import re
-from ..formatting import *
-from ..util import readlog, resolve
-from .. import config
+from logparse.formatting import *
+from logparse.util import readlog, resolve
+from logparse import config
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ACCESS_REGEX = "^\s*(\S+).*\"GET (\S+) HTTP(?:\/\d\.\d)?\" (\d{3}) (\d*) \".+\" \"(.*)\""
+class AccessLine(object):
+ def __init__(self, line):
+ self.line = line
+ fields =, line)
+ self.client =
+ self.file =
+ self.statuscode = int(
+ self.bytes = int(
+ self.useragent =
def parse_log():
logger.debug("Starting httpd section")
section = Section("httpd")
- accesslog = readlog(config.prefs['logs']['httpd'] + '/access.log')
- a = len(accesslog.split('\n'))
- errorlog = readlog(config.prefs['logs']['httpd'] + '/error.log')
- e = len(errorlog.split('\n'))
- data_b = 0
- ips = []
- files = []
- useragents = []
- errors = []
- notfound = []
- unprivileged = []
+ accesslog = readlog(prefs("logs", "httpd-access"))
+ errorlog= readlog(prefs("logs", "httpd-error"))
+ total_errors = len(errorlog.splitlines())
+ logger.debug("Retrieved log data")
logger.debug("Searching through access log")
- for line in accesslog.split('\n'):
- fields ='^(\S*) .*GET (\/.*) HTTP/\d\.\d\" 200 (\d*) \"(.*)\".*\((.*)\;', line)
- try:
- ips.append(resolve(, fqdn=config.prefs['httpd']['resolve-domains']))
- files.append(
- useragents.append(
- data_b += int(
- except Exception as error:
- if type(error) is AttributeError: # this line is not an access log
- pass
- else:
- logger.warning("Error processing httpd access log: " + str(error))
- traceback.print_exc()
- data_h = parsesize(data_b)
-"httpd has transferred " + str(data_b) + " bytes in response to " + str(a) + " requests with " + str(e) + " errors")
- if (a > 0):
- logger.debug("Parsing request statistics (this might take a while)")
- request_data = Data()
- request_data.items = backticks(files)
- request_data.orderbyfreq()
- request_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
- request_data.subtitle = plural(" request", a)
- section.append_data(request_data)
- if (ips != None):
- logger.debug("Parsing client statistics")
- client_data = Data()
- client_data.items = orderbyfreq(ips)
- client_data.subtitlte = plural(" client", str(len(ips)))
- client_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
- section.append_data(client_data)
- if (useragents != None):
- logger.debug("Parsing user agent statistics")
- ua_data = Data()
- ua_data.items = orderbyfreq(useragents)
- n_ua = str(len(ua_data.items))
- ua_data.truncl(config.prefs['maxlist'])
- ua_data.subtitle = plural(" user agent", n_ua)
- section.append_data(client_data)
- section.append_data(Data(data_h + " transferred"))
- section.append_data(Data(plural(" error", e)))
+ accesses = []
+ for line in accesslog.splitlines():
+ if "GET" in line:
+ accesses.append(AccessLine(line))
+ total_requests = len(accesses)
+ section.append_data(Data("Total of " + plural("request", total_requests)))
+ section.append_data(Data(plural("error", total_errors)))
+ size = Data()
+ size.subtitle = "Transferred " + parsesize(sum([ac.bytes for ac in accesses]))
+ section.append_data(size)
+ clients = Data()
+ clients.items = [resolve(ac.client, config.prefs.get("httpd", "resolve-domains")) for ac in accesses]
+ clients.orderbyfreq()
+ clients.subtitle = "Received requests from " + plural("client", len(clients.items))
+ clients.truncl(config.prefs.getint("logparse", "maxlist"))
+ section.append_data(clients)
+ files = Data()
+ files.items = [ac.file for ac in accesses]
+ files.orderbyfreq()
+ files.subtitle = plural("file", len(files.items)) + " requested"
+ files.truncl(config.prefs.getint("logparse", "maxlist"))
+ section.append_data(files)
+ useragents = Data()
+ useragents.items = [ac.useragent for ac in accesses]
+ useragents.orderbyfreq()
+ useragents.subtitle = plural("user agent", len(useragents.items))
+ useragents.truncl(config.prefs.getint("logparse", "maxlist"))
+ section.append_data(useragents)
+"httpd has received " + str(total_requests) + " requests with " + str(total_errors) + " errors")
+"Finished httpd section")
return section