1git-rev-list(1) 2=============== 3 4NAME 5---- 6git-rev-list - Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order 7 8 9SYNOPSIS 10-------- 11[verse] 12'git-rev-list' [ \--max-count=number ] 13 [ \--skip=number ] 14 [ \--max-age=timestamp ] 15 [ \--min-age=timestamp ] 16 [ \--sparse ] 17 [ \--no-merges ] 18 [ \--remove-empty ] 19 [ \--full-history ] 20 [ \--not ] 21 [ \--all ] 22 [ \--stdin ] 23 [ \--quiet ] 24 [ \--topo-order ] 25 [ \--parents ] 26 [ \--timestamp ] 27 [ \--left-right ] 28 [ \--cherry-pick ] 29 [ \--encoding[=<encoding>] ] 30 [ \--(author|committer|grep)=<pattern> ] 31 [ \--regexp-ignore-case | \-i ] 32 [ \--extended-regexp | \-E ] 33 [ \--date={local|relative|default|iso|rfc|short} ] 34 [ [\--objects | \--objects-edge] [ \--unpacked ] ] 35 [ \--pretty | \--header ] 36 [ \--bisect ] 37 [ \--bisect-vars ] 38 [ \--bisect-all ] 39 [ \--merge ] 40 [ \--reverse ] 41 [ \--walk-reflogs ] 42 [ \--no-walk ] [ \--do-walk ] 43 <commit>... [ \-- <paths>... ] 44 45DESCRIPTION 46----------- 47 48Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order starting at the 49given commit(s), taking ancestry relationship into account. This is 50useful to produce human-readable log output. 51 52Commits which are stated with a preceding '{caret}' cause listing to 53stop at that point. Their parents are implied. Thus the following 54command: 55 56----------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 $ git-rev-list foo bar ^baz 58----------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 60means "list all the commits which are included in 'foo' and 'bar', but 61not in 'baz'". 62 63A special notation "'<commit1>'..'<commit2>'" can be used as a 64short-hand for "{caret}'<commit1>' '<commit2>'". For example, either of 65the following may be used interchangeably: 66 67----------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 $ git-rev-list origin..HEAD 69 $ git-rev-list HEAD ^origin 70----------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 72Another special notation is "'<commit1>'...'<commit2>'" which is useful 73for merges. The resulting set of commits is the symmetric difference 74between the two operands. The following two commands are equivalent: 75 76----------------------------------------------------------------------- 77 $ git-rev-list A B --not $(git-merge-base --all A B) 78 $ git-rev-list A...B 79----------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 81gitlink:git-rev-list[1] is a very essential git program, since it 82provides the ability to build and traverse commit ancestry graphs. For 83this reason, it has a lot of different options that enables it to be 84used by commands as different as gitlink:git-bisect[1] and 85gitlink:git-repack[1]. 86 87OPTIONS 88------- 89 90Commit Formatting 91~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 92 93Using these options, gitlink:git-rev-list[1] will act similar to the 94more specialized family of commit log tools: gitlink:git-log[1], 95gitlink:git-show[1], and gitlink:git-whatchanged[1] 96 97include::pretty-options.txt[] 98 99--relative-date:: 100 101 Synonym for `--date=relative`. 102 103--date={relative,local,default,iso,rfc}:: 104 105 Only takes effect for dates shown in human-readable format, such 106 as when using "--pretty". 107+ 108`--date=relative` shows dates relative to the current time, 109e.g. "2 hours ago". 110+ 111`--date=local` shows timestamps in user's local timezone. 112+ 113`--date=iso` (or `--date=iso8601`) shows timestamps in ISO 8601 format. 114+ 115`--date=rfc` (or `--date=rfc2822`) shows timestamps in RFC 2822 116format, often found in E-mail messages. 117+ 118`--date=short` shows only date but not time, in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. 119+ 120`--date=default` shows timestamps in the original timezone 121(either committer's or author's). 122 123--header:: 124 125 Print the contents of the commit in raw-format; each record is 126 separated with a NUL character. 127 128--parents:: 129 130 Print the parents of the commit. 131 132--timestamp:: 133 Print the raw commit timestamp. 134 135--left-right:: 136 137 Mark which side of a symmetric diff a commit is reachable from. 138 Commits from the left side are prefixed with `<` and those from 139 the right with `>`. If combined with `--boundary`, those 140 commits are prefixed with `-`. 141+ 142For example, if you have this topology: 143+ 144----------------------------------------------------------------------- 145 y---b---b branch B 146 / \ / 147 / . 148 / / \ 149 o---x---a---a branch A 150----------------------------------------------------------------------- 151+ 152you would get an output line this: 153+ 154----------------------------------------------------------------------- 155 $ git rev-list --left-right --boundary --pretty=oneline A...B 156 157 >bbbbbbb... 3rd on b 158 >bbbbbbb... 2nd on b 159 <aaaaaaa... 