#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This file contains global functions for formatting and printing data. This file should be imported into individual log-parsing scripts located in logs/*. Data is formatted in HTML or plaintext. Writing to disk and/or emailng data is left to interface.py. """ import os import re import locale from string import Template from math import floor, ceil from tabulate import tabulate import logparse from logparse import interface, util, mail, config import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # inherit system locale DEG = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' CEL = "C" TIMEFMT = "%X" DATEFMT = "%x" CORNERCHARS_DOUBLE = ['╚', '╝', '╗', '╔'] CORNERCHARS_SINGLE = ['└', '┘', '┐', '┌'] LINECHARS_DOUBLE = ['║', '═'] LINECHARS_SINGLE = ['│', '─'] JXNCHARS_DOUBLE = ['╠', '╣', '╦', '╩', '╬'] JXNCHARS_SINGLE = ['├', '┤', '┬', '┴', '┼'] BULLET = "• " INDENT = " " global VARSUBST def init_var(): """ Initialise variable substitution templates (should be called before doing any substitutions) """ global VARSUBST css_path = config.prefs.get("html", "css") if config.prefs.getboolean("html", "css-relpath"): if interface.argparser.parse_args().no_write: css_path = os.path.relpath(css_path, ".") elif interface.argparser.parse_args().destination: css_path = os.path.relpath(css_path, interface.argparser.parse_args().destination()) elif config.prefs.get("logparse", "output"): css_path = os.path.relpath(css_path, config.prefs.get("logparse", "output")) VARSUBST = { "title": config.prefs.get("logparse", "title"), "date": interface.start.strftime(DATEFMT), "time": interface.start.strftime(TIMEFMT), "hostname": util.hostname(config.prefs.get("logparse", "hostname-path")), "version": logparse.__version__, "css": css_path } class Output: """ Base class for a data processor. """ def __init__(self): self.content = "" self.destination = "" def append(self, content): """ Add a string """ self.content += content def write(self, destination=""): """ Output contents into a file """ if destination == "": destination = self.destination if destination == "": logger.warning("No destination path provided") return 1 with open(destination, 'w') as f: f.write(self.content) logger.info("Written output to {}".format(destination)) def print_stdout(self, lines=False): """ Echo the contents to the console """ print() if lines: line = PlaintextLine(linewidth=config.prefs.getint("plain", "linewidth"), double=True) print(line.draw()) print(self.content) if lines: print(line.draw()) print() class PlaintextOutput(Output): """ Processes & outputs data in a plaintext form which can be read with cat or plaintext email. """ def __init__(self, linewidth=80): self.content = "" self.destination = "" self.linewidth = linewidth; def append_header(self, template=''): """ Print details with some primitive formatting """ box = PlaintextBox(content=Template("$title $version on $hostname\n\n$time $date").safe_substitute(VARSUBST), vpadding=2, hpadding="\t\t", linewidth=self.linewidth) line = PlaintextLine(self.linewidth) self.append(box.draw() + line.draw()) def append_footer(self): """ Append a horizontal line and some details """ self.append(PlaintextLine(self.linewidth, vpadding=1).draw()) self.append(Template("$hostname $time $date").safe_substitute(VARSUBST)) def append_section(self, section): """ Call the appropriate methods to format a section (provided by a parser). This should be run by interface.py after every instance of parse_log(). """ self.append(PlaintextBox(content=section.title, double=False, fullwidth=False, vpadding=0, hpadding=" ").draw()) self.append('\n'*2) for data in section.data: self.append(self._fmt_data(data.subtitle, data.items)) self.append('\n') for table in section.tables: self.append(table.draw_plain()) self.append("\n") def _fmt_data(self, subtitle, data = None): # write title and data """ Format the properties of a data object into usable plaintext form with a few fancy symbols/formatting tricks. Subtitle is required, data is not. If only subtitle is supplied or subtitle + one data item, a single line will be printed. """ if (subtitle == ""): logger.warning("No subtitle provided.. skipping section") return if (data == None or len(data) == 0): logger.debug("No data provided.. just printing subtitle") return subtitle + '\n' else: logger.debug("Received data " + str(data)) subtitle += ':' if (len(data) == 1): return subtitle + ' ' + data[0] + '\n' else: itemoutput = subtitle + '\n' for datum in data: datum = BULLET + datum if len(datum) > self.linewidth - 3: words = datum.split() if max(map(len, words)) > self.linewidth - len(INDENT): continue res, part, others = [], words[0], words[1:] for word in others: if 1 + len(word) > self.linewidth - len(part): res.append(part) part = word else: part += ' ' + word if part: res.append(part) datum = ('\n ').join(res) datum = INDENT + datum itemoutput += datum + '\n' return itemoutput class HtmlOutput(Output): """ Process and output data in HTML format. All HTML formatting functions now reside in this class to differentiate them from plain text. