   2#   format.py
   4#   This file contains global functions for formatting and printing data. This
   5#   file should be imported into individual log-parsing scripts located in
   6#   logs/*. Data is formatted in HTML or plaintext. Writing to disk and/or
   7#   emailng data is left to __main__.py.
  10import os
  11import re
  12import locale
  13from string import Template
  14from math import floor, ceil
  15from tabulate import tabulate
  17import logparse
  18from . import interface, util, config, mail
  20import logging
  21logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  24locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # inherit system locale
  25#DEG = "°".encode('unicode_escape')
  26DEG = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}'
  27CEL = "C"
  28TIMEFMT = "%X"
  29DATEFMT = "%x"
  30CORNERCHARS_DOUBLE = ['╚', '╝', '╗', '╔']
  31CORNERCHARS_SINGLE = ['└', '┘', '┐', '┌']
  32LINECHARS_DOUBLE = ['║', '═']
  33LINECHARS_SINGLE = ['│', '─']
  34JXNCHARS_DOUBLE = ['╠', '╣', '╦', '╩', '╬']
  35JXNCHARS_SINGLE = ['├', '┤', '┬', '┴', '┼']
  36BULLET = "• "
  37INDENT = "  "
  40class Output:
  41    """
  42    Base class for a data processor. 
  43    """
  45    def __init__(self):
  46        self.content = ""
  47        self.destination = ""
  49    def append(self, content):
  50        """
  51        Add a string
  52        """
  53        self.content += content
  55    def write(self, destination=""):
  56        """
  57        Output contents into a file
  58        """
  59        if destination == "":
  60            destination = self.destination
  61        if destination == "":
  62            logger.warning("No destination path provided")
  63            return 1
  64        with open(destination, 'w') as f:
  65            f.write(self.content)
  66            logger.info("Written output to {}".format(destination))
  69class PlaintextOutput(Output):
  70    """
  71    Processes & outputs data in a plaintext form which can be read with cat or plaintext email.
  72    """
  74    def __init__(self, linewidth=80):
  75        self.content = ""
  76        self.destination = ""
  77        self.linewidth = linewidth;
  79    def append_header(self, template=''):
  80        """
  81        Print details with some primitive formatting
  82        """
  83        init_varfilter()
  84        box = PlaintextBox(content=Template("$title $version on $hostname\n\n$time $date").safe_substitute(varsubst), vpadding=2, hpadding="\t\t", linewidth=config.prefs['linewidth'])
  85        line = PlaintextLine(self.linewidth)
  86        self.append(box.draw() + line.draw())
  88    def append_footer(self):
  89        """
  90        Append a horizontal line and some details
  91        """
  92        init_varfilter()
  93        self.append(PlaintextLine(self.linewidth, vpadding=1).draw())
  94        self.append(Template("$hostname $time $date").safe_substitute(varsubst))
  96    def append_section(self, section):
  97        """
  98        Call the appropriate methods to format a section (provided by a parser).
  99        This should be run by interface.py after every instance of parse_log().
 100        """
 101        self.append(PlaintextBox(content=section.title, double=False, fullwidth=False, vpadding=0, hpadding=" ").draw())
 102        self.append('\n'*2)
 103        for data in section.data:
 104            self.append(self._fmt_data(data.subtitle, data.items))
 105            self.append('\n')
 106        for table in section.tables:
 107            self.append(table.draw_plain())
 108        self.append("\n")
 110    def _fmt_data(self, subtitle, data = None):   # write title and data
 111        """
 112        Format the properties of a data object into usable plaintext form with a few fancy symbols/formatting tricks.
 113        Subtitle is required, data is not. If only subtitle is supplied or subtitle + one data item, a single line will be printed.
