1git-rev-list(1) 2=============== 3 4NAME 5---- 6git-rev-list - Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order 7 8 9SYNOPSIS 10-------- 11[verse] 12'git rev-list' [ \--max-count=number ] 13 [ \--skip=number ] 14 [ \--max-age=timestamp ] 15 [ \--min-age=timestamp ] 16 [ \--sparse ] 17 [ \--merges ] 18 [ \--no-merges ] 19 [ \--first-parent ] 20 [ \--remove-empty ] 21 [ \--full-history ] 22 [ \--not ] 23 [ \--all ] 24 [ \--branches[=pattern] ] 25 [ \--tags=[pattern] ] 26 [ \--remotes=[pattern] ] 27 [ \--glob=glob-pattern ] 28 [ \--stdin ] 29 [ \--quiet ] 30 [ \--topo-order ] 31 [ \--parents ] 32 [ \--timestamp ] 33 [ \--left-right ] 34 [ \--cherry-pick ] 35 [ \--encoding[=<encoding>] ] 36 [ \--(author|committer|grep)=<pattern> ] 37 [ \--regexp-ignore-case | -i ] 38 [ \--extended-regexp | -E ] 39 [ \--fixed-strings | -F ] 40 [ \--date={local|relative|default|iso|rfc|short} ] 41 [ [\--objects | \--objects-edge] [ \--unpacked ] ] 42 [ \--pretty | \--header ] 43 [ \--bisect ] 44 [ \--bisect-vars ] 45 [ \--bisect-all ] 46 [ \--merge ] 47 [ \--reverse ] 48 [ \--walk-reflogs ] 49 [ \--no-walk ] [ \--do-walk ] 50 <commit>... [ \-- <paths>... ] 51 52DESCRIPTION 53----------- 54 55List commits that are reachable by following the `parent` links from the 56given commit(s), but exclude commits that are reachable from the one(s) 57given with a '{caret}' in front of them. The output is given in reverse 58chronological order by default. 59 60You can think of this as a set operation. Commits given on the command 61line form a set of commits that are reachable from any of them, and then 62commits reachable from any of the ones given with '{caret}' in front are 63subtracted from that set. The remaining commits are what comes out in the 64command's output. Various other options and paths parameters can be used 65to further limit the result. 66 67Thus, the following command: 68 69----------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 $ git rev-list foo bar ^baz 71----------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 73means "list all the commits which are reachable from 'foo' or 'bar', but 74not from 'baz'". 75 76A special notation "'<commit1>'..'<commit2>'" can be used as a 77short-hand for "{caret}'<commit1>' '<commit2>'". For example, either of 78the following may be used interchangeably: 79 80----------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 $ git rev-list origin..HEAD 82 $ git rev-list HEAD ^origin 83----------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 85Another special notation is "'<commit1>'...'<commit2>'" which is useful 86for merges. The resulting set of commits is the symmetric difference 87between the two operands. The following two commands are equivalent: 88 89----------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 $ git rev-list A B --not $(git merge-base --all A B) 91 $ git rev-list A...B 92----------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 94'rev-list' is a very essential git command, since it 95provides the ability to build and traverse commit ancestry graphs. For 96this reason, it has a lot of different options that enables it to be 97used by commands as different as 'git bisect' and 98'git repack'. 99 100OPTIONS 101------- 102 103:git-rev-list: 1 104include::rev-list-options.txt[] 105 106include::pretty-formats.txt[] 107 108 109Author 110------ 111Written by Linus Torvalds <torvalds@osdl.org> 112 113Documentation 114-------------- 115Documentation by David Greaves, Junio C Hamano, Jonas Fonseca 116and the git-list <git@vger.kernel.org>. 117 118GIT 119--- 120Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite