builtin-ls-tree.con commit Fix some "git ls-files -o" fallout from gitlinks (5698454)
   2 * GIT - The information manager from hell
   3 *
   4 * Copyright (C) Linus Torvalds, 2005
   5 */
   6#include "cache.h"
   7#include "blob.h"
   8#include "tree.h"
   9#include "commit.h"
  10#include "quote.h"
  11#include "builtin.h"
  13static int line_termination = '\n';
  14#define LS_RECURSIVE 1
  15#define LS_TREE_ONLY 2
  16#define LS_SHOW_TREES 4
  17#define LS_NAME_ONLY 8
  18static int abbrev;
  19static int ls_options;
  20static const char **pathspec;
  21static int chomp_prefix;
  22static const char *ls_tree_prefix;
  24static const char ls_tree_usage[] =
  25        "git-ls-tree [-d] [-r] [-t] [-z] [--name-only] [--name-status] [--full-name] [--abbrev[=<n>]] <tree-ish> [path...]";
  27static int show_recursive(const char *base, int baselen, const char *pathname)
  29        const char **s;
  31        if (ls_options & LS_RECURSIVE)
  32                return 1;
  34        s = pathspec;
  35        if (!s)
  36                return 0;
  38        for (;;) {
  39                const char *spec = *s++;
  40                int len, speclen;
  42                if (!spec)
  43                        return 0;
  44                if (strncmp(base, spec, baselen))
  45                        continue;
  46                len = strlen(pathname);
  47                spec += baselen;
  48                speclen = strlen(spec);
  49                if (speclen <= len)
  50                        continue;
  51                if (memcmp(pathname, spec, len))
  52                        continue;
  53                return 1;
  54        }
  57static int show_tree(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *base, int baselen,
  58                     const char *pathname, unsigned mode, int stage)
  60        int retval = 0;
  61        const char *type = blob_type;
  63        if (S_ISDIRLNK(mode)) {
  64                /*
  65                 * Maybe we want to have some recursive version here?
  66                 *
  67                 * Something like:
  68                 *
  69                if (show_subprojects(base, baselen, pathname)) {
  70                        if (fork()) {
  71                                chdir(base);
  72                                exec ls-tree;
  73                        }
  74                        waitpid();
  75                }
  76                 *
  77                 * ..or similar..
  78                 */
  79                type = commit_type;
  80        } else if (S_ISDIR(mode)) {
  81                if (show_recursive(base, baselen, pathname)) {
  82                        retval = READ_TREE_RECURSIVE;
  83                        if (!(ls_options & LS_SHOW_TREES))
  84                                return retval;
  85                }
  86                type = tree_type;
  87        }
  88        else if (ls_options & LS_TREE_ONLY)
  89                return 0;
  91        if (chomp_prefix &&
  92            (baselen < chomp_prefix || memcmp(ls_tree_prefix, base, chomp_prefix)))
  93                return 0;
  95        if (!(ls_options & LS_NAME_ONLY))
  96                printf("%06o %s %s\t", mode, type,
  97                                abbrev ? find_unique_abbrev(sha1,abbrev)
  98                                        : sha1_to_hex(sha1));
  99        write_name_quoted(base + chomp_prefix, baselen - chomp_prefix,
 100                          pathname,
 101                          line_termination, stdout);
 102        putchar(line_termination);
 103        return retval;
 106int cmd_ls_tree(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
 108        unsigned char sha1[20];
 109        struct tree *tree;
 111        git_config(git_default_config);
 112        ls_tree_prefix = prefix;
 113        if (prefix && *prefix)
 114                chomp_prefix = strlen(prefix);
 115        while (1 < argc && argv[1][0] == '-') {
 116                switch (argv[1][1]) {
 117                case 'z':
 118                        line_termination = 0;
 119                        break;
 120                case 'r':
 121                        ls_options |= LS_RECURSIVE;
 122                        break;
 123                case 'd':
 124                        ls_options |= LS_TREE_ONLY;
 125                        break;
 126                case 't':
 127                        ls_options |= LS_SHOW_TREES;
 128                        break;
 129                case '-':
 130                        if (!strcmp(argv[1]+2, "name-only") ||
 131                            !strcmp(argv[1]+2, "name-status")) {
 132                                ls_options |= LS_NAME_ONLY;
 133                                break;
 134                        }
 135                        if (!strcmp(argv[1]+2, "full-name")) {
 136                                chomp_prefix = 0;
 137                                break;
 138                        }
 139                        if (!prefixcmp(argv[1]+2, "abbrev=")) {
 140                                abbrev = strtoul(argv[1]+9, NULL, 10);
 141                                if (abbrev && abbrev < MINIMUM_ABBREV)
 142                                        abbrev = MINIMUM_ABBREV;
 143                                else if (abbrev > 40)
 144                                        abbrev = 40;
 145                                break;
 146                        }
 147                        if (!strcmp(argv[1]+2, "abbrev")) {
 148                                abbrev = DEFAULT_ABBREV;
 149                                break;
 150                        }
 151                        /* otherwise fallthru */
 152                default:
 153                        usage(ls_tree_usage);
 154                }
 155                argc--; argv++;
 156        }
 157        /* -d -r should imply -t, but -d by itself should not have to. */
 158        if ( (LS_TREE_ONLY|LS_RECURSIVE) ==
 159            ((LS_TREE_ONLY|LS_RECURSIVE) & ls_options))
 160                ls_options |= LS_SHOW_TREES;
 162        if (argc < 2)
 163                usage(ls_tree_usage);
 164        if (get_sha1(argv[1], sha1))
 165                die("Not a valid object name %s", argv[1]);
 167        pathspec = get_pathspec(prefix, argv + 2);
 168        tree = parse_tree_indirect(sha1);
 169        if (!tree)
 170                die("not a tree object");
 171        read_tree_recursive(tree, "", 0, 0, pathspec, show_tree);
 173        return 0;