2# __main__.py
4# This module is the entrypoint of the `logparse` shell command and also
5# contains single-use functions which don't fit elsewhere.
8import logging, logging.handlers
9import argparse
10import os
11import glob
12import sys
13from subprocess import check_output
14from datetime import datetime
16import logparse
17import logparse.config
18from logparse.config import prefs, loadconf
19from logparse import formatting, mail, config, load_parsers
21global argparser
23def rotate(): # Rotate logs using systemd logrotate
24 try:
25 if not os.geteuid() == 0:
26 if sys.stdin.isatty():
27 logger.warning("Not running as root, using sudo (may require password to be entered)")
28 rotate_shell = check_output("sudo logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf", shell=True)
29 else:
30 raise PermissionError("Root priviliges are required to run logrotate but are not provided")
31 else:
32 rotate_shell = check_output("/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf", shell=True)
33 logger.info("Rotated logfiles")
34 logger.debug("logrotate output: " + rotate_shell)
35 except Exception as e:
36 logger.warning("Failed to rotate log files: " + str(e))
38def rotate_sim(): # Simulate log rotation
39 try:
40 if not os.geteuid() == 0:
41 logger.warning("Cannot run logrotate as root - you will see permission errors in the output below")
42 sim_cmd = "logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.conf"
43 logger.debug("Here is the output of `{0}` (simulated):".format(sim_cmd))
44 sim = check_output(sim_cmd, shell=True)
45 logger.debug(sim)
46 except Exception as e:
47 logger.warning("Failed to get logrotate simulation: " + str(e))
50def main():
51 # Get arguments
52 global argparser
53 argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='grab logs of some common services and send them by email')
54 argparser.add_argument('-t','--to', help='mail recipient (\"to\" address)', required=False)
55 argparser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help='path to config file', required=False, default="/etc/logparse/logparse.conf")
56 argparser.add_argument('-p', '--print', help='print HTML to stdout', required=False, dest='printout', action='store_true', default=False)
57 argparser.add_argument('-d', '--destination', help='file to output HTML', required=False)
58 argparser.add_argument('-f', '--overwrite', help='force overwrite an existing output file', required=False, action='store_true', default=False)
59 argparser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='verbose console/syslog output (for debugging)', required=False, default=False, action='store_true')
60 argparser.add_argument('-r', '--rotate', help='force rotate log files using systemd logrotate (overrides --rotate and "rotate" in logparse.conf)', required=False, default=False, action='store_true')
61 argparser.add_argument('-nr', '--no-rotate', help='do not rotate logfiles (overrides --rotate and logparse.conf)', required=False, default=False, action='store_true')
62 argparser.add_argument('-s', '--simulate', help="test run logrotate (do not actually change files)", required=False, default=False, action="store_true")
63 argparser.add_argument('-l', '--logs', help='services to analyse', required=False)
64 argparser.add_argument('-nl', '--ignore-logs', help='skip these services (takes precedence over -l)', required=False)
65 argparser.add_argument('-es', '--embed-styles', help='make CSS rules inline rather than linking the file', required=False, default=False, action='store_true')
66 argparser.add_argument('-nh', '--plain', help='write/send plain text rather than HTML', required=False, default=False, action='store_true')
67 argparser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='no output to stdout', required=False, default=False, action='store_true')
68 argparser.add_argument('-nm', '--no-mail', help="do not send email (overrides config file)", required=False, default=False, action="store_true")
69 argparser.add_argument('-nw', '--no-write', help="do not write output file (overrides config file)", required=False, default=False, action="store_true")
71 # Load config
72 config.prefs = loadconf(argparser.parse_args().config)
74 # Set up logging
75 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
76 loghandler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address = '/dev/log')
77 loghandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt='logparse[' + str(os.getpid()) + ']: %(message)s'))
78 loghandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # don't spam syslog with debug messages