 114        """
 115        if (subtitle == ""):
 116            logger.warning("No subtitle provided.. skipping section")
 117            return
 119        if (data == None or len(data) == 0):
 120            logger.debug("No data provided.. just printing subtitle")
 121            return subtitle + '\n'
 122        else:
 123            logger.debug("Received data " + str(data))
 124            subtitle += ':'
 125            if (len(data) == 1):
 126                return subtitle + ' ' + data[0] + '\n'
 127            else:
 128                itemoutput = subtitle + '\n'
 129                for datum in data:
 130                    datum = BULLET + datum
 131                    if len(datum) > config.prefs['linewidth'] - 3:
 132                        words = datum.split()
 133                        if max(map(len, words)) > config.prefs['linewidth'] - len(INDENT):
 134                            continue
 135                        res, part, others = [], words[0], words[1:]
 136                        for word in others:
 137                            if 1 + len(word) > config.prefs['linewidth'] - len(part):
 138                                res.append(part)
 139                                part = word
 140                            else:
 141                                part += ' ' + word
 142                        if part:
 143                            res.append(part)
 144                        datum = ('\n    ').join(res)
 145                    datum = INDENT + datum
 146                    itemoutput += datum + '\n'
 147                return itemoutput
 149class HtmlOutput(Output):
 150    """
 151    Process and output data in HTML format.
 152    All HTML formatting functions now reside in this class to differentiate them from plaintext.
 153    """
 155    def __init__(self):
 156        self.content = ""
 157        self.destination = ""
 158        self.css = ""
 160    def embed_css(self, css):
 161        """
 162        Convert stylesheet to inline tags
 163        """
 164        self.content = mail.mailprep(self.content, css)
 165        return self.content
 167    def append_header(self, template):
 168        """
 169        Insert variables into header template file and append HTML tags
 170        """
 171        init_varfilter()
 172        headercontent = Template(open(template, 'r').read())
 173        self.append(headercontent.safe_substitute(varsubst))
 174        self.append(opentag('div', id='main'))
 176    def append_footer(self):
 177        """
 178        Close HTML tags that were opened in the template.
 179        TODO: add footer template similar to header template.
 180        """
 181        self.append(closetag('div') + closetag('body') + closetag('html'))
 183    def append_section(self, section):
 184        """
 185        Call the appropriate methods to generate HTML tags for a section (provided by a parser).
 186        This should be run by interface.py after every instance of parse_log().
 187        """
 188        self.append(opentag('div', 1, section.title, 'section'))
 189        self.append(self._gen_title(section.title))
 190        for data in section.data:
 191            self.append(self._fmt_data(data.subtitle, data.items))
 192        for table in section.tables:
 193            self.append(table.draw_html())
 194        self.append(closetag('div', 1))
 196    def _gen_title(self, title):
 197        """
 198        Format the title for a section
 199        """
 200        if (title == '' or '\n' in title):
 201            logger.error("Invalid title")
 202            raise ValueError 
 203        logger.debug("Writing title for " + title)
 204        return tag('h2', False, title)
 206    def _fmt_data(self, subtitle, data = None):
 207        """
 208        Format the properties of a data object into usable HTML tags.
 209        Subtitle is required, data is not. If only subtitle is supplied or subtitle + one data item, a single line will be printed.
 210        """
 211        if (subtitle == ""):
 212            logger.warning("No subtitle provided.. skipping section")
 213            return
 215        if (data == None or len(data) == 0):
 216            logger.debug("No data provided.. just printing subtitle")
 217            return tag('p', False, subtitle)
 218        else:
 219            logger.debug("Received data " + str(data))
 220            subtitle += ':'
 221            if (len(data) == 1):
 222                return tag('p', False, subtitle + ' ' + data[0])
 223            else:
 224                output = ""
 225                output += tag('p', False, subtitle)
 226                output += opentag('ul', 1)
 227                coderegex = re.compile('`(.*)`')
 228                for datum in data:
 229                    if datum == "" or datum == None:
 230                        continue
 231                    datum = coderegex.sub(r"<code>\1</code>", str(datum))
 232                    output += tag('li', False, datum)
 233                output += closetag('ul', True)
 234                return output
 237class Section:
 238    """
 239    Each parser should output a Section() which contains the title and returned data.
 240    """
 242    def __init__(self, title):
 243        self.title = title
 244        self.data = []
 245        self.tables = []
 247    def append_data(self, data):
 248        self.data.append(data)
 250    def append_table(self, table):
 251        self.tables.append(table)
 254class Data:
 255    """
