update_unicode.shon commit stylefix: asterisks stick to the variable, not the type (24d36f1)
   2#See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/
   4#Me Enclosing_Mark  an enclosing combining mark
   5#Mn Nonspacing_Mark a nonspacing combining mark (zero advance width)
   6#Cf Format          a format control character
   9if ! test -d unicode; then
  10        mkdir unicode
  11fi &&
  12( cd unicode &&
  13        if ! test -f UnicodeData.txt; then
  14                wget http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/UnicodeData.txt
  15        fi &&
  16        if ! test -f EastAsianWidth.txt; then
  17                wget http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/EastAsianWidth.txt
  18        fi &&
  19        if ! test -d uniset; then
  20                git clone https://github.com/depp/uniset.git
  21        fi &&
  22        (
  23                cd uniset &&
  24                if ! test -x uniset; then
  25                        autoreconf -i &&
  26                        ./configure --enable-warnings=-Werror CFLAGS='-O0 -ggdb'
  27                fi &&
  28                make
  29        ) &&
  30        echo "static const struct interval zero_width[] = {" >$UNICODEWIDTH_H &&
  31        UNICODE_DIR=. ./uniset/uniset --32 cat:Me,Mn,Cf + U+1160..U+11FF - U+00AD |
  32        grep -v plane >>$UNICODEWIDTH_H &&
  33        echo "};" >>$UNICODEWIDTH_H &&
  34        echo "static const struct interval double_width[] = {" >>$UNICODEWIDTH_H &&
  35        UNICODE_DIR=. ./uniset/uniset --32 eaw:F,W >>$UNICODEWIDTH_H &&
  36        echo "};" >>$UNICODEWIDTH_H