fast-import: tighten parsing of datarefs
authorPete Wyckoff <>
Sat, 7 Apr 2012 22:59:20 +0000 (18:59 -0400)
committerJunio C Hamano <>
Tue, 10 Apr 2012 21:34:02 +0000 (14:34 -0700)
The syntax for the use of mark references in fast-import
demands either a SP (space) or LF (end-of-line) after
a mark reference. Fast-import does not complain when garbage
appears after a mark reference in some cases.

Factor out parsing of mark references and complain if
errant characters are found. Also be a little more careful
when parsing "inline" and SHA1s, complaining if extra
characters appear or if the form of the dataref is unrecognized.

Buggy input can cause fast-import to produce the wrong output,
silently, without error. This makes it difficult to track
down buggy generators of fast-import streams. An example is
seen in the last line of this commit command:

commit refs/heads/S2
committer Name <> 1112912893 -0400
data <<COMMIT
commit message
from :1M 100644 :103 hello.c

It is missing a newline and should be:

from :1
M 100644 :103 hello.c

What fast-import does is to produce a commit with the same
contents for hello.c as in refs/heads/S2^. What the buggy
program was expecting was the contents of blob :103. While
the resulting commit graph looked correct, the contents in
some commits were wrong.

Signed-off-by: Pete Wyckoff <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
index a85275dc682d2bb8068f003b8281c3933488f010..eed97c8fa9f3e1624f69443e28f76d995e589b34 100644 (file)
@@ -2207,6 +2207,59 @@ static uintmax_t change_note_fanout(struct tree_entry *root,
        return do_change_note_fanout(root, root, hex_sha1, 0, path, 0, fanout);
+ * Given a pointer into a string, parse a mark reference:
+ *
+ *   idnum ::= ':' bigint;
+ *
+ * Return the first character after the value in *endptr.
+ *
+ * Complain if the following character is not what is expected,
+ * either a space or end of the string.
+ */
+static uintmax_t parse_mark_ref(const char *p, char **endptr)
+       uintmax_t mark;
+       assert(*p == ':');
+       p++;
+       mark = strtoumax(p, endptr, 10);
+       if (*endptr == p)
+               die("No value after ':' in mark: %s", command_buf.buf);
+       return mark;
+ * Parse the mark reference, and complain if this is not the end of
+ * the string.
+ */
+static uintmax_t parse_mark_ref_eol(const char *p)
+       char *end;
+       uintmax_t mark;
+       mark = parse_mark_ref(p, &end);
+       if (*end != '\0')
+               die("Garbage after mark: %s", command_buf.buf);
+       return mark;
+ * Parse the mark reference, demanding a trailing space.  Return a
+ * pointer to the space.
+ */
+static uintmax_t parse_mark_ref_space(const char **p)
+       uintmax_t mark;
+       char *end;
+       mark = parse_mark_ref(*p, &end);
+       if (*end != ' ')
+               die("Missing space after mark: %s", command_buf.buf);
+       *p = end;
+       return mark;
 static void file_change_m(struct branch *b)
        const char *p = command_buf.buf + 2;
@@ -2235,21 +2288,21 @@ static void file_change_m(struct branch *b)
        if (*p == ':') {
-               char *x;
-               oe = find_mark(strtoumax(p + 1, &x, 10));
+               oe = find_mark(parse_mark_ref_space(&p));
                hashcpy(sha1, oe->idx.sha1);
-               p = x;
-       } else if (!prefixcmp(p, "inline")) {
+       } else if (!prefixcmp(p, "inline ")) {
                inline_data = 1;
-               p += 6;
+               p += strlen("inline");  /* advance to space */
        } else {
                if (get_sha1_hex(p, sha1))
-                       die("Invalid SHA1: %s", command_buf.buf);
+                       die("Invalid dataref: %s", command_buf.buf);
                oe = find_object(sha1);
                p += 40;
+               if (*p != ' ')
+                       die("Missing space after SHA1: %s", command_buf.buf);
-       if (*p++ != ' ')
-               die("Missing space after SHA1: %s", command_buf.buf);
+       assert(*p == ' ');
+       p++;  /* skip space */
        if (!unquote_c_style(&uq, p, &endp)) {
@@ -2407,21 +2460,21 @@ static void note_change_n(struct branch *b, unsigned char *old_fanout)
        /* Now parse the notemodify command. */
        /* <dataref> or 'inline' */
        if (*p == ':') {
-               char *x;
-               oe = find_mark(strtoumax(p + 1, &x, 10));
+               oe = find_mark(parse_mark_ref_space(&p));
                hashcpy(sha1, oe->idx.sha1);
-               p = x;
-       } else if (!prefixcmp(p, "inline")) {
+       } else if (!prefixcmp(p, "inline ")) {
                inline_data = 1;
-               p += 6;
+               p += strlen("inline");  /* advance to space */
        } else {
                if (get_sha1_hex(p, sha1))
-                       die("Invalid SHA1: %s", command_buf.buf);
+                       die("Invalid dataref: %s", command_buf.buf);
                oe = find_object(sha1);
                p += 40;
+               if (*p != ' ')
+                       die("Missing space after SHA1: %s", command_buf.buf);