3rd on a 160 <aaaaaaa... 2nd on a 161 -yyyyyyy... 1st on b 162 -xxxxxxx... 1st on a 163----------------------------------------------------------------------- 164 165Diff Formatting 166~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 167 168Below are listed options that control the formatting of diff output. 169Some of them are specific to gitlink:git-rev-list[1], however other diff 170options may be given. See gitlink:git-diff-files[1] for more options. 171 172-c:: 173 174 This flag changes the way a merge commit is displayed. It shows 175 the differences from each of the parents to the merge result 176 simultaneously instead of showing pairwise diff between a parent 177 and the result one at a time. Furthermore, it lists only files 178 which were modified from all parents. 179 180--cc:: 181 182 This flag implies the '-c' options and further compresses the 183 patch output by omitting hunks that show differences from only 184 one parent, or show the same change from all but one parent for 185 an Octopus merge. 186 187-r:: 188 189 Show recursive diffs. 190 191-t:: 192 193 Show the tree objects in the diff output. This implies '-r'. 194 195Commit Limiting 196~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 197 198Besides specifying a range of commits that should be listed using the 199special notations explained in the description, additional commit 200limiting may be applied. 201 202-- 203 204-n 'number', --max-count='number':: 205 206 Limit the number of commits output. 207 208--skip='number':: 209 210 Skip 'number' commits before starting to show the commit output. 211 212--since='date', --after='date':: 213 214 Show commits more recent than a specific date. 215 216--until='date', --before='date':: 217 218 Show commits older than a specific date. 219 220--max-age='timestamp', --min-age='timestamp':: 221 222 Limit the commits output to specified time range. 223 224--author='pattern', --committer='pattern':: 225 226 Limit the commits output to ones with author/committer 227 header lines that match the specified pattern (regular expression). 228 229--grep='pattern':: 230 231 Limit the commits output to ones with log message that 232 matches the specified pattern (regular expression). 233 234-i, --regexp-ignore-case:: 235 236 Match the regexp limiting patterns without regard to letters case. 237 238-E, --extended-regexp:: 239 240 Consider the limiting patterns to be extended regular expressions 241 instead of the default basic regular expressions. 242 243--remove-empty:: 244 245 Stop when a given path disappears from the tree. 246 247--full-history:: 248 249 Show also parts of history irrelevant to current state of a given 250 path. This turns off history simplification, which removed merges 251 which didn't change anything at all at some child. It will still actually 252 simplify away merges that didn't change anything at all into either 253 child. 254 255--no-merges:: 256 257 Do not print commits with more than one parent. 258 259--not:: 260 261 Reverses the meaning of the '{caret}' prefix (or lack thereof) 262 for all following revision specifiers, up to the next '--not'. 263 264--all:: 265 266 Pretend as if all the refs in `$GIT_DIR/refs/` are listed on the 267 command line as '<commit>'. 268 269--stdin:: 270 271 In addition to the '<commit>' listed on the command 272 line, read them from the standard input. 273 274--quiet:: 275 276 Don't print anything to standard output. This form of 277 git-rev-list is primarily meant to allow the caller to 278 test the exit status to see if a range of objects is fully 279 connected (or not). It is faster than redirecting stdout 280 to /dev/null as the output does not have to be formatted. 281 282--cherry-pick:: 283 284 Omit any commit that introduces the same change as 285 another commit on the "other side" when the set of 286 commits are limited with symmetric difference. 287+ 288For example, if you have two branches, `A` and `B`, a usual way 289to list all commits on only one side of them is with 290`--left-right`, like the example above in the description of 291that option. It however shows the commits that were cherry-picked 292from the other branch (for example, "3rd on b" may be cherry-picked 293from branch A). With this option, such pairs of commits are 294excluded from the output. 295 296-g, --walk-reflogs:: 297 298 Instead of walking the commit ancestry chain, walk 299 reflog entries from the most recent one to older ones. 300 When this option is used you cannot specify commits to 301 exclude (that is, '{caret}commit', 'commit1..commit2', 302 nor 'commit1...commit2' notations cannot be used). 303+ 304With '\--pretty' format other than oneline (for obvious reasons), 305this causes the output to have two extra lines of information 306taken from the reflog. By default, 'commit@\{Nth}' notation is 307used in the output. When the starting commit is specified as 308'commit@{now}', output also uses 'commit@\{timestamp}' notation 309instead. Under '\--pretty=oneline', the commit message is 310prefixed with this information on the same line. 311 312Cannot be combined with '\--reverse'. 