gitweb / READMEon commit Merge branch 'maint' into ph/checkout (6536034)
   1GIT web Interface
   4The one working on:
   7From the git version 1.4.0 gitweb is bundled with git.
  10How to configure gitweb for your local system
  13See also the "Build time configuration" section in the INSTALL
  14file for gitweb (in gitweb/INSTALL).
  16You can specify the following configuration variables when building GIT:
  18   Points where to find the git executable.  You should set it up to
  19   the place where the git binary was installed (usually /usr/bin) if you
  20   don't install git from sources together with gitweb.  [Default: $(bindir)]
  22   Shown in the title of all generated pages, defaults to the server name
  23   (SERVER_NAME CGI environment variable) if not set. [No default]
  25   The root directory for all projects shown by gitweb. Must be set
  26   correctly for gitweb to find repositories to display.  See also
  27   "Gitweb repositories" in the INSTALL file for gitweb.  [Default: /pub/git]
  29   The filesystem traversing limit for getting the project list; the number
  30   is taken as depth relative to the projectroot.  It is used when
  31   GITWEB_LIST is a directory (or is not set; then project root is used).
  32   Is is meant to speed up project listing on large work trees by limiting
  33   search depth.  [Default: 2007]
  35   Points to a directory to scan for projects (defaults to project root
  36   if not set / if empty) or to a file with explicit listing of projects
  37   (together with projects' ownership). See "Generating projects list
  38   using gitweb" in INSTALL file for gitweb to find out how to generate
  39   such file from scan of a directory. [No default, which means use root
  40   directory for projects]
  42   Show repository only if this file exists (in repository).  Only
  43   effective if this variable evaluates to true.  [No default / Not set]
  45   Only allow viewing of repositories also shown on the overview page.
  46   This for example makes GITWEB_EXPORT_OK to decide if repository is
  47   available and not only if it is shown.  If GITWEB_LIST points to
  48   file with list of project, only those repositories listed would be
  49   available for gitweb.  [No default]
  51   Points to an .html file which is included on the gitweb project
  52   overview page ('projects_list' view), if it exists.  Relative to
  53   gitweb.cgi script.  [Default: indextext.html]
  55   Filename of html text to include at top of each page.  Relative to
  56   gitweb.cgi script.  [No default]
  58   Filename of html text to include at bottom of each page.  Relative to
  59   gitweb.cgi script.  [No default]
  61   String of the home link on top of all pages, leading to $home_link
  62   (usually main gitweb page, which means projects list).  Used as first
  63   part of gitweb view "breadcrumb trail": <home> / <project> / <view>.
  64   [Default: projects]
  66   Name of your site or organization to appear in page titles.  Set it
  67   to something descriptive for clearer bookmarks etc.  If not set
  68   (if empty) gitweb uses "$SERVER_NAME Git", or "Untitled Git" if
  69   SERVER_NAME CGI environment variable is not set (e.g. if running
  70   gitweb as standalone script).  [No default]
  72   Git base URLs used for URL to where fetch project from, i.e. full
  73   URL is "$git_base_url/$project".  Shown on projects summary page.
  74   Repository URL for project can be also configured per repository; this
  75   takes precedence over URLs composed from base URL and a project name.
  76   Note that you can setup multiple base URLs (for example one for
  77   git:// protocol access, another for http:// access) from the gitweb
  78   config file.  [No default]
  80   Points to the location where you put gitweb.css on your web server
  81   (or to be more generic, the URI of gitweb stylesheet).  Relative to the
  82   base URI of gitweb.  Note that you can setup multiple stylesheets from
  83   the gitweb config file.  [Default: gitweb.css]
  85   Points to the location where you put git-logo.png on your web server
  86   (or to be more generic URI of logo, 72x27 size, displayed in top right
  87   corner of each gitweb page, and used as logo for Atom feed).  Relative
  88   to base URI of gitweb.  [Default: git-logo.png]
  90   Points to the location where you put git-favicon.png on your web server
  91   (or to be more generic URI of favicon, assumed to be image/png type;
  92   web browsers that support favicons (website icons) may display them
  93   in the browser's URL bar and next to site name in bookmarks).  Relative
  94   to base URI of gitweb.  [Default: git-favicon.png]
  96   This Perl file will be loaded using 'do' and can be used to override any
  97   of the options above as well as some other options -- see the "Runtime
  98   gitweb configuration" section below, and top of 'gitweb.cgi' for their
  99   full list and description.  If the environment variable GITWEB_CONFIG
 100   is set when gitweb.cgi is executed, then the file specified in the
 101   environment variable will be loaded instead of the file specified
 102   when gitweb.cgi was created.  [Default: gitweb_config.perl]
 104   This Perl file will be loaded using 'do' as a fallback if GITWEB_CONFIG
 105   does not exist.  If the environment variable GITWEB_CONFIG_SYSTEM is set
 106   when gitweb.cgi is executed, then the file specified in the environment
 107   variable will be loaded instead of the file specified when gitweb.cgi was
 108   created.  [Default: /etc/gitweb.conf]
 111Runtime gitweb configuration
 114You can adjust gitweb behaviour using the file specified in `GITWEB_CONFIG`
 115(defaults to 'gitweb_config.perl' in the same directory as the CGI), and
 116as a fallback `GITWEB_CONFIG_SYSTEM` (defaults to /etc/gitweb.conf).
