Documentation / glossary-content.txton commit imap-send: use cURL automatically when NO_OPENSSL defined (dcd01ea)
   1[[def_alternate_object_database]]alternate object database::
   2        Via the alternates mechanism, a <<def_repository,repository>>
   3        can inherit part of its <<def_object_database,object database>>
   4        from another object database, which is called an "alternate".
   6[[def_bare_repository]]bare repository::
   7        A bare repository is normally an appropriately
   8        named <<def_directory,directory>> with a `.git` suffix that does not
   9        have a locally checked-out copy of any of the files under
  10        revision control. That is, all of the Git
  11        administrative and control files that would normally be present in the
  12        hidden `.git` sub-directory are directly present in the
  13        `repository.git` directory instead,
  14        and no other files are present and checked out. Usually publishers of
  15        public repositories make bare repositories available.
  17[[def_blob_object]]blob object::
  18        Untyped <<def_object,object>>, e.g. the contents of a file.
  21        A "branch" is an active line of development.  The most recent
  22        <<def_commit,commit>> on a branch is referred to as the tip of
  23        that branch.  The tip of the branch is referenced by a branch
  24        <<def_head,head>>, which moves forward as additional development
  25        is done on the branch.  A single Git
  26        <<def_repository,repository>> can track an arbitrary number of
  27        branches, but your <<def_working_tree,working tree>> is
  28        associated with just one of them (the "current" or "checked out"
  29        branch), and <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> points to that branch.
  32        Obsolete for: <<def_index,index>>.
  35        A list of objects, where each <<def_object,object>> in the list contains
  36        a reference to its successor (for example, the successor of a
  37        <<def_commit,commit>> could be one of its <<def_parent,parents>>).
  40        BitKeeper/cvsps speak for "<<def_commit,commit>>". Since Git does not
  41        store changes, but states, it really does not make sense to use the term
  42        "changesets" with Git.
  45        The action of updating all or part of the
  46        <<def_working_tree,working tree>> with a <<def_tree_object,tree object>>
  47        or <<def_blob_object,blob>> from the
  48        <<def_object_database,object database>>, and updating the
  49        <<def_index,index>> and <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> if the whole working tree has
  50        been pointed at a new <<def_branch,branch>>.
  53        In <<def_SCM,SCM>> jargon, "cherry pick" means to choose a subset of
  54        changes out of a series of changes (typically commits) and record them
  55        as a new series of changes on top of a different codebase. In Git, this is
  56        performed by the "git cherry-pick" command to extract the change introduced
  57        by an existing <<def_commit,commit>> and to record it based on the tip
  58        of the current <<def_branch,branch>> as a new commit.
  61        A <<def_working_tree,working tree>> is clean, if it
  62        corresponds to the <<def_revision,revision>> referenced by the current
  63        <<def_head,head>>. Also see "<<def_dirty,dirty>>".
  66        As a noun: A single point in the
  67        Git history; the entire history of a project is represented as a
  68        set of interrelated commits.  The word "commit" is often
  69        used by Git in the same places other revision control systems
  70        use the words "revision" or "version".  Also used as a short
  71        hand for <<def_commit_object,commit object>>.
  73As a verb: The action of storing a new snapshot of the project's
  74state in the Git history, by creating a new commit representing the current
  75state of the <<def_index,index>> and advancing <<def_HEAD,HEAD>>
  76to point at the new commit.
  78[[def_commit_object]]commit object::
  79        An <<def_object,object>> which contains the information about a
  80        particular <<def_revision,revision>>, such as <<def_parent,parents>>, committer,
  81        author, date and the <<def_tree_object,tree object>> which corresponds
  82        to the top <<def_directory,directory>> of the stored
  83        revision.
  85[[def_commit-ish]]commit-ish (also committish)::
  86        A <<def_commit_object,commit object>> or an
  87        <<def_object,object>> that can be recursively dereferenced to
  88        a commit object.
  89        The following are all commit-ishes:
  90        a commit object,
  91        a <<def_tag_object,tag object>> that points to a commit
  92        object,
  93        a tag object that points to a tag object that points to a
  94        commit object,
  95        etc.
