   2 * Copyright (C) 2005 Junio C Hamano
   3 */
   4#include "cache.h"
   5#include "strbuf.h"
   6#include "diff.h"
   8static const char *pickaxe = NULL;
   9static int line_termination = '\n';
  10static int inter_name_termination = '\t';
  12static const char *diff_helper_usage =
  13        "git-diff-helper [-z] [-S<string>] paths...";
  15int main(int ac, const char **av) {
  16        struct strbuf sb;
  18        strbuf_init(&sb);
  20        while (1 < ac && av[1][0] == '-') {
  21                if (av[1][1] == 'z')
  22                        line_termination = inter_name_termination = 0;
  23                else if (av[1][1] == 'S') {
  24                        pickaxe = av[1] + 2;
  25                }
  26                else
  27                        usage(diff_helper_usage);
  28                ac--; av++;
  29        }
  30        /* the remaining parameters are paths patterns */
  32        diff_setup(0);
  33        while (1) {
  34                unsigned old_mode, new_mode;
  35                unsigned char old_sha1[20], new_sha1[20];
  36                char old_path[PATH_MAX];
  37                int status, score, two_paths;
  38                char new_path[PATH_MAX];
  40                int ch;
  41                char *cp, *ep;
  43                read_line(&sb, stdin, line_termination);
  44                if (sb.eof)
  45                        break;
  46                switch (sb.buf[0]) {
  47                case ':':
  48                        /* parse the first part up to the status */
  49                        cp = sb.buf + 1;
  50                        old_mode = new_mode = 0;
  51                        while ((ch = *cp) && ('0' <= ch && ch <= '7')) {
  52                                old_mode = (old_mode << 3) | (ch - '0');
  53                                cp++;
  54                        }
  55                        if (*cp++ != ' ')
  56                                break;
  57                        while ((ch = *cp) && ('0' <= ch && ch <= '7')) {
  58                                new_mode = (new_mode << 3) | (ch - '0');
  59                                cp++;
  60                        }
  61                        if (*cp++ != ' ')
  62                                break;
  63                        if (get_sha1_hex(cp, old_sha1))
  64                                break;
  65                        cp += 40;
  66                        if (*cp++ != ' ')
  67                                break;
  68                        if (get_sha1_hex(cp, new_sha1))
  69                                break;
  70                        cp += 40;
  71                        if (*cp++ != ' ')
  72                                break;
  73                        status = *cp++;
  74                        if (!strchr("MCRNDU", status))
  75                                break;
  76                        two_paths = score = 0;
  77                        if (status == 'R' || status == 'C') {
  78                                two_paths = 1;
  79                                sscanf(cp, "%d", &score);
  80                                if (line_termination) {
  81                                        cp = strchr(cp,
  82                                                    inter_name_termination);
  83                                        if (!cp)
  84                                                break;
  85                                }
  86                        }
  88                        if (*cp++ != inter_name_termination)
  89                                break;
  91                        /* first pathname */
  92                        if (!line_termination) {
  93                                read_line(&sb, stdin, line_termination);
  94                                if (sb.eof)
  95                                        break;
  96                                strcpy(old_path, sb.buf);
  97                        }
  98                        else if (!two_paths)
  99                                strcpy(old_path, cp);
 100                        else {
 101                                ep = strchr(cp, inter_name_termination);
 102                                if (!ep)
 103                                        break;
 104                                strncpy(old_path, cp, ep-cp);
 105                                old_path[ep-cp] = 0;
 106                                cp = ep + 1;
 107                        }
 109                        /* second pathname */
 110                        if (!two_paths)
 111                                strcpy(new_path, old_path);
 112                        else {
 113                                if (!line_termination) {
 114                                        read_line(&sb, stdin,
 115                                                  line_termination);
 116                                        if (sb.eof)
 117                                                break;
 118                                        strcpy(new_path, sb.buf);
 119                                }
 120                                else
 121                                        strcpy(new_path, cp);
 122                        }
 123                        diff_helper_input(old_mode, new_mode,
 124                                          old_sha1, new_sha1,
 125                                          old_path, status, score,
 126                                          new_path);
 127                        continue;
 128                }
 129                if (pickaxe)
 130                        diffcore_pickaxe(pickaxe);
 131                if (1 < ac)
 132                        diffcore_pathspec(av + 1);
 133                diff_flush(DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH, 0);
 134                printf("%s\n", sb.buf);
 135        }
 136        if (pickaxe)
 137                diffcore_pickaxe(pickaxe);
 138        if (1 < ac)
 139                diffcore_pathspec(av + 1);
 140        diff_flush(DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH, 0);
 141        return 0;