

2022-04-14 ll alias master
2022-04-14 add zsh alias for mkcd
2018-12-22 vim > nano
2018-12-22 add .vimrc (ruslan original)
2018-10-29 change mpp config for bibtex in *.md
2018-10-29 add pandoc templates
2018-09-23 fixed bugs in zsh conf
2018-09-21 minicom config for modem
2018-08-08 remove ruslan-specific oh-my-zsh path
2018-08-08 atom: close deleted files
2018-08-08 remove ruslan-specific zprofile
2018-08-08 move vlcrc
2018-08-08 add vlc configs
2018-08-08 add .zprofile to start
2018-08-08 add atom configs
2018-08-08 add wallpaper
2018-08-08 add compton compositor settings
2018-08-08 touch .xinitrc template
2018-08-08 change structure to work with gnu stow
2018-08-08 initial commit - testing