  97[[def_core_git]]core Git::
  98        Fundamental data structures and utilities of Git. Exposes only limited
  99        source code management tools.
 102        Directed acyclic graph. The <<def_commit_object,commit objects>> form a
 103        directed acyclic graph, because they have parents (directed), and the
 104        graph of commit objects is acyclic (there is no <<def_chain,chain>>
 105        which begins and ends with the same <<def_object,object>>).
 107[[def_dangling_object]]dangling object::
 108        An <<def_unreachable_object,unreachable object>> which is not
 109        <<def_reachable,reachable>> even from other unreachable objects; a
 110        dangling object has no references to it from any
 111        reference or <<def_object,object>> in the <<def_repository,repository>>.
 113[[def_detached_HEAD]]detached HEAD::
 114        Normally the <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> stores the name of a
 115        <<def_branch,branch>>, and commands that operate on the
 116        history HEAD represents operate on the history leading to the
 117        tip of the branch the HEAD points at.  However, Git also
 118        allows you to <<def_checkout,check out>> an arbitrary
 119        <<def_commit,commit>> that isn't necessarily the tip of any
 120        particular branch.  The HEAD in such a state is called
 121        "detached".
 123Note that commands that operate on the history of the current branch
 124(e.g. `git commit` to build a new history on top of it) still work
 125while the HEAD is detached. They update the HEAD to point at the tip
 126of the updated history without affecting any branch.  Commands that
 127update or inquire information _about_ the current branch (e.g. `git
 128branch --set-upstream-to` that sets what remote-tracking branch the
 129current branch integrates with) obviously do not work, as there is no
 130(real) current branch to ask about in this state.
 133        The list you get with "ls" :-)
 136        A <<def_working_tree,working tree>> is said to be "dirty" if
 137        it contains modifications which have not been <<def_commit,committed>> to the current
 138        <<def_branch,branch>>.
 140[[def_evil_merge]]evil merge::
 141        An evil merge is a <<def_merge,merge>> that introduces changes that
 142        do not appear in any <<def_parent,parent>>.
 145        A fast-forward is a special type of <<def_merge,merge>> where you have a
 146        <<def_revision,revision>> and you are "merging" another
 147        <<def_branch,branch>>'s changes that happen to be a descendant of what
 148        you have. In such these cases, you do not make a new <<def_merge,merge>>
 149        <<def_commit,commit>> but instead just update to his
 150        revision. This will happen frequently on a
 151        <<def_remote_tracking_branch,remote-tracking branch>> of a remote
 152        <<def_repository,repository>>.
 155        Fetching a <<def_branch,branch>> means to get the
 156        branch's <<def_head_ref,head ref>> from a remote
 157        <<def_repository,repository>>, to find out which objects are
 158        missing from the local <<def_object_database,object database>>,
 159        and to get them, too.  See also linkgit:git-fetch[1].
 161[[def_file_system]]file system::
 162        Linus Torvalds originally designed Git to be a user space file system,
 163        i.e. the infrastructure to hold files and directories. That ensured the
 164        efficiency and speed of Git.
 166[[def_git_archive]]Git archive::
 167        Synonym for <<def_repository,repository>> (for arch people).
 170        A plain file `.git` at the root of a working tree that
 171        points at the directory that is the real repository.
 174        Grafts enables two otherwise different lines of development to be joined
 175        together by recording fake ancestry information for commits. This way
 176        you can make Git pretend the set of <<def_parent,parents>> a <<def_commit,commit>> has
 177        is different from what was recorded when the commit was
 178        created. Configured via the `.git/info/grafts` file.
 180Note that the grafts mechanism is outdated and can lead to problems
 181transferring objects between repositories; see linkgit:git-replace[1]
 182for a more flexible and robust system to do the same thing.
 185        In Git's context, synonym for <<def_object_name,object name>>.
 188        A <<def_ref,named reference>> to the <<def_commit,commit>> at the tip of a
 189        <<def_branch,branch>>.  Heads are stored in a file in
 190        `$GIT_DIR/refs/heads/` directory, except when using packed refs. (See
 191        linkgit:git-pack-refs[1].)
