   1# Oral presentation
   3**Topic:** Importance of media independence and transparency for democracy
   5## Context
   7- <https://theconversation.com/why-the-raids-on-australian-media-present-a-clear-threat-to-democracy-118334>
   8- <https://www.smh.com.au/national/australian-federal-police-raid-abc-headquarters-at-sydney-s-ultimo-20190605-p51uof.html>
   9- <https://washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/06/10/australia-is-war-with-journalists/>
  10- <https://www.pm.gov.au/media/doorstop-interview-portsmouth-uk>
  11- <https://www.afp.gov.au/news-media/media-releases/afp-statement-search-warrant-sydney>
  13Journalist Information Warrant - allows access to restrained metadata  
  14AFP raid on ABC - June 2019  
  15"alleged publishing of information classified as an official secret"
  18## Articles
  20Ananian-Welsh. _Why the raids on Australian media present a clear threat to democracy_. <https://theconversation.com/why-the-raids-on-australian-media-present-a-clear-threat-to-democracy-118334>  
  21Ketchell, Misha. _The devil is in the detail of government bill to enable access to communications data_. <https://theconversation.com/the-devil-is-in-the-detail-of-government-bill-to-enable-access-to-communications-data-96909>  
  22UNESCO. _World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development_. 2018. <https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000261065>  
  23Parker, Samuel. _‘Unwanted invaders’: The representation of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK and Australian print media_. March 2016. <http://orca.cf.ac.uk/79108/1/ESharp%20Article%20SP.pdf>  
  26## Structure
  29Discuss context and recent developments
  31- ABC raided on 5 June 2019 for "the Afghan files" report
  32- Leaked defence documents which revealed corruption, incl. killing of unarmed men and children (murder) - ethical appeal
  33- Lyons (ABC exec. editor): "we waive no rights, and reserve the right to take injunction against the warrant"
  34- Secrecy offences punishable by seven years imprisonment
  35- AFP also searched Annikea Smethurt's house (not connected) - personal surveillance report
  36- Morrisson "not troubled" by raids, but said "I believe in freedom of the press"???kek
  37- Importance & risk of public interest journalism
  39**1. Importance of source confidentiality/protection**
  41   - Ethical foundation of journalists
  42   - Enables individuals to share controversial/sensitive information with journalists without fear of persecution
  43   - International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights - <https://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrc/docs/gc34.pdf>
  44   - Right of access to information: "right of access to informmation held by public bodies ... [including] records held by a public body, regardless of the form"
  45   - "The right of access to information includes a right whereby the media has access to information on public affairs"
  46   - "Every individual should have the right to ascertain in an intelligible form ... what personal data is stored in automatic data files, and for what purposes"
  47   - Limited aid of encrypted messaging and internal protocols
  49**2. Impact on democracy**
  51   - AU has more national security laws than any other nation
  52   - AU is the only liberal democracy without Charter of Human Rights to protect media freedom
  53   - Democracy means everyone has the right to contribute to the choosing of their government. If the government is not portraying themselves honestly, how can we make an accurate decision?
  54   - Analogy to control of media in Ukraine (no English media allowed), other communist states
  56**3. Risk of bias**
  58   - Control of media could lead to more drastic censorship
  59   - Society has a right to know the truth about the leadership of their country
  60   - With censorship, journalists cannot do their job - their abilities are being stifled
  61   - Media could slowly become taken over by the government, leading to further corruption ("slippery slope")
  62   - Surveillance
  68- Kevin Rudd calls for royal commission for media power abuse and unethical journalism (e.g. Murdoch)
  69- Decline of public interest journalism
  70- Sources are less likely to take risks to reveal corruption and misconduct
  71- Media Freedom Act - recognise and protect freedom of jouranlists