 256    Each section (parser) can have one or more Data() objects which are essentially glorified lists.
 257    """
 259    def __init__(self, subtitle="", items=[]):
 260        self.subtitle = subtitle
 261        self.items = items 
 263    def truncl(self, limit):      # truncate list
 264        """
 265        Truncate self.items to a specified value and state how many items are hidden.
 266        """
 267        if (len(self.items) > limit):
 268            more = len(self.items) - limit
 269            if more == 1:
 270                return 0
 271            self.items = self.items[:limit]
 272            self.items.append("+ {0} more".format(str(more)))
 274    def orderbyfreq(self):
 275        """
 276        Order a list by frequency of each item, then remove duplicates and append frequency in parentheses.
 277        """
 278        unsorted = list(self.items)
 279        self.items = ["{0} ({1})".format(y, unsorted.count(y)) for y in sorted(set(unsorted), key = lambda x: -unsorted.count(x))]
 281class Table(object):
 282    """
 283    A wrapper for python-tabulate's Tabulate type.
 284    """
 286    def __init__(self, double=False, borders=False, hpadding=" ", maxwidth=80, headers=[]):
 287        self.rows =  []     # List of row objects
 288        self.keymap = {}    # For fast lookup of row by value of first column 
 289        self.double = double
 290        self.borders = borders
 291        self.align_cols = []
 292        self.hpadding = hpadding
 293        self.maxwidth = maxwidth
 294        self.headers = headers
 295        self._align_cols = []
 297    def add_row(self, row):
 299        self.rows.append(row)
 300        if len(row.columns) > 0:
 301            self.keymap[row.columns[0]] = row
 303        logger.debug("Added row with {0} columns".format(str(len(row.columns))))
 305    def align_column(self, i, align):
 306        while len(self._align_cols) -1 < i:
 307            self._align_cols.append("")
 308        self._align_cols[i] = align
 309        for row in self.rows:
 310            row.columns[i].align = align
 311        logger.debug("Column alignment is now {0}".format(str(self._align_cols)))
 313    def _gen_list(self):
 314        hierarchy = []
 315        for row in self.rows:
 316            row_data = []
 317            for column in row.columns:
 318                row_data.append(column.content)
 319            hierarchy.append(row_data)
 320        return hierarchy
 322    def draw_html(self):
 323        output = tabulate(self._gen_list(), self.headers, tablefmt="html", colalign=tuple(self._align_cols))
 324        return output
 326    def draw_plain(self):
 327        output = tabulate(self._gen_list(), self.headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid" if self.borders else "plain", colalign=tuple(self._align_cols))
 328        return output + "\n"*2
 331class Table0(object):
 332    """
 333    A two-dimensional information display.
 334    This is a hacky implementation - Table() now relies on the Tabulate package which is much more reliable.
 335    """
 337    def __init__(self, double=False, borders=True, hpadding="+", maxwidth=80):
 338        self.rows =  []     # List of row objects
 339        self.keymap = {}    # For fast lookup of row by value of first column 
 340        self.double = double
 341        self.borders = borders
 342        self.align_cols = []
 343        self.hpadding = hpadding
 344        self.maxwidth = maxwidth
 345        self._colwidths = []
 347    def add_row(self, row):
 348        self.rows.append(row)
 349        for i, col in enumerate(row.columns):
 350            if len(self._colwidths) >= i + 1:
 351                self._colwidths[i] = max([self._colwidths[i], len(col.content)])
 352            else:
 353                self._colwidths.append(len(col.content))
 354        logger.debug("Added row with {0} columns. Column widths are now {1}.".format(str(len(row.columns)), str(self._colwidths)))
 355        if len(row.columns) > 0:
 356            self.keymap[row.columns[0]] = row
 358    def align_column(self, i, align):
 359        for row in self.rows:
 360            row.columns[i].align = align
 363    def draw_html(self):
 364        output = ""
 365        output += opentag("table", True, cl="data_table") 
 366        for row in self.rows:
 367            if row.header:
 368                output += opentag("th", block=True, cl="header")