-       if (*p++ != ' ')
-               die("Missing space after SHA1: %s", command_buf.buf);
+       assert(*p == ' ');
+       p++;  /* skip space */
        /* <committish> */
        s = lookup_branch(p);
@@ -2430,7 +2483,7 @@ static void note_change_n(struct branch *b, unsigned char *old_fanout)
                        die("Can't add a note on empty branch.");
                hashcpy(commit_sha1, s->sha1);
        } else if (*p == ':') {
-               uintmax_t commit_mark = strtoumax(p + 1, NULL, 10);
+               uintmax_t commit_mark = parse_mark_ref_eol(p);
                struct object_entry *commit_oe = find_mark(commit_mark);
                if (commit_oe->type != OBJ_COMMIT)
                        die("Mark :%" PRIuMAX " not a commit", commit_mark);
@@ -2537,7 +2590,7 @@ static int parse_from(struct branch *b)
                hashcpy(b->branch_tree.versions[0].sha1, t);
                hashcpy(b->branch_tree.versions[1].sha1, t);
        } else if (*from == ':') {
-               uintmax_t idnum = strtoumax(from + 1, NULL, 10);
+               uintmax_t idnum = parse_mark_ref_eol(from);
                struct object_entry *oe = find_mark(idnum);
                if (oe->type != OBJ_COMMIT)
                        die("Mark :%" PRIuMAX " not a commit", idnum);
@@ -2572,7 +2625,7 @@ static struct hash_list *parse_merge(unsigned int *count)
                if (s)
                        hashcpy(n->sha1, s->sha1);
                else if (*from == ':') {
-                       uintmax_t idnum = strtoumax(from + 1, NULL, 10);
+                       uintmax_t idnum = parse_mark_ref_eol(from);
                        struct object_entry *oe = find_mark(idnum);
                        if (oe->type != OBJ_COMMIT)
                                die("Mark :%" PRIuMAX " not a commit", idnum);
@@ -2735,7 +2788,7 @@ static void parse_new_tag(void)
                type = OBJ_COMMIT;
        } else if (*from == ':') {
                struct object_entry *oe;
-               from_mark = strtoumax(from + 1, NULL, 10);
+               from_mark = parse_mark_ref_eol(from);
                oe = find_mark(from_mark);
                type = oe->type;
                hashcpy(sha1, oe->idx.sha1);
@@ -2867,18 +2920,13 @@ static void parse_cat_blob(void)
        /* cat-blob SP <object> LF */
        p = command_buf.buf + strlen("cat-blob ");
        if (*p == ':') {
-               char *x;
-               oe = find_mark(strtoumax(p + 1, &x, 10));
-               if (x == p + 1)
-                       die("Invalid mark: %s", command_buf.buf);
+               oe = find_mark(parse_mark_ref_eol(p));
                if (!oe)
                        die("Unknown mark: %s", command_buf.buf);
-               if (*x)
-                       die("Garbage after mark: %s", command_buf.buf);
                hashcpy(sha1, oe->idx.sha1);
        } else {
                if (get_sha1_hex(p, sha1))
-                       die("Invalid SHA1: %s", command_buf.buf);
+                       die("Invalid dataref: %s", command_buf.buf);
                if (p[40])
                        die("Garbage after SHA1: %s", command_buf.buf);
                oe = find_object(sha1);
@@ -2944,17 +2992,13 @@ static struct object_entry *parse_treeish_dataref(const char **p)
        struct object_entry *e;
        if (**p == ':') {       /* <mark> */
-               char *endptr;
-               e = find_mark(strtoumax(*p + 1, &endptr, 10));
-               if (endptr == *p + 1)
-                       die("Invalid mark: %s", command_buf.buf);
+               e = find_mark(parse_mark_ref_space(p));
                if (!e)
                        die("Unknown mark: %s", command_buf.buf);
-               *p = endptr;
                hashcpy(sha1, e->idx.sha1);
        } else {        /* <sha1> */
                if (get_sha1_hex(*p, sha1))
-                       die("Invalid SHA1: %s", command_buf.buf);
+                       die("Invalid dataref: %s", command_buf.buf);
                e = find_object(sha1);
                *p += 40;
index 0f5b5e5964a60f31cdfd6bc456848c2f4b820d0a..924c8848608719183e1e402796ff038ca43784d3 100755 (executable)
@@ -2635,4 +2635,291 @@ test_expect_success \
        'n=$(grep $a verify | wc -l) &&
         test 1 = $n'
+### series S
+# Make sure missing spaces and EOLs after mark references
+# cause errors.
+# Setup:
+#   1--2--4
+#    \   /
+#     -3-
+#   commit marks:  301, 302, 303, 304
+#   blob marks:              403, 404, resp.
+#   note mark:          202
+# The error message when a space is missing not at the
+# end of the line is:
+#   Missing space after ..
+# or when extra characters come after the mark at the end
+# of the line:
+#   Garbage after ..
+# or when the dataref is neither "inline " or a known SHA1,
+#   Invalid dataref ..
+cat >input <<INPUT_END
+commit refs/heads/S
+mark :301
+data <<COMMIT
+commit 1
+M 100644 inline hello.c
+data <<BLOB
+blob 1
+commit refs/heads/S
+mark :302
+data <<COMMIT
+commit 2
+from :301
+M 100644 inline hello.c