 194        The current <<def_branch,branch>>.  In more detail: Your <<def_working_tree,
 195        working tree>> is normally derived from the state of the tree
 196        referred to by HEAD.  HEAD is a reference to one of the
 197        <<def_head,heads>> in your repository, except when using a
 198        <<def_detached_HEAD,detached HEAD>>, in which case it directly
 199        references an arbitrary commit.
 201[[def_head_ref]]head ref::
 202        A synonym for <<def_head,head>>.
 205        During the normal execution of several Git commands, call-outs are made
 206        to optional scripts that allow a developer to add functionality or
 207        checking. Typically, the hooks allow for a command to be pre-verified
 208        and potentially aborted, and allow for a post-notification after the
 209        operation is done. The hook scripts are found in the
 210        `$GIT_DIR/hooks/` directory, and are enabled by simply
 211        removing the `.sample` suffix from the filename. In earlier versions
 212        of Git you had to make them executable.
 215        A collection of files with stat information, whose contents are stored
 216        as objects. The index is a stored version of your
 217        <<def_working_tree,working tree>>. Truth be told, it can also contain a second, and even
 218        a third version of a working tree, which are used
 219        when <<def_merge,merging>>.
 221[[def_index_entry]]index entry::
 222        The information regarding a particular file, stored in the
 223        <<def_index,index>>. An index entry can be unmerged, if a
 224        <<def_merge,merge>> was started, but not yet finished (i.e. if
 225        the index contains multiple versions of that file).
 228        The default development <<def_branch,branch>>. Whenever you
 229        create a Git <<def_repository,repository>>, a branch named
 230        "master" is created, and becomes the active branch. In most
 231        cases, this contains the local development, though that is
 232        purely by convention and is not required.
 235        As a verb: To bring the contents of another
 236        <<def_branch,branch>> (possibly from an external
 237        <<def_repository,repository>>) into the current branch.  In the
 238        case where the merged-in branch is from a different repository,
 239        this is done by first <<def_fetch,fetching>> the remote branch
 240        and then merging the result into the current branch.  This
 241        combination of fetch and merge operations is called a
 242        <<def_pull,pull>>.  Merging is performed by an automatic process
 243        that identifies changes made since the branches diverged, and
 244        then applies all those changes together.  In cases where changes
 245        conflict, manual intervention may be required to complete the
 246        merge.
 248As a noun: unless it is a <<def_fast_forward,fast-forward>>, a
 249successful merge results in the creation of a new <<def_commit,commit>>
 250representing the result of the merge, and having as
 251<<def_parent,parents>> the tips of the merged <<def_branch,branches>>.
 252This commit is referred to as a "merge commit", or sometimes just a
 256        The unit of storage in Git. It is uniquely identified by the
 257        <<def_SHA1,SHA-1>> of its contents. Consequently, an
 258        object can not be changed.
 260[[def_object_database]]object database::
 261        Stores a set of "objects", and an individual <<def_object,object>> is
 262        identified by its <<def_object_name,object name>>. The objects usually
 263        live in `$GIT_DIR/objects/`.
 265[[def_object_identifier]]object identifier::
 266        Synonym for <<def_object_name,object name>>.
 268[[def_object_name]]object name::
 269        The unique identifier of an <<def_object,object>>.  The
 270        object name is usually represented by a 40 character
 271        hexadecimal string.  Also colloquially called <<def_SHA1,SHA-1>>.
 273[[def_object_type]]object type::
 274        One of the identifiers "<<def_commit_object,commit>>",
 275        "<<def_tree_object,tree>>", "<<def_tag_object,tag>>" or
 276        "<<def_blob_object,blob>>" describing the type of an
 277        <<def_object,object>>.
 280        To <<def_merge,merge>> more than two <<def_branch,branches>>.
 283        The default upstream <<def_repository,repository>>. Most projects have
 284        at least one upstream project which they track. By default
 285        'origin' is used for that purpose. New upstream updates
 286        will be fetched into <<def_remote_tracking_branch,remote-tracking branches>> named
 287        origin/name-of-upstream-branch, which you can see using
 288        `git branch -r`.
 291        A set of objects which have been compressed into one file (to save space
 292        or to transmit them efficiently).