 369            else:
 370                output += opentag("tr", block=True)
 371            for column in row.columns:
 372                output += tag("td", content=column.content, style={"text-align": column.align} if column.align else {})
 373            if row.header:
 374                output += closetag("th", True)
 375            else:
 376                output += closetag("tr", True)
 377        output += closetag("table", True)
 378        logger.debug("Built table with {0} rows and {1} columns".format(str(len(self.rows)), str(max([x.n for x in self.rows]))))
 379        return output
 381    def draw_plain(self):
 382        output = ""
 383        cols = [list(x) for x in zip(self.rows)]
 384        logger.debug("Cols are " + str(cols))
 386        if self.double == True:
 387            cornerchars = CORNERCHARS_DOUBLE
 388            linechars = LINECHARS_DOUBLE
 389            jxnchars = JXNCHARS_DOUBLE
 390        else:
 391            cornerchars = CORNERCHARS_SINGLE
 392            linechars = LINECHARS_SINGLE
 393            jxnchars = JXNCHARS_SINGLE
 395        lengths = []
 396        row_lengths = []
 397        for row in self.rows:
 398            for i, col in enumerate(row.columns):
 399                if len(lengths) >= i + 1:
 400                    lengths[i] = max([lengths[i], len(col.content)])
 401                else:
 402                    lengths.append(len(col.content))
 404        logger.debug("Lengths are " + str(lengths))
 406        for i, row in enumerate(self.rows):
 407            l = (len(INDENT) + len(self.hpadding)*2*len(row.columns) + ((1+len(row.columns)) if self.borders else 0) + sum([len(col.content) for col in row.columns]))
 408            if l > self.maxwidth:
 409                logger.debug("Line overflow for cell in row {0} of table".format(str(i)))
 410                words = row.columns[-1].content.split()
 411                if max(map(len, words)) > self.maxwidth:
 412                    continue
 413                res, part, others = [], words[0], words[1:]
 414                for word in others:
 415                    if l - len(word) < self.maxwidth:
 416                        res.append(part)
 417                        part = word
 418                    else:
 419                        part += ' ' + word
 420                if part:
 421                    res.append(part)
 422                self._colwidths[-1] = max([len(f) for f in res] + [len(r.columns[-1].content) for r in self.rows if r != row])
 423                if self.borders:
 424                    row.columns[-1].content = res[0][:-1] + self.hpadding + " "*(self._colwidths[-1]-len(res[0])+1) + linechars[0]
 425                    for fragment in res[1:]:
 426                        row.columns[-1].content += "\n" + INDENT + "".join([(linechars[0] + self.hpadding + " "*x + self.hpadding) for x in lengths]) + linechars[0] + self.hpadding + fragment + " " * (max(self._colwidths) - len(fragment))
 428        if self.borders:
 429            top = INDENT + cornerchars[3] + jxnchars[2].join(linechars[1] * (l+2) for l in self._colwidths) + cornerchars[2] + "\n"
 430            bottom = INDENT + cornerchars[0] + jxnchars[3].join(linechars[1] * (l+2) for l in self._colwidths) + cornerchars[1] + "\n"
 431            rowtext = INDENT + linechars[0] + linechars[0].join("{:>%d}" % l for l in self._colwidths) + linechars[0] + "\n"
 432            line = INDENT + jxnchars[0] + jxnchars[4].join(linechars[1] * (l+2) for l in self._colwidths) + jxnchars[1] + "\n"
 433        else:
 434            top = bottom = line = ""
 435            rowtext = " ".join("{:>%d}" % l for l in self._colwidths) + "\n"
 437        for i, row in enumerate(self.rows):
 438            logger.debug("Processing row {0} of {1}".format(str(i), str(len(self.rows)-1)))
 439            row_output = ""
 440            if i == 0:
 441                row_output += top
 442            row_output += (INDENT + linechars[0] if self.borders else "")
 443            for j, column in enumerate(row.columns):
 444                if column.align == "right":
 445                    cell_output = self.hpadding + " "*(self._colwidths[j]-len(column.content)) + column.content + self.hpadding + (linechars[0] if self.borders else "")
 446                elif column.align == "left":