+data <<BLOB
+blob 2
+mark :403
+data <<BLOB
+blob 3
+mark :202
+data <<BLOB
+note 2
+test_expect_success 'S: initialize for S tests' '
+       git fast-import --export-marks=marks <input
+# filemodify, three datarefs
+test_expect_success 'S: filemodify with garbage after mark must fail' '
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       commit refs/heads/S
+       data <<COMMIT
+       commit N
+       COMMIT
+       M 100644 :403x hello.c
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "space after mark" err
+# inline is misspelled; fast-import thinks it is some unknown dataref
+test_expect_success 'S: filemodify with garbage after inline must fail' '
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       commit refs/heads/S
+       data <<COMMIT
+       commit N
+       COMMIT
+       M 100644 inlineX hello.c
+       data <<BLOB
+       inline
+       BLOB
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "nvalid dataref" err
+test_expect_success 'S: filemodify with garbage after sha1 must fail' '
+       sha1=$(grep :403 marks | cut -d\  -f2) &&
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       commit refs/heads/S
+       data <<COMMIT
+       commit N
+       COMMIT
+       M 100644 ${sha1}x hello.c
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "space after SHA1" err
+# notemodify, three ways to say dataref
+test_expect_success 'S: notemodify with garabge after mark dataref must fail' '
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       commit refs/heads/S
+       data <<COMMIT
+       commit S note dataref markref
+       COMMIT
+       N :202x :302
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "space after mark" err
+test_expect_success 'S: notemodify with garbage after inline dataref must fail' '
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       commit refs/heads/S
+       data <<COMMIT
+       commit S note dataref inline
+       COMMIT
+       N inlineX :302
+       data <<BLOB
+       note blob
+       BLOB
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "nvalid dataref" err
+test_expect_success 'S: notemodify with garbage after sha1 dataref must fail' '
+       sha1=$(grep :202 marks | cut -d\  -f2) &&
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       commit refs/heads/S
+       data <<COMMIT
+       commit S note dataref sha1
+       COMMIT
+       N ${sha1}x :302
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "space after SHA1" err
+# notemodify, mark in committish
+test_expect_success 'S: notemodify with garbarge after mark committish must fail' '
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       commit refs/heads/Snotes
+       data <<COMMIT
+       commit S note committish
+       COMMIT
+       N :202 :302x
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
+# from
+test_expect_success 'S: from with garbage after mark must fail' '
+       # no &&
+       git fast-import --import-marks=marks --export-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err
+       commit refs/heads/S2
+       mark :303
+       data <<COMMIT
+       commit 3
+       COMMIT
+       from :301x
+       M 100644 :403 hello.c
+       EOF
+       ret=$? &&
+       echo returned $ret &&
+       test $ret -ne 0 && # failed, but it created the commit
+       # go create the commit, need it for merge test
+       git fast-import --import-marks=marks --export-marks=marks <<-EOF &&
+       commit refs/heads/S2
+       mark :303
+       data <<COMMIT
+       commit 3
+       COMMIT
+       from :301
+       M 100644 :403 hello.c
+       EOF
+       # now evaluate the error
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
+# merge
+test_expect_success 'S: merge with garbage after mark must fail' '
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       commit refs/heads/S
+       mark :304
+       data <<COMMIT
+       merge 4
+       COMMIT
+       from :302
+       merge :303x
+       M 100644 :403 hello.c
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
+# tag, from markref
+test_expect_success 'S: tag with garbage after mark must fail' '
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       tag refs/tags/Stag
+       from :302x
+       data <<TAG
+       tag S
+       TAG
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
+# cat-blob markref
+test_expect_success 'S: cat-blob with garbage after mark must fail' '
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       cat-blob :403x
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
+# ls markref
+test_expect_success 'S: ls with garbage after mark must fail' '
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       ls :302x hello.c
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "space after mark" err
+test_expect_success 'S: ls with garbage after sha1 must fail' '
+       sha1=$(grep :302 marks | cut -d\  -f2) &&
+       test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
+       ls ${sha1}x hello.c
+       EOF
+       cat err &&
+       test_i18ngrep "space after tree-ish" err