 294[[def_pack_index]]pack index::
 295        The list of identifiers, and other information, of the objects in a
 296        <<def_pack,pack>>, to assist in efficiently accessing the contents of a
 297        pack.
 300        Pattern used to limit paths in Git commands.
 302Pathspecs are used on the command line of "git ls-files", "git
 303ls-tree", "git add", "git grep", "git diff", "git checkout",
 304and many other commands to
 305limit the scope of operations to some subset of the tree or
 306worktree.  See the documentation of each command for whether
 307paths are relative to the current directory or toplevel.  The
 308pathspec syntax is as follows:
 312* any path matches itself
 313* the pathspec up to the last slash represents a
 314  directory prefix.  The scope of that pathspec is
 315  limited to that subtree.
 316* the rest of the pathspec is a pattern for the remainder
 317  of the pathname.  Paths relative to the directory
 318  prefix will be matched against that pattern using fnmatch(3);
 319  in particular, '*' and '?' _can_ match directory separators.
 323For example, Documentation/*.jpg will match all .jpg files
 324in the Documentation subtree,
 325including Documentation/chapter_1/figure_1.jpg.
 327A pathspec that begins with a colon `:` has special meaning.  In the
 328short form, the leading colon `:` is followed by zero or more "magic
 329signature" letters (which optionally is terminated by another colon `:`),
 330and the remainder is the pattern to match against the path.
 331The "magic signature" consists of ASCII symbols that are neither
 332alphanumeric, glob, regex special characters nor colon.
 333The optional colon that terminates the "magic signature" can be
 334omitted if the pattern begins with a character that does not belong to
 335"magic signature" symbol set and is not a colon.
 337In the long form, the leading colon `:` is followed by a open
 338parenthesis `(`, a comma-separated list of zero or more "magic words",
 339and a close parentheses `)`, and the remainder is the pattern to match
 340against the path.
 342A pathspec with only a colon means "there is no pathspec". This form
 343should not be combined with other pathspec.
 347        The magic word `top` (magic signature: `/`) makes the pattern
 348        match from the root of the working tree, even when you are
 349        running the command from inside a subdirectory.
 352        Wildcards in the pattern such as `*` or `?` are treated
 353        as literal characters.
 356        Case insensitive match.
 359        Git treats the pattern as a shell glob suitable for
 360        consumption by fnmatch(3) with the FNM_PATHNAME flag:
 361        wildcards in the pattern will not match a / in the pathname.
 362        For example, "Documentation/{asterisk}.html" matches
 363        "Documentation/git.html" but not "Documentation/ppc/ppc.html"
 364        or "tools/perf/Documentation/perf.html".
 366Two consecutive asterisks ("`**`") in patterns matched against
 367full pathname may have special meaning:
 369 - A leading "`**`" followed by a slash means match in all
 370   directories. For example, "`**/foo`" matches file or directory
 371   "`foo`" anywhere, the same as pattern "`foo`". "`**/foo/bar`"
 372   matches file or directory "`bar`" anywhere that is directly
 373   under directory "`foo`".
 375 - A trailing "`/**`" matches everything inside. For example,
 376   "`abc/**`" matches all files inside directory "abc", relative
 377   to the location of the `.gitignore` file, with infinite depth.
 379 - A slash followed by two consecutive asterisks then a slash
 380   matches zero or more directories. For example, "`a/**/b`"
 381   matches "`a/b`", "`a/x/b`", "`a/x/y/b`" and so on.
 383 - Other consecutive asterisks are considered invalid.
 385Glob magic is incompatible with literal magic.
 388        After a path matches any non-exclude pathspec, it will be run
 389        through all exclude pathspec (magic signature: `!`). If it
 390        matches, the path is ignored.
 394        A <<def_commit_object,commit object>> contains a (possibly empty) list
 395        of the logical predecessor(s) in the line of development, i.e. its
 396        parents.
 399        The term <<def_pickaxe,pickaxe>> refers to an option to the diffcore
 400        routines that help select changes that add or delete a given text
 401        string. With the `--pickaxe-all` option, it can be used to view the full
 402        <<def_changeset,changeset>> that introduced or removed, say, a
 403        particular line of text. See linkgit:git-diff[1].
 406        Cute name for <<def_core_git,core Git>>.
 409        Cute name for programs and program suites depending on
 410        <<def_core_git,core Git>>, presenting a high level access to
 411        core Git. Porcelains expose more of a <<def_SCM,SCM>>
 412        interface than the <<def_plumbing,plumbing>>.
 415        Pulling a <<def_branch,branch>> means to <<def_fetch,fetch>> it and
 416        <<def_merge,merge>> it.  See also linkgit:git-pull[1].
 419        Pushing a <<def_branch,branch>> means to get the branch's
 420        <<def_head_ref,head ref>> from a remote <<def_repository,repository>>,
 421        find out if it is a direct ancestor to the branch's local
 422        head ref, and in that case, putting all
 423        objects, which are <<def_reachable,reachable>> from the local
 424        head ref, and which are missing from the remote
 425        repository, into the remote
 426        <<def_object_database,object database>>, and updating the remote
 427        head ref. If the remote <<def_head,head>> is not an
 428        ancestor to the local head, the push fails.
 431        All of the ancestors of a given <<def_commit,commit>> are said to be
 432        "reachable" from that commit. More
 433        generally, one <<def_object,object>> is reachable from
 434        another if we can reach the one from the other by a <<def_chain,chain>>
 435        that follows <<def_tag,tags>> to whatever they tag,
 436        <<def_commit_object,commits>> to their parents or trees, and
 437        <<def_tree_object,trees>> to the trees or <<def_blob_object,blobs>>
 438        that they contain.
 441        To reapply a series of changes from a <<def_branch,branch>> to a
 442        different base, and reset the <<def_head,head>> of that branch
 443        to the result.
 446        A name that begins with `refs/` (e.g. `refs/heads/master`)
 447        that points to an <<def_object_name,object name>> or another
 448        ref (the latter is called a <<def_symref,symbolic ref>>).
 449        For convenience, a ref can sometimes be abbreviated when used
 450        as an argument to a Git command; see linkgit:gitrevisions[7]
 451        for details.
 452        Refs are stored in the <<def_repository,repository>>.
 454The ref namespace is hierarchical.
 455Different subhierarchies are used for different purposes (e.g. the
 456`refs/heads/` hierarchy is used to represent local branches).
 458There are a few special-purpose refs that do not begin with `refs/`.
 459The most notable example is `HEAD`.
 462        A reflog shows the local "history" of a ref.  In other words,
 463        it can tell you what the 3rd last revision in _this_ repository
 464        was, and what was the current state in _this_ repository,
 465        yesterday 9:14pm.  See linkgit:git-reflog[1] for details.
 468        A "refspec" is used by <<def_fetch,fetch>> and
 469        <<def_push,push>> to describe the mapping between remote
 470        <<def_ref,ref>> and local ref.
 472[[def_remote_tracking_branch]]remote-tracking branch::
 473        A <<def_ref,ref>> that is used to follow changes from another
 474        <<def_repository,repository>>. It typically looks like
 475        'refs/remotes/foo/bar' (indicating that it tracks a branch named
 476        'bar' in a remote named 'foo'), and matches the right-hand-side of
 477        a configured fetch <<def_refspec,refspec>>. A remote-tracking
 478        branch should not contain direct modifications or have local
 479        commits made to it.
 482        A collection of <<def_ref,refs>> together with an
 483        <<def_object_database,object database>> containing all objects
 484        which are <<def_reachable,reachable>> from the refs, possibly
 485        accompanied by meta data from one or more <<def_porcelain,porcelains>>. A
 486        repository can share an object database with other repositories
 487        via <<def_alternate_object_database,alternates mechanism>>.
 490        The action of fixing up manually what a failed automatic
 491        <<def_merge,merge>> left behind.
 494        Synonym for <<def_commit,commit>> (the noun).
 497        To throw away part of the development, i.e. to assign the
 498        <<def_head,head>> to an earlier <<def_revision,revision>>.
 501        Source code management (tool).
 504        "Secure Hash Algorithm 1"; a cryptographic hash function.
