[spec] concentration integration and separation of variables
[notes.git] / chem /
2019-05-17 [chem] introductory notes on organic chem
2019-04-23 [chem] Dichtl's clarifications on electrolysis intro
2019-04-22 [chem] clarify yield, enthalpy and rates notes
2019-04-18 [chem] electrolysis intro
2019-04-01 [chem] add SAC prep notes
2019-03-31 [chem] acid/base equilibria and tidy section on K_c...
2019-03-26 [chem] equilibrium constant and qualitative stoichiometry
2019-03-26 [chem] aim for temp/pressure equilibrium prac
2019-03-21 [chem] finalise reaction rate writeup
2019-03-18 [chem] start equilibrium notes
2019-03-16 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2019-03-16 [chem] improve graphs for Na2S2O3 prac
2019-03-15 [chem] reaction rate prac results
2019-03-14 [chem] activation energy, kinetic energy, catalysts
2019-03-04 [chem] primary cells and fuel cells
2019-03-03 electrochemical series and galvanic cells
2019-03-03 tidy up latex sidecar files
2019-03-03 start electrochemistry notes
2019-02-15 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2019-02-12 ethanol practice prac sac
2019-02-10 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2019-02-05 molar volume
2019-02-04 combined gas equation
2019-02-04 standard conditions for gases
2019-02-03 perfect gas equation
2019-01-11 finish energy source tables
2019-01-04 start energy sources table (chem hhw)
2019-01-03 add more notes on energy (already studied in 2k18)
2019-01-03 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2018-12-04 start chemical energy stuff (calorimetry, (exo|endo...
2018-11-06 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2018-11-01 fix character
2018-10-28 start term 4 summary for chem
2018-10-15 redox reaction formulae
2018-10-14 redox reactions
2018-09-11 general additions
2018-09-10 acid-base rxn's
2018-09-09 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2018-09-05 formatting
2018-09-03 Merge: forgot some shit again
2018-09-02 methods, chem, physics revision
2018-08-14 update notes
2018-08-07 chem precipitation, diff / antidiff
2018-08-06 ionic equations and precipitation
2018-07-29 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2018-07-23 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2018-07-23 add to solubility notes
2018-07-19 add more waves notes, chem h20 notes
2018-07-09 start physics midyear notes, move fonts/* to .fonts/*
2018-06-16 consolidate notes