 447                    cell_output = self.hpadding + column.content + " "*(self._colwidths[j]-len(column.content)) + self.hpadding + (linechars[0] if self.borders else "")
 448                elif column.align == "center":
 449                    n_whitespace = (self._colwidths[j]-len(column.content))/2
 450                    cell_output = self.hpadding + " "*(floor(n_whitespace) if len(column.content) % 2 == 0 else ceil(n_whitespace)) + column.content + " "*(ceil(n_whitespace) if len(column.content) % 2 == 0 else floor(n_whitespace)) + self.hpadding + (linechars[0] if self.borders else "")
 451                else:
 452                    logger.warning("Couldn't find alignment value for cell {0} of row {1} with content \"{2}\"".format(str(j), str(i), column.content()))
 453                    continue
 454                row_output += cell_output
 455                if len(row_output) > self.maxwidth:
 456                    logger.warning("Line overflow for row {0} of table".format(str(i)))
 458            output += row_output + "\n"
 459            if i == len(self.rows)-1:
 460                output += (bottom if self.borders else "")
 461            else:
 462                output += (line if self.borders else "")
 464        return output
 466class Row(object):
 468    def __init__(self, columns=[], header=False):
 469        self.columns = columns
 470        self.header = header
 471        self.n = len(self.columns)
 473    def add_column(self, column):
 474        self.columns.append(column)
 475        self.n += 1
 477    def rm_column(self, column):
 478        self.remove(column)
 479        self.n -= 1
 481class Column(object):
 483    def __init__(self, content="", align="right"):
 484        self.content = content
 485        self.align = align
 487class PlaintextLine:
 488    """
 489    Draw a horizontal line for plain text format, with optional padding/styling.
 490    """
 492    def __init__(self, linewidth=80, double=True, vpadding=1, hpadding=""):
 493        self.linewidth = linewidth
 494        self.double = False
 495        self.vpadding = vpadding
 496        self.hpadding = hpadding
 498    def draw(self):
 499        line = (LINECHARS_DOUBLE[1] if self.double else LINECHARS_SINGLE[1])
 500        return "\n" * self.vpadding + self.hpadding +  line * (self.linewidth - 2 * len(self.hpadding)) + self.hpadding + "\n" * self.vpadding
 503class PlaintextBox:
 504    """
 505    Draw a rectangular box around text, with customisable padding/size/style
 506    """
 508    def __init__(self, content="", double=True, fullwidth=True, linewidth=80, hpadding="\t", vpadding=1):
 509        self.content = content
 510        self.fullwidth = fullwidth
 511        self.linewidth = linewidth
 512        self.hpadding = hpadding 
 513        self.vpadding = vpadding
 514        self.double = double
 516    def draw(self):
 518        if self.double == True:
 519            cornerchars = CORNERCHARS_DOUBLE
 520            linechars = LINECHARS_DOUBLE
 521        else:
 522            cornerchars = CORNERCHARS_SINGLE
 523            linechars = LINECHARS_SINGLE
 525        # Check hpadding has a definite width
 526        self.hpadding = self.hpadding.replace("\t", " "*4)
 528        # Calculate number of characters per line
 529        contentlines = self.content.splitlines()
 530        contentwidth = int((self.linewidth if self.linewidth > 0 else 80) if self.content.splitlines() else len(max(contentlines, key=len)))
 531        logger.debug("Contentwidth is {0}".format(str(contentwidth)))
 532        logger.debug("Longest line is {0}".format(len(max(contentlines, key=len))))
 533        contentwidth += -2*(len(self.hpadding)+1)
 534        if not self.fullwidth:
 535            longestline = len(max(contentlines, key=len))
 536            if longestline <= self.linewidth - 2*(len(self.hpadding)+1):
 537                contentwidth = longestline
 539        # Split lines that are too long
 540        for i, line in enumerate(contentlines):
 541            if len(line) > contentwidth:
 542                words = line.split()
 543                if max(map(len, words)) > contentwidth:
 544                    continue
 545                res, part, others = [], words[0], words[1:]
 546                for word in others:
 547                    if len(' ') + len(word) > contentwidth - len(part):
 548                        res.append(part)
 549                        part = word