 505        In the context of Git used as a synonym for <<def_object_name,object name>>.
 507[[def_shallow_repository]]shallow repository::
 508        A shallow <<def_repository,repository>> has an incomplete
 509        history some of whose <<def_commit,commits>> have <<def_parent,parents>> cauterized away (in other
 510        words, Git is told to pretend that these commits do not have the
 511        parents, even though they are recorded in the <<def_commit_object,commit
 512        object>>). This is sometimes useful when you are interested only in the
 513        recent history of a project even though the real history recorded in the
 514        upstream is much larger. A shallow repository
 515        is created by giving the `--depth` option to linkgit:git-clone[1], and
 516        its history can be later deepened with linkgit:git-fetch[1].
 519        Symbolic reference: instead of containing the <<def_SHA1,SHA-1>>
 520        id itself, it is of the format 'ref: refs/some/thing' and when
 521        referenced, it recursively dereferences to this reference.
 522        '<<def_HEAD,HEAD>>' is a prime example of a symref. Symbolic
 523        references are manipulated with the linkgit:git-symbolic-ref[1]
 524        command.
 527        A <<def_ref,ref>> under `refs/tags/` namespace that points to an
 528        object of an arbitrary type (typically a tag points to either a
 529        <<def_tag_object,tag>> or a <<def_commit_object,commit object>>).
 530        In contrast to a <<def_head,head>>, a tag is not updated by
 531        the `commit` command. A Git tag has nothing to do with a Lisp
 532        tag (which would be called an <<def_object_type,object type>>
 533        in Git's context). A tag is most typically used to mark a particular
 534        point in the commit ancestry <<def_chain,chain>>.
 536[[def_tag_object]]tag object::
 537        An <<def_object,object>> containing a <<def_ref,ref>> pointing to
 538        another object, which can contain a message just like a
 539        <<def_commit_object,commit object>>. It can also contain a (PGP)
 540        signature, in which case it is called a "signed tag object".
 542[[def_topic_branch]]topic branch::
 543        A regular Git <<def_branch,branch>> that is used by a developer to
 544        identify a conceptual line of development. Since branches are very easy
 545        and inexpensive, it is often desirable to have several small branches
 546        that each contain very well defined concepts or small incremental yet
 547        related changes.
 550        Either a <<def_working_tree,working tree>>, or a <<def_tree_object,tree
 551        object>> together with the dependent <<def_blob_object,blob>> and tree objects
 552        (i.e. a stored representation of a working tree).
 554[[def_tree_object]]tree object::
 555        An <<def_object,object>> containing a list of file names and modes along
 556        with refs to the associated blob and/or tree objects. A
 557        <<def_tree,tree>> is equivalent to a <<def_directory,directory>>.
 559[[def_tree-ish]]tree-ish (also treeish)::
 560        A <<def_tree_object,tree object>> or an <<def_object,object>>
 561        that can be recursively dereferenced to a tree object.
 562        Dereferencing a <<def_commit_object,commit object>> yields the
 563        tree object corresponding to the <<def_revision,revision>>'s
 564        top <<def_directory,directory>>.
 565        The following are all tree-ishes:
 566        a <<def_commit-ish,commit-ish>>,
 567        a tree object,
 568        a <<def_tag_object,tag object>> that points to a tree object,
 569        a tag object that points to a tag object that points to a tree
 570        object,
 571        etc.
 573[[def_unmerged_index]]unmerged index::
 574        An <<def_index,index>> which contains unmerged
 575        <<def_index_entry,index entries>>.
 577[[def_unreachable_object]]unreachable object::
 578        An <<def_object,object>> which is not <<def_reachable,reachable>> from a
 579        <<def_branch,branch>>, <<def_tag,tag>>, or any other reference.
 581[[def_upstream_branch]]upstream branch::
 582        The default <<def_branch,branch>> that is merged into the branch in
 583        question (or the branch in question is rebased onto). It is configured
 584        via branch.<name>.remote and branch.<name>.merge. If the upstream branch
 585        of 'A' is 'origin/B' sometimes we say "'A' is tracking 'origin/B'".
 587[[def_working_tree]]working tree::
 588        The tree of actual checked out files.  The working tree normally
 589        contains the contents of the <<def_HEAD,HEAD>> commit's tree,
 590        plus any local changes that you have made but not yet committed.