 117The most notable thing that is not configurable at compile time are the
 118optional features, stored in the '%features' variable.
 120Ultimate description on how to reconfigure the default features setting
 121in your `GITWEB_CONFIG` or per-project in `project.git/config` can be found
 122as comments inside 'gitweb.cgi'.
 124See also the "Gitweb config file" (with an example of config file), and
 125the "Gitweb repositories" sections in INSTALL file for gitweb.
 128The gitweb config file is a fragment of perl code. You can set variables
 129using "our $variable = value"; text from "#" character until the end
 130of a line is ignored. See perlsyn(1) man page for details.
 132Below is the list of variables which you might want to set in gitweb config.
 133See the top of 'gitweb.cgi' for the full list of variables and their
 136Gitweb config file variables
 139You can set, among others, the following variables in gitweb config files
 140(with the exception of $projectroot and $projects_list this list does
 141not include variables usually directly set during build):
 142 * $GIT
 143   Core git executable to use.  By default set to "$GIT_BINDIR/git", which
 144   in turn is by default set to "$(bindir)/git".  If you use git from binary
 145   package, set this to "/usr/bin/git".  This can just be "git" if your
 146   webserver has a sensible PATH.  If you have multiple git versions
 147   installed it can be used to choose which one to use.
 148 * $version
 149   Gitweb version, set automatically when creating gitweb.cgi from
 150   gitweb.perl. You might want to modify it if you are running modified
 151   gitweb.
 152 * $projectroot
 153   Absolute filesystem path which will be prepended to project path;
 154   the path to repository is $projectroot/$project.  Set to
 155   $GITWEB_PROJECTROOT during installation.  This variable have to be
 156   set correctly for gitweb to find repositories.
 157 * $projects_list
 158   Source of projects list, either directory to scan, or text file
 159   with list of repositories (in the "<URI-encoded repository path> SP
 160   <URI-encoded repository owner>" line format; actually there can be
 161   any sequence of whitespace in place of space (SP)).  Set to
 162   $GITWEB_LIST during installation.  If empty, $projectroot is used
 163   to scan for repositories.
 164 * $my_url, $my_uri
 165   URL and absolute URL of gitweb script; you might need to set those
 166   variables if you are using 'pathinfo' feature: see also below.
 167 * $home_link
 168   Target of the home link on top of all pages (the first part of view
 169   "breadcrumbs").  By default set to absolute URI of a page; you might
 170   need to set it up to [base] gitweb URI if you use 'pathinfo' feature
 171   (alternative format of the URLs, with project name embedded directly
 172   in the path part of URL).
 173 * @stylesheets
 174   List of URIs of stylesheets (relative to base URI of a page). You
 175   might specify more than one stylesheet, for example use gitweb.css
 176   as base, with site specific modifications in separate stylesheet
 177   to make it easier to upgrade gitweb. You can add 'site' stylesheet
 178   for example by using
 179      push @stylesheets, "gitweb-site.css";
 180   in the gitweb config file.
 181 * $logo_url, $logo_label
 182   URI and label (title) of GIT logo link (or your site logo, if you choose
 183   to use different logo image). By default they point to git homepage;
 184   in the past they pointed to git documentation at
 185 * $projects_list_description_width
 186   The width (in characters) of the projects list "Description" column.
 187   Longer descriptions will be cut (trying to cut at word boundary);
 188   full description is available as 'title' attribute (usually shown on
 189   mouseover).  By default set to 25, which might be too small if you
 190   use long project descriptions.
 191 * @git_base_url_list
 192   List of git base URLs used for URL to where fetch project from, shown
 193   in project summary page.  Full URL is "$git_base_url/$project".
 194   You can setup multiple base URLs (for example one for  git:// protocol
 195   access, and one for http:// "dumb" protocol access).  Note that per
 196   repository configuration in 'cloneurl' file, or as values of gitweb.url
 197   project config.
 198 * $default_blob_plain_mimetype
 199   Default mimetype for blob_plain (raw) view, if mimetype checking
 200   doesn't result in some other type; by default 'text/plain'.
 201 * $default_text_plain_charset
 202   Default charset for text files. If not set, web server configuration
 203   would be used.
 204 * $mimetypes_file
 205   File to use for (filename extension based) guessing of MIME types before
 206   trying /etc/mime.types. Path, if relative, is taken currently as
 207   relative to the current git repository.
