-# temperature.py
-# Find current temperature of various system components (CPU, motherboard,
-# hard drives, ambient). Detection of motherboard-based temperatures (CPU
-# etc) uses the pysensors library, and produces a similar output to
-# lmsensors. HDD temperatures are obtained from the hddtemp daemon
-# (http://www.guzu.net/linux/hddtemp.php) which was orphaned since 2007. For
-# hddtemp to work, it must be started in daemon mode, either manually or with
-# a unit file. Manually, it would be started like this:
-# sudo hddtemp -d /dev/sda /dev/sdb ... /dev/sdX
+Find current temperature of various system components (CPU, motherboard,
+hard drives, ambient). Detection of motherboard-based temperatures (CPU
+etc) uses the pysensors library, and produces a similar output to
+lmsensors. HDD temperatures are obtained from the hddtemp daemon
+<http://www.guzu.net/linux/hddtemp.php> which was orphaned since 2007. For
+hddtemp to work, it must be started in daemon mode, either manually or with
+a unit file. Manually, it would be started like this:
+ `sudo hddtemp -d /dev/sda /dev/sdb ... /dev/sdX`
import re
import sensors
class HddtempClient:
- def __init__(self, host: str='', port: int=7634, timeout: int=10, sep: str='|') -> None:
+ def __init__(self, host: str='', port: int=7634, timeout: int=10,
+ sep: str='|') -> None:
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.timeout = timeout
def _parse_drive(self, drive: str) -> Drive:
drive_data = drive.split(self.sep)
- return Drive(drive_data[0], drive_data[1], int(drive_data[2]), drive_data[3])
+ return Drive(drive_data[0], drive_data[1],
+ int(drive_data[2]), drive_data[3])
except Exception as e:
- logger.warning("Error processing drive: {0}".format(str(drive_data)))
+ logger.warning("Error processing drive: " + str(drive_data))
return None
def _parse(self, data: str) -> List[Drive]:
if parsed_drive != None:
-# return [self._parse_drive(drive) for drive in drives if drive != None]
-# return list(filter(lambda drive: self._parse_drive(drive), drives))
return parsed_drives
def get_drives(self) -> List[Drive]: # Obtain data from telnet server
raw_data = tn.read_all()
return self._parse(raw_data.decode('ascii')) # Return parsed data
except Exception as e:
- logger.warning("Couldn't read data from {0}:{1} - {2}".format(self.host, self.port, str(e)))
+ logger.warning("Couldn't read data from {0}:{1} - {2}".format(
+ self.host, self.port, str(e)))
return 1
def __init__(self):
self.name = "temperature"
- self.info = "Find current temperature of various system components (CPU, motherboard, hard drives, ambient)."
+ self.info = "Find current temperature of various system components "
+ "(CPU, motherboard, hard drives, ambient)."
def parse_log(self):
for chip in sensors.iter_detected_chips():
for feature in chip:
if "Core" in feature.label:
- coretemp.items.append([feature.label, float(feature.get_value())])
+ coretemp.items.append([feature.label,
+ float(feature.get_value())])
if "CPUTIN" in feature.label:
- pkgtemp.items.append([feature.label, float(feature.get_value())])
+ pkgtemp.items.append([feature.label,
+ float(feature.get_value())])
if "SYS" in feature.label:
- systemp.items.append([feature.label, float(feature.get_value())])
+ systemp.items.append([feature.label,
+ float(feature.get_value())])
logger.debug("Core data is {0}".format(str(coretemp.items)))
logger.debug("Sys data is {0}".format(str(systemp.items)))
logger.debug("Pkg data is {0}".format(str(pkgtemp.items)))
for temp_data in [systemp, coretemp, pkgtemp]:
- logger.debug("Looking at temp data {0}".format(str(temp_data.items)))
+ logger.debug("Looking at temp data {0}".format(
+ temp_data.items))
if len(temp_data.items) > 1:
- avg = float(sum(feature[1] for feature in temp_data.items)) / len(temp_data.items)
- logger.debug("Avg temp for {0} is {1} {2}{3}".format(temp_data.subtitle, str(avg), DEG, CEL))
- temp_data.subtitle += " (avg {0}{1}{2})".format(str(avg), DEG, CEL)
- temp_data.items = ["{0}: {1}{2}{3}".format(feature[0], str(feature[1]), DEG, CEL) for feature in temp_data.items]
+ avg = (float(sum(feature[1] for feature in temp_data.items))
+ / len(temp_data.items))
+ logger.debug("Avg temp for {0} is {1} {2}{3}".format(
+ temp_data.subtitle, avg, DEG, CEL))
+ temp_data.subtitle += " (avg {0}{1}{2})".format(
+ avg, DEG, CEL)
+ temp_data.items = ["{0}: {1}{2}{3}".format(
+ feature[0], feature[1], DEG, CEL)
+ for feature in temp_data.items]
temp_data.items = [str(temp_data.items[0][1]) + DEG + CEL]
for drive in sorted(drives, key=lambda x: x.path):
if drive.path in config.prefs.get("temperatures", "drives").split():
sumtemp += drive.temperature
- hddtemp_data.items.append(("{0} ({1})".format(drive.path, drive.model) if config.prefs.getboolean("temperatures", "show-model") else drive.path) + ": {0}{1}{2}".format(drive.temperature, DEG, drive.units))
+ hddtemp_data.items.append(("{0} ({1})".format(
+ drive.path, drive.model)
+ if config.prefs.getboolean("temperatures", "show-model")
+ else drive.path) + ": {0}{1}{2}".format(
+ drive.temperature, DEG, drive.units))
- logger.debug("Ignoring drive {0} ({1}) due to config".format(drive.path, drive.model))
+ logger.debug("Ignoring drive {0} ({1}) due to config".format(
+ drive.path, drive.model))
logger.debug("Sorted drive info: " + str(drives))
if not len(drives) == 0:
- hddavg = '{0:.1f}{1}{2}'.format(sumtemp/len(drives), DEG, drives[0].units) # use units of first drive
- logger.debug("Sum of temperatures: {}; Number of drives: {}; => Avg disk temp is {}".format(str(sumtemp), str(len(drives)), hddavg))
- hddtemp_data.subtitle += " (avg {0}{1}{2})".format(str(hddavg), DEG, CEL)
+ # use units of first drive
+ hddavg = '{0:.1f}{1}{2}'.format(
+ sumtemp/len(drives), DEG, drives[0].units)
+ logger.debug("Sum of temperatures: {}; Number of drives: {}; "
+ "=> Avg disk temp is {}".format(sumtemp, len(drives), hddavg))
+ hddtemp_data.subtitle += " (avg {0}{1}{2})".format(hddavg, DEG, CEL)
logger.debug("Finished processing drive temperatures")