t / annotate-tests.shon commit Tweaks to make asciidoc play nice. (6cbd5d7)
   1# This file isn't used as a test script directly, instead it is
   2# sourced from t8001-annotate.sh and t8001-blame.sh.
   4check_count () {
   5        head=
   6        case "$1" in -h) head="$2"; shift; shift ;; esac
   7        $PROG file $head | perl -e '
   8                my %expect = (@ARGV);
   9                my %count = ();
  10                while (<STDIN>) {
  11                        if (/^[0-9a-f]+\t\(([^\t]+)\t/) {
  12                                my $author = $1;
  13                                for ($author) { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; }
  14                                if (exists $expect{$author}) {
  15                                        $count{$author}++;
  16                                }
  17                        }
  18                }
  19                my $bad = 0;
  20                while (my ($author, $count) = each %count) {
  21                        my $ok;
  22                        if ($expect{$author} != $count) {
  23                                $bad = 1;
  24                                $ok = "bad";
  25                        }
  26                        else {
  27                                $ok = "good";
  28                        }
  29                        print STDERR "Author $author (expected $expect{$author}, attributed $count) $ok\n";
  30                }
  31                exit($bad);
  32        ' "$@"
  35test_expect_success \
  36    'prepare reference tree' \
  37    'echo "1A quick brown fox jumps over the" >file &&
  38     echo "lazy dog" >>file &&
  39     git add file
  40     GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="A" git commit -a -m "Initial."'
  42test_expect_success \
  43    'check all lines blamed on A' \
  44    'check_count A 2'
  46test_expect_success \
  47    'Setup new lines blamed on B' \
  48    'echo "2A quick brown fox jumps over the" >>file &&
  49     echo "lazy dog" >> file &&
  50     GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="B" git commit -a -m "Second."'
  52test_expect_success \
  53    'Two lines blamed on A, two on B' \
  54    'check_count A 2 B 2'
  56test_expect_success \
  57    'merge-setup part 1' \
  58    'git checkout -b branch1 master &&
  59     echo "3A slow green fox jumps into the" >> file &&
  60     echo "well." >> file &&
  61     GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="B1" git commit -a -m "Branch1-1"'
  63test_expect_success \
  64    'Two lines blamed on A, two on B, two on B1' \
  65    'check_count A 2 B 2 B1 2'
  67test_expect_success \
  68    'merge-setup part 2' \
  69    'git checkout -b branch2 master &&
  70     sed -e "s/2A quick brown/4A quick brown lazy dog/" < file > file.new &&
  71     mv file.new file &&
  72     GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="B2" git commit -a -m "Branch2-1"'
  74test_expect_success \
  75    'Two lines blamed on A, one on B, one on B2' \
  76    'check_count A 2 B 1 B2 1'
  78test_expect_success \
  79    'merge-setup part 3' \
  80    'git pull . branch1'
  82test_expect_success \
  83    'Two lines blamed on A, one on B, two on B1, one on B2' \
  84    'check_count A 2 B 1 B1 2 B2 1'
  86test_expect_success \
  87    'Annotating an old revision works' \
  88    'check_count -h master A 2 B 2'
  90test_expect_success \
  91    'Annotating an old revision works' \
  92    'check_count -h master^ A 2'
  94test_expect_success \
  95    'merge-setup part 4' \
  96    'echo "evil merge." >>file &&
  97     EDITOR=: VISUAL=: git commit -a --amend'
  99test_expect_success \
 100    'Two lines blamed on A, one on B, two on B1, one on B2, one on A U Thor' \
 101    'check_count A 2 B 1 B1 2 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1'
 103test_expect_success \
 104    'an incomplete line added' \
 105    'echo "incomplete" | tr -d "\\012" >>file &&
 106    GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="C" git commit -a -m "Incomplete"'
 108test_expect_success \
 109    'With incomplete lines.' \
 110    'check_count A 2 B 1 B1 2 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1 C 1'
 112test_expect_success \
 113    'some edit' \
 114    'mv file file1 &&
 115     sed -e 1d -e "5s/3A/99/" file1 >file &&
 116     rm -f file1 &&
 117    GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="D" git commit -a -m "edit"'
 119test_expect_success \
 120    'some edit' \
 121    'check_count A 1 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1 C 1 D 1'