79 if argparser.parse_args().quiet or config.prefs.getboolean("logparse", "quiet"):
80 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL)
81 elif argparser.parse_args().verbose or config.prefs.getboolean("logparse", "verbose"):
82 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
83 logger.debug("Verbose mode turned on")
84 else:
85 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
86 logger.addHandler(loghandler)
88 logger.debug([x for x in config.prefs.sections()])
89 logger.debug(config.prefs.get("logparse", "output"))
90 logger.debug("Config test: " + config.prefs.get("logparse", "output"))
92 # Time analysis
93 global start
94 start = datetime.now()
95 logger.info("Beginning log analysis at {0} {1}".format(start.strftime(formatting.DATEFMT), start.strftime(formatting.TIMEFMT)))
96 logger.debug("This is {0} version {1}, running on Python {2}".format(logparse.__name__, logparse.__version__, sys.version.replace('\n', '')))
98 # Write header
100 formatting.init_var()
102 if argparser.parse_args().plain:
103 output = formatting.PlaintextOutput(linewidth=config.prefs.getint("plain", "linewidth"))
104 output.append_header()
105 else:
106 output = formatting.HtmlOutput()
107 output.append_header(config.prefs.get("html", "header"))
110 # Find parsers
112 loader = load_parsers.ParserLoader("logparse.parsers")
113 parser_names = set([x.name for x in loader.parsers])
115 if argparser.parse_args().logs:
116 parser_names = parser_names.intersection(set(argparser.parse_args().logs.split()))
117 elif config.prefs.get("logparse", "parsers"):
118 parser_names = parser_names.intersection(set(config.prefs.get("logparse", "parsers").split()))
120 if argparser.parse_args().ignore_logs:
121 parser_names = parser_names.difference(set(argparser.parse_args().ignore_logs.split()))
122 elif config.prefs.get("logparse", "ignore-parsers"):
123 parser_names = parser_names.difference(set(config.prefs.get("logparse", "ignore-parsers").split()))
125 # Execute parsers
127 logger.debug("Queued the following parsers: " + str(loader.parsers))
128 for parser in loader.parsers:
129 if parser.name in parser_names:
130 output.append_section(parser.parse_log())
132 # Write HTML footer
133 output.append_footer()
135 if (argparser.parse_args().destination or config.prefs.get("logparse", "output")) and not argparser.parse_args().no_write:
136 if argparser.parse_args().destination:
137 dest_path = argparser.parse_args().destination
138 else:
139 dest_path = config.prefs.get("logparse", "output")
140 logger.debug("Outputting to {0}".format(dest_path))
141 if (argparser.parse_args().embed_styles or config.prefs.getboolean("html", "embed-styles")) and not (argparser.parse_args().plain or config.prefs.getboolean("plain", "plain")):
142 output.embed_css(config.prefs.get("html", "css"))
143 if (not os.path.isfile(dest_path)) and not (argparser.parse_args().overwrite or config.prefs.getboolean("logparse", "overwrite")):
144 output.write(dest_path)
145 elif logging.root.level == logging.CRITICAL:
146 pass
147 else:
148 logger.warning("Destination file already exists")
149 if input("Would you like to overwrite {0}? (y/n) [n] ".format(dest_path)) == 'y':
150 output.write(dest_path)
151 else:
152 logger.warning("No output written")
154 if (str(argparser.parse_args().to) or str(config.prefs.get("mail", "to"))) and not argparser.parse_args().no_mail:
155 if str(argparser.parse_args().to):
156 to = argparser.parse_args().to
157 else:
158 to = config.prefs.get("mail", "to")
159 mail.sendmail(
160 mailbin=config.prefs.get("mail", "mailbin"),
161 body=(output.embed_css(config.prefs.get("html", "css")) if isinstance(output, formatting.HtmlOutput) else output.content),
162 recipient=to,
163 subject=formatting.fsubject(config.prefs.get("mail", "subject")),
164 html=isinstance(output, formatting.HtmlOutput),
165 sender=config.prefs.get("mail", "from"))
167 if not argparser.parse_args().no_rotate:
168 if argparser.parse_args().simulate or config.prefs.getboolean("logparse", "rotate"):
169 rotate_sim()
170 elif config.prefs.getboolean("logparse", "rotate") or argparser.parse_args().rotate:
171 rotate()
172 else:
173 logger.debug("User doesn't want to rotate logs")
174 else:
175 logger.debug("User doesn't want to rotate logs")
177 # Print end message
178 finish = datetime.now()
179 logger.info("Finished parsing logs at {0} {1} (total time: {2})".format(finish.strftime(formatting.DATEFMT), finish.strftime(formatting.TIMEFMT), finish - start))
181 if argparser.parse_args().printout:
182 output.print_stdout()
184 return