- explore purpose & style
- explain themes & symobls
+- **justification of creative choices**
+1. Outline what you have explored (characters, themes, settings)
+2. Outline how you explored the above imitating Capote's style
+3. Outline why you have made these choices
+## Essay notes
+- introduction - Herb and Kenyon walk along property boundary inspecting fences (short paragraph)
+- Teddy (Clutters' dog)
+- driving to Garden City (Dick drives)
+- timeframe - meet in morning, drive and arrive at Holcomb at night
+- Perry - muscular
+- Perry's belief in fate/superstition
+- Perry forgot to bring gloves
+- "No witnesses" - Dick
+- black stockings, rope
+- shopping at Emporia, Kansas
+- foreshadowing
+- Perry's ego/selfishness
+- siphoning petrol
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