 550                    else:
 551                        part += ' ' + word
 552                if part:
 553                    res.append(part)
 554                contentlines[i] = res
 556        # Flatten list
 557        #   Note list comprehension doesn't work here, so we must iterate through each item
 558        newlines = []
 559        for line in contentlines:
 560            if isinstance(line, list):
 561                for subline in line:
 562                    newlines.append(subline)
 563            else:
 564                newlines.append(line)
 565        contentlines = newlines
 567        # Add vertical padding
 568        for _ in range(self.vpadding):
 569            contentlines.insert(0, ' '*contentwidth)
 570            contentlines.append(' '*contentwidth)
 572        # Insert horizontal padding on lines that are too short
 573        contentlines = [linechars[0] + self.hpadding + x + ' '*(self.linewidth-(len(x)+2*len(self.hpadding)+2) if len(x) < contentwidth else 0) + self.hpadding + linechars[0] for x in contentlines]
 574        contentlines.insert(0, cornerchars[3] + linechars[1] * (contentwidth + len(self.hpadding)*2) + cornerchars[2])
 575        contentlines.append(cornerchars[0] + linechars[1] * (contentwidth + len(self.hpadding)*2) + cornerchars[1])
 576        return ('\n').join(contentlines)
 579def init_varfilter():
 580    global varfilter
 581    global varpattern
 582    global varsubst
 583    varfilter = {"$title$": config.prefs['title'], "$date$": interface.start.strftime(DATEFMT),"$time$": interface.start.strftime(TIMEFMT), "$hostname$": util.hostname(config.prefs['hostname-path']), "$version$": logparse.__version__, "$css$": os.path.relpath(config.prefs['css'], os.path.dirname(config.prefs['output']))}
 584    varfilter = dict((re.escape(k), v) for k, v in varfilter.items())
 585    varpattern = re.compile("|".join(varfilter.keys()))
 586    varsubst = dict(title=config.prefs['title'], date=interface.start.strftime(DATEFMT), time=interface.start.strftime(TIMEFMT), hostname=util.hostname(config.prefs['hostname-path']), version=logparse.__version__, css=os.path.relpath(config.prefs['css'], os.path.dirname(config.prefs['output'])))
 588def backticks(l):
 589    return ["`" + x + "`" for x in l]
 592def plural(noun, quantity, print_quantity=True):
 593    """
 594    Return "1 noun" or "n nouns"
 595    """
 596    if print_quantity:
 597        if (quantity == 1):
 598            return(str(quantity) + " " + noun)
 599        else:
 600            return(str(quantity) + " " + noun + "s")
 601    else:
 602        if (quantity == 1):
 603            return noun
 604        else:
 605            return noun + "s"
 608def parsesize(num, suffix='B'):
 609    """
 610    Return human-readable size from number of bytes
 611    """
 612    for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']:
 613        if abs(num) < 1024.0:
 614            return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
 615        num /= 1024.0
 616    return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
 619def fsubject(template):
 620    """
 621    Replace variables in the title template provided in config
 622    """
 623    r = varpattern.sub(lambda m: varfilter[re.escape(m.group(0))], template)
 624    logger.debug("Returning subject line " + r)
 625    return r
 627def opentag(tag, block=False, id=None, cl=None, style=None):
 628    """
 629    Write HTML opening tag
 630    """
 631    output = ""
 632    if block:
 633        output += '\n'
 634    output += '<' + tag
 635    if id:
 636        output += " id='" + id + "'"
 637    if cl:
 638        output += " class='" + cl + "'"
 639    if style:
 640        output += " style='"
 641        output += " ".join("{0}: {1};".format(attr, value) for attr, value in style.items())
 642        output += "'"
 643    output += '>'
 644    if block:
 645        output += '\n'
 646    return output
 648def closetag(tag, block=False):
 649    """
 650    Write HTML closing tag
 651    """
 652    if block:
 653        return "\n</" + tag + ">\n"
 654    else:
 655        return "</" + tag + ">"
 657def tag(tag, block=False, content="", id=None, cl=None, style=None):
 658    """
 659    Write HTML opening tag, content, and closing tag
 660    """
 661    o = opentag(tag, block, id, cl, style)
 662    c = closetag(tag, block)
 663    return o + content + c