313 314--merge:: 315 316 After a failed merge, show refs that touch files having a 317 conflict and don't exist on all heads to merge. 318 319--boundary:: 320 321 Output uninteresting commits at the boundary, which are usually 322 not shown. 323 324--dense, --sparse:: 325 326When optional paths are given, the default behaviour ('--dense') is to 327only output commits that changes at least one of them, and also ignore 328merges that do not touch the given paths. 329 330Use the '--sparse' flag to makes the command output all eligible commits 331(still subject to count and age limitation), but apply merge 332simplification nevertheless. 333 334--bisect:: 335 336Limit output to the one commit object which is roughly halfway between 337the included and excluded commits. Thus, if 338 339----------------------------------------------------------------------- 340 $ git-rev-list --bisect foo ^bar ^baz 341----------------------------------------------------------------------- 342 343outputs 'midpoint', the output of the two commands 344 345----------------------------------------------------------------------- 346 $ git-rev-list foo ^midpoint 347 $ git-rev-list midpoint ^bar ^baz 348----------------------------------------------------------------------- 349 350would be of roughly the same length. Finding the change which 351introduces a regression is thus reduced to a binary search: repeatedly 352generate and test new 'midpoint's until the commit chain is of length 353one. 354 355--bisect-vars:: 356 357This calculates the same as `--bisect`, but outputs text ready 358to be eval'ed by the shell. These lines will assign the name of 359the midpoint revision to the variable `bisect_rev`, and the 360expected number of commits to be tested after `bisect_rev` is 361tested to `bisect_nr`, the expected number of commits to be 362tested if `bisect_rev` turns out to be good to `bisect_good`, 363the expected number of commits to be tested if `bisect_rev` 364turns out to be bad to `bisect_bad`, and the number of commits 365we are bisecting right now to `bisect_all`. 366 367--bisect-all:: 368 369This outputs all the commit objects between the included and excluded 370commits, ordered by their distance to the included and excluded 371commits. The farthest from them is displayed first. (This is the only 372one displayed by `--bisect`.) 373 374This is useful because it makes it easy to choose a good commit to 375test when you want to avoid to test some of them for some reason (they 376may not compile for example). 377 378This option can be used along with `--bisect-vars`, in this case, 379after all the sorted commit objects, there will be the same text as if 380`--bisect-vars` had been used alone. 381 382-- 383 384Commit Ordering 385~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 386 387By default, the commits are shown in reverse chronological order. 388 389--topo-order:: 390 391 This option makes them appear in topological order (i.e. 392 descendant commits are shown before their parents). 393 394--date-order:: 395 396 This option is similar to '--topo-order' in the sense that no 397 parent comes before all of its children, but otherwise things 398 are still ordered in the commit timestamp order. 399 400--reverse:: 401 402 Output the commits in reverse order. 403 Cannot be combined with '\--walk-reflogs'. 404 405Object Traversal 406~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 407 408These options are mostly targeted for packing of git repositories. 409 410--objects:: 411 412 Print the object IDs of any object referenced by the listed 413 commits. 'git-rev-list --objects foo ^bar' thus means "send me 414 all object IDs which I need to download if I have the commit 415 object 'bar', but not 'foo'". 416 417--objects-edge:: 418 419 Similar to '--objects', but also print the IDs of excluded 420 commits prefixed with a "-" character. This is used by 421 gitlink:git-pack-objects[1] to build "thin" pack, which records 422 objects in deltified form based on objects contained in these 423 excluded commits to reduce network traffic. 424 425--unpacked:: 426 427 Only useful with '--objects'; print the object IDs that are not 428 in packs. 429 430--no-walk:: 431 432 Only show the given revs, but do not traverse their ancestors. 433 434--do-walk:: 435 436 Overrides a previous --no-walk. 437 438 439include::pretty-formats.txt[] 440 441 442Author 443------ 444Written by Linus Torvalds <torvalds@osdl.org> 445 446Documentation 447-------------- 448Documentation by David Greaves, Junio C Hamano, Jonas Fonseca 449and the git-list <git@vger.kernel.org>. 450 451GIT 452--- 453Part of the gitlink:git[7] suite