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise variables (no parameters required for initialisation) """ self.content = "" self.destination = "" self.css = "" self._embedded = "" def embed_css(self, css): """ Convert stylesheet to inline tags """ if not self._embedded: self._embedded = mail.mailprep(self.content, css) return self._embedded def append_header(self, template): """ Insert variables into header template file and append HTML tags """ headercontent = Template(open(template, 'r').read()) self.append(headercontent.safe_substitute(VARSUBST)) self.append(opentag('div', id='main')) def append_footer(self): """ Close HTML tags that were opened in the template. TODO: add footer template similar to header template. """ self.append(closetag('div') + closetag('body') + closetag('html')) def append_section(self, section): """ Call the appropriate methods to generate HTML tags for a section (provided by a parser). This should be run by interface.py after every instance of parse_log(). """ self.append(opentag('div', 1, section.title, 'section')) self.append(self._gen_title(section.title)) for data in section.data: self.append(self._fmt_data(data.subtitle, data.items)) for table in section.tables: self.append(table.draw_html()) self.append(closetag('div', 1)) def _gen_title(self, title): """ Format the title for a section """ if (title == '' or '\n' in title): logger.error("Invalid title") raise ValueError logger.debug("Writing title for " + title) return tag('h2', False, title) def _fmt_data(self, subtitle, data = None): """ Format the properties of a data object into usable HTML tags. Subtitle is required, data is not. If only subtitle is supplied or subtitle + one data item, a single line will be printed. """ if (subtitle == ""): logger.warning("No subtitle provided.. skipping section") return if (data == None or len(data) == 0): logger.debug("No data provided.. just printing subtitle") return tag('p', False, subtitle) else: logger.debug("Received data " + str(data)) subtitle += ':' if (len(data) == 1): return tag('p', False, subtitle + ' ' + data[0]) else: output = "" output += tag('p', False, subtitle) output += opentag('ul', 1) coderegex = re.compile('`(.*)`') for datum in data: if datum == "" or datum == None: continue datum = coderegex.sub(r"\1", str(datum)) output += tag('li', False, datum) output += closetag('ul', True) return output class Section: """ Each parser should output a Section() which contains the title and returned data. """ def __init__(self, title): self.title = title self.data = [] self.tables = [] def append_data(self, data): self.data.append(data) def append_table(self, table): self.tables.append(table) class Data: """ Each section (parser) can have one or more Data() objects which are essentially glorified lists. """ def __init__(self, subtitle="", items=[]): """ Initialise variables. No parameters are enforced upon initialisation, but at least the subtitle is required for valid output. """ self.subtitle = subtitle self.items = items def truncl(self, limit): # truncate list """ Truncate self.items to a specified value and state how many items are hidden. """ if (len(self.items) > limit): more = len(self.items) - limit if more == 1: return 0 self.items = self.items[:limit] self.items.append("+ {0} more".format(str(more))) def orderbyfreq(self): """ Order a list by frequency of each item, then remove duplicates and append frequency in parentheses. """ unsorted = list(self.items) self.items = ["{0} ({1})".format(y, unsorted.count(y)) for y in sorted(set(unsorted), key = lambda x: -unsorted.count(x))] class Table(object): """ A wrapper for python-tabulate's Tabulate type. """ def __init__(self, double=False, borders=False, hpadding=" ", maxwidth=80, headers=[]): """ Initialise variables. Note the keymap is used for a faster index map, but is not currently used anywhere (may be removed in future). """ self.rows = [] # List of row objects self.keymap = {} # For fast lookup of row by value of first column self.double = double self.borders = borders self.align_cols = [] self.hpadding = hpadding self.maxwidth = maxwidth self.headers = headers self._align_cols = [] def add_row(self, row): """ Append a row to the list and amend index mapping """ self.rows.append(row) if len(row.columns) > 0: self.keymap[row.columns[0]] = row logger.debug("Added row with {0} columns".format(str(len(row.columns)))) def align_column(self, i, align): """ Set alignment for the 'i'th column (`align` should be 'l', 'c' or 'r') """ while len(self._align_cols) -1 < i: self._align_cols.append("") self._align_cols[i] = align for row in self.rows: row.columns[i].align = align logger.debug("Column alignment is now {0}".format(str(self._align_cols))) def _gen_list(self): """ Used locally for organising rows and columns into a 2D list structure """ hierarchy = [] for row in self.rows: row_data = [] for column in row.columns: row_data.append(column.content) hierarchy.append(row_data) return hierarchy def draw_html(self): """ Output HTML string (wrapper for tabulate) """ output = tabulate(self._gen_list(), self.headers, tablefmt="html", colalign=tuple(self._align_cols)) return output def draw_plain(self): """ Output plain text string (wrapper for tabulate) """ output = tabulate(self._gen_list(), self.headers, tablefmt="fancy_grid" if self.borders else "plain", colalign=tuple(self._align_cols)) return output + "\n"*2 class Row(object): """ Object representing a literal row in a 2D table with the individual cells in the row represented by columns[]. """ def __init__(self, columns=[], header=False): """ Initialise variables. The variable n is used locally to keep track of the row width. """ self.columns = columns self.header = header self.n = len(self.columns) def