution to correct our UI to show what the index really has
(or doesn't have).
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
Git progress bars from tools like git-push and git-fetch use CR
to skip back to the start of the current line and redraw it with
an updated progress. We were doing this in our Tk widget but had
failed to skip the CR, which Tk doesn't draw well.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
Post Git 1.5.3 a new style progress bar has been introduced that
uses only one line rather than two. The formatting of the completed
and total section is also slightly different so we must adjust our
regexp to match. Unfortunately both styles are in active use by
different versions of Git so we need to look for both.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Correctly report failures from git-write-tree
If git-write-tree fails (such as if the index file is currently
locked and it wants to write to it) we were not getting the error
message as $tree_id was always the empty string so we shortcut
through the catch and never got the output from stderr.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-config won't honor any options after --list. We must supply
the --global option in front of --list if we really want to load
the global configuration options.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Honor a config.mak in git-gui's top level
I keep forgetting to include TCLTK_PATH when I build git-gui on some
systems. Placing that rule (among others) into a config.mak makes it
easier to compile the application the same way every time.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Collapse $env(HOME) to ~/ in recent repositories on Windows
Apparently native Tcl/Tk on Windows is using \ as the return value
from [file separator] but [file normalize] on that same system is
using / rather than \ to represent a directory separator. I really
think that is nuts, but its what is happening.
So we can actually just hardcode our separator to / as all systems
we support (Windows, Mac OS X, UNIX) use /.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
If the user tries to clone a Git repository that is actually a
workdir of another repository (by way of contrib git-new-workdir)
then the contents of .git is a series of Windows .lnk files which
Tcl can't read if this is a native Tcl process. To read the real
objects directory we need to resolve the link to that location.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Use proper Windows shortcuts instead of bat files
On Windows its better to use a shortcut (.lnk file) over a batch
script (.bat) as we can specify the icon file for the .lnk and
thus have these git specific objects appear on the desktop with
that git specific icon file.
Unfortunately the authors of Tcl did not bless us with the APIs
needed to create shortcuts from within Tcl. But Microsoft did
give us Windows Scripting Host which allows us to execute some
JavaScript that calls some sort of COM object that can operate
on a .lnk file.
We now build both Cygwin and non-Cygwin "desktop icons" as proper
Windows .lnk files, using the "Start in" property of these files
to indicate the working directory of the repository the user wants
to launch.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Ensure copyright message is correctly read as UTF-8
On Windows using the native Tcl/Tk the copyright header is
being read from the script using the system encoding, which
may not be utf-8. This causes the multi-byte copyright symbol
(which is actually encoded as utf-8) to read as two characters
and not as a proper copyright symbol. Explicitly asking Tcl
to read this sequence of bytes as utf-8 corrects the issue.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Bind n/c/o accelerators in repository chooser
On Windows we need to actually setup binds for the accelerator
keys, otherwise the OS doesn't respond to them when the user
presses the key combinations. Apparently we automatically get
these on Mac OS X when we configure the menu commands, but not
on Windows.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Fix bind errors when switching repository chooser panels
We need to remove any variable traces we may have installed
when the panel is destroyed as the trace may attempt to use
a widget that no longer exists on this panel.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Offer repository management features in menu bar
When we show the repository chooser as the primary toplevel (".") we
now offer the major choices not just on the window as hyperlinks but
they also now are shown in the Repository menu, including the recent
repository list.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Change repository browser radio buttons to hyperlinks
Making a user click twice to select which action they want to perform
when starting git-gui is just wasting their time. Clicking once on a
radio button and then clicking again on the "Next >" button is quite
Since the recent repository list is shown as a list of hyperlinks we
now offer the 3 basic startup actions as hyperlinks. Clicking on a
link will immediately jump to the next UI panel, saving the user time
as they don't need to click an additional button.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: offer a list of recent repositories on startup
If git-gui is started outside a work tree the repository chooser
will offer a list of recently opened repositories. Clicking on
any list entry directly opens the repository.
The list of recently opened repositories is stored in the config
as the multi-valued option gui.recentrepo. If the list grows beyond
10 entries it will be truncated by removing one of the older entries.
Only repositories that are opened through the repository chooser
will get added to the recent list. Repositories opened from the
shell will not yet be added to the recent list, as users are likely
to have a way to easily return to the same directory via their shell.
[sp: This is actually a combined work from both Steffen and myself.
Most of the ideas are Steffen's, as is the basic outline of
the code, but any outstanding bugs are entirely my fault.]
Signed-off-by: Steffen Prohaska <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Support LFs embedded in config file values
Using the new --null option added to git-config in git 1.5.3 we
can safely accept LFs that are embedded in configuration options.
This does require a completely different configuration file parser
then the pre 1.5.3 version as we are splitting on very different
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
The parsing for the output of `git config --list` is the same for
both the global options and the current repository's options so we
can really just use the same parser between them.
I'm currently just refactoring the parser so we can use a different
one depending on the version of git available to us at runtime. My
next change will add support for 1.5.3's --null option.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
To better handle configuration options that contain LFs in their
values we want to use the new -z option available in git-config
version 1.5.3 and later. To configure load_config based upon the
git version we need to move thos below the git-version computation.
No logic changes yet, just a minor reordering of the code.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: Change main window layout to support wider screens
The layout is changed to have the file lists at the left (Unstaged
Changes at the top, Staged Changes below it) and the diff window
at the right (with the commit area below it).
An Italian glossary was also added. Some changes:
* commit (verb): (creare una) nuova revisione
* commit (noun): revisione
* checkout: attivazione
* tracking branch: duplicato locale di ramo remoto
* repository: archivio
* some terms are used with more consistency
Signed-off-by: Michele Ballabio <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
The wrapper adds the directory it is installed in to PATH.
This is required for the git commands implemented in shell.
git-gui fails to launch them if PATH is not modified.
The wrapper script also accepts an optional command line
switch '--working-dir <dir>' and changes to <dir> before
launching the actual git-gui. This is required to implement
the "Git Gui Here" Explorer shell extension.
As a last step the original git-gui script is launched,
which is expected to be located in the same directory
under the name git-gui.tcl.
Signed-off-by: Steffen Prohaska <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
git-gui: add directory git-gui is located in to PATH (on Windows)
This commit modifies PATH to include a good guess where git
could be found. The first location to search for executable is
the directory git-gui is installed in. This is a good guess for
a sane installation.
Even if git is not available in PATH, git-gui is now able
to find it. Hence git-gui can be passed to wish as an absolute
path without caring about the environment.
We must modify PATH to be able to spawn shell based git commands.
For builtins it would be sufficient to located them and execute
them with their absolute path. But for shell based git commmands
PATH needs to be modified.
Signed-off-by: Steffen Prohaska <> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
* cs/de:
git-gui: Update German translation, including latest glossary changes
git-gui: Incorporate glossary changes into existing German translation
git-gui: Update German glossary according to mailing list discussion
git-gui: Add more words to translation glossary
git-gui: Shorten the staged/unstaged changes title bar text
The titles for the staged and unstaged areas were usually opening
up too narrow by default, causing the text to be clipped by Tcl as
it tried to center the text in the middle of the available area.
This meant that users who were new to git-gui did not get to see
the entire header and may be unclear about what the different lists
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
A Mac OS X UI convention is to have Cmd-, be the accelerator key
for the preferences window, which by convention is located in the
apple menu under a separator below the about command. We also now
call this "Preferences..." as that is the conventional term used
in English.
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>