 208 * $fallback_encoding
 209   Gitweb assumes this charset if line contains non-UTF-8 characters.
 210   Fallback decoding is used without error checking, so it can be even
 211   'utf-8'. Value mist be valid encodig; see Encoding::Supported(3pm) man
 212   page for a list.   By default 'latin1', aka. 'iso-8859-1'.
 213 * @diff_opts
 214   Rename detection options for git-diff and git-diff-tree. By default
 215   ('-M'); set it to ('-C') or ('-C', '-C') to also detect copies, or
 216   set it to () if you don't want to have renames detection.
 219Projects list file format
 222Instead of having gitweb find repositories by scanning filesystem starting
 223from $projectroot (or $projects_list, if it points to directory), you can
 224provide list of projects by setting $projects_list to a text file with list
 225of projects (and some additional info).  This file uses the following
 228One record (for project / repository) per line, whitespace separated fields;
 229does not support (at least for now) lines continuation (newline escaping).
 230Leading and trailing whitespace are ignored, any run of whitespace can be
 231used as field separator (rules for Perl's "split(' ', $line)").  Keyed by
 232the first field, which is project name, i.e. path to repository GIT_DIR
 233relative to $projectroot.  Fields use modified URI encoding, defined in
 234RFC 3986, section 2.1 (Percent-Encoding), or rather "Query string encoding"
 235(see, the difference
 236being that SP (' ') can be encoded as '+' (and therefore '+' has to be also
 237percent-encoded).  Reserved characters are: '%' (used for encoding), '+'
 238(can be used to encode SPACE), all whitespace characters as defined in Perl,
 239including SP, TAB and LF, (used to separate fields in a record).
 241Currently list of fields is
 242 * <repository path>  - path to repository GIT_DIR, relative to $projectroot
 243 * <repository owner> - displayed as repository owner, preferably full name,
 244                        or email, or both
 246You can additionally use $projects_list file to limit which repositories
 247are visible, and together with $strict_export to limit access to
 248repositories (see "Gitweb repositories" section in gitweb/INSTALL).
 251Per-repository gitweb configuration
 254You can also configure individual repositories shown in gitweb by creating
 255file in the GIT_DIR of git repository, or by setting some repo configuration
 256variable (in GIT_DIR/config).
 258You can use the following files in repository:
 259 * README.html
 260   A .html file (HTML fragment) which is included on the gitweb project
 261   summary page inside <div> block element. You can use it for longer
 262   description of a project, to provide links (for example to project's
 263   homepage), etc.
 264 * description (or gitweb.description)
 265   Short (shortened by default to 25 characters in the projects list page)
 266   single line description of a project (of a repository). Plain text file;
 267   HTML will be escaped. By default set to
 268     Unnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
 269   from the template during repository creation. You can use the
 270   gitweb.description repo configuration variable, but the file takes
 271   precedence.
 272 * cloneurl (or multiple-valued gitweb.url)
 273   File with repository URL (used for clone and fetch), one per line.
 274   Displayed in the project summary page. You can use multiple-valued
 275   gitweb.url repository configuration variable for that, but the file
 276   takes precedence.
 277 * gitweb.owner
 278   You can use the gitweb.owner repository configuration variable to set
 279   repository's owner. It is displayed in the project list and summary
 280   page. If it's not set, filesystem directory's owner is used.
 281 * various gitweb.* config variables (in config)
 282   Read description of %feature hash for detailed list, and some
 283   descriptions.
 286Webserver configuration
 289If you want to have one URL for both gitweb and your http://
 290repositories, you can configure apache like this:
 292<VirtualHost *:80>
 293    ServerName
 294    DocumentRoot /pub/git
 295    SetEnv      GITWEB_CONFIG   /etc/gitweb.conf
 296    RewriteEngine on
 297    # make the front page an internal rewrite to the gitweb script
 298    RewriteRule ^/$  /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi
 299    # make access for "dumb clients" work
 300    RewriteRule ^/(.*\.git/(?!/?(HEAD|info|objects|refs)).*)?$ /cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi%{REQUEST_URI}  [L,PT]
 303The above configuration expects your public repositories to live under
 304/pub/git and will serve them as,
 305both as cloneable GIT URL and as browseable gitweb interface.
 306If you then start your git-daemon with --base-path=/pub/git --export-all
 307then you can even use the git:// URL with exactly the same path.
 309Setting the environment variable GITWEB_CONFIG will tell gitweb to use
 310the named file (i.e. in this example /etc/gitweb.conf) as a
 311configuration for gitweb.  Perl variables defined in here will
 312override the defaults given at the head of the gitweb.perl (or
 313gitweb.cgi).  Look at the comments in that file for information on
 314which variables and what they mean.
 316If you use the rewrite rules from the example you'll likely also need
 317something like the following in your gitweb.conf (or gitweb_config.perl) file:
 319  @stylesheets = ("/some/absolute/path/gitweb.css");
 320  $my_uri = "/";
 321  $home_link = "/";
 324Originally written by:
 325  Kay Sievers <>
 327Any comment/question/concern to:
 328  Git mailing list <>