add_column(self, column): """ Append a single cell horizontally and increment the cell count """ self.columns.append(column) self.n += 1 def rm_column(self, column): """ Remove the specified column object and decrement the cell count """ self.remove(column) self.n -= 1 class Column(object): """ Object representing a single table cell. This is somewhat of a misnomer - one column object exists for each cell in the table. Columns are children of rows. """ def __init__(self, content="", align="right"): """ Initialise variables. The align property sets the alignment of a single cell ('l', 'c', or 'r'). """ self.content = content self.align = align class PlaintextLine: """ Draw a horizontal line for plain text format, with optional padding/styling. """ def __init__(self, linewidth=80, double=True, vpadding=1, hpadding=""): """ Initialise variables """ self.linewidth = linewidth self.double = double self.vpadding = vpadding self.hpadding = hpadding def draw(self): """ Output a plain text string based on the current object parameters """ line = (LINECHARS_DOUBLE[1] if self.double else LINECHARS_SINGLE[1]) return "\n" * self.vpadding + self.hpadding + line * (self.linewidth - 2 * len(self.hpadding)) + self.hpadding + "\n" * self.vpadding class PlaintextBox: """ Draw a rectangular box around text, with customisable padding/size/style """ def __init__(self, content="", double=True, fullwidth=True, linewidth=80, hpadding="\t", vpadding=1): """ Initialise variables """ self.content = content self.fullwidth = fullwidth self.linewidth = linewidth self.hpadding = hpadding self.vpadding = vpadding self.double = double def draw(self): """ Output a plain text string based on the current object parameters. This involves calculating the text width, breaking text at the maximum line length, and then drawing a box around it all. """ if self.double == True: cornerchars = CORNERCHARS_DOUBLE linechars = LINECHARS_DOUBLE else: cornerchars = CORNERCHARS_SINGLE linechars = LINECHARS_SINGLE # Check hpadding has a definite width self.hpadding = self.hpadding.replace("\t", " "*4) # Calculate number of characters per line contentlines = self.content.splitlines() contentwidth = int((self.linewidth if self.linewidth > 0 else 80) if self.content.splitlines() else len(max(contentlines, key=len))) logger.debug("Contentwidth is {0}".format(str(contentwidth))) logger.debug("Longest line is {0}".format(len(max(contentlines, key=len)))) contentwidth += -2*(len(self.hpadding)+1) if not self.fullwidth: longestline = len(max(contentlines, key=len)) if longestline <= self.linewidth - 2*(len(self.hpadding)+1): contentwidth = longestline # Split lines that are too long for i, line in enumerate(contentlines): if len(line) > contentwidth: words = line.split() if max(map(len, words)) > contentwidth: continue res, part, others = [], words[0], words[1:] for word in others: if len(' ') + len(word) > contentwidth - len(part): res.append(part) part = word else: part += ' ' + word if part: res.append(part) contentlines[i] = res # Flatten list # Note list comprehension doesn't work here, so we must iterate through each item newlines = [] for line in contentlines: if isinstance(line, list): for subline in line: newlines.append(subline) else: newlines.append(line) contentlines = newlines # Add vertical padding for _ in range(self.vpadding): contentlines.insert(0, ' '*contentwidth) contentlines.append(' '*contentwidth) # Insert horizontal padding on lines that are too short contentlines = [linechars[0] + self.hpadding + x + ' '*(self.linewidth-(len(x)+2*len(self.hpadding)+2) if len(x) < contentwidth else 0) + self.hpadding + linechars[0] for x in contentlines] contentlines.insert(0, cornerchars[3] + linechars[1] * (contentwidth + len(self.hpadding)*2) + cornerchars[2]) contentlines.append(cornerchars[0] + linechars[1] * (contentwidth + len(self.hpadding)*2) + cornerchars[1]) return ('\n').join(contentlines) def backticks(l): """ Surround every item in a list by backticks. Used for showing code in both HTML and plain text formats (converted to tags for HTML) """ return ["`" + x + "`" for x in l] def plural(noun, quantity, print_quantity=True): """ Return "1 noun" or "n nouns" """ if print_quantity: if (quantity == 1): return(str(quantity) + " " + noun) else: return(str(quantity) + " " + noun + "s") else: if (quantity == 1): return noun else: return noun + "s" def parsesize(num, suffix='B'): """ Return human-readable size from number of bytes """ for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) def fsubject(subject): """ Replace variables in the title template provided in config """ r = Template(subject).safe_substitute(VARSUBST) logger.debug("Returning subject line " + r) return r def opentag(tag, block=False, id=None, cl=None, style=None): """ Write HTML opening tag """ output = "" if block: output += '\n' output += '<' + tag if id: output += " id='" + id + "'" if cl: output += " class='" + cl + "'" if style: output += " style='" output += " ".join("{0}: {1};".format(attr, value) for attr, value in style.items()) output += "'" output += '>' if block: output += '\n' return output def closetag(tag, block=False): """ Write HTML closing tag """ if block: return "\n\n" else: return "" def tag(tag, block=False, content="", id=None, cl=None, style=None): """ Write HTML opening tag, content, and closing tag """ o = opentag(tag, block, id, cl, style) c = closetag(